Social Management Strategy
Social Management Strategy
Social Management Strategy
Social Management Social Management Model
That is why in our corporate sustainability strategy, we develop our pillar “we grow with our commu-
nities”, in it We work on 5 axes: education, health, local development, urban development and the
environment. Each of these axes has indicators and goals that guide our decisions regarding the
projects, programmes or initiatives that we propose to implement, so that they have a positive and
efficient impact within our areas of influence.
Our aim is to contribute to the development of the people around us, therefore, in each community
or area in which we find ourselves, we behave like a good neighbor, who cares about people and the
development of their community. We live in a country with many challenges to face but also with
multiple opportunities to achieve sustainable development.
This document describes our Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy from the Community
Relations approach. In this document we highlight the culture and the social management model,
the management of Stakeholders, our procedures and internal structure with the aim of being a
guide and review document for our team and external stakeholders.
We act with
Develop strategic
relationships Communicate the
with our environment social value
that build generated.
Contribute to
improving the
quality of life in our
areas of
Crisis management
Leveraging and cofinancing of Social Proyects social
and SDG
to 2030
Analysis STKH Sustainability Reputational
Management Proyects Value
All this, based on the support of an administrative and financial system that is agile and
responds to the needs and reality of each of our operations. We also establish an annual
operational plan that allows us to organise and structure each of our activities, to maintain
our Information and Social Management System under our IT platform, not only as a
backup of our actions but also as a tool to help us make decisions and to keep us up to
date on our social context in each operational area. It is important to monitor our social
projects to ensure that our investment contributes to people's quality of life.
Finally, as part of our continuous improvement, we are developing a crisis plan for those
events that may pose a risk to operations and projects, since it is It is essential to
understand that Pacasmayo is another actor in the process of social development, which
is why the creation of alliances with other social actors and co-financing will allow us to
contribute to the goals of the SDGs to which we are aligned.
2. Innovate and improve the management, measurement and 7. Impose an ethical behavior that generates economic development
information processes, taking into account the triple and at the same time improves the quality of life of our workers and
dimension of the Corporate Social Responsibility and meeting their families, the neighboring communities and society in general.
the needs from our Stakeholders.
This document is the main point of reference through which it should
contribute to achieving the company's corporate vision, as well as
joining the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
proposed by the UN (New York 2015).
2.4. 2.5.
To create and strengthen a favorable social environment for the
To contribute to the sustainable development
continuity and growth of our operations, promoting innovative
of the business and our stakeholders. programs and projects that contribute to the sustainable
development and improvement of the quality of life of the
population in education, health, local and socio-environmental
This decalogue guides the actions of each of the
members of the social management team:
Be respectful of the culture and customs of the people Participate in the strategic meetings of our
1. in each place of relationship; all people deserve 6. operations and projects. Timely communication will
dignified treatment. help ensure effective management.
Keep in mind that we are the permanent contact with All management must be aimed at reaching
the populations; therefore; our behavior towards the 7. reasonable and viable agreements in the interests of
outside has to be positive. all parties. Win - Win is part of our philosophy
Do not use the phrase "I will consult", this weakens
the ability to make decisions in front of our interest
3. 8. groups. We all make decisions.
Punctuality is part of our organizational culture.
Be respectful of the culture and Assume responsibility for all our acts
01 customs of each person and in all
06 in clear compliance with the law and
without prejudice to third parties.
The social management model that Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. develops in its operations has a
Social Responsibility Central Management. Likewise, the area has a Community Relations
Management that is in charge of the Corporate Headquarters of Community Relations and
these, in turn, are in charge of the Community Relations Coordinators in each Operating Unit of
the company.
The entire team develops engagement actions, promotes and monitors social projects and
programs in the areas of influence of our operations. To this end, it has a team of professionals
highly qualified in the proper management of relations with the surrounding populations, with
experience in the identification, design and monitoring of social investment projects that are
valued and identify the company as another actor and strategic ally that contributes to local
The social management team of Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. is multidisciplinary and is made up
of professionals of human sciences, social sciences, communication, administrative, health, etc.
with experience in community work, so that the strengths of each of the team members can
contribute to each of our actions.
Good neighborhood
Develop strategic relationships 3.8 4.3 + 4.7
that build trust with stakeholders in Index
the environment
Base line: 3.11
Created Social EP EP EP
Communicate social value
*IP: In progress
The structure of the organization and the functions
have been established according to the guidelines
and objectives pursued by the company in its
vision. This structure allows functional work RESPONSIBILITY
Design and implement a Future Vision of CSR actions in contribution to the
sustainability of the business
Promote the concepts of the Good Citizen and Good Neighbor within the
Organization and with our Interest Groups.
Ensure that most of the CSR actions are aimed at strengthening the CPSAA Value
Chain, through the use of our Constructive Solutions.
Establish relationships with the main stakeholders of our areas of influence. Achieve mutual
cooperation agreements with national, regional and local authorities as well as with
non-governmental organizations.
Implement the social management model in accordance with the CSR policy.
Promote the concepts of the Good Citizen and Good Neighbor within the Organization
and with our Interest Groups.
Develop adequate relationships with the main stakeholders of our areas of
Promote the company's product portfolio in different public spaces and interest
Promote the concepts of the Good Citizen and Good Neighbor within the
Organization and with our Interest Groups.
Comply with and enforce the guidelines issued by the CSR Management.
FROM THE COMMUNITY Contribute to the collection, verification and control of the different
management models: Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI),
RELATIONS ANALYST Distintivo Empresa Socialmente Responsable (DESR), Integrated
Report and different certifications.
Contribute to the preparation of the Integrated Report
Integrate the communications committee of the area and create,
Perform the duties of secretary of the Sustainability Committee. design, elaborate the different CSR communications and coordinate
with Human Resources and Marketing the communications in the
Manage participation in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index different social networks.
Perform internal audits in all operations. Assist the Sustainability Committee and the Reputation Committee.
This chapter is, in essence, a guide that will allow us to efficiently manage the
relationship with our Stakeholders. Here we describe a series of documents and
tools that are part of daily activities that will facilitate us, based on their analysis, to
be able to make decisions that ensure a good relationship as well as prevent events
that may impact the image of the company, even to our stakeholders.
Our social management allows us to establish guidelines in which the different activities carried
out by each collaborator in the area must be adhered to, therefore, its adaptation will respond to
the reality and social context of each of the company's operations and projects.
As part of our Social Responsibility policy, we are committed to establish good The socio-environmental investment that Pacasmayo makes in the area must
relations with the people in our environment and to contribute to their development. contribute to improving the quality of life of the surrounding populations, and to the
This relationship is based on the fact that the company is an actor in this development conservation and protection of the environment. The SDGs establish a transformative
process and is not indifferent to the needs that people require and that many times, vision towards economic, social and environmental sustainability, which allows
due to government inaction, are expressed in discomfort, complaints, etc., which, planning joint long-term global actions that will support each country in its path
when not well understood, are transformed into demands to the company and often towards sustained, inclusive and environmentally friendly development, through
affect the normal development of our operations, having economic and reputational public policies and budget instruments, monitoring and evaluation, requiring the
repercussions; Therefore, it is important to establish mechanisms that allow us to be participation of all social sectors and the government for its implementation. (Cepal
part of this society as a "Good neighbor" that not only complies with what the ONU, 2015)
regulations establish, but also contributes voluntarily to be part of a transforming
society, always considering our economic limitations and the responsibilities that are
inherent to other authorities.
To this end, the social responsibility team will identify the best opportunities for social and environmental
investment that will generate positive impacts on the beneficiaries and participants, that will be valued by the
local population and that will also contribute to strengthening our reputation. The programs or projects are
born from the identification of the economic and productive potential of the areas of influence, from the
identification of organized groups on the basis of a profitable and sustainable activity. For this purpose, we
resort to socioeconomic studies, focus groups or local development plans identified in each operating unit.
The identification of new social enterprises is based on the initiatives presented by the Base Social
Organizations, taking into account the principle of sustainability and co-participation of the different interest
groups; The company does not replace the State, it is one more ally or actor in the development processes
of society.
Regarding the investment in socio-environmental issues, these are born from the identification of potential
natural resources that can be part of conservation areas or potential tourism, for this, alliances with public and
private entities that are aware of the issue, are crucial so that the sustainability of these initiatives is
The measurement of the impacts generated by our social investment are identified in impact indicators that
are measurable and evident, therefore, investment programs or projects contemplate it from their design.
Pacasmayo expresses in its mission, to work in four defined lines of action: Education, Health, Local
Development and Urban Development, through programs or projects.
Each of our social investment lines also has its own objectives and indicators
1. % of students who finish their studies and are working
2. % of graduates who work in the completed study career
We encourage the use of technology in education in our areas
3. % of certified participants in technical education (TECSUP)
of direct influence, providing infrastructure and resources for
4. % of workers in Pacasmayo from the area of direct and indirect
the development of technological capabilities as the first
lever towards employability. Linked to SDG No. 4 (Quality influence
5. % Graduates from the programs that enter the labor market
6. % of spending on temporary strategic programs for prioritized
issues in the Social Management Plan in education
Promote the prevention of the main health problems of the 1. Number of health infrastructure projects executed
population. This implies nutrition campaigns, hygiene culture, 2. % of the budget destined to improve equipment or basic
sexual and reproductive education, as well as ensuring infrastructure related to health in the areas of influence of
adequate water and sanitation infrastructure. Linked to SDG Cementos Pacasmayo
No. 3 (Well-being and Health). 3. % of spending on strategic temporary programs for issues
prioritized in the Social Management Plan for Health
Develop programs and projects that promote the various
economic potentials of each of the areas of interest and 1. % increase in revenue generated as a result of the
contribute to improving the economic income of the program
participating people through capacity building, improvement of 2. N° Awards received / competitive funds
their infrastructure, and promotion of their products in the 3. Number of contracts signed by project beneficiaries
market. local, regional and national. Linked to SDG No. 8
(Decent work and economic growth).
We reduce the main basic infrastructure gaps with a focus on tracks,
sidewalks and public spaces. This is based on the approach of 1. % closure of gaps in local infrastructure
sustainable infrastructure (appropriation of the citizen) and resilient 2. Number of infrastructure projects executed
(resist the effects of climate change). In addition, we are committed to 3. % of proposals reviewed by the OxI Committee
protecting the cultural and natural heritage of our areas of direct 4. % of spending on temporary strategic programs
influence. Linked to SDG No. 11 (Sustainable Cities and communities). for prioritized issues in the infrastructure Social
Management Plan
By the year 2030, we seek for Pacasmayo to be a benchmark in the
contribution to local development under a vision of "Sustainable and
resilient infrastructure"
Develop environmental conservation projects and initiatives in the
areas of operation, which also include an environmental education 1. Number of areas where we intervene in
component so that the community has the possibility of having and conservation tasks
protecting high-value spaces that contribute to the consequences of 2. Hectares recovered by the company
3. Number of environmental initiatives that involve the
climate change. Our projects and initiatives in the Environment
participation of civil society or strategic allies of the
contribute directly to SDG 15 on life and terrestrial ecosystems.
The lines of investment and their contribution to the Sustainable
Development Goals are expressed in the following table.
For internal communication and permanent dissemination to all the collaborators of our
operations and projects, the social investment that the company has been making in favor of
the surrounding populations will be made known, as well as promoting the culture of a good
Strategic: Integrated:
To achieve the greatest possible impact. The planning of external There is no external communication if there is no good internal
communication is essential. Pacasmayo must study not only the objective of communication, so our communication must consider the close relationship
the messages, but also the why, how, when and to whom to communicate. of areas such as Marketing, CSR, GH, and the other units involved.
Transparent: Segmented:
It is our philosophy to always tell the truth in order to maintain a good Regardless of customizing our communication according to the areas of
relationship of trust with everyone we deal with. influence and target audience, it must differentiate the different degrees of
responsibility of those involved.
Bidirectional: Periodic:
We are aware that knowing the expectations of our stakeholders is important It is important to constantly inform and inform ourselves about the issues of
for good communication with them, so we must consider listening our interest with a certain regularity, so it should be established according to
mechanisms. the reality of each area and segment the necessary mechanisms to do so.
Each community, segment or target audience has its own reality, so although Relevant:
we must respect the parameters of our brand, it is important that the It is important to consider that our communication should be at the time and
messages are addressed in a customized way to the different sectors with opportunity required, in order to ensure its effectiveness.
which we interact.
Multichannel: A uniform message
For greater effectiveness in our communication, Pacasmayo will use all The values, attributes and styles defined by the Pacasmayo brand manual will
available resources that exist to communicate, such as: newsletters, press be used.
releases, web page, social networks, etc.
For external communication and permanent dissemination to all stakeholders of our
Using the operations and projects, where the social investment made by the company is made known
following channels: has the following functional structure:
“This pyramid is referential, each Operational Unit will establish, according to its context, the
best ways to maintain an adequate relationship with its stakeholders and STKH.
The Operational Plans are prepared annually according to the context and needs of each
unit; These plans obey a social analysis and economic opportunities that allow the resources
allocated by the company to contribute to the quality of life of the population and local
economic development. Likewise, these plans allow monitoring of the activities and budgets
programmed by the coordinators in each area.
The heads of community relations review each week with their team the fulfillment of this
Operational Plan, which implies, compliance with activities, compliance with programming,
budgetary progress; if the situation requires it, the necessary adjustments can be made.
This information must respond to the social context of each town where our units are located
and which are considered relevant for community relations work.
In order to make this management more functional and operational, the SIGS (Sistema de Información y Gestión Social) or the SMIS (Social
Management Information System) has been developed, where there is detailed information on each of our actions and the knowledge we have of the
environment that surrounds us, therefore its use is based on on the analysis of timely, pertinent information developed by each of our field
coordinators that later allows us to make decisions at a tactical or strategic level, as appropriate.
Through focused plans according to the interest group of our operations or projects, this management is part of a strategy that allows us to be
attentive and act in a timely manner in the face of the perceptions of the different social actors, our communication guidelines will allow us to establish
the best mechanisms for participation and communication with each of those involved.
We detail the modules that are part of the management of stakeholders within the MIS.
As the largest cement company in the north and northeast of Peru, we relate to various people, institutions and civil society organizations, both for
the development of our business activities, and to work to improve the environment in which we operate. For us, a stakeholder is key to the business,
since any positive or negative impact that our activities originate and impact them requires immediate attention.
The identification and management of our stakeholders is key to the continuity and growth of our operations and projects, the good relationship that
is generated with them, can contribute to the development of the business to be maintained or grow over time, for this our company must to be
a"partner of choice"Mismanagement can have negative implications for the company, which can be of an economic, reputational or legal nature.
Stakeholder Management requires conscientious and methodical work, since the strengthening of good relations with our main interest groups
depends on it, whether individual or collective. This information must be reviewed and updated according to the needs of the operating unit or
project, for this, three steps have been established:
IDENTIFICACIÓN The following indicators have been established to measure and report on good
DEL STKH: management of local relationship activities and participation with stakeholders:
For this, use will be made of:
Institutional Directory, semi-annual review.
Criteria establishment Directory of people, semi-annual review.
for prioritization Media directory, annual review.
Assessment of the importance of each
stakeholder group Identification of stakeholders, annual review.
Establishment of existing social risks in Stakeholder mapping, quarterly review.
the relationship with each stakeholder group
Stakeholder action plan, quarterly review.
Analysis of Social Networks, on demand of specific facts.
DEL STKH: The stakeholders module of the SMIS allows us to identify some specific character-
istics in them, we can cross information about types of power, convening capacity,
Definition of the relationship strategy by socio-political profile, position in front of the company, social interest issues,
each stakeholder group establish action plans, but a good reading and identification of stakeholders will
Definition of dialogue channels
Definition of development actions to contribute significantly in the management of the relationships we may have in the
be implemented with each stakeholder group company - community relationship
This module is applicable weekly as long as there are no relevant events in the For the preparation of a report regarding the social
company's units that put our operations at risk. If a different situation arises, climate, the following factors are worked on:
the information on the events must be recorded on the same day of
occurrence; This module allows knowing the status of the social situation Relationship with authorities and local actors to find out their
through variables: Tension, Calm and Conflict. perception on a certain topic or occurrence.
Delimit the area of the scope of study
The module also allows a brief description of the situation to be reported, Identification of relevant activities or actions during the preparation of
identifying the actors involved, proposing an action plan and, above all, the study.
attaching graphic or audio evidence that can complement the information Labor perception of our collaborators or workers related to our scope
provided. of the project or operation.
Review of stakeholder mapping to identify any variation.
Knowing the social climate of our units allows us to make decisions about the Application of perception surveys that help identify socioeconomic,
actions that must be developed to prevent or avoid any type of conflict. educational and cultural levels of the population.
Response of the population to the implementation of projects and
The perception of our work teams is complex and must be carefully analyzed programs that are carried out in the area of influence.
and interpreted, comparing the information with local actors and corroborating Media monitoring.
the information in situ for validation.
This module allows us to know the relationship that exists with the different interest groups and
stakeholders that originate from the field visits, be they to the different programs and projects or
specific coordination, the relevance of this module lies in the fact that it allows us to have a log of
the actions carried out on a day-to-day basis and that can also be evidenced by attaching graphic
or audio files.
The relationship is important and draws special attention since it responds to a strategy. The
determination of the frequency, the topics of interest and the identification of more or less
relevant groups is totally dynamic and changing. All relationships must have a clear objective and,
if possible, a final product.
The interactions that arise from this relationship can result in reports, agreements, commitments
or other documents; however, it is important to take into account that not every interaction has to
necessarily generate the documents described in the previous paragraph.
This module also allows us to identify improvement processes from the visit to the different
projects or programs that we develop, since during their monitoring actions can be identified that
allow them to strengthen, improve or change the course of the evidence found. on these visits.
The identification and characterization of stakeholders is registered in the Social Information
and Management System (SIMS). For this, the relationship work of the community relations
coordinators is necessary.
During the registration of the stakeholders, it is taken into account if they belong to the
public, private, civil society or NGO sector. Likewise, it is established whether it is an
organization or a natural person. Once these two criteria have been identified, the
relationship level is categorized as high, low, or medium, and the relationship frequency with
this actor is decided, which can be annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, biweekly, or
If, based on this analysis, it is determined that the actor is a stakeholder that must be
followed up, a second phase of analysis is carried out, in which the following criteria are
taken into account:
Based on this analysis, two key components are defined, which are:
7. Urgency: If there is a high, low or medium level of urgency to attend to the stakeholder.
8. General importance: If the stakeholder is classified in high, low or medium importance.
The next stage in the registration of stakeholders is to establish an action plan that has a specific relationship strategy and a
follow-up plan, which must be updated in a timely manner.
To develop a timely follow-up and care plan for stakeholders, two methodologies are used:
Field trips: Community relations officers carry out continuous and personalized monitoring of the different stakeholders to
monitor their perceptions and the social climate of the various areas. After each output, the conclusions and analysis are
recorded in the SIGS platform.
Complaints channel: In the event that there are complaints or complaints from local communities, they can access the
existing complaint channels
Although the registration of stakeholders is carried out constantly, the socio-political analysis of each one of the zones is carried out according
to the needs of each one of the zones according to the situation and relevance. This analysis is then shared in learning spaces established by
the CSR team and, based on the information extracted from the database, the area's risk matrix is updated and existing controls are identified
to mitigate them.
Of weekly application, where the impacts that the media news may
generate towards our operations will be identified; in an extraordinary way
it will be used in another temporality according to the social situation of the
moment. This follow-up is carried out permanently, addressing all the media
that have a presence in the areas.
The Community Relations coordinator must review and monitor the local
media to identify any news that could impact our operations and, if possible,
upload the graphic and audio evidence that has been made public. With this
information, the leadership or management will define the strategy to be
able to face any imputation that could affect the reputation of the company.
Before the advent of each electoral period, the coordinators of each unit carry out an
analysis of the political environment, addressing the way in which the main social
trends can affect the political process, in addition to exploring how various social
forces work together to support one or more of them. another candidate.
The coordinators inquire about the candidates of each party, emphasizing those who
enjoy the most popularity or those who have a better chance of winning the electoral
contest. Using tools such as: digital surveys, interviews with stakeholders in the area,
social networks, web pages, etc.
Finally, a report is made, in which his biography, political career, proposals, among
others, are presented, using traffic lights, to denote the relationship that the candidate
has with the company.
Since a crisis is a serious and decisive situation that jeopardizes the development of a
matter or a process, the Social Responsibility Central Management will have an active
participation within the Committee created for this purpose.
The new corporate challenges also require the implementation of good and best
practices, for this reason a series of guidelines and procedures are proposed to be
taken into account before, during and after each of our activities.
These general procedures will be translated into specific actions, where each
operation and project must implement them according to their reality and needs.
The guidelines set the tone since they are oriented to add the activities that allow
us to achieve the corporate and area mission.
The first contact team with the population is Community Relations.
The operations, projects and explorations area should timely communicate Develop the social climate evaluation.
to the CSR area its interest to enter new areas to conduct prospecting and Develop the survey of social information in the area.
exploration activities, in such a way that the social situation and Identify the interest groups and key people in the area of
intervention strategies are comprehensively evaluated to avoid putting our
collaborators and the continuity of exploration activities at risk.
Strengthen good relations with our stakeholders.
Identify social investment opportunities.
All social intervention must be planned in coordination with the different
Implement social investment projects that generate value to the
areas involved in the company such as: operations, projects, geology,
human, legal management, the safety, occupational health and
Comply with the commitments and agreements established in the
environment area, etc. to determine the intervention strategy in the field.
exploration stage in coordination with the areas involved.
The Community Relations team must accompany the exploration team Ensure compliance with the commitments and agreements
when entering the areas of interest, carrying out the following actions: established by third parties in the exploration stage.
Suggest alternatives to promote employment and local purchases.
Establish reports and complaints mechanisms.
Implement the internal and external communication plan.
Coordinate with other areas of interest in every stage of the process.
Prepare the proposal for a community closure plan.
Carry out the induction of community relations to all company staff including
Develop the social climate evaluation permanently.
Develop the assessment of social risks inherent in this stage.
Monitor the environment and establish good relations with the community.
Strengthen good relations with our stakeholders.
Identify social investment opportunities.
Implement social investment projects that generate value to the company and
strengthen the relationship with the community of the environment.
Comply with the commitments and agreements established in the exploration and
construction stage.
Ensure compliance of the commitments and agreements established by third parties
in the exploration and construction stage.
Develop the Local Employment and Purchases Program.
Develop reports and complaints mechanisms.
Implement the internal and external communications plan.
Coordinate with other areas of interest in the company important aspects around
this stage.
Monitor the impacts of social investment programs or projects.
Identify co-financing opportunities for the value generation of our social investment.
Define the community closure plan.
Carry out the community relations induction to all company staff including contractors.
Develop the social climate evaluation permanently.
Develop the assessment of social risks inherent in this stage.
Monitor the environment and establish good relations with the population.
Strengthen good relations with our stakeholders.
Comply with the commitments and agreements established in the exploration,
construction and operations stage.
Ensure compliance with the commitments and agreements established by third parties
in the exploration, construction and operations stage.
Develop reports and complaints mechanisms.
Implement the community closure plan.
Coordinate with other areas of interest in the company important aspects around this
Monitor the impacts of social investment programs or projects.
One of the issues that is always present before the start of our activities is the generation of
expectations for the job opportunities that the company may demand, depending on the stage
of the operation or project, this demand may be met in different ways.
In the construction stage there is a significant demand for unskilled, technical and professional
labor; In the operation stage itself, this demand is lower and almost permanent for skilled
technical or professional labor. Most likely, in the closing stage, this demand is minimal for
unskilled, technical, and professional labor.
As the case may require, the hiring of local labor will be privileged, especially in those groups
that can be directly impacted by the work to be carried out by our operations or projects; To
this end, the Community Relations team will closely coordinate with the different areas
Annually, Pacasmayo will report in the integrated report, the hiring of local labor generated
directly and indirectly as part of its operations and projects.
All EAP (Economically Active Population) is considered as local
workforce from our influence area that have qualified and
non-qualified abilities for the employability in specific activities.
Establish a procedure to manage the job opportunity program Pacasmayo will establish as part of the contracts a clause where the
consistent with Pacasmayo's Corporate Social Responsibility policy. contracting companies assume the commitment of the local
workforce contract according to the pertinent requirements and
5.2.2 REACH
This procedure applies to all operating units and projects of
Pacasmayo and the contractor companies will communicate the Pacasmayo and the contracting companies will inform RRCC of the
requirement of local labor for our operations or projects. Curriculum Vitae reception mechanism.
According to the requirements, Supply Chain must contemplate Applicants will enter their Curriculum Vitae according to the previous
within its regulations the fact that in any bidding and / or work with guidelines.
contractors the local labor force is prioritized.
Pacasmayo and the contractor companies will inform Community
In this meeting will be announced the number of vacancies, Relations of the number of local applicants for the different job
employment model, time of employment, etc. positions.
These meetings will be held according to the situation and need of the
REQUIREMENT OF NON-QUALIFIED Pacasmayo and the contractor companies will communicate with each
WORKFORCE / QUALIFIED WORKFORCE applicant to indicate the evaluation and selection process of the labor
requirement carried out.
Pacasmayo and the contractor companies will deliver to the Commu-
nity Relations Area a formal request for its dissemination to the Pacasmayo and the contractor companies will carry out the
authorities and the population in general. corresponding procedures for the evaluation of the CVs.
DIFFUSION Pacasmayo and the contractor companies will carry out the
corresponding procedures for the evaluation of the selected applicants.
Community Relations will disseminate this request to the authorities
and the population in general through the media in the area. Pacasmayo and the contractor companies must timely communicate the
times and procedures of their respective evaluation processes.
Depending on the stage of the operation, this demand for goods and services can be
addressed in different ways without risking the quality of the demanded goods and
"Pacasmayo will prioritize the acquisition of local goods and services according to the
quality requirements that the product requires, without thereby harming or putting its
different operational processes at risk and in accordance with the guidelines established
by the Supply Chain"
Therefore, it is important to have basic information that allows us to recognize the 5.3.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE
potential of the local market in which we are located, that can fulfill our needs, promote Establish a procedure to manage the local purchasing
better standards in existing businesses according to the demands of the company and program consistent with Pacasmayo's Corporate Social
contribute to generate indirect jobs to the people of our environment. Responsibility policy.
Annually, Pacasmayo will report as part of its Sustainability Report the economic 5.3.2. REACH
dynamics generated as part of the operations and projects.
This procedure applies to all operating units and projects of
Local purchases are considered as the acquisition of all the
goods and services required by Pacasmayo that are offered
by companies or businesses located in our area of influence.
The logistics or purchasing area will establish the minimum requirements RESULTS DELIVERY
necessary to be considered as a local supplier and will inform Community The corresponding area will contact directly with the creditor bidder to the
Relations for their respective dissemination. good pro.
Pacasmayo and the contractors will communicate the requirement of local The corresponding area will notify Community Relations of the results of the
purchases for our operations or projects. evaluation and final selection process.
These meetings should be set according to the needs that are required and
that can give enough time to the diffusion process. PROCESS CLOSURE
REQUIREMENT OF LOCAL PURCHASES Community Relations sets the culmination of the process of convocation
The corresponding area will deliver to the Community Relations personnel the through a public statement.
formal request for this requirement so that they can inform the interested
parties through the means established in each operation or project.
For the fulfillment of this plan, the Human Resources, Operations, Supply Chain
DIFFUSION and Community Relations managements are part of the process.
Community Relations will disseminate this request to the authorities and the
population through the local media.
The management involved in this issue will have quarterly meetings to be able
to carry out the respective analysis, propose continuous improvements and
Interested parties will send their technical and economic proposals as solve controversial issues that warrant it. Also accepting extraordinary
determined by each operation. meetings that are required.
The conservation and protection of the environment is the priority in each of our
operations and projects, the Corporate Social Responsibility policy of Cementos
This procedure applies to all operating units and projects of
Pacasmayo S.A.A. confirms the company's commitment and requires coordinated
work between the different corporate areas. 5.4.3. GUIDELINES
“Pacasmayo will prioritize the conservation and protection of the environment The conservation and protection of the environment is
both inside and outside our operations, through the implementation of good considered to be any action taken by the company to safeguard
practices that allow maintaining the balance between nature and our production the different natural elements of our environment, with priority
units, acting on the basis of national regulatory guidelines. current" being given to water, air, animals and plants.
Establish a procedure that allows defining the guidelines for Any proposal for improvement or environmental protection
the conservation and protection of the environment consistent must be closely coordinated with the Environment area.
with the Corporate Social Responsibility policy of Pacasmayo.
5.4.3. PROCESS
Biodiversity and land use issues are included in the analysis. Also, the
management of dust and noise, both issues with social risk, have
already been identified. Water management and access issues can
also be included, although the company has previously identified that
it is a low risk issue, with no possibility of social risk.
5.5.2. SCOPE
5.5.3. PUBLIC
This procedure applies to all operating units and projects of
Pacasmayo Plant
North Pan-American Highway Km. 666
Complaints, complaints or suggestions are Pacasmayo - La Libertad
SENTRY BOX / Piura Plant
received at the checkpoint located on each Piura Paita road km
COMPLAINTS Rioja plant
of the floors.
BOX Fernando Belaúnde Terry Highway Km 468
Second Jerusalén
Complaints, reports and suggestions received through this channel will be
referred to the Corporate Social Responsibility area in the Community
Relations office at each location. The Community Relations Management is directly in charge of managing,
together with the head office and coordinator of the area where the
RECEIPT OF COMPLAINT, REPORT OR SUGGESTION incident is recorded, the issue and the areas involved in the case.
The complaints, reports and/or suggestions that are received by the
checkpoint are notified to the Corporate Social Responsibility Management The complaint assumed by the area is registered in the Social Information
and the Community Relations Management. and Management System (SIGS) and based on this, the history of the case
will be recorded.
Complaints, denunciations and suggestions received through this channel
will be directly reported by the community relations coordinator to the
respective offices of each office.
After the preliminary evaluation, an investigation is carried out on two fronts: The procedure raises two types of response.
Internal and External
Well-Founded: When the result of the investigation confirms the position of
Internal Front: the claimant or complainant. In this case, a response will be established that
is reasonable and proportional to the fact reported. It must include an action
It is evaluated with the internal areas regarding the causes of the complaint, plan for the development of the solution measure, which must be validated
report and/or claim. by the claimant.
An internal evaluation of whether the complaint, claim or suggestion is made Unfounded: When the result of the investigation does not allow
If it involves other areas, these are called to investigate the causes and to corroboration of the claimant's position. In this case, the claimant will be
determine the potential response and/or course of action if necessary. answered and the grounds for reaching said conclusion will be explained.
External Front: In all situations, the area responsible for the investigation is the one that
communicates to the claimant the results of their case and it must be done
An evaluation of the area is carried out with the actors involved. both verbally and in writing. In the case of an anonymous complaint, the
In some cases, direct contact may be made with the complainant to obtain response will be disseminated through the external communication
information regarding the complaint, report and/or suggestion. Assertive, mechanisms deemed appropriate by the responsible area.
honest and effective communication will be maintained. Likewise, efforts will
be maintained to protect the identity of the claimant and their personal data.
Closing of the process:
Community Relations will record the attention of the complaint or denunciation
Notice to Claimant: through the SIGS.
After receiving a new case, Pacasmayo evaluates the most appropriate way
to notify the claimant (via email and/or by phone) confirming receipt of the Monitoring:
claim, explaining the deadlines for obtaining a response and recording said The departments involved in this topic will have quarterly meetings to carry out
notification through the media. written and/or audiovisual. the respective analysis, propose continuous improvements and resolve
controversial issues that warrant it; without excepting extraordinary meetings
that are required at the request of one of them.
5.6.3. GUIDELINES The Community Relations team will review the social base study presented by the consultant;
This study includes the identification of the AID (direct area of influence) and AII (indirect area
Citizen Participation is the exercise that all Peruvian citizens of influence).
have to be part of a process of information and dialogue The team must make a diagnosis considering the demographic, economic, political and social
between the communities and the company. variables.
The Community Relations team, in coordination with the other areas, must establish a
Citizen Participation is now part of a legal requirement permanent link with the stakeholders and those interested in this process.
prior to the start of any activity of exploration, exploitation The Community Relations team in coordination with the other areas must define the strategy for
or closure of the mining / industrial activity. the informative workshops and Public Hearing for the presentation of the Environmental
Management Instruments as appropriate.
Citizen Participation is a means that links the company with The Community Relations team will define the strategy for calling the residents to the
the populations for the collection of information that allows workshops and Public Hearing.
the efficient development of our company's activities. The Community Relations team will include in Environmental Management Instruments, as
appropriate, employment opportunity plans, local purchases, attention to complaints,
Participation is an opportunity for improvement for the complaints and suggestions, communications and social investment.
The Community Relations team will deliver the Citizen Participation Plan duly Establish a procedure that allows efficient management of the donation
approved by the Central Management of Corporate Social Responsibility. requests that are required in each of our projects, consistent with our Corporate
Social Responsibility policy.
The person who leads the Citizen Participation Committee is the Corporate 5.7.2. SCOPE
Social Responsibility Manager.
This procedure applies to all operations and projects of Pacasmayo
The CSR Management monitors all aspects related to social commitments for its
implementation of the plan in the established times. 5.7.3. GUIDELINES
5.7. DONATIONS Donations are actions that help vulnerable populations meet their needs.
From the beginning of our operations, we have always contributed in many ways
to our populations through philanthropic gestures that allowed us to meet the There are important donations directed above all to interest groups of the
needs of our STKH and interest groups; every year we allocate a large part of company where we are sure there will be a sustainable collective benefit.
these resources to donations of all kinds. It is important to establish the
mechanism that allows this investment to be sustainable in our operations.
CLOSURE OF THE PROCESS Who leads the donation process is the Corporate Social Responsibility
Depending on the nature of the requesting institution or person, the check,
goods or services are delivered through a donation certificate.
If the requesting entity is a recipient of donations, it issues the corresponding
Certificate. The Community Relations team monitors the proper use of donations and will
report to the Corporate Social Responsibility Management.
All the documentation is entered into the SIGS.
Cementos Pacasmayo SAA has a Human Rights Due Diligence process that
covers 100% of its operations. This process proactively identifies and evaluates
possible impacts and risks related to respect for Human Rights.
It should be noted that the risks inherent to the vulnerability of human rights are
5.8.3. GUIDELINES reviewed on a quarterly basis due to the situation, sensitivity and nature of this type
of risk.
For this due diligence process, a risk analysis has been
carried out that addresses aspects related to: For the risks identified in terms of Human Rights, mitigation/control and remediation
measures have been established, which are detailed below:
1. Child and/or forced labor
2. Freedom of association and trade union rights
3. Labor law compliance
4. equality and equity
5. Safety and health of people at work
6. Violence and workplace and/or sexual harassment
7. Protection of personal data (Compliance)
1. Contractual clause
2. Code of conduct for Suppliers,
Cases of child or forced labor by Suppliers/community 3. Clause in purchase orders
suppliers and related third parties /self-construction clients 4. Surveys of workers for labor intermediation, strategic suppliers
(control in the process of implementation must be updated with
1. Contractual clause
2. Code of conduct for Suppliers
Non-compliance with labor legislation 3. Clause in purchase orders
by suppliers (salaries, social benefits, Suppliers/Associated Clients 4. Procedure for closing work or service contracts
working hours) 5. Surveys of workers through labor intermediation, strategic
suppliers (control in the implementation process must be update
with addenda)
1. Cláusula contractual
2. Código de conducta para Proveedores
Existence of suppliers that restrict 3. Cláusula en órdenes de compra
Suppliers/Associated Clients
union rights 4.Encuestas a los trabajadores porintermediación laboral 5.
Labor Right to Proveedores estratégicos (control en proceso de implementación
conditions decent and se debe actualizar con adendas)
free work
2. Complaint channels
Employees who are victims of attacks 3. Field work prior to the acceptance of the work
due to job quotas or extortion where 4. Contractual clause for the contractor to assume and carry out
Dino participates in construction or the Social Peace Management prior to the entry of our
land invasion attacks collaborators to execute the work
Labor Right to
conditions decent and
free work
Direct or indirect discrimination 1. R&S Procedure
based on the medical condition of an 2. Code of Conduct Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity
applicant for employment. Policy
1. Code of Conduct
2. Complaint Channels
Violence and workplace and/or sexual Jobs 3. Sexual harassment procedure
4. Intervention Committee against sexual harassment
5. Training and dissemination
1. Obtaining permits for the extraction of groundwater by the National Water Authority
2. Reports to the competent authority on the extraction of groundwater
3. Projects for the optimization of water
4. Evaluation of our annual Water Footprint
5. Fulfillment of commitments derived from the EIA and others, Monitored by the SIGS (In the Commitments item)
Relationships The right to 6. Obtaining permits for the extraction of groundwater by the National Water Authority
Afectación de la operación al
with the social security suministro de agua o de otros Comunidad 7. Reports to the competent authority on the extraction of groundwater
community recursos para la comunidad 8. Projects for the optimization of water
9. Evaluation of our annual Water Footprint
10. Fulfillment of commitments derived from the EIA and others, Monitored by the SIGS (In the Commitments item)
1. There have been no accidents with company vehicles on district, provincial or regional roads.
2. Security Policy.
3. Training in defensive driving, traffic rules.
Road accidents with company 4. Evaluation of the competence to be able to drive the company's vehicles.
vehicles, due to negligence, lack of 5. Sanctions policy for non-compliance with the Internal Work Regulations.
Health and Employees 6. IPERC matrices.
road prevention culture, vehicle
security maintenance 7. Preventive and corrective maintenance programs for company vehicles.
8. Safety induction.
9. Reports of use of light vehicles (mileage and speed) (Administration)
This Committee has an Integrated Plan 2022-2023 in which the following
objectives and/or actions have been detailed:
On the other hand, as part of the actions developed to carry out the action plan Contribute to the development of the culture of sustainability in Pacasmayo,
to mitigate Human Rights risks, there is a CommitteeWe act with Integrity, which as part of the DNA of its collaborators.
meets quarterly. The members of the Committee are:
Contribute to the positioning and reputation of Pacasmayo as a leading
company in sustainability.
Peggy Guzmán HR
27/10/2022 Definition of activities and goals