latihan soal

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1. How do you greet a friend in the morning?

a. “Good morning!"
b. "Good afternoon!"
c. "Good evening!"
d. "Goodbye!"
2. How do you greet your parents in the evening?
a. "Good morning!"
b. "Good afternoon!"
c. "Good evening!"
d. "Goodbye!"
3. How do you ask someone's name in English?
a. "What is your name?"
b. "How are you?"
c. "Good morning!"
d. "Goodbye!"
4. What do you say when you meet a friend in the morning?
a. "Good morning!"
b. "Good afternoon!"
c. "Good evening!"
d. "Goodbye!"
5. What do you say when you meet a friend in the afternoon?
a. "Good morning!"
b. "Good afternoon!"
c. "Good evening!"
d. "Goodbye!"
6. What do you say when you meet a friend in the evening?
a. "Good morning!"
b. "Good afternoon!"
c. "Good evening!"
d. "Goodbye!"
7. What is the color of the sky?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
8. What is the shape of the sun?
a. Circle
b. Square
c. Triangle
d. Rectangle
9. What is the animal that says "meow"?

a. Dog c. Bird
b. Cat d. Cow
10. What is the number that comes after three?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
11. What is your favorite fruit?
a. Apple
b. Banana
c. Orange
d. Grape
12. What is your favorite animal?
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Bird
d. Fish
13. What is your favorite color?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
14. What is your favorite toy?
a. Doll
b. Car
c. Ball
d. Book
15. Can you count to ten?
a. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
b. I can count to five.
c. I can count to ten in Indonesian.
d. I can count my fingers.
16. Can you sing a song in English?
a. Yes, I can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."
b. No, I don't know any English songs.
c. I can sing a song in Indonesian.
d. I can sing a song about my favorite animal.
17. What color is the apple?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
18. What color is the sky?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
19. What color is the sun?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
20. What shape is the pizza?
a. Circle
b. Square
c. Triangle
d. Rectangle
21. What shape is the door?
a. Circle
b. Square
c. Triangle
d. Rectangle
22. What shape is the stop sign?
a. Circle
b. Square
c. Triangle
d. Rectangle
23. What size is the ball?
a. Big
b. Small
c. Medium
d. Little
24. What size is the elephant?
a. Big
b. Small
c. Medium
d. Little
25. What size is the ant?
a. Big
b. Small
c. Medium
d. Little
26. What size is your book?
a. Big
b. Small
c. Medium
d. Little
27. How many pencils do you have?
a. I have two pencils.
b. I have one pencil.
c. I have three pencils.
d. I have no pencils.
28. 28. How many books do you have?
a. I have two pencils.
b. I have one book.
c. I have three books.
d. I have no books.
29. How many chairs are there in the classroom?
a. I have two pencils.
b. I have one book.
c. There are four chairs in the classroom.
d. I have no chairs in the classroom.
30. Bahasa Inggris kelas 1 SD Kurikulum Merdeka ini mengajarkan anak-anak untuk berhitung,
menuliskan dan mengatakan jumlah bendar di sekitar.
a. How many doors are there in the classroom?
b. I have two pencils.
c. I have one book.
d. There are four chairs in the classroom.
e. There is one door in the classroom.
31. How many windows are there in the classroom?
a. I have two pencils.
b. I have one book.
c. There are four chairs in the classroom.
d. There are two windows in the classroom.
32. Do you have a desk?
a. Yes, I have a desk.
b. No, I don't have a desk.
c. I have two desks.
d. I have no desk.
33. Do you have a backpack?
a. Yes, I have a desk.
b. No, I don't have a desk.
c. I have two desks.
d. I have a backpack.
34. Do you have a crayon?
a. Yes, I have a desk.
b. No, I don't have a desk
c. I have two desks.
d. I have a crayon.
35. Do you have a ruler?
a. Yes, I have a desk.
b. No, I don't have a desk.
c. I have two desks.
d. I have a ruler.

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