○ How to turn
・ Turing Left ・ Turning Right
When turning left, ensure At any intersection, specified
safety of the rear, turn on the small motorized bicycles must
left turn signal beforehand, make ‘2-step right turns’.
proceed along the left edge of (※)
the road and sufficiently
※ Cross the street on a green
decelerate to turn without light, then turn the vehicle right
blocking the crossing to cross again after the front
pedestrians. signal turns green.
Basic Traffic Rules
○ Prohibition of entry
Do not drive on streets or part of the streets where its passage/traffic is
prohibited by road signs.
Traffic of specified small motorized bicycles Must also obey these signs
is prohibited
○ Where to stop
At stop signs, stop immediately in front of the stop lines (or immediately
in front of the intersections if there are no stop lines).
The vehicles which meet all the criteria of exceptional specified small
motorized bicycles may drive on sidewalks indicated with signs of “Standard
Bicycles and Pedestrians Only”.
【Criteria of exceptional specified small motorized bicycles】
○ Flickering maximum speed indicating light (green lights)
○ Cannot accelerate over 6km/h etc.
※ vehicles that can accelerate over 6km/h with throttle operations do not meet the
criteria of exceptional specified small motorized bicycles and thus may not drive
on sidewalks.