Nutritive value
Protein - 22.5% Calcium - 64 mg/100g
Fat - 1.8% Iron - 4.8 mg/100g
Carbohydrate - 62.1% Moisture - 11%
Crop Status
Pea is the third most important pulse crop at global level, after dry bean and chickpea
and third most popular rabi pulse of India after chick pea and lentil. India occupy fourth
position in area (10.53 %) and 5th position in production (6.96 %) (FAO Stat., 2014).
In India field pea is grown over an area of 11.50 lakh ha with a production of about
10.36 lakh tonnes during XIIth Plan period (2012-2015). Uttar Pradesh is the major field
pea growing state. It alone produces about 49 % of pea produced in India. Besides,
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Maharashtra are the major pea producing
states (DES, 2015-16).
Climate requirement
Being a winter season crop it requires a cool growing season with moderate
temperature throughout the life. High temperature is more injurious to pea crop than
frost. Frost can damage the plants during flowering stage. High humidity associated
with cloudy weather results into spread of fungal diseases like damping-off and
powdery mildew. Optimum monthly temperature suitable for growth is 13-180C.
Cropping System
In general, peas are sown after harvest of kharif crops. The most common rotations are
maize – pea; paddy – pea – wheat – (being popular in Northern India); cotton – pea;
jowar – pea; and bajra – pea.
It can be sown as intercrop with autumn sugarcane as two rows of pea at 30 cm row
spacing in the centre of two sugarcane rows at 90 cm apart.
Water Management
Field-pea is mostly grown as rainfed/un-irrigated on residual soil moisture and can
sustain drought conditions up to some extent. One or two irrigations at 45 DAS and if
needed, at pod filling stage, may be the best recommended irrigation schedule.
Weed Control
The field pea crop should be free from weeds for the period up to 40-50 days after
sowing for that two hand weeding at three and six weeks after germination. For
chemical weed control application of Pendimethalin (STOMP) 30 EC @ 0.75-1 kg
a.i./ha as pre-emergence and for post emergence apply Metribuzin 70 % WP @ 0.25 kg
a.i./ha at 15-20 day after sowing in 400-600 liter of water.
Control Measures
i) Seed Treatment with Thirum (2gm.) +Carbendazim (1gm.) /kg of
seed; ii) Adopt crop rotation; iii) Avoid early sowing in badly infested areas.
Powdery Mildew
The symptoms first appears on the leaves then on other green parts
of the plant. They are characterized by patchy growth on both the
surfaces of the leaf and also on the tendrils, pods and stem. In case
of severe infestation the plant dies prematurely.
Control Measures
i) Adopt resistant var. like Pant Pea-5, Malviya-15, JP-885, HUP-2 etc.; ii) Spraying with
Karathane @ 1 ml/litre or wettable sulphur @ 3 gm/litre or Dinocap @ 1 ml/litre of water
and repeat after 10-15 days, if necessary; iii) Avoid late planting; iv) After harvest collect
the plants left in the field and burn them.
It is caused by fungus. The stem of the plant becomes malformed
and the affected plant dies out. All the green parts of plant are
affected. Yellow spots having aecia in round or elongated clusters.
Then the uredopustules develop which are powdery and light
brown in appearance.
Control Measures
i) After harvest, the affected plants trash should be burnt; ii) Spray the crop with Mancozeb
75 WP @ 2 g / liter of water.
Pea Stem fly
The maggot of the insect damages the internal tissue,
consequently the entire plant dies. The damage is more acute
when crop is sown early.
Control Measures
i) Mix 30 kg/ ha Carbofuran (Furadon) 3 % granules or 10 kg
/ha Phorate (Thimet) 10 % granules in the soils before
sowing the crop; ii) Avoid early planting.
Leaf Miner
Larvae of the insect makes tunnel in the leaf causing severe
damage. The damage is more during the month of Mar.
Control Measures
i) 1 liter of Oxydemeton methyl (Metasystox) 25 EC in 1000
liter of water per hectare when the attack begins and repeat at 15
days intervals.
Pea Aphids
They suck the sap of the cells, owing to which the leaves turn
pale and yellow. In case of severe infestation the plant growth is
checked. Ultimately plant growth get stunted.
Control Measures
i) Spray 1.25 liter of Dimethoate 30 EC or oxydemeton methy
(Metasystox) 25 EC in 1000 liter of water per hectare. Reperat
the spray after 10-12 days.
With improved package of practices, field peas can produce 20-25qtls of grain and straw
per ha (irrigated) and 10-15 qtls grains per ha (rain fed) condition.
For technical information of crop production please contact to district KVK/ nearest KVK.
To avail benefit from Centrally and State Government running schemes for crop
production (ploughing, fertilizers, micronutrient, pesticide, irrigation equipment),
agricultural implements, storage infrastructure etc., please contact to your DDA/SADO