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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
SCHOOL I.D. 100899

A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science VI

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. identify interrelationships that exist in tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove
b. appreciate the interconnectedness of organisms by showing respect for different life
forms; and
c. practice good relationship with others.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Interrelationships that Exists in Tropical Rainforests, Coral Reefs and
Mangrove Swamps
Reference: K-12 MELCs, Beyond Borders Science Textbook AIRs - LM, Q2,
Module 4
Materials: pictures, activity sheets, ppt
Science Process Skills: identifying, inferring, communicating, defining,
Strategies Used: collaborative learning, 7E’s
Values Inculcated: having mutual relationship with family, relative and friends

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Elicit
Before we proceed to our main activity
this morning, I will show you some

What is in the first picture? It is a rainforest ma’am.

Very good! What animals can you find in Wild animals ma’am like orangutans,
the rainforest? snakes, birds, lion and tiger.
What is the importance of rainforest?
It serves as shelter for animals ma’am.
Very good!

Let’s move on to the next picture.

What can you see in the picture?

Coral reefs ma’am.
What organisms can we see here?
Different kinds of marine animals ma’am.
What do you think is the importance of
coral reefs? It provides habitat for marine life ma’am.

Very good!

Let’s move on to the last picture.

What can you see in the picture?

Mangrove swamps ma’am.
What benefit can we derive from
mangrove swamps? It serves as habitat and source of food
Very good!

B. Engagement
1. Motivation
We have here a tarpapel showing a
“number substitution cipher” where each
letter corresponds to a number. All you
have to do is to substitute it in order to
come up with the words.
2. Presentation of the Lesson
Today, we are going to identify
interrelationships that exist in tropical
rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove

C. Exploration
I will divide the class into five groups.

Group 1. Mutualism (butterfly and flower

in the rainforest)

1. What organisms/animals are in the
2. How is the butterfly benefited from
the flower?
3. How is the flower benefited from the
4. Are both organisms benefited?
5. What is their interrelationship?

Group 2. Commensalism (orchid and

flower in the rainforest)

1. What organisms/animals are in the
2. What organism is benefited?
3. Is the tree harmed?
4. What is their interrelationship?

Group 3. Parasitism (worm inside a fish

in a coral reef)
1. What organism/animals are in the
2. What organism is benefited? harmed?
3. What is their interrelationship?

Group 4. Predation (crocodile and fish in

mangrove swamps)

1. What organisms/animals are in the
2. What organism kills/eats smaller
3. What organism is being eaten?
4. What is their interrelationship?

Group 5. Competition (two wild dogs

competing for food in the rainforest)

1. What organisms/animals are in the
2. Why do you think these animals are
3. What is their interrelationship?

D. Explanation
a. Group Reporting / Presentation of the
b. Discuss the results of the activity.
c. Discuss the interrelationships that
exist in tropical rainforests, coral reefs
and mangrove swamps.

A close or intimate relationships among

individuals of different kinds or species
occur within a community is called
Mutualism is a relationship in which
both organisms are benefited. This is
called the give and take relationship.
Commensalism is a relationship between
organisms in which one is benefited and
the other is neither harmed nor benefited.
Commensal – the organism which is
Host – the organism which is not
affected or not
Predation is a relationship wherein a big
animals feeds on a small animal.
Predator – the animal that eats the
smaller animal.
Prey – the animal that is eaten.
Parasitism is a relationship where an
organism, the parasite gets its
nourishments from another living
organism called host.
Parasite is benefited while the host is
Host – is harmed
Competition is a relationship where
organisms compete for the scarce of food
supply in their habitat.

E. Elaboration
What do you call the close or intimate
relationships among individuals of
different kinds or species occur within a

Very good!
It is called symbiosis ma’am.
What are the interrelationships that exists
in tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and
mangrove swamps?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the interrelationship
being described in each item. Encircle the Mutualism, commensalism, predation,
letter of the correct answer. parasitism, and competition ma’am.
1.Marie enjoyed snorkeling during
summer vacation. She witnessed that sea
urchins eat small coral fishes. What
interaction in coral reef ecosystem does it
A. commensalism
B. competition 1. D.
C. parasitism
D. predation
2.Mark’s group got a Tilapia from the
mangrove swap nearby.They dissected it
during their Science experiment.They
discovered that worms live in the flesh of
the fish.If worm harmed the fish, what
does it depict?
A. commensalism 2. C.
B. competition
C. parasitism
D. predation
3. What interaction is being shown when
two animals compete for food?
For numbers 4-5, fill in the blank with the 3. B.
correct answer.
4. Clownfish meets a sea anemone during
his sea exploration.They became friends
in the long run.Clownfish protects sea
anemone from marine creatures that
immune on its tentacles while sea
anemone serves as habitat of clownfish.
The interrelationship this shows is 4. Mutualism
5.Barnacles and whales are friends.
Barnacles benefited from the whales
without harming it. The interrelationship
in the marine ecosystem shown is

V.Extend 5. Commensalism
Direction: Identify the interrelationships
of the living organisms. Choose your
answers from the box.
_______________1. A snake eating a rat.
_______________2. Waling-waling on a
tree trunk.
_______________3. A bee visiting a
_______________4. Fish and seaweeds Answer Key:
in an aquarium. 1. Predation
_______________5. Ticks sucking the 2. Commensalism
blood from a dog. 3. Mutualism
_______________6. Wild animals 4. Mutualism
fighting one another. 5. Parasitism
_______________7. An orchid on a tree. 6. Competition
_______________8. A flowering plant 7. Commensalism
and butterfly. 8. Mutualism
_______________9. An eagle hunts for 9. Predation
its food. 10.Parasitism
_______________10. A mistletoe
growing on a mangrove tree.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:

Teacher III

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