James Bennett Indictment
James Bennett Indictment
James Bennett Indictment
The jurors for the State upon their oath present that on or about the date of offense shown and in the county named
above, the defendant named above unlawfully, willfully and knowingly did as the Martin County Manager, omit,
neglect, and refuse to discharge a duty of his office, by authorizing and accepting an 18% salary increase for himself
without approval of the Martin County Board of Commissioners, thereby injuring the public of Martin County.
The State hereby gives notice that it intends to prove that the defendant acted in accordance with GS 15A-
1340.16(d)(9) in that the defendant held public elected or appointed office or public employment at the time of the
offense and the offense directly related to the conduct of the office or employment; and further that the State intends to
prove same as an aggravating factor.
DATE: December 3, 2024
TIME:2:32: 20 PM
BY: T. Roberson
Signature of Prosecutor
TRUE BILL by twelve or more grand jurors, and the undersigned Foreman of the Grand Jury, attest the concurrence of
LAAtwelve or more grand jurors in the Bill of Indictment