The height of the jump is an essential factor in judo because through this parameter, coaches can assess the power of the lower limbs, which is
essential in the performance of judo techniques. The My Jump 2 (MJ2) application is a validated application to calculate the jump height, however,
to the best of our knowledge, no study has tested this smartphone application in judokas.
The objective of this study is to analyse the validity and reliability of the app MJ2 for measuring jump height in judokas.
Twenty-one judokas were recruited, who performed 2 countermovement jumps on the Chronojump platform (42 jumps). Simultaneously, the
videos of the jumps were captured using recommendations in the app and were later processed and analyzed independently by two evaluators.
The data revealed a good correlation for the calculated jump height with both tools used. In the Bland-Altman analysis, it was observed that the
differences between instruments and the inter-evaluator differences were quite low. According to the Pearson correlation (MJ2 vs CJ), the value
was r=0.97. As for the height of the jump measured using the MJ2 app, an average of 26.38 ± 8.89 cm and 26.25 ± 8.14 was obtained for each
evaluator, while the average for the Chronojump platform was 26.69 ± 8.14.
The concordant data and correlation found indicate that MJ2 application can be used as a method to estimate jump height in judokas.
Article History Received: March 10, 2023 Revised: May 13, 2023 Accepted: May 23, 2023
movements to throw your opponent are common practice [10]. the use of an inexpensive and fast application system, that can
In this technique, lower-body muscle groups are essential to be used in the training for improving the performance of
success [11], thus suggesting that lower-body muscle strength athletes. Considering that, this study aimed to analyse the
is paramount to success. Vertical jump tests have been used as validity and reliability of MJ2 for measuring jump height in an
assessment tests of lower body strength in judokas, often using athletic population, particularly judo players.
force platforms for such evaluation [12 - 14], since a
relationship appears to exist between strength-velocity curve 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
and jump tests [11]. Therefore, jump height estimation appears The sample composed of 21 judo players, where six were
to be important in this sport. Additionally, jump height allows female and 15 were male (age = 27.41 ± 7.52 years, height =
the estimation of lower limb power, which could be essential in 153.20 ± 21.35 cm, and body mass = 66.13 ± 6.34 kg) recruited
the performance of projection techniques (eg.Nage-waza), for this study. The result of the sample size estimation when
where the athlete produces a lot of strength during the setting power at 80%, alpha at 0.05, expected reliability at 0.9
execution of the technique (this technique can take a while and a drop-out rate of 10% was 20 participants.
given time to be achieved) [15]. Due to its importance, the
analysis of the jump height in judo athletes has been performed Data collection and testing procedures were explained to
previously as part of a physical fitness performance assessment the athletes and an informed consent was filled for all athletes.
[16]. All judo players had more than 2 years of practice of the sport.
Data collection was carried out adhering the ethical standards
The Countermovement Jump (CMJ), or vertical jump with for human subjects research and it was approved by the
countermovement, is one of the jumps mostly used to assess Instituto Piaget Ethics Committee with the number 3/2020.
the manifestation of explosive reactive force (power) in the
lower limbs [17] and as been used previously for testing 2.1. Instruments
judokas [12 - 14]. CMJ consists of a jump based on the
stretching-shortening cycle (a mechanism where the function is To measure the athletes' body mass, a SECA 761
to provide greater mechanical efficiency of movements that use professional mechanical scale was used (Bacelar & Irmão Lda,
eccentric muscle actions followed immediately by explosive Portugal) and then the standing height was measured with a
concentric actions) [18]. The CMJ is an easy-to-apply test, mobile stadiometer SECA 213 (Bacelar & Irmão Lda,
requiring only the jump platform or a mobile application to Portugal). To measure jump height, two instruments were used.
The first was a contact platform (ChronoJump Boscosys-tem,
measure the jump height. Usually, for assessing the jump,
Spain) associated with the specific software, whose validity has
contact platforms are used and considered the gold standard
been demonstrated previously [26]. Data from this contact
[19]. These contact platforms have vertical and pressor sensors
platform was considered the “gold standard” for comparison
to determine when athletes lose contact with the ground and
with MJ2. The second instrument used was an Apple iPad
help determine the flight time and the height of the jump.
model air A2152 (Apple Distribution International Ltd.,
Despite the reliability of the mentioned equipment, they are
Ireland), with the application My Jump 2 installed.
expensive and often not portable, resulting in difficulties in
assessing the athletes in the training field.
2.2. Protocol
In the search for less expensive and more portable
Data collection was carried out at the club before athletes'
solutions, mobile / tablet applications (app) [20 - 22] have been
training. Before data collection, measurements of the basic
developed to measure vertical jump height. The My Jump 2
anthropometric profiles were taken (age, body mass, height,
(MJ2) application is an app already used to measure the height
and leg length). Athletes were asked to place both feet on the
of the jump, and is an updated version of My Jump application
platform and they were provided information about the test
[20]. This application allows the calculation of the jump height,
proceedings (Fig. 1). Athletes were asked to bend knees until
flight time, initial velocity, force and power of vertical jumps.
90˚ with hands on the hips and jump as high as possible
Additionally, provides contact time, vertical stiffness, and
without pausing to perform a Counter Movement Jump (CMJ).
reactive force index of the drop jumps and gives Force-Speed
Additionally, they were instructed to not bend the knees while
profile. The app My jump has already been demonstrated as
in the air. Each athlete performed two familiarization trials and
valid by other authors, such as Gallardo-Fuentes et al. [23], in
two valid trials with 30 seconds of rest between them,
which the recruited sample was 21 athletics athletes (men and
totalizing 42 trials for analysis. Simultaneously with the
women) and Yingling et al. [24] whose sample was 21 active
gathering of data on the platform, a video was recorded
sports science students. Additionally, Sharp et al. [25] carried
according to the application's specifications (in slow motion
out a brief review of studies on the validity and reliability of
mode, recording in the frontal plane at 120 Hz). The iPad was
the My Jump application. Despite stating that the MJ2 appears
positioned on a tripod, at 1.5m from the contact platform [20].
to have strong evidence supporting its use, it also stated that
Data from the MJ2 app was analysed posteriorly and
further studies are needed, particularly with athletic
independently by two evaluators for jump height measurement.
populations [20, 21]. Besides that, none of the previous studies
Both evaluators (evaluators 1 and 2) proceeded the calculation
assessed Judo players or athletes in the training field.
of the jump through the app using the same video database and
Given the importance of determining the height of the in the same iPad, at different times, and in random order of
jump in Judo athletes, it has an established relationship with jumps and athletes. Each evaluator recorded the calculated
lower limb strength, it is also essential to check the validity of CMJ height and the values were subsequently entered into a
Validity and Reliability of My Jump 2 App The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2023, Volume 16 3
file for statistical analysis. For estimation CMJ flight time, both evaluators’ measurements to the reference standard no
evaluators considered take off as the first frame displaying both statistical differences were obtained in the measurements
feet off the ground and landing the first frame were at least one (Average comparison p>0.05). When using ICC (Intraclass
foot is touching the ground [27]. The difference in these Correlation Index) and the CI (Confidence Interval), we
instants is flight time, which can be computed following the attained an ICC of 0.94 and the 95% CI was 0.88-0.97
equation of Bosco et al, [28] h = t2g/8, where h is jump height (p<0.001) for evaluator 1. For evaluator 2, the ICC=0.97 and
(m), t is flight time (s) and g is the gravity acceleration (9.81 its 95% CI was 0.94-0.98 (p<0.001). Regarding the
m/s2). MJ2 natively uses this equation to display jump height measurements of the two evaluators (mean of the heights of
[29]. jumps between 1 and 2), the ICC and the IC were 0.95 and
0.90-0.97 (p<0.001), respectively.
2.3. Data Analisys
Fig. (2) shows the level of agreement using the Bland-
To analyse the validity of the app MJ2 for measuring the Altman analysis for both evaluators. For evaluator 1, the dark
height of the CMJ in comparison with data from the gray line shows the mean of the differences (1.94 cm) and the
Chronojump, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was light gray lines represent the 95% limits of agreement (9.48 to
used, and Bland-Altman [30] plots were constructed, as they -5.60 cm). Regarding evaluator 2, the dark gray line shows the
represent a better agreement between the two instruments [30]. mean of the differences (2.19 cm) and the light gray lines
ICC and Bland-Altman plots and complimentary analysis for represent the 95% limits of agreement (7.38 to -3.00 cm).
the mean differences were calculated for each evaluator. To
analyse the strength of the correlation between the gold Table 2 presents the complimentary analysis for the results
standard and the app, the Pearson correlation test (r) was obtained in the Balnd Altmann analysis. The results of the t test
intended for the Chronojump measurements vs. combined against the null value (meaning zero as difference) showed that
evaluators. A linear regression analysis was conducted to the mean difference between the Standard measures and the
determine the relationship between the variables. All Evaulators analysis are not significantly different. The
calculations and analyses were performed using the SPSS regression analysis between the average and the difference
Statistics version 27.0 program (IBM Corporation, New York, presented values of R2=0.12 and R2=0.08 for each evaluator,
USA). The accepted level of significance was p<0.05. respectively, showing that the error is not proportional.
Fig. (3) shows the linear regression plot through Pearson's
3. RESULTS correlation between the height of the jump obtained with the
Regarding the CMJ performance of the subjects, a mean of Chronojump and the measurements of both evaluators with the
26.69 ± 8.14 cm was recorded (Table 1). When comparing My Jump 2 app, where r=0.97 and r2=0.85 (p<0.05).
- Jump Height (cm) (mean ± SD) Average Comparison (p value) ICC CI % of Agreement
Chronojump 26.69 ± 8.14 - - - -
Evaluator 1 26.38 ± 8.89 - - - -
Evaluator 2 26.25 ± 8.14 - - - -
Evaluator 1 vs Chronojump - 0.26 0.94 (0.88-0.97)* -
Evaluator 2 vs Chronojump - 0.27 0.97 (0.94-0.98)* -
Inter-evaluators 0.27 0.95 (0.90-0.97)* 96%
Note:1 ICC: intraclass correlation; CI: Confidence interval. * p<0.001
4 The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2023, Volume 16 Soares et al.
Fig. (2). Level of agreement (Bland-Altman) with 95% limits of agreement (light gray lines) and the mean difference (dark gray line) between
MyJump2 and the force platform for CMJ for both evaluators.
- Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2
Diference mean (evaluator -cronojump) 1.24 1.08
t value calculated 0.85 0.74
Std error 1.46 1.13
Degrees of freedom (dof) 41 41
t value for 41 dof 2.02 2.02
Regression analysis (average vs difference) R 2 =0.12 R 2 =0.08
Validity and Reliability of My Jump 2 App The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2023, Volume 16 5
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