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Arts q1w1d1

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Learning Area MAPEH 9 – Health

Learning Modality
School Lian National High Grade Level Nine (9)
Teacher Rommel G. Maghanay Learning Area MAPEH - Arts
LESSON Teaching August 5, 2024 Quarter First Quarter
R Teaching Time 7:00-11:00 No. of Days 1

I.OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to:
1. analyze art elements and principles in the
production of work following the style of
Ancient art (Pre-historic and Egyptian Art),
Classical Art(Greek and Roman Art),
Medieval Art ( Byzantine,
2. Identify distinct characteristics of arts
during the different art periods.
A. Content Standards  The learners demonstrates understanding
of art elements and processes by
synthesizing and applying prior knowledge Research-
and skills based
 demonstrates understanding that the arts knowledge
are integral to the development of and principles
organizations, spiritual belief, historical of teaching
events, scientific discoveries, natural and learning:
disasters/ occurrences and other external Goal-directed
•The learners performs/ participates completely
coupled with
B. Performance
Standards in a presentation of a creative impression
•recognizes the difference and uniqueness of the
(verbal/ nonverbal) of a particular artistic period
enhances the
quality of
art styles of the different periods (techniques,
process, elements and principles of art)
C. Most Essential 1. analyzes art elements and principles in the
Learning production of work following the style of a
Competencies (MELC) western and classical art
(If available, write the 2. identifies distinct characteristics of arts during
indicated MELC) the different art periods
3. identifies representative artists from various
art periods
D. Enabling N/A
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Western Classical Art Tradition
A .References
a. Teacher’s Guide N/A
b. Learners’ Materials N/A
c. Textbook pages Music and Arts 188-200
d. Additional Materials N/A
from Learning
e. Integration  Across 1. Applied
 Araling Panlipunan – knowledge of
content within
and across
learning areas
B. List of Learning
Resources for Development
and Engagement Activities
A. Introduction What I need to know?
In this module you will learn that: Even 2.Display
before humans learned to read and write they proficient use
were already artists as manifested by the of Mother
different archaeological discoveries from the Tongue,
different parts of the world. Each and every Filipino and
civilization of the world has its distinct art forms English to
depending on its aesthetic and utilitarian needs facilitate
You will learn more of the things that they do and and learning
its impact to the world in today’s lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. analyze art elements and principles
in the production of work following the
style of Ancient art (Pre-historic and
Egyptian Art), Classical Art(Greek and
Roman Art), Medieval Art ( Byzantine,
Romanesque, Gothic)
2. identify distinct characteristics of
arts during the different art periods.
3. identify representative artists from
various art periods 4. Establish
safe and
General Reminders: secure learning
1. Find a place in your home which is free environments
from noise and distractions. to enhance
2. Gather all the materials needed for this learning
class in one place such as paper, ballpen, through the
ruler, etc. consistent
3. Use a sheet of paper for your answers. implementation
4. Do not forget to write your name and of policies,
section. guidelines and
5. Perform each task completely and procedures
accurately to the best of your ability and
6. Be respectful at all times.

What’s New?
Task # 1: I have a sharp memory
Let the learners enumerate the materials needed
in painting/arts

1. Graphite pencils.
2. Brushes.
3. Paint.
4. Kneaded eraser.
5. Painting or drawing paper pads.
6. Painting knife or a palette knife.
7. Painting palette.
8. Masking tape.

walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass,

lacquer, pottery, leaf, copper and concrete

B. Development What is it?

Even before humans learned to read and 1. Applied

write they were already artists as manifested by knowledge of
the different archaeological discoveries from the content within
different parts of the world. Each and every and across
civilization of the world has its distinct art forms curriculum
depending on its aesthetic and utilitarian needs. learning area
Pre-historic art is classified into
three periods such as; Palaeolithic (Old Stone
Age), Mesolithic(Middle Stone Age), and
Neolithic (New Stone Age)Eras. Egyptian
civilization was one of the early civilizations that
have greatly contributed in the development of
art, religion, science, and technology of the
world. Egyptian art is primarily religious in
nature. Ancient Greek art depicts naturalism.
They portray human forms in a realistic and
anatomically correct manner. Their art has a
conservative form with a very complex detail.
Roman art developed as a new source of artistic
creativity much more progressive than the
conservative Greek art. The diversity of its form
and its variety inspired the modern attitude in art.
Byzantine art was purposely made to glorify the
Christian religion and to express its mystery. It is
filled with spiritual symbolism, illustrates a love of
splendour. It was a combination of Eastern
(decorative art forms) and classical Western art
(naturalistic art).Romanesque art was
characterized by its very vigorous style in
painting and sculpture, lavishly decorated
manuscripts, and retained many basic features
of Roman architectural styles. It was also greatly
influenced by Byzantine art with a highly
innovative and coherent style. The basic
characteristics of Gothic art styles reinforce
symbolic meanings. The church symbolizes the
transcendence of the soul, and the underlying
philosophy is to create buildings of height and
light. Different eras different styles,
different characteristics and functions of the arts
occurred but all of those contributed in the
development and establishing the importance of
arts in our lives today
C. Engagement What’s More?
Task # 2: Activity 2: I’m the next Michelangelo
of the country. 8. Designed,
Direction: Draw a diagonal, horizontal, vertical, adapted and
zigzag line on a clean bond paper without using implemented
a ruler. teaching
Divide the bond paper into four parts. Put strategies that
in each part the four types of lines. are responsive
to learners
giftedness and

Criteria Points
Craftsmanship 50
Creativity 50
Total 100

D. Assimilation What I Have Learned?

Task # 3: Let’s Assess
Let the children give five challenges as
they do the activity and what they can give as a
solution to the problems they encounter.
V. Reflection 7. Applied a
Directions: Check whether you are able to range of
achieve the following objectives set at the successful
beginning. Write a note to explain how you are strategies
able to meet the objectives or reasons why you that maintain
were not able to do so. learning
______analyse art elements and principles in the environments
production of artwork that motivate
______ identifies distinct characteristics of arts learners to
Notes of Student: productively
___________________________ by assuming
Signature over Printed Name responsibility
Parent’s Comments / Suggestions for their own
Performance Level

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Head Teacher II Principal II

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