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Background: Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas (ADP) is clinically rare, and it is usually accompanied by abdominal
pain. Various disorders of glucose metabolism associating with ADP have been reported, but there are only two
studies reporting a correlation between ADP and DKA in English literature.
Case presentation: We present a case of a patient with ADP accompanied by abdominal pain and diabetic
ketoacidosis as the initial clinical presentation. A 30-year-old man presented with a 3-month history of recurrent
onset of persistent mild epigastric pain, which worsen when eating. Laboratory tests revealed metabolic acidosis,
hyperglycemia, and ketonuria. Phase contrast CT and MRCP showed the absence of the body and tail of the
pancreas, as well as the dorsal pancreatic duct. The C-peptide release test indicated β-cell dysfunction. A
combination therapy of insulin, pancreatic enzyme supplements, and mosapride citrate were administrated and the
pain gradually resolved.
Conclusions: As glucose metabolism disorders can vary across different individuals, we advise clinicians to consider
the diagnosis of ADP for a patient who presents with a glucose metabolism disorder accompanied by abdominal
pain, pancreatitis or steatorrhea.
Keywords: Agenesis of the dorsal pancreas, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Diabetes mellitus, C-peptide release test
mmol/L. The random plasma glucose level was 576 mg/ that the sugary beverages might resulted in high blood
dL, with urinalysis revealing glycosuria and ketonuria. glucose, which may contribute to DKA in this patient.
The glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level was 147 mmol/ According to the ADA’s standard of classification and
mol, and the serum lactic acid level was within normal diagnosis of diabetes, the diagnosis of “Specific types of
range. Levels of carcinoembryonic antigen and cancer diabetes due to other causes” was established [1, 2]. The
antigen 199 were also within normal ranges. The results patient received insulin therapy (insulin glargine 12 units
of liver function, serum amylase, lipase, C-reactive pro- at bedtime and biosynthetic human insulin 16 units with
tein, and microalbuminuria tests, as well as the 24-h meals) and was followed up.
urine protein level, were within normal ranges. The pa-
tient was negative for the glutamic acid decarboxylase
antibody, islet cell antibody, and insulin autoantibody. Discussion and conclusions
The patient was diagnosed with DKA and received The pancreas develops from the ventral and dorsal buds,
standard treatment for the condition, which included which fuse during the seventh week of gestation. The
intravenous fluids, insulin therapy, and potassium ventral bud gives rise to the uncinate process, post-
replacement. inferior portion of the head, and Wirsung duct, whereas
DKA resolved gradually after insulin therapy, but the the dorsal bud, which drains into the minor papilla
abdominal pain continued. Additional phase contrast through the Santorini duct, gives rise to the upper head,
CT of the abdomen was performed and revealed an en- body and tail [5]. Monogenic mutations in insulin pro-
larged pancreatic head (Fig. 1A), without the body and moter factor 1 [6], pancreas associated transcription
tail of the pancreas (Fig. 1B). A further investigation of factor 1 [7], and transcription factor-2 / hepatocyte
MRCP revealed the absence of the dorsal pancreatic nuclear factor-1 homeobox B [8] have been reported to
duct and a short duct of Wirsung running into the associate with pancreatic agenesis, multigenic traits are
major papilla (Fig. 1C). On the basis of these findings, a likely to contribute to this disorder. However, one
diagnosis of complete ADP was evident, and we believed limitation should be noted that we didn’t have genetic
that the pain was due to dysfunction of the pancreas. analysis in the presented case as the patient refused
Low-fat diet was recommended, and pancreatic enzyme DNA sequencing test.
supplements as well as mosapride citrate were given We reviewed the articles published between January
with meals to facilitate the digestive process. The pain 2008 and August 2019 and 75 cases of ADP were identi-
gradually resolved and went away in 7 days after the fied. Of the 75 cases, 53 cases that had been reported by
treatment. Cienfuegos were excluded from the study [9]. Clinical
A standard mixed-meal tolerance test was performed presentation, pancreas imaging, and gene mutation re-
one month later to evaluate β-cell function. The fasting sults were extracted and summarized (Table 2). Al-
C-peptide level was 0.05 ng/mL, and the postprandial C- though the majority of ADP patients are asymptomatic,
peptide levels at 1, 2, and 3 h were 0.05, 0.07, and 0.06 abdominal pain is the most common reported symptom.
ng/mL (normal range, 1.1–4.4 ng/mL), whereas the fast- The abdominal pain may contribute to the dysfunction
ing plasma glucose level was 261 mg/dL, and the post- of the sphincter of Oddi and/or chronic pancreatitis
prandial glucose levels at 1, 2, and 3 h were 433, 455, accompanied by an elevated pancreatic intra-ductal pres-
and 433 mg/dL, respectively. According to the patient’s sure [10]. In this case, we at first believed that the pain
medical history and laboratory results, we speculated was caused by DKA. However, the abdominal pain
continued after rectifying the DKA, indicating that the
Table 1 Laboratory results of this patient abdominal pain was caused by ADP.
Results Reference Range Units Patients with ADP may also present with disorders of
White blood cell counting 8.7 3.5–9.5 109/L glucose metabolism, such as insulin-dependent diabetes,
Neutrophils 50.1 40–75 % high-fasting blood glucose levels, and non-insulin-
C reactive protein 0.3 0–8 mg/L
dependent diabetes [11]. According to the published re-
ports, approximately 50% of patients with ADP also have
Serum bilirubin 11.4 5.1–19.0 μmol/L
concomitant hyperglycemia [12]. Although β-cell dys-
Serum albumin 37.1 40–55 g/L function is often indicative of hyperglycemia, there are
Serum alkaline phosphate 48 35–100 U/L only two studies reporting a correlation between ADP
Serum aspartate 16 13–35 U/L and DKA [3, 4]. Four cases of ADP, including the
Serum amylase 75 35–135 U/L present one, had reported C-peptide test results, three of
Fasting plasma glucose 576 70–110 mg/dL
which showed low levels of fasting and postprandial C-
peptide associated with β-cell dysfunction [13, 14], and
HBA1c 147 16–42 mmol/mol
one case showed detectable C-peptide level of 0.47
Yang et al. BMC Endocrine Disorders (2019) 19:120 Page 3 of 5
Fig. 1 Contrast abdominal computed tomography scan showed the pancreatic head (a, red arrow), whereas the pancreatic body and tail are
absent (b, red arrow). Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography demonstrated the absence of the dorsal pancreatic duct (c, red arrow)
nmol/L [3]. Therefore, low insulin levels underlie most diabetes [12, 17], indicating that there are many degrees
of the glucose metabolism disorders, as islets and β-cells of β-cell dysfunction in patients with ADP.
are located in the tail of the pancreas [15, 16]. Previous Other abdominal symptoms including pancreatitis and
studies have reported variations in the severity of high- steatorrhea have also been reported [18, 19]. The re-
fasting blood glucose disorders and insulin-dependent ported incidence of pancreatitis was 30% [12], but it is
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