Credits Contents
Design: Stuart Kerrigan and Paul Looby History of the Flanaess..........................................................2
Additional Design: Paul Jurdeczka Greyhawk Conflicts...................................................................3
Editing: Paul Looby Gods of Greyhawk.......................................................................4
Consultants: Creighton Broadhurst, Gary Holian,
The Calendar..................................................................................5
Sam Weiss
Artwork: Midjourney AI, Adobe Stock
People of the Flanaess...........................................................6
Heraldry: Anna B. Meyer Factions.............................................................................................7
Cartography: Digital Darlene Map The Flanaess..................................................................................8
Zach Henderson and Robert Conley Central Flanaess.........................................................................8
Publication Date: v1.0 – 18/11/24 Old Keoland..................................................................................9
Eastern Flanaess: Old Nyrond.............................................. 10
The following Greyhawk books provided material and inspiration: Eastern Flanaess: The Great Kingdom and Beyond........ 11
Northern Flanaess................................................................... 13
Gygax, Gary. World of Greyhawk Folio. 1980.
Western Flanaess (Baklunish West).................................... 14
Gygax, Gary. World of Greyhawk Boxed Set. 1983.
Sargent, Carl. From the Ashes Boxed Set. 1991
Sargent, Carl. Iuz the Evil. 1991
Sargent, Carl. The Marklands. 1991
Sargent, Carl. Ivid the Undying. 1991
Moore, Roger. The Adventure Begins. 1998 With the inclusion of the World of Greyhawk as an example of a
Brown, Anne. The Player's Guide to Greyhawk. 1998 campaign setting in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide, there is
Mona, Erik et al. Dungeons and Dragons Gazetteer. 2001 much to discuss! Greyhawk is back where it belongs, accessible
Mona, Erik et al. Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. 2001 to anyone playing the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
Mona, Erik et al. Dungeon Magazine: Age of Worms. 2005-06 The designers for the new Dungeon Master's Guide have
impressively packed a significant amount of content and detail
into a very limited page count, making it a worthy template for
outlining any campaign setting. The artwork is stellar, especially
the depiction of the Battle of Emridy Meadows, and the beautiful
maps by Mike Schley and Francesca Baerald are worthy
additions to any collection. Of course, some changes were bound
to be introduced, and they bring fresh perspectives to explore.
Our goal here is to aid in that exploration by using a similar
framework to the one presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide
that more closely resembles the original World of Greyhawk
whilst also taking into account many developments in that
setting that took place since the publication of the 1980 World of
Greyhawk Folio. It is our hope that we provide Dungeon Masters
additional options for running Greyhawk the way they want, and
to establish a common baseline for discussing this classic setting
with newer players.
Feel free to incorporate elements from this supplement into
On the Cover: The sun sets over the Selintan as Mordenkainen the your campaign, use the Flanaess as presented here, or stick
Archmage lifts his gaze from the ancient, rune-inscribed grimoire to with the version presented in the 2024 Dungeon Master's
appraise you cooly, an unsettling welcome to the World of Greyhawk. Guide. Make Greyhawk your own–and most importantly, have
On the Alt-Cover: Mordenkainen had hair until Todd Lockwood decided to fun doing so!
make him bald for the cover of the TSR Jam 1999 supplement.
The Digital Darlene map is a wonderful work made by Zach Henderson and
Stuart Kerrigan
Robert Conley. The map was generously released under a Creative Commons Free State of Onnwal
4.0 license. It was taken from Bat in the Attic and Red text and lines were November 2024
added by Stuart Kerrigan.
ver one thousand years ago, two ancient
empires in the west—the Suel and the the Malachite Throne of Aerdy. The few remaining good–aligned
Baklunish—were locked in a great war, fiefs seceded, and the empire sank from decadence into depravity.
the origins of which are lost to time. Its
consequences are still evident to this day. After The Brazen West
sixty–three years of deadlocked conflict, the In about 290 CY, Sultan Melek II of Zeif invited the Brazen Horde,
Suloise unleashed the Invoked Devastation upon the Baklunish, a federation of nomad clans from the distant land of Komal, to
wiping out nearly every trace of civilization north of the Sulhaut subjugate the Paynim tribes plaguing his southern borders.
Mountains. In retaliation, Baklunish Mage–Priests unleashed Though they did so, the arrival of the newcomers had unintended
the Rain of Colorless Fire upon the Suel, reducing their empire consequences. In 316 CY, a confederation of displaced Bakluni
to ash. The Dry Steppes and the desolate Sea of Dust remain as and Oerid tribes calling themselves the Relentless Horde
monuments of these Twin Cataclysms. pillaged their way across Ekbir before claiming the lands north
of the Yatil Mountains as their new homeland. Though they
Of Great Migrations and Kingdoms later fragmented into the Chakyik and the Weigwur, the nomads
The war had driven entire peoples eastward into the wide lands dominate the north to the present day. The Brazen Horde overran
beyond the Barrier Peaks and Crystalmist Mountains. The tribal the Zeifi provinces of Tusmit and Ket, which fell forever from the
Oeridians, guided by prophecies of greatness, were the first grasp of the sultan. For the next half–century, the nomads raided
to enter the lands of the Flanaess and encounter the Flannae east into the Flanaess until their depredations eventually stirred
peoples who had dwelt there since time immemorial. Suloise Keoland from its long slumber.
refugees followed, sometimes allying with the Oerids and Flan,
but more often warring with them. For over two centuries, the The Lion Stirs
Suel and Oeridians fought, with the Suel frequently defeated and Under a line of kings of the House of Rhola, Keoland embarked
pushed to the periphery, while the Oeridians claimed the richest on a series of imperial conquests. At its greatest extent, the
lands. In the shattered west, Baklunish survivors migrated dominion of the Keoish crown reached from the Pomarj to Ket
north and west to the shores of the Dramidj Ocean, where they and as far north as Veluna’s southern provinces. However, a
founded Ekbir and Zeif. humiliating retreat from Ket, defeat by Furyondy in the Short
In the Flanaess too, realms arose from the chaos of the War, and a rebellion by the lords of Ulek and the elves of Celene,
Great Migrations. Among the first of these was the Kingdom of saw Keoland’s imperial ambitions come to naught. King Tavish
Keoland, founded nearly eighty years after the Twin Cataclysms. IV in 453 CY brought a shift in the kingdom’s policy to its vassals:
Suel noble houses allied with Oeridian tribes, pledging mutual Geoff, the Yeomanry, and the Uleks were granted sovereignty,
protection and shared dominion over the lands along the great while the Gran March and Sterich became autonomous, though
Sheldomar River. In the east, an Oeridian tribe known as the bound by oaths to the Throne of the Lion.
Aerdi conquered lands along the shores of the Solnor Ocean,
founding the Kingdom of Aerdy. Over the next two centuries, The Ebb and Flow of Evil
Aerdy came to dominate the eastern Flanaess, burgeoning into Amidst the northern reaches of the Flanaess, a new evil began to
an empire known as the Great Kingdom. Grand Prince Nasran stir. The dark union of the witch–queen Iggwilv and the demon
was the first to adopt the title of Overking of Aerdy, declaring a prince Graz’zt begat a cambion named Iuz, who rose to power in
new era of Universal Peace, and the first year of a new calendar 479 CY as the lord of a small domain in the Howling Hills. With
of Common Years. The Great Kingdom’s dominion expanded as astonishing speed, he amassed an army of malevolent wizards,
far as Veluna and Perrenland, and included an unremarkable savage orcs, and wicked demons, conquered a large realm for
trading outpost known as Greyhawk on the Selintan River. himself north of Whyestil Lake, and somehow attained demi–
godhood. Yet in 505 CY, Iuz was imprisoned within the Godtrap,
Splinters in the Sun of Aerdy an eldritch device crafted within Castle Greyhawk by the mad
As the overkings grew increasingly decadent and ineffectual, the archmage Zagig Yragerne, as part of a scheme to secure his
empire slowly crumbled. One by one, its far–flung own apotheosis.
provinces asserted their sovereignty. In 254 New evils arose in Iuz’s absence. The Horned Society—a
CY, the western Viceroyalty of Ferrond broke shadowy cabal of devil–worshipers—claimed some of Iuz’s
away, fragmenting into the realms of Furyondy, former lands. On the marches of the Viscounty of Verbobonc,
Veluna, and Perrenland, amongst others. In the cult of Elemental Evil—catspaws for Iuz’s consort, Zuggtmoy,
356 CY, the excesses of the overkings of the Demon–Queen of Fungi—amassed a horde and built a
Celestial House of Rax drove the Viceroy stronghold known as the Temple of Elemental Evil. The cult
of Nyrond to renounce his oaths to was defeated at the Battle of Emridy Meadows in 569 CY by the
his imperial cousin, and crown Righteous Host, led by Crown Prince Thrommel of Furyondy—a
himself King of Nyrond. The paladin of Rao—resulting in the Temple’s swift downfall. Four
assassination of Overking years later, Thrommel was betrothed to Lady Jolene, a priestess
Nalif in 437 CY sparked a of his faith and daughter of the Plar of Veluna. This marriage
bloody civil war known as the would have unified the two realms into a mighty bastion against
Turmoil Between Crowns. Over a the evil plaguing Eastern Oerik. However, Thrommel’s recent
Crown decade of internecine conflict ended disappearance has thwarted these plans.
Prince Thrommel
hile Greyhawk is adaptable to a variety of
Dungeons & Dragons adventures, it is useful fleeing to the Abyss. Later, when he reemerged, it
to emphasize three significant sources of villainy seemed Iuz had been inexplicably strengthened by
within the Flanaess: the increasingly fractured his confinement.
Great Kingdom, Iuz and his wicked followers, The Old One returned to dread Dorakaa where
and the insidious Scarlet Brotherhood. Each he now prepares a savage campaign to reclaim his
of these factions can support many of the “Flavors of Fantasy” lost empire and bring ruin and vengeance to all who
outlined in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. An enterprising oppose him. While his hatred burns especially
Dungeon Master should seek opportunities to introduce bright for the Free City of Greyhawk (home of his A Holy Symbol of Iuz
creatures aligned with these three villainous groups, assigning former jailor, Zagig Yragerne) — the Horned Society, Kingdom
objectives that place their agents in opposition to the player of Furyondy, and the Lands of the Highfolk are more immediate
characters. Below, the primary conflicts and the objectives of targets for his malice. Across his realm, Iuz is mustering great
these villainous factions are outlined briefly:– armies of orcs, goblins, gnolls, and even giants, as well as his
elite Legion of Black Death. Along the infamous Road of Skulls,
The Fiend–Seeing Throne vile creatures lurk, spreading terror and disorder. The Flanaess
cries out for heroes, for those bold enough to defy Iuz and
The Great Kingdom has fallen into utter
declare, ‘I spit on the Old One!’
depravity. In 198 CY a portentous red
comet appeared over the Flanaess
heralding the Age of Great Sorrow. The Scarlet Sign
Within two decades, the Malachite The Great and Hidden Empire of the Scarlet Brotherhood,
Throne was auctioned to the highest known also as Shar (meaning “Pure” in Ancient Suloise), lies
bidder, beginning the empire’s decline on the Tilvanot Peninsula on the southern edge of the Flanaess.
into decadence, weakness, and folly. The Scarlet Brotherhood (or Brotherhood of the Scarlet Sign)
The Knights Protector were betrayed is a secretive society led by a cadre of monks, with ultimate
from within and many of their finest Heraldry of the authority vested in the enigmatic Father of Obedience. They
slain by a spawn of Demogorgon born of Great Kingdom are motivated by the fanatical belief that the Suel people are
that treachery. When, after the Turmoil the chosen of the gods, superior to all others, and thus the only
Between Crowns, the House of Naelax seized the throne, rightful rulers of the Flanaess. So convinced are they of their
they did so through ruthless military conquest and dark pacts superiority that no act—however vile—is beneath them if it
with devils. advances the inevitable “manifest destiny” of the Suel.
The current Overking of Aerdy, the insane Ivid V, clings Their chief weapons are deception, espionage, stealth,
tenaciously to power from his fiend–seeing throne in the and assassination. The vision of the Flanaess under their
imperial city of Rauxes. Though many of his vassals — including rule is chilling: only those of pure Suel blood who embrace
his own kin — watch hungrily for signs of weakness, plotting the Brotherhood’s philosophy will enjoy full citizenship.
his overthrow, Ivid reigns through tyranny and terror. Thus the Those of partial Suel ancestry will have only the rights that
overking can still command the obedience (if not always the the Brotherhood deem appropriate, while the lowest tier of
loyalty) of vast armies. His gaze is fixed westward, hungrily Brotherhood society will be the thralls, including non–humans
eyeing Nyrond, Almor, and the Iron League — a coalition and humans deemed of “inferior” stock.
of former fiefs united against his rule. He is determined to After long centuries of secrecy, the Brotherhood revealed
restore these “rebellious provinces” to the empire, crushing themselves to the outside world in 573 CY. In the guise of ascetic
the “traitors, usurpers, and outlaws” that have long “infested” sages devoted to the preservation and dissemination of ancient
them. Bolstered by devils, undead, and wicked men, Ivid V is a lore and knowledge, members of the Brotherhood
formidable and dangerous foe. presented themselves as advisors at the courts
of rulers and nobles, first in the lands of the Iron
Iuz the Evil League, and soon after in many other realms.
Covert spies and assassins followed
In 570 CY an ill–starred band of adventurers, led by bold Lord
in the wake of the sages, embedding
Robilar, unwittingly released the dark demigod Iuz from the
themselves across Flanaess, patiently
Godtrap in Castle Greyhawk. The reckless warrior and his
awaiting the opportune moment to
forces attempted to kill the newly awakened and weakened
strike and advance the Brotherhood’s
demigod. With the timely arrival of the mages Tenser and The Scarlet Sign
intricate conspiracies.
Bigby, along with Tenser's sworn sword, Retnaran (also known
as Neb Retnar), they nearly succeeded. Near death, the Old
With the gift of a single sword, an inevitable series of events has been
initiated. There can be no atonement for the action I have now taken. I
pray that I have seen true.
Excerpted from the Codex of Mordenkainen
Classic 570 CY
Guide to Greyhawk 3
Gods of Greyhawk
he Gods of Greyhawk table lists many of the most
prominent deities worshiped in the Flanaess. The gods seldom Canon Hazen of
involve themselves directly in the affairs of Oerth, though
Veluna, perhaps
Saint Cuthbert has, on occasion, manifested in physical form.
the most powerful
Numerous other deities are also venerated beyond those
good-aligned cleric
represented in the table, including a variety of demigods, hero–
gods, and quasi–deities, among whom Iuz—a demigod who rules his own in the Flanaess.
realm—stands out as one of the most notable.
Name and Epithet Alignment Home Plane Typical Worshippers Suggested Domains Holy Symbol
Al’Akbar, the Restorer of LG Seven Heavens Administrators, scholars, Knowledge, Order Cup and (star–shaped)
Righteousness † teachers Talisman
Beory, The Oerth Mother * N Material Plane Farmers, herders Life, Nature Rotund female figurine
Berei of the Hearth N Bytopia Families, farmers Life, Nature Sheaf of wheat stalks
Boccob, the Uncaring One * N Outlands Sages, spellcasters, seers Arcane, Knowledge Eye within a pentagram
Celestian, the Far Wanderer N Astral Plane Wanderers, astronomers Knowledge, Twilight Black disc with an arc of seven
Ehlonna of the Forests CG Beastlands Hunters, foragers Life, Nature Unicorn horn
Erythnul, the Many CE Pandemonium Raiders, bandits, berserkers Death, War Bestial and hideous visage or a
blood drop
Fharlanghn, the Dweller on N Outlands Travelers Knowledge, Trickery Disc crossed by a curved
the Horizon horizontal line
Heironeous, the Invincible LG Mount Celestia Knights, soldiers Order, War Lightning bolt
Hextor, the Scourge of Battle LE Acheron Soldiers, tyrants Order, War Six down–pointing arrows in
a fan
Incabulos, the Black Rider * NE Hades Necromancers, those who seek Death, Grave Eye of possession within a
to ward off illness diamond
Istus, the Lady of Our Fate * N Mechanus Seers, advisers Knowledge, Order Spindle with three strands
Iuz, the Evil † CE Material Plane His subjects and allies Death Grinning human skull
Kord, the Brawler CG Ysgard Athletes, berserkers, soldiers Tempest, War Eight–pointed star of spears
and maces
Nerull, the Reaper * NE Carceri Murderers, necromancers Death, Grave Skull with a scythe
Obad–Hai, the Shalm N Outlands Hunters, gatherers, hermits Life, Nature Face mask made of oak leaves
and acorns
Olidammara, the Laughing CN Ysgard Revelers, gamblers, pranksters Knowledge, Trickery Laughing mask
Pelor, the Radiant One * NG Elysium Healers, farmers Light, Life Sun in splendor
Pholtus of the Blinding Light LG (LN) Arcadia Judges, lawyers, arbiters Light, Order Silver sun partially eclipsed by a
crescent moon
Procan, the Storm Lord CN Limbo Sailors, navigators Nature, Tempest A cresting wave surmounted by
a trident
Ralishaz, the Unlooked For CN Limbo Gamblers Knowledge,Trickery Three bone fate–casting sticks
Rao, the Meditator * LG Mount Celestia Diplomats, mediators, sages Order, Peace White heart, or a serene mask
Saint Cuthbert of the Cudgel LG (LN) Arcadia Practical, honest folk Knowledge, Order Circle at the center of a
Syrul, the Hag Goddess CE Gehenna Liars, charlatans, traitors Death, Trickery Forked tongue
Tharizdun, the Destroyer NE Imprisoned in a Nihilistic cultists Death, Trickery Spiral rune
Trithereon, the Summoner CG Arborea Rebels, individualists Trickery, War Triskelion
Ulaa, the Stonewife LG Arcadia Miners, jewelers, quarriers Forge, Knowledge Mountain with a ruby heart
Vecna, the Maimed One † NE Unknown Necromancers, undead, those Arcana, Death An eye in the palm of a left hand
who keep or unearth secrets
Wee Jas, the Stern Lady LN (LE) Acheron Spellcasters, advisers, Arcana, Grave Red skull in front of a fireball
Zilchus, the Guildmaster LN Outlands Merchants, negotiators, Knowledge, Order Hands clutching an overflowing
aristocrats bag of gold
n Oerth, the calendar year comprises 364
days, organized into twelve months of 28
= 1220 OR in the Oeridian Record calendar
days each, with four seven–day lunar festivals
= 6091 SD in the Suloise Dating system
interspersed every three months. Each
= 5038 OC in the Olven Calendar
week includes seven days: Starday, Sunday,
= 3235 BH in the Baklunish Hegira calendar
Moonday, Godsday, Waterday, Earthday, and
= 2726 FT in Flan Tracking
Freeday. Godsday is customarily reserved for worship, while
Freeday serves as a day of rest; the other days are designated
as workdays. Notably, the days of the week are fixed to specific
dates annually; for example, Starday consistently falls on the
1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of each month. 360 Days or 364?
The Common Year is a system of reckoning decreed by the The calendar featured in the 2024 Dungeon Master's
Guide is derived from the original 1980 World of
Grand Prince Nasran of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. In the year
Greyhawk Folio. This was subsequently adjusted in
1 CY the Great Kingdom was sufficiently powerful for Nasran to the 1983 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set to a 364–day
proclaim an era of universal peace across the empire as he took calendar, addressing complications with lunar cycles
the title of Overking. in the initial 360–day year format. This 364–day
The current year is 576 CY. There is no 0 CY as the reckoning calendar was consistently used in later publications,
began with the first year, 1 CY. An event dated to –100 CY including From the Ashes, The Adventure Begins, and
occurred precisely 676 years, not 677, before the year 576 the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. Thus the 364–day year
CY. Most historians of the Flanaess prefer using other dating is presented here.
systems when discussing ancient history.
4 Planting Blossoms Frog Low Summer 4th M 11th J 18th 0 25th R 19th J
5 Flocktime Violets Turtle Low Summer 4th M 11th J 18th 0 25th R 11th 0
6 Wealsun Berrytime Fox Low Summer 4th M 11th J 18th 0 25th R 4th R
7 Reaping Goldfields Snake High Summer 4th J 11th 0 18th R 25th M 19th J
8 Goodmonth Sunflowers Boar High Summer 4th J 11th 0 18th R 25th M 11th 0
9 Harvester Fruitfall Squirrel High Summer 4th J 11th 0 18th R 25th M 4th R
7 day lunar festivals are italicised. All months are 28 days long.
he humans of the Flanaess are a rich melting
pot, comprising a diverse array of ethnic groups. (rich red–brown to dark brown complexion, straight dark hair, and
Most regions of the Flanaess are populated by dark–hued eyes, ranging from medium brown to black) and the
humans of mixed ethnicity, though, in appearance Touv (dark brown or near black complexion, straight or wavy dark
and culture, they draw from a handful of originating hair, and eyes of blue, brown, or black color), both of which hail
ethnic groups. It is not unheard of to encounter from the southern continent of Hepmonaland. While uncommon in
individuals whose ancestry is derived from a single ethnic group. the Flanaess, they are by no means unknown. For example, many
For example, the Old City families of Rel Astra are entirely Oeridian, ballads in Sterich are about Earl Querchard’s beautiful wife from
while the Scarlet Brotherhood is fanatically pure Suel. faraway lands (and only half were written by Querchard himself).
Oeridian Practical, pragmatic, hard-working; tend Build and Features: Variable build; oval to square faces with strong jawlines
to be impatient with intellectual pursuits; Complexion: Tan to olive
value honor, loyalty, and self-sacrifice; Hair: Auburn and brown most common, but black or blonde also seen
temperamental with a proclivity for violence; Eyes: Varied colors, brown or gray most common
prefer a strict social hierarchy; strong martial Clothing: Short tunics, close-fitting trousers, capes; plaid and check patterns in the eastern Flanaess,
traditions and unsurpassed skill in battle oval and diamond patterns in the south and west
magic and war Language: Old Oeridian - still used for legal purposes in the Great Kingdom and its former vassals
Suloise Great affinity for immediate family; tend to Build and Features: Lean build; narrow faces
be blunt, proud, opinionated, selfish and Complexion: Fair to albino; freckled in sunny climes
occasionally callous or even cruel; often Hair: Blond, red, or platinum; curly, wiry or kinky texture
unwilling to admit their flaws or personal Eyes: Pale to deep blue, violet, or gray
hardship; passionate about study; strong Clothing: Pantaloons, loose blouses (north) or vests (south) in solid colors (one color for commoners,
aptitude for arcane magic and sorcery two or more for nobles); large pins, brooches, emblems, and other adornments
Language: Ancient Suloise - rarely spoken; preserved in ancient texts of the Suel Imperium; Fruz or the
Cold Tongue - spoken by the Cruskii, Schnai and Fruztii
Flan Strong connection to and respect for the Build and Features: Sturdy build; broad strong faces
natural world; prefer to be outdoors and Complexion: Bronze, ranging from light copper to dark brown
cultivate gardens and green spaces even in Hair: Black or brown, often curly or wavy
urban areas; often plant trees at the doors of Eyes: Dark brown, brown, black, or amber
dwellings; strong oral tradition and deep love Clothing: Traditional: animal skin belts, breechcloths, capes, robes, and footwear; body painting and tattoos
of songs and storytelling; observe customs Modern: Prevailing current fashions with preference for bright primary colors in solid arrangements
and taboos related to their birth season Language: Flan - spoken by Tenhas and surviving Flan tribes; developed into distinct regional dialects
Baklunish Regard honor, family, generosity, and piety Build and Features: Tall and long limbed; long faces with high cheekbones
as fundamental virtues; observe many Complexion: Golden
customs and taboos based on astrology; Hair: Dusky brown to blue-black; straight, fine texture
great reverence for horses; enjoy song and Eyes: Green or gray-green most common; hazel or gray rarer
dance; trade and exploration are considered Clothing: Settled: Gowns and robes, long coats with short breeches or long one-piece tunics or dresses;
important pursuits; great skill in arcane bright patterns and colors
magic, especially divination, summoning, and Nomads (formal): Elaborate garments with puffed and slashed sleeves revealing contrasting pastel
elemental magict colors
Nomads (informal): Rough leather or hide clothing
Language: Ancient Baklunish - language of the Baklunish Empire; used for official and religious
documents; modern dialects, e.g. Osfaradd, Low Baklunish, spoken in various parts of the west
Rhennee Masters of inland sailing and navigation; love Build and Features: Short, strong and wiry
travel, adventure, music, and gambling; men Complexion: Olive to tan
tend to be sailors and warriors; vetha (wise Hair: Black or dark brown; usually curly
women) practice arcane magic, specializing in Eyes: Gray, blue, hazel or occasionally green
divination and enchantment; no priests, gods, or Clothing: Simple, functional clothing with muted color; exceptional leatherwork
religion; strict code of etiquette for dealing with Language: Rhopan; secret tongue of the Rhennee; incorporates terms from criminal argot of Oeridian
other Rhennee; great hostility between barge- and Common; common misconception is that Rhopan is a cant
dwelling and wagon-dwelling (called Attloi) clans
Species Flan Name
= Elves dwelled in the Flanaess before humans emerged, and retreated to forests and uplands
Elf Olve or Olvenfolk
as humanity expanded. They ally with dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and humans.
Dwarf Dwur or Dwurfolk
= Dwarves inhabit both hills and mountains. Hill dwarves are more common than their
Gnome Noniz
mountain dwarf brethren.
Halfling Hobniz
= Halflings can be found in stable realms led by strong rulers and are most common in the
Orc Euroz
central and western Flanaess, from the Uleks to the Urnst states.
Goblin Jebli
= Gnomes of the Flanaess include forest and rock gnomes and can be found in burrow
Hobgoblin Hoch Jebline
communities in hilly or mountainous regions. (High Goblins)
Humans and demihumans are adversaries to marauding humanoids—gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, Kobold Celbit
kobolds, ogres, orcs, trolls, and xvarts—and drive them from civilized lands. The table to the right Gnoll Kell
contains the Flan name for the various species of the Flanaess. These names are still in common Bugbear Buchveer
parlance to this day. Ogre Eiger
Troll Trulent
his group is composed exclusively of in his Obsidian Fortress in the Yatil mountains near Veluna,
powerful wizards who preserve what they but often can be found within the Free City of Greyhawk.
perceive as the balance across the Flanaess. It
was founded by the archmage Mordenkainen Knightly Orders
[N male human Wiz 20+] and is informed by his
There are many knightly orders in the Flanaess, large and small.
complicated philosophy of “enforced neutrality”.
Notable ones include:
The Circle seeks to prevent the tyranny of extreme good and
evil from achieving dominance. Operating clandestinely, the = The Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom. Once
Circle’s ethos means they are as likely to aid malevolent forces the premier chivalric order in the Flanaess, the Knight
as goodly folk. Fortunately, for those aligned with good, the Protectors were weakened by betrayal and the Great
Circle perceives the current balance to be tilted in favor of Kingdom’s descent into decadence. When they opposed
evil...for now. the Naelax overkings’ wicked ascension, they were
The other members of the Circle of Eight are: declared traitors and enemies of the crown. Eventually
replaced by Ivid V’s fanatically loyal Fiend–Knights of
= Rary of Ket [N male human Wiz 20+]: A reserved,
Doom, a few Knight Protectors remain in Almor, Ratik,
dignified Baklunish scholar–mage hailing from Lopolla.
and Knurl in the Bone March, while others secretly roam
= Tenser [LG male human Wiz 20]: A long–time comrade
Aerdy defending the weak or aiding the rebels of the
of Mordenkainen and champion for law and goodness,
Grandwood and Adri Forests.
based in the Fortress of Unknown Depths on the Nyr
= The Knights of the Hart. Three entwined knightly orders
Dyv near the village of Magepoint.
based in Furyondy, Veluna, and Highfolk, each sworn to
= Bigby of Scant [N male human Wiz 18]: Mordenkainen’s
defend their home realms and bound by a shared oath to
former apprentice, hailing originally from Oldridge in
stand together in times of peril.
the Great Kingdom, now living in Onnwal.
= The Knights of the Holy Shielding. This order rules and
= Drawmij [N male human Wiz 16]: A reclusive figure
protects the lands on the northern shores the Nyr Dyv
who oversees Keoland and the southern Flanaess from
against the evils of Iuz, the Bandit Kingdoms, and their
his undersea lair near Gradsul.
sworn foes, the Horned Society. The Hierarchs have in
= Nystul [N male human Wiz 16]: A Tenha wizard
turn vowed to slay and defile their Knight Commander,
hailing from Redspan and connected with the Keepers
the Earl of Walworth.
of the Flan.
= The Knights of Luna. This is a 200 strong olven
= Bucknard [N male human Wiz 16]: A Bisselite
knighthood sworn to protect Celene’s monarchy and other
archmage, who, tormented by a past loss, has, of late,
olven communities. Most knights are based in Celene,
grown reclusive and withdrawn.
with some in the Duchy of Ulek and Highfolk. They would
= Otiluke [N male human Wiz 16]: A volatile wizard who
have elves lead the Flanaess against the
recently replaced the mage Leomund on the Circle. He
growing evils. Queen Yolande’s cousin,
is a member of the Directing Oligarchy of the Free City
Prince Melf Brightflame is prominent
of Greyhawk.
in the order and argues for Celene to
= Otto [N male human Clr 3 (Boccob)/Wiz 15]: A short,
become more involved in the affairs
rotund, and jovial Almorian expatriate with a gourmand’s
of the Flanaess.
appetite. He is a mage–priest of Boccob.
= The Knights of the Watch (or
Tenser strongly endorses his former apprentice Jallarzi Watchers). An initiatic fraternal
Sallavarian [NG female human Wiz 14] as a order sworn to protect Keoland
candidate to join the Circle. This aristocratic, and the Sheldomar Valley. They
well–connected wizard would bring a are currently vigilant against
valuable perspective to the increasingly raids from the Baklunish
insular group—and, as Tenser is all West and the evil giants and
too aware, would skew the Circle humanoids of the Crystalmist and
further towards good. She eventually Hellfurnace Mountains.
joins in 581 CY after Bucknard’s
disappearance in 579 CY. Bucknard of the
Some of the members of the Circle, such Circle of Eight
as Bucknard, Bigby, Rary, Tenser, Otiluke,
and Otto, are widely recognized and well–
regarded across the Flanaess. Others,
such as Drawmij and Nystul, prefer to
operate outside of public scrutiny.
Jallarzi Sallavarian and Each member has their own network
her familiar Edwina
of agents, while some even have small
Central Flanaess
not. He is willing to appease the Old One if it spares his country.
ith Iuz’s unwelcome return to Dorakaa, the
Vesve Forest and Howling Hills swarm with The legacy of the devastation wrought by Iuz’s mother, Iggwilv,
humanoids, marauders, and monstrous horrors. still lingers in that land.
The Boneheart, a dozen powerful priests and The Shield Lands are too beset by nearby foes to focus
mages, eagerly enforce his will and carve out on Iuz’s return. Optimists, including Earl Holmer, see it as a
their own private fiefdoms within his empire. blessing, hoping war between the Horned Society and Iuz will
The six Greater Boneheart wield terrifying power while the six weaken both. Others, like Viscount Zeech of Alhaster, view this
Lesser Boneheart are formidable in their own right. The spies as naive and consider drastic measures to safeguard their lands
and agents of Iuz’s Boneshadow scour the Flanaess for secrets, and people. Their enemies, the Hierarchs of the Horned Society
artifacts, and lore to strengthen him, while priests win new are keenly aware of the Old One’s desire for vengeance against
converts to his sadistic creed. As Old Wicked readies for war, he them and seek to amplify their power through dark pacts and
courts allies with the demon lords of Abyss including Pazrael, artifacts. They would extend their domain at the expense of the
Zuggtmoy, his sire, Graz’zt, and possibly Lloth, through her drow Rovers of the Barrens, and the Shield Lands. They have enticed
ambassador Eclavdra. some of the western Bandit Kings to serve as mercenaries in the
Meanwhile, King Belvor IV of Furyondy must overcome the campaigns they intend to launch in the coming year.
anguish of his son’s disappearance to unite The Free City of Greyhawk thrives on trade and wealth
his fractured nobles for the inevitable war plundered from ancient tombs that give the Cairn Hills their
with Iuz. The northern lords, Veluna, name. Though many have been looted, hidden sites and greater
and the Highfolk stand ready to lend treasures may yet remain. Castle Greyhawk, the fortress–home
their strength, southern Furyondy, of the mad archmage Zagig, still attracts treasure–hunters and
the nobles of Verbobonc, and the adventurers despite its many perils. Further south, the shores
Gentry of Dyvers view Iuz as a of Hardby and the Wild Coast have recently been plagued by
distant matter. The Queen and a series of slave–taking raids by ships bearing yellow sails. In
Great Court of Celene remain dockside taverns from Hardby to Scant, it is whispered that the
silent and should war come it Yellow Sails make port in the Pomarj, and that the anarchy of
seems most uncertain what aid that land veils the rise of a new and sinister threat to the Flanaess.
they would provide. In Perrenland, Though the Temple of Elemental Evil lies in ruins, some of its
the canny Voorman Franz regards Iuz’s wicked leaders managed to escape and the cult endures. They
return with concern from his mountain may be responsible for Prince Thrommel’s disappearance, and
holdfast, determined to keep his people out if so, their plans for the paragon may include the defilement of
of conflict — whether it is their will or his very soul.
Iuz the Evil
Verbobonc, Viscount Wilfrick, LN male human Ftr 10; aging Hereditary fiefdom owing fealty to the Canon of Veluna, but enjoying considerable
Viscounty of gracefully, detests elemental cults, fixated on the big– autonomy; site of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the Battle of Emridy Meadows
Wild Coast Various burgomasters, lord mayors, and petty Free territory with self–governing settlements; haven for outcasts and dissidents; cities
despots include Narwell, Safeton, Cantona, Fax, Badwall, and Elredd
Old Keoland
Gap, the Knights of the March were reformed
he great basin of the Sheldomar and Javan
rivers lies between the Barrier Peaks, Crystalmist, into a new order — the Knights of the Watch. In
and Hellfurnace Mountains to the west and the the nearly three centuries since, the Watchers
Lortmil Mountains to the east. This expanse of have been a potent force in the region. Their rule
plain, hill, and forest is home to a collection of has not always been gentle or wise, however. As
realms, the most prominent being the Kingdom of a result, many nearby realms — notably Geoff,
Keoland. Other notable states include Bissel, Geoff, Gran March, Bissel, Ket, and Veluna — who might otherwise
the Hold of the Sea Princes, the Ulek states, and the Yeomanry. be allies, do not look warmly upon Gran March or
Keoland dominates the heart of the region, lying between the the Knights of the Watch.
Javan and the Sheldomar. It is an ancient realm, founded within The three realms that lie in the shadow of Heraldry of the
a century of the Rain of Colorless Fire by a union of Suloise and the western mountains, Geoff, Sterich, and Knights of the Watch
Oeridian peoples. Keoland’s culture and institutions are shaped the Yeomanry face perennial raids by humanoids, giants, and
by the legacy of that great cataclysm and the determination other monstrous creatures descending from the uplands or
that it never be repeated. While Keoland’s kings rule for life, erupting from the Underdark. The Barrier Peaks, north of Geoff,
succession is decided by a council of the realm’s great and good. are infamous for their strange and usually hostile inhabitants.
Establishment of state religions by the sovereign is forbidden A valley at the headwaters of the Javan river is said to be the
by law, and the practice of arcane magic is strictly controlled domain of a mysterious archmage. Recent rumors from the
by the Silent Ones. This ancient and secretive order is devoted Yeomanry speak of a great opening or passage having appeared
to preventing the spread of dangerous magical knowledge and in the mountains south–west of the town of Westburn.
artifacts. Many of the realms of this region were or are Keoish Bissel’s frontier with Ket, which includes the strategic Fals
vassals. Whilst most of Keoland’s kings have sought harmonious, Gap, has been the scene of raids and skirmishes for over a century
if paternalistic, relations with their fiefs, some sought to expand and there is no love lost between them. The Principality of Ulek
the realm’s frontiers through conquest. However, when, in the faces similar perils on its eastern frontier with the fallen Pomarj,
mid fifth century, conquest abroad threatened to become tyranny from which orc and other humanoid raiders launch frequent
at home, many vassals renounced their oaths. While a century of attacks. The southern provinces of Keoland and the Yeomanry
more conciliatory Keoish kings has improved relations, tensions suffer perennial raids by slave–takers from the Hold of the Sea
linger between Keoland and its neighbors. Princes. The princes of that realm have long profited from the
Gran March was a frontier province granted to a chivalric vile trade. However, the newly anointed Prince of Monmug, Jeon
order known as the Knights of the March, sworn to protect II, seeks to persuade his peer to outlaw slavery entirely, though
Keoland. When Baklunish raiders began to raid through the Fals he faces an uphill battle.
Keoland, King Kimbertos Skotti, LG male human Rgr 15; quick Sovereign elective monarchy with succession by assent of the Council of Niole Dra,
Kingdom of study, disdain for intrigue, possesses the common touch composed of major nobility, guildmasters, and other dignitaries; one of the oldest
surviving realms in the Flanaess and the most powerful in the region
Lortmil — Natural border between Old Keoland and the Central Flanaess; site of the Hateful
Mountains Wars between Celene, the Ulek states, and the orcs, goblinkin and humanoids of the
Sea Princes, Prince Jeon II of Monmurg, NG male human Ftr 17; Sovereign aristocratic oligarchy of merchant–princes, with the Prince of Monmurg
Hold of the stymied moralist, detests slavery, a decent man in an considered the first among equals; much of the Hold’s wealth relies upon plantations
indecent land worked by enslaved people; holders have explored and established outposts in the
Amedio Jungle to the south
Sterich, Earl Querchard, LG male human Ftr 6/Brd 6; romantic Hereditary fiefdom owing fealty to the Keoish crown, but enjoying considerable
March of warrior–poet, wandering soul, sworn brother to King autonomy; the current Earl is viewed as kin rather than a vassal by the King of Keoland
Ulek, County Count Lewenn, N male human Drd 13; deeply spiritual, Sovereign hereditary monarchy where the sovereign must belong to the hierarchy of the
of down to earth, old faith but new ideas Old Faith; former vassal of Keoland
Ulek, Duchy of Duke Grenowin of Ulek, NG male elf (high) Ftr 2/Wiz Sovereign hereditary monarchy with an entirely olven aristocracy; former vassal of
11; multilateralist, loyal ally, persistent and diplomatic Keoland with a large population of olve; Grenowin is a good friend of Prince Melf
Ulek, Prince Olinstaad Corond, LG male dwarf Ftr 3/Rog Sovereign hereditary monarchy with an entirely dwarven aristocracy; significant naval
Principality of 12; acquisitive, old campaigner, believes in right through forces on the Azure Sea; eastern frontier is threatened by raids and incursions from the
might Pomarj and the Suss Forest
Valley of the The Mage of the Valley (identity unknown) Secluded refuge of an enigmatic archmage; current inhabitants unknown; thought by
Mage some to be the resting place of the Cup and Talisman of Al’Akbar
Yeomanry Freeholder Crispin Redwell, LN male human Ftr 7/Clr Sovereign democratic republic governed by an elected Freeholder and a Council of
League 4 (Zilchus); fiery orator, man of the people, values deeds Common Grosspokesmen; suffrage for all adult citizens who have performed military
over words service or are gainfully employed
he Kingdom of Nyrond is the main bastion
protecting the Flanaess from the Great Kingdom’s works to expand his holdings and eagerly seeks allies to aid him
spreading evil. Yet after claiming sovereignty in this cause.
in 356 CY, its kings displayed the same high– The Duchy of Urnst was recently wracked by the Revolt of the
handed arrogance as their former overlords, Divines (also known as the Temple Coalition Revolt), sparked by
with Nyrondese forces burning Old Wintershiven the anti–clerical tyranny of Duke Justinian — the current duke’s
in the Pale and attacking the Duchy of Urnst. In 450 CY, King brother. It was ended only by Justinian’s death (ironically for
Dunstan I, called the Crafty, renounced these claims at the Great want of cleric healing) and the succession of Duke Karll, who
Council of Rel Mord, but memories of Nyrond’s aggression restored religious liberties. The Duchy is plagued by marauders
linger. Today Nyrond’s armies skirmish with the North Province and monsters from the Cairn Hills, Abbor–Alz, and
and the Bone March in the Flinty Hills, while its navy battles the Bright Desert. Its sister state, the County
the fleets of the South Province on the waters of Relmor Bay. It of Urnst faces perennial piracy and raiding
bolsters the Prelacy of Almor, as all know that when war with along the Artonsamay River, its frontier with
Ivid V comes, the pious Almorians will be the first to feel his the Bandit Kingdoms. As well as bolstering
vengeance. The nearby Adri Forest is home to freedom–loving her forces and fortifications, the countess
woodsfolk who defy the overking. Ancient ruins lie in the deep employs a large cadre of intelligencers
woods guarded by olven sentinels. Nyrondese and Almorian (said to include members of her family) in
forces have seen success in the Bone March. Once a fief of the the realms of the Bandit Kings, spying on
Great Kingdom, it was overrun by humanoids in 563 CY, with their movements, and occasionally taking
its capital, the fortress–city of Spinecastle, undone by treachery. more active measures to safeguard the County.
Recently, a joint Nyrondese and Almorian expedition reclaimed The Theocracy of the Pale is an orderly A Palish Holy
the southern town of Knurl, and restored it to its original ruler, realm devoted to the strict doctrines of
Symbol of Pholtus
Almor, Prelacy Prelate Kevont, NG male human Clr 12 (Pelor); Sovereign oligarchic theocracy governed by a council of clerics (including priests of
of pious, shrewd but compassionate, unflinching Pholtus, Pelor, and Heironeous) who elect the ruling prelate; staunch ally of Nyrond and
defender of his people Iron League; buffer state against the Great Kingdom
Bone March Count Dunstan of Blemu, LN male human Ftr 9; Hereditary fiefdom of the Great Kingdom that stayed loyal to values of its golden age;
distinguished gentleman, steely survivor, one step Herzog Grenell’s betrayal allowed it to be overrun by humanoid tribes from the Raker
ahead of the enemy Mountains; Marquis Clement is missing and presumed dead
Innspa, Prince Corazell of Garasteth, CN male human Ftr Hereditary fiefdom; the prince is a de jure vassal of the Prelate of Almor, but has also
Principality of 7; cheerful boor, unrepentant drunk, changeable as a sworn secret oaths of fealty to the Overking of Aerdy in an attempt to safeguard his
weathercock holdings in the event of war
Nyrond, King Archbold III of Rax–Nyrond, LG male human Sovereign hereditary monarchy; former vassal of the Overkings of Aerdy; tendency
Kingdom of Ftr 16; valiant leader of men, believes in decency and towards absolutist rule due to the threat posed to the realm by the Great Kingdom
goodness, increasingly hidebound in his thinking
Pale, Theocrat Ogon Tillit, LN male human Clr 14 Autocratic theocracy ruled by theocrat elected for life by and from the Council of Nine,
Theocracy (Pholtus); true believer, intolerant of heterodoxy, let a conclave of provincial prelates; the Church of Pholtus is the only established and legal
of the fire redeem what faith cannot state religion; the Palish church follows a strict (LN) interpretation of the One True
Path, and worship of other gods and the practice of arcane magic is brutally suppressed
Tenh, Duchy Duke Ehyeh II, LN male human Ftr 12; doughty, Sovereign hereditary monarchy; one of the few Flan–ruled realms surviving in the
of energetic ruler, leads from the front Flanaess; the duke’s heir, Ehyeh, has already earned a reputation as an aggressive
cavalry commander
Urnst, County Countess Bellissica Gellor, CG female human Wiz Hereditary fiefdom owing de jure fealty to the Duke of Urnst, though its rulers enjoy a
of 12; famous beauty, beloved by the people, superlative wide degree of de facto autonomy; former vassal of Nyrond
politician and diplomat
Urnst, Duchy Duke Karll Lorinar, CG male human Rgr 12; Sovereign hereditary monarchy; former vassal of the Great Kingdom; the Duke is
Palatine of politically naive absentee ruler, rugged outdoorsman advised by nobles in the Honorable Chamber; clerics wary due to persecution by the
previous duke; the capital, Leukish, is ruled on behalf of the duke by Hadric, a corrupt
mayor; Maure Castle is located here
Eastern Flanaess:
The Great Kingdom and Beyond
Ivid V plans to unleash war on Almor and Nyrond soon.
ithin the Great Kingdom, wickedness reigns
unchecked under a mad overking who He demands that the Herzogs of the North and South
dines with devils. The Church of Hextor Provinces muster their armies. His vassals, however,
and its armies remain obedient to Ivid V’s have their own designs. In North Province,
commands. His network of spies—the Web— Herzog Grenell forges alliances with the clans of
are ever vigilant for treason and sedition. Bone March, promising rich plunder in Nyrond.
The overking’s Companion Guard and the fanatically loyal Meanwhile, in South Province, Herzog Chelor III
Fiend Knights of Doom are his weapons of choice against plans a coordinated campaign against Idee and
his enemies. Resistance remains, however. The clandestine Sunndi, hoping to overwhelm them with weight
Heralds of the Dawnsbreak (or Dawnsbreak Clan) seek of numbers. In the See of Medegia, Holy Censor
to restore the realm to virtue. They are secretly led by the Spidesa seeks to conserve his armies, biding
Patriarch of Pholtus, Emastuss Carcosa of Rauxes. Naturally, his time for any sign of weakness in Rauxes. The Calling
the overking has declared the Dawnsbreak traitors and His neighbor in Rel Astra, Constable–Mayor Card of the
ordered their immediate extirpation. He has unexpected aid Drax, courts the Sea Barons in hopes of Midnight
in the form of Midnight Darkness, a cult devoted to Nerull, forging an alliance that would allow both
whose members are unremarkable citizens by day, but fiefs to exert more independence from Ivid
become merciless killers by night, targeting the servants of V’s capricious rule.
good gods and other “enemies of Aerdy”. In the south, the realms of the Iron League
Sunndi, Count Hazendel, CG male elf (gray) Ftr 1/Clr 4 Sovereign hereditary monarchy; former vassal of the Herzog of the South Province;
County of (Trithereon)/Wiz 7; true polymath, despises tyranny, member of the Iron League; borders on the Vast Swamp, site of Tomb of Horrors and
staunch defender of land and liberty home to Wastri the Hopping Prophet
Never again will my people be stained and damaged by the actions of an inferior race. We will travel east and find the scattered
survivors of our great empire. My Scarlet Brotherhood will build the Suel empire anew. All who do not kneel to us will be
crushed. We must move with haste, for the fires of my nation's death-pyre move this way.
The Journal of Kevelli Mauk, Survivor of the Rain of Colorless Fire and
Founder of the Scarlet Brotherhood
Northern Flanaess
(who may not). If the Hold descends into
he Northern Flanaess features a range of
climates from cool continental to subarctic to civil war, few of its neighbors will mourn.
polar tundra. Here cities and towns give way to The Cruski and Schnai have allied
tribal camps and steadings set amid cool steppe in recent years to raid the shores and
grasslands and coniferous forests. shipping of the North Province, Sea
Lying close to the mysterious Land of Black Barons, and the Great Kingdom as far
Ice, the realm of Blackmoor (known locally as Arn) abounds south as Rel Astra. Like the Fruztii, the
with strange ruins and marvels, including the sprawling Castle Cruski pay tribute to fierce King Orvung of
Blackmoor, and the Egg of Coot, an enigmatic being reputedly the Schnai. Orvung has named a price for
served by clockwork automata. These curiosities, as well as the Ustula region south of Glot, Cruski
tales of a City of the Gods and a land of eternal day beyond ancestral lands taken in war by the
the Black Ice, attract many daring adventurers from southern Schnai. If the Cruski raiders can bring
lands, though rather fewer make the return journey. back enough plunder to satisfy him,
The western steppes are dominated by the Chakyik and Orvung has promised to relinquish
Weigwur. The return of Iuz is a direct challenge to the latter, the territory. Thus, the next raiding
whose sacred burial grounds lie in the Howling Hills, for which season promises bring a storm of
the Old One shows a peculiar interest. Fierce skirmishes steel to southern shores.
have already broken out in the uplands and along the Dulsi The Archbarony of Ratik, beset
and Blackwater rivers. These seem to presage a campaign by by foes, has forged the Northern
Alliance with the Fruztii and seeks King Ralff
Iuz’s armies to crush the troublesome nomads. Agents of Old
Wicked have visited the court of the Chakyik Ilkhan, urging war allies in the other Rhizian kingdoms. The of the Frutzii
against their old rivals to the east. However, the envoys were pact was solemnized by the Seal of the
sent away with warnings that to appear again in the lands of the Alliance (known colloquially as the Seal of
Chakyik would be their death. Marner), a gold–edged parchment bearing the great wax seals
The eastern steppes and the subarctic Barrens are the of both Archbaron Lexnol and King Rälff and blessed by the
traditional lands of the Arapahi, known to southern realms gods of Ratik and the Fruztii. Those who would sunder this
as the Rovers of the Barrens. Their combined warbands were alliance – most notably the agents the Overking of Aerdy –
badly defeated by the Horned Society at the Battle of the Opicm have determined that stealing this document would fatally
River in 515 CY and they have never quite recovered from the undermine the pact, given the great stock the superstitious
reverse. The Horned Society continue their encroachment and Fruztii put in its symbolism.
the return of Iuz is an unmistakable ill–omen. The Ataman of Turmoil is the only constant among the Combination of
the Wardogs (as their elite warriors are known) knows that they Freelords (Bandit Kingdoms). Marauding bandits have raided
must soon make a stand or perish. all of the neighboring lands except the Horned Society. The
In the Hold of Stonefist, threats multiply to the rule of the Hierarchs escaped their depredations only because some of
Master of the Hold, Sevvord Redbeard. Ratik and the Fruztii, the western bandit lords have allied with them for a campaign
and, separately, the Tenhas all seem to be planning campaigns against the Arapahi. The Bandit Kingdoms are marked by two
against the Hold. Meanwhile, disunity grows over the rulership notable natural features – the Riftcanyon, a 180 mile long, 30
of the Hold between the descendants of Stonefist (who may mile wide, and 1 mile deep rent in the Oerth surrounded by
compete for positions of leadership) and the indigenous Coltens rocky badlands, and White Plume Mountain, a lone volcanic
peak southwest of the Rift.
n these lands Baklunish culture endures
and thrives. In the north, the survivors of the beacon of enlightenment, populous,
Invoked Devastation founded great realms and prosperous, and—for the most part—
cities where learning and commerce flourished. peaceful. The realm is blessed with
The Zashassar of Ekbir is one of the greatest not one, but two great metropolises.
schools of arcane magic in the Flanaess, The ancient city of Ekbir is one of
preserving knowledge from before the Twin Cataclysms. The the oldest in Western Oerik, while its
Mouqollad Consortium unites merchant clans into a powerful second city, Kofeh, is larger than most
alliance to secure their collective prosperity. Its caravans and capitals in the Flanaess. Goods
fleets traverse land and sea to trade with far–off lands. The from across Oerik are bought and
faith of Al’Akbar is prominent in the settled realms, though sold in the sprawling bazaars
it is riven by a schism between the Exalted Faith, led by the and bedistans of these trading
Caliph of Ekbir, and the True Faith led by the Grand Mufti of ports. The northern provinces
the Yatils. The schism arose after the theft of the Cup and are subject to raids by the
Talisman of Al’Akbar, which remain unrecovered. Chakyik, while Ekbir’s coasts
The realm of Ket is the main gateway between the Flanaess are occasionally harassed by
and the Baklunish West. As a frontier land, it has seen is share of pirates from the Ataphad Isles
war and there is longstanding animosity between Ket and Bissel. in the northern Dramidj Ocean. Rary of Ket
The current beygraf harbors ambitions to expand his realm Ekbir’s famous spahi — holy knights
eastwards through conquest. However, he well knows that such devoted to Al’Akbar — defend her on land, while a substantial
aggression would rouse not only Veluna and Furyondy against navy defends her shores and the lucrative Mouqollad
him, but Gran March and the Knights of the Watch. For now, at trade fleets.
least, he bides his time, waiting for an opportune time to strike. The Sultanate of Zeif is the imperial power of the region.
Tusmit is a relatively small country in terms of population. Rising from the ruins of the Baklunish Empire, the writ of
However, it has as neighbors two of the most populous — its sultan once extended to Tusmit and Ket in the east and
Ekbir and Zeif. Having been beholden to both in the past, the Khedivate of Mur in the west. Zeif’s imperial fortunes
the sovereignty it currently enjoys is thanks to careful and have waxed and waned over the centuries. Its only “foreign”
cunning diplomacy, pitting one giant against the other, while holdings now are the ports of the Bakhoury Coast — but even
professing friendship to both. Jadhim’orem Pasha fears that here, embers of rebellion smolder, fanned by Zeif’s western
the Caliph of Ekbir desires to absorb Tusmit, and so employs rivals, Risay and Komal. The current sultan — a somewhat
covert agents to enflame tensions between the caliph and remote and cautious ruler — has reigned for over two decades
Zeif’s sultan. Should those efforts fail, he is also hiring with few territorial gains to show for it. Therefore, he has
mercenaries from far and near to strengthen his armies. directed the Diwan (his council of advisors led by the Grand
Should those efforts succeed, however, it could spark a war Vizier), to do more to assert his authority over all the lands
that tears the west asunder. once held by his forebearers.
Beyond our fragile realms lie the Fading Lands, where the Oerth intersects the Planes.
Some possess a strange allure to the adventurous, like the Isle of the Ape or the Court
of Rings, where the Fey cavort and dance. Others are places of dread and woe, such
as the Reaping Halls of Scythingfane or the infernal wasteland that cradles the Blood
Obelisk of the Aerdy—a shameful monument to an unspeakable act of wickedness.
The Flanaess is replete with such sites of mystery, their tales too
vast to recount in a single lifetime. Fortunately, I will soon have
the benefit of many lifetimes.