D. J. Frantzeskakis
Department of Physics, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, Athens 157 84, Greece
Solitons are one of the most prominent features of non- Different methods have been explored to create dark
linear dynamics emerging in diverse fields extending from solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates [9–15]. In our ex-
hydrodynamics to solid state physics and from nonlinear periment, the solitons are generated by merging two co-
optics to biophysics. Dark solitons are the fundamental herent condensates initially prepared in a double well
excitations of the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equa- potential. This formation process can be regarded as a
tion [1], and have the form of a localized ‘‘dip’’ on a back- consequence of matter-wave interference of the two con-
ground wave, accompanied by a phase jump [2]. These densates [21–24]. The further evolution of the created
localized waveforms have been demonstrated experimen- solitons in the trap is shown in Fig. 1(a). Our procedure
tally in different contexts, including liquids [3], discrete is very similar to the recently reported generation of vor-
mechanical systems [4], thin magnetic films [5], optical tices out of a triple well potential [25].
media [6–8], and, more recently, Bose-Einstein conden- Since the two dominant solitons are created with a
sates (BECs) [9–15]. The possibility of creating pairs of distance of a few healing lengths ( is on the order of
dark solitons [7] has stimulated considerable interest in the 250 to 400 nm), which defines the range of the repulsive
repulsive [16] short-range interactions between them soliton interaction, the collisions between them lead to a
[17,18]. The resulting collisions, during which the solitons significant modification of the oscillation frequency. The
approach within a distance comparable to their width, have measured frequencies deviate up to 16% from the single
a universal character and thus, e.g., optical solitons interact soliton
pffiffiffi asymptotic Thomas-Fermi 1D (TF1D) prediction of
essentially the same way as matter-wave solitons. z = 2 [26], where z is the longitudinal trapping fre-
In this Letter we report on the systematic generation of a quency. Our experimental results are in quantitative agree-
pair of matter-wave dark solitons, which is subsequently ment with numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii
oscillating and colliding in a harmonic trap. Our experi- equation (GPE). They reveal that dark solitons can behave
ment is performed in the crossover regime between one very similar to particles. This is confirmed by explaining
and three dimensions [19], where dark solitons exist and the essential features of the dynamics within a simple
are robust [20]. This allows us to monitor multiple oscil- physical picture regarding the dark solitons as particles in
lations and collisions of dark solitons, permitting the pre- an effective potential due to the external trap and their
cise measurement of their oscillation frequency and their mutually repulsive interactions. Being in the crossover
mutual repulsive interactions. Previous experiments have regime, the role of the transverse degrees of freedom has
been performed in a genuine 3D regime where dark sol- to be included in the effective potential [27].
itons are unstable due to the so-called snaking instability Before elaborating on the theoretical models and sys-
and eventually decay into vortex rings [11,20]. In these tematic studies we will briefly describe the details of the
experiments, solely their translation in the trap has been experimental setup. We prepare a BEC of 87 Rb in the
shown [9–11]. Only very recently dark solitons have been jF ¼ 2; mF ¼ 2i state, containing about N ¼ 1500 atoms
reported to undergo a single oscillation period in a har- in a double well potential. This potential is realized by
monic trap [15]. superimposing a far detuned crossed optical dipole trap
reproducibility of the soliton dynamics up to 100 ms allows perimental parameter range pffiffiffiffiffi is 0:06–0:14, Nas =
the observation of up to 7 oscillation periods. The typical a? 1:2–1:8 and ððN= Þas =a? Þ1=3 2:8–4:4, pffiffiffi which
statistical experimental error in the frequency measure- sets us out of the validity domain of the z = 2 prediction.
ment is 1:5%. Figure 2 shows the results of our frequency We now give a theoretical description of the different
measurements and their comparison with numerical simu- effects leading to the observed upshift. We consider the
lations for the motion of two trapped solitons using the two solitons as particles moving in an effective potential
nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation (NPSE) [29], which which arises from the combination of a harmonic potential
is an excellent approximation to the 3D GPE in the dimen- due to the trap [26] [see Fig. 3(a)] and a repulsive potential
sionality crossover regime [27]. due to the interaction between the solitons [30]. Because of
In order to capture the essentials of the dynamics of the the spatially symmetric preparation, the effective potential
experimentally realized soliton pairs in the simulations, we is a symmetric double well potential which is depicted in
initialize the condensate with two solitons such that the rms Fig. 3(b). This potential can be expressed as a function of
amplitude of their oscillating motion matches the one the distance z of each of the solitons from the trap center
observed experimentally. The good agreement between and its time derivative z:_
numerics and experiments shows that the dynamics pro-
z2 B2
duced by our experimental method is well described within _ ¼ ð21s Þ2
Vðz; zÞ þ ; (1)
a two soliton approximation even though extra solitons are 2 2mcosh2 ð2Bz=Þ
produced. From our experiment and the NPSE simulations,
we observe an upshift up to 16% from the z = 2 predic-
tion which was the first value theoretically derived for the
oscillation frequency of a single trapped soliton [26]. It is
expected to be valid in a 1D trap in thep
ffiffiffiffiffi Thomas-
Fermi limit (Nas =a? 1 and ððN= Þas =a? Þ1=3 1)
[19], where ¼ z =? 1 is the aspect ratio of the trap
and a? the transverse harmonic oscillator length. Our ex-