Gabriela Paz-Bailey, Laura E Adams, Jacqueline Deen, Kathryn B Anderson, Leah C Katzelnick
Dengue, caused by four closely related viruses, is a growing global public health concern, with outbreaks capable of Lancet 2024; 403: 667–82
overwhelming health-care systems and disrupting economies. Dengue is endemic in more than 100 countries across Published Online
tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, and the expanding range of the mosquito vector, affected in part by January 24, 2024
climate change, increases risk in new areas such as Spain, Portugal, and the southern USA, while emerging evidence S0140-6736(23)02576-X
points to silent epidemics in Africa. Substantial advances in our understanding of the virus, immune responses, and Centers for Disease Control and
disease progression have been made within the past decade. Novel interventions have emerged, including partially Prevention, San Juan, Puerto
effective vaccines and innovative mosquito control strategies, although a reliable immune correlate of protection Rico (G Paz-Bailey MD,
remains a challenge for the assessment of vaccines. These developments mark the beginning of a new era in dengue L E Adams DVM); Institute of
Child Health and Human
prevention and control, offering promise in addressing this pressing global health issue. Development, National
Institutes of Health, University
Introduction ticks, such as Zika, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, and of the Philippines, Manila,
Dengue is a systemic viral infection of increasing global tick-borne encephalitis viruses. The four dengue viruses Philippines (J Deen MD);
Department of Microbiology
importance. Epidemics of an illness compatible with are called serotypes because each has different and Immunology, SUNY
dengue were first reported1 in 1779 and the virus was first interactions with the antibodies in human blood.2 They Upstate Medical University,
isolated in 1943.2 Currently, dengue is endemic in more share approximately two-thirds of their genomes,2 with Syracuse, NY, USA
than 100 countries in tropical and subtropical regions of different genotypes existing within each serotype, which (K B Anderson MD); Viral
Epidemiology and Immunity
southeast Asia, Africa, the west Pacific, and the Americas.3 can vary in disease severity. DENV is primarily Unit, Laboratory of Infectious
Dengue is also seen in some regions of Europe, including transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito Diseases, National Institute of
France, Croatia, Portugal, and Germany, and some parts of vector, with Aedes aegypti as the most common vector, Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
the USA. Climate change, population growth, human although other species (eg, Aedes albopictus) can also National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA
mobility, and urbanisation are anticipated to exacerbate the sustain transmission. Other rare transmission routes (L C Katzelnick PhD)
dengue burden, primarily by increasing risk in endemic include perinatal transmission, blood transfusion, and Correspondence to:
areas, as well as secondarily by expanding the range of the organ transplantation; two cases of sexual transmission Gabriela Paz-Bailey, Centers for
primary vector, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, into new areas.4 have also been documented.11–15 The incubation period Disease Control and Prevention,
Studies predict that the global population at risk will from exposure to symptom development is typically San Juan 00920, Puerto Rico
[email protected]
increase from 53% in 2015, to 63% in 2080, with high 4–10 days.16
environmental suitability for dengue in tropical and
subtropical areas worldwide (figure 1).5 Epidemiology
Dengue has an important economic impact, The global burden of dengue illness has continued to
resulting in estimated global health-care costs of more rise throughout the past decade, with large outbreaks in
than US$8·9 billion (95% CI 3·7 billion–19·7 billion) endemic areas and more cases of dengue in travellers.
annually.6,7 High costs are associated with loss of During 2007–17, deaths from dengue increased by
productivity, and direct medical costs are incurred from 65·5% to more than 40 500 (95% CI 17 600–49 800)
hospitalisation.8,9 Dengue outbreaks can overwhelm annually.17 Expansion of Aedes mosquito vectors and
health-care systems, disrupt economies, and reduce increasing dengue incidence in non-endemic areas is
public confidence in government responses. Many also a growing concern. New detections of local dengue
commonly used vector control strategies, such as transmission in areas without previous transmission
insecticide spraying, have failed to curb disease and increased cases in areas with sporadic transmission
incidence but continue to be employed in the absence of have been documented in southern Europe and the
robust evidence for their effectiveness or optimal USA, as well as unprecedented outbreaks at high
implementation.10 However, increased understanding of altitudes as seen in Nepal.18–20 Additionally, more DENV
dengue epidemiology and immune mediators of serotypes are cocirculating in endemic areas, producing
symptomatic and severe disease, as well as the availability
of effective clinical management, partially effective
vaccines, candidate vaccines in the pipeline, and novel Search strategy and selection criteria
approaches to mosquito control, have the potential to We searched PubMed for papers published between
inform and substantially improve the effectiveness of Sept 30, 2012, and Oct 10, 2022. We used the search terms
dengue control programmes. “dengue” or “dengue virus”. We also included references cited
in these publications and relevant older references from our
Dengue viruses personal files. We consulted international dengue control,
DENV-1, 2, 3, and 4 are single-stranded RNA viruses in prevention, and treatment guidelines and WHO policy
the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Flavivirus documents.
includes other viruses transmitted by mosquitoes and
dengue.89 Ascites, pleural effusion, and gallbladder wall Fever and laboratory findings
thickening are the most common findings, but standard
protocols for sonographic procedures and improved Temperature
IgG is detectable around day 7 in primary infections; the when differentiating between Zika virus (ZIKV) and
antibody concentration increases slowly thereafter and is dengue could have important clinical implications.110 NS1
thought to persist for life. In patients with secondary antibody ELISA tests for ZIKV have high specificity due
infections, anti-dengue IgG titres rise rapidly within the to the substantial amino acid differences between DENV
first week of illness (figure 3). Although serological assays and ZIKV NS1, and can be useful for differential
provide less certainty than NAAT or NS1 due to cross- diagnosis.111
reactivity with other flaviviruses and longer antibody
duration, a positive anti-DENV IgM suggests recent Dengue immunology
infection (within the past 12 weeks). Additionally, DENV infection is initiated in the skin when an infected
seroconversion or a four-fold rise in titres on anti-DENV mosquito takes a bloodmeal, injecting the virus along
IgM or IgG assays in paired samples is strongly suggestive with salivary proteins that increase recruitment of
of recent infection.113 Many rapid tests are available and susceptible immune cells to the site of infection.116
are an important tool for the early diagnosis of dengue. Myeloid cells are a key target of DENV infection, including
Meta-analyses suggest that immunochromatographic monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. A first
tests that combine IgM, IgG, and NS1 detection have the DENV infection results in an early innate response
best performance compared with tests detecting characterised by stimulation of interferon gamma (IFNγ).
individual analytes, with pooled sensitivity of 90–91% and By contrast, in subsequent DENV infections, binding (but
specificities of 89–96%.114,115 Unfortunately, these tests are not neutralising) antibodies induced by previous exposure
not widely available in dengue-endemic areas. In patients to DENV (or a related flavivirus) facilitate infection of
from areas in which transmission of other flaviviruses is myeloid cells via the fragment crystallisable gamma
common, plaque reduction neutralisation tests (PRNT) receptor (FcγR), producing a larger population of viruses
can help distinguish DENV from other flaviviruses. and further exacerbating disease severity in a process
PRNTs, however, are rarely available in clinical called extrinsic antibody-dependent enhancement
laboratories and typically do not provide results within a (ADE).117–121 Entry via the FcγR also mediates intrinsic
meaningful timeframe for clinical management. PRNTs ADE, which suppresses IFNγ stimulation and innate
might be valuable in circumstances such as pregnancy, immunity and shifts towards a T-helper-2 response
dominated by secretion of IL-10, minimising induction of
other proinflammatory cytokines and hindering the early
Pathogenic Protective
cellular and humoral immune response (figure 4).117 ADE
Mature Partially immature is thought to increase replication of the virus at this key
virion virion
early stage and elevate the risk of progression to severe
dengue, DHF, and DSS.132,133 However, although pre-
infection binding antibody concentrations are associated
with increased viremia and risk of DHF and DSS, the
Interleukin-10 causal link from ADE to elevated viremia to DHF or DSS
has not been shown.120
Antibody-dependent enhancement of myeloid cells Broadly neutralising antibodies targeting quaternary
epitopes and with strong effector functions
Mediators of severe disease
CD14+CD16+ monocytes increase in early DENV
infection122,134 and help to trigger a strong plasmablast
response characterised by secretion of high concentrations
of anti-DENV antibodies.122,134 The role that excess antibody
production has in acute dengue is not clear, but could
Strong plasmablast response drives antibody-dependent Protective tissue-resident cytotoxic CD8+ T cells
enhancement and immunopathology contribute to disease pathogenesis by furthering ADE,
increasing autoantibodies, and potentially changing
yme B glycosylation of antibodies, which is strongly associated
with DHF and DSS.123,124 DENV can also directly infect B
cells, and although B-cell infection does not substantially
contribute to viremia, it does drive proliferation of B cells
Low-affinity cross-reactive T cells and Effective cytotoxic CD4+ T cells
and stimulation of cytokines.135 Elevated viral load might
original antigenic sin also mediate severe disease by increasing secretion of NS1.
In in-vitro and animal models, NS1 concentrations directly
Figure 4: Correlates of dengue pathogenesis and protection and indirectly trigger vascular leakage, disrupting the
Types of immunological responses associated with increased dengue disease (a pathogenic response, generally glycocalyx and tight junctures between endothelial cells
during a secondary infection, is associated with antibody-dependent enhancement of myeloid
cells,117–119 strong plasmablast response,122–124 and weak T-cell response125) or reduced disease (a protective response is
lining blood vessels and further facilitating plasma leakage
associated with broadly neutralising antibodies126,127 and effective, cytotoxic CD8+ and CD4+ T cells128–131). and dissemination of virus into tissue.136 However, the
Figure created with association between NS1 concentrations and severe disease
has not been clearly shown in clinical studies.69 Severe maturation and target quaternary epitopes conserved
dengue is also associated with liver and spleen pathology, across serotypes, therefore providing broad protection.
with autopsies revealing DENV tropism for liver High concentrations of cross-reactive binding antibodies
macrophages (ie, Kupffer cells) and splenic macrophages, and multiple previous DENV infections are associated
which secrete high amounts of cytokines and mediate with reduced risk of symptomatic disease.132,143,151
damage due to deposition of complement, resulting in Consistent with this observation, the Dengvaxia and
necrosis in liver and splenic endothelial cells.137 Qdenga dengue vaccines have high efficacy against
symptomatic and severe disease in DENV-immune
T-cell responses individuals but not naive individuals, further suggesting
The role of DENV-specific T cells has been debated, as they that sequential exposure to distinct DENV strains is
have been implicated in both pathogenic and protective important for inducing broad protection.152,153 A few post-
immunity (figure 4). With regard to a pathogenic role, CD8+ secondary broadly neutralising antibodies have been
T cells induced by previous DENV infection have been identified, such as envelope-dimer-dependent epitope
shown to have low affinity for the new infecting serotype, (EDE) antibodies. These antibodies target conserved
proliferating but with little cytotoxic function, which quaternary epitopes and neutralise by disrupting the
results in delayed viral clearance and stimulation of conformational changes required for viral entry.126,127 EDE-
proinflammatory cytokines that mediate leakage and like broadly neutralising antibodies might be useful
disease.125 However, other studies suggest a protective role, correlates of protection for the evaluation of new dengue
with increased magnitude and more multifunctional, vaccines.
cytokine-producing DENV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses
and specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles Dengue vaccines
associated with reduced viremia, and lowering the The need for a tetravalent formulation that induces
probability of progression to symptomatic disease and simultaneous and balanced protection against all four
severe dengue.128–130 serotypes has slowed the development of a dengue
DENV-specific CD4+ cells promote CD8+ T cells and vaccine. Among people with a previous DENV infection,
stimulate B cells. Individuals with multiple previous DENV even a vaccine dominated by one serotype is likely to
exposures have populations of clonally expanded cytotoxic induce cross-protective immunity by activating memory
CD4+ cells that could be protective.131 By contrast, although B and T cells. However, in DENV-naive individuals with
T follicular helper (Tfh) cells are crucial for facilitating no immune memory, the protective immune response
maturation of the B-cell response, Tfh expansion in acute will strongly depend on the immunogenicity of each
dengue has been associated with secondary and severe serotype-specific vaccine component.154
dengue and a strong plasmablast response, suggesting a There are currently three leading dengue vaccines.
possible role in immunopathology.138,139 Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV), developed by Sanofi Pasteur
(Lyon, France), was the first licensed dengue vaccine.155
DENV serotypes and post-secondary DENV antibodies Qdenga (TAK-003), developed by Takeda (Osaka, Japan),
Although all DENV serotypes can result in symptomatic was approved by the European Commission in
or severe disease, differences have been identified in risk December, 2020, and is licensed in several countries,
by serotype and infection number (ie, primary or including Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, the UK, and
secondary). DENV-2-associated and DENV-4-associated Germany.156–158 The third, TV003, was developed by the
dengue illnesses are more frequently identified as National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA) and is
secondary DENV infections, whereas DENV-1 and in phase 3 trials.159 All three are live vaccines and contain
DENV-3 can cause frequent primary disease.140–142 DENV-4 four different attenuated vaccine viruses (ie, are
has been associated with a reduced risk of disease tetravalent) targeting each of the DENV serotypes.
compared with the other serotypes, as shown by However, they differ in the number of doses required (one
observations of silent DENV-4 epidemics in Thailand.143 to three) and time to complete the series (up to 1 year),
All sequences of infecting serotypes can cause severe which could affect feasibility and preferences for use in
disease and no defined order in the sequence of DENV different settings. Additionally, the need for a dengue test
infections for worse outcomes exists, although different to establish eligibility (ie, a prevaccination screening)
patterns have been described.144.145 Antigenic differences poses a logistical barrier for vaccines recommended only
between serotypes could be important in explaining the for use among people with a previous DENV infection.
magnitude of dengue epidemics,146–148 and viral sequence, Several other dengue vaccine candidates are undergoing
genotype, and changes in non-structural proteins could clinical trials or preclinical evaluation, including other
also help establish epidemic severity.149,150 live-attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, recombinant
Sequential infection with distinct DENV serotypes vaccines, and DNA vaccines.160 The successful mRNA
induces antibodies capable of neutralising DENV-1–4 vaccine technology used for SARS-CoV-2 is also being
without triggering ADE, probably by activating cross- evaluated for dengue and could provide dengue vaccine
reactive memory B cells to undergo further affinity candidates in the future.161
Ranges in parentheses are 95% CIs. The Dengvaxia trial included participants aged 2–16 years but the vaccine is licensed for seropositive individuals aged 9 years or older.
Estimates of efficacy against hospitalisation by serotype in seronegative participants aged 2–8 years are: DENV-1:–42 (95% CI 34 to –205); DENV-2: –436 (–58 to –1723);
DENV-3: –141 (9 to –540); and DENV-4: –16 (70 to –344). DENV=dengue virus. NE=not possible to estimate due to a zero cell in one of the groups. NR=not reported.
VCD=virologically confirmed dengue.
Table: Comparison of vaccine efficacy for the target use population for live attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccines that are licensed or in phase 3 trials
offspring, however, survive and pass this gene to future found in wild Aedes mosquitoes,187 have also been used for
generations. As a result, mosquito populations decrease vector control. Wolbachia-mediated suppression refers to
over time.184,185 a reduction in wild populations of Aedes mosquitoes and
Strategies using Wolbachia, an intracellular bacterium is achieved by releasing Wolbachia-infected males into the
found in about 60% of all insects186 but not commonly environment to mate with uninfected wild females, as the
resulting eggs do not hatch.188 In Wolbachia replacement, theorised that a first DENV infection induced antibodies
both Wolbachia-infected males and female mosquitoes that waned over 2 years to titres that could subsequently
are released, which pass the bacteria to their offspring enhance severe dengue disease, and that secondary
and gradually replace the wild population.189,190 In DENV infection with a different serotype induced stable,
mosquitoes, Wolbachia infection reduces transmission of cross-serotype protective antibodies.193 However, instead
arboviruses, including dengue, chikungunya, and Zika of waning over 2 years, cross-reactive binding antibodies
viruses, when infected female mosquitoes take a associated with protection or enhancement are stable by
bloodmeal. This method has shown reductions of nearly around 8 months after primary infection and are
80% in dengue cases and related hospitalisations in areas maintained at that set point for many years after.143,194 By
of implementation191 and is currently being deployed in contrast, anti-DENV antibodies induced after secondary
Brazil and Indonesia.192 DENV are less stable, wane rapidly for 8 months, and
then gradually decay over longer periods. One study
Dengue controversies, gaps, and opportunities showed vaccine efficacy waned much faster than
Many of the key questions in dengue research revolve geometric mean antibody titres to DENV-1–4, suggesting
around the role and behaviour of antibodies in protective a component of immunity other than waning antibodies
immunity and ADE, and how these change at different that could explain the loss of protection.195
timepoints after infection (panel 2). Previous work Although serotype-specific immunity (ie, homotypic
immunity) has been thought to impart lifelong
Panel 2: Priorities for future dengue virus (DENV) research protection, some evidence suggests that reinfections
with a given DENV serotype could occur.196 This evidence
DENV prevention and control bears further evaluation; if proven, the absence of lifelong
• Effectiveness of combined vaccine and vector control homotypic immunity would have important implications
programmes in decreasing or eliminating DENV infection for dengue vaccines and our understanding of DENV
and illness epidemiology.
• Long-term data on the effectiveness of interventions, Additionally, factors shaping the variability observed in
such as vaccines and Wolbachia-based vector control the severity of dengue epidemics remain poorly understood.
Immune correlates of protection Investigators in Taiwan have reported increasing severity
• Immune signatures durably associated with throughout the time course of a given epidemic, associated
immunopathogenesis and immunoprotection for DENV with increased viral diversity, which they hypothesise to be
• Clinical and immunological interactions between DENV driven by cross-protective immunity.197,198 Whether these
and non-DENV flaviviruses same phenomena are replicated in other regions, with
• Establishing whether the durability of homotypic different levels of population immunity and transmission
protection is lifelong patterns, is unclear.
• Importance of immune boosting in maintaining Identification of a satisfactory immune correlate of
protective immunity for DENV protection—a biomarker measuring immune response to
• Gaps in vaccine efficacy for specific subgroups (eg, in vaccination that is associated with vaccine efficacy—
young children and DENV-naive children, and incomplete remains an important challenge for DENV epidemiological
serotype-specific protection) that could lead to studies and assessments of vaccine immunogenicity
enhancement of severe disease (panel 2). This challenge is mainly due to the dominance
of immunity to cross-reactive epitopes that do not provide
DENV epidemiology effective protection. In the Dengvaxia paediatric vaccine
• Identifying the conditions under which homotypic DENV trial, the discordance between vaccine efficacy and
reinfection might be possible, including frequency of neutralisation response rates indicated that PRNT
occurrence and associated risk factors neutralisation response is not a completely valid correlate
• Identifying and understanding the features of settings of protection. However, increased PRNT titres after three
where DENV severity increases during the course of an doses of Dengvaxia were associated with a reduced rate of
epidemic VCD and hospitalisation overall and for each infecting
• Harmonisation of surveillance and laboratory methods serotype.199 After vaccination, geometric neutralising
across regions experiencing DENV transmission; increased antibodies by PRNT to DENV-1–4 of a ratio of at least 1:100
data sharing, and establishing a coordinated genomic were associated with around 50% protection against
surveillance strategy symptomatic dengue, while titres of at least 1:500 were
Management and diagnosis associated with 80% vaccine efficacy; high titres were also
• Improved point-of-care diagnostics associated with protection against dengue disease
• Clinical evaluation of the effect of antivirals requiring hospitalisation.199,200 In the Qdenga vaccine trials,
• Improved triage and risk assessment tools (eg, biomarkers neutralising antibody titres were lower in participants
and ultrasound) with VCD compared with healthy controls; these
differences were most evident among seropositive
participants.153 Techniques such as antibody depletion of contributes substantially to transmission but complicates
cross-reactive antibodies provide improved information detection, and the non-specific presentation of acute febrile
about serotype-specific immunity and have shown illness can easily be mistaken for other causes. The non-
associations with serotype-specific vaccine efficacy.153,199–201 specific dengue symptoms are a particular challenge in
Depletion assays have shown that Dengvaxia is dominated malaria-endemic regions in which cases have similar
by DENV-4 type-specific antibodies and the Takeda dengue presentations, in areas with restricted diagnostic test
vaccine by DENV-2 type-specific antibodies, with mostly availability, and regions with infrequent or sporadic dengue
cross-reactive antibodies against other serotypes.154,202 transmission. National dengue surveillance systems also
Many of these serotype-specific antibodies bind quaternary vary widely in surveillance and laboratory capacity, and in
epitopes (ie, two adjacent E proteins simultaneously). The case definitions used; future efforts should work towards
role of neutralising antibodies binding quaternary strengthening country-level surveillance and laboratory
epitopes is an area of research into correlates of protection. capacity, har monising case definitions, establishing
The role of immunological boosting, defined here as regional strategies (eg, for genomic surveillance), and
qualitative or quantitative changes in immunity encouraging public data sharing to better inform dengue
associated with re-exposure to DENV in an individual preparedness and response efforts.
already exposed to that serotype, remains poorly Contributors
understood. The effects of boosting are proposed to be GP-B coordinated the writing of the manuscript and wrote the first and
evident in dynamic antibody patterns among individuals final drafts. LEA was responsible for the section on epidemiology,
LCK for the virus and the immune response, JD for dengue clinical
residing in hyperendemic locales over time.203 If boosting presentation and management, and KBA for controversies, gaps,
were an important contributor to maintenance of DENV and opportunities. All authors contributed to and approved the final
immunity and durability of protection, interventions that manuscript.
decrease the force of infection (eg, incompletely Declaration of interests
protective vaccination programmes or partially effective No funding was used for this publication. GP-B and LEA are employees
mosquito control programmes) could yield paradoxical of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. LCK is supported by
the Intramural Research Program of the US National Institute of Allergy
effects by lowering levels of boosting and increasing the and Infectious Diseases. The findings and conclusions in this Seminar
susceptible population. However, partially effective are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official
vaccines and mosquito control interventions complement position of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All other
each other, contributing effectiveness when the other is authors declare no competing interests.
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