Eureka Math™
Grade 3, Module 7
Student File_A
Contains copy-ready classwork and homework
as well as templates (including cut outs)
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 1 Problem Set 3
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Lena’s family visits Little Tree Apple Orchard. Use the RDW process to solve the problems about Lena’s visit
to the orchard. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
Adult ticket . . . . . . . . . $7
Child ticket . . . . . . . . . $4
a. Lena’s family buys 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets for the hayride. How much does it cost Lena’s
family to go on the hayride?
b. Lena’s mom pays for the tickets with $5 bills. She receives $3 in change. How many $5 bills does
Lena’s mom use to pay for the hayride?
c. Lena’s family wants to go on the fourth hayride of the day. It’s 11:38 now. How many minutes do
they have to wait for the fourth hayride?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 1
2. Lena picked 17 apples, and her brother picked 19. Lena’s mom has a pie recipe that requires 9 apples.
How many pies can Mom make with the apples that Lena and her brother picked?
3. Lena’s dad gives the cashier $30 to pay for 6 liters of apple cider. The cashier gives him $6 in change.
How much does each liter of apple cider cost?
4. The apple orchard has 152 apple trees. There are 88 trees with red apples. The rest of the trees have
green apples. How many more trees have red apples than green apples?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 2
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Max’s family takes the train to visit the city zoo. Use the RDW process to solve the problems about Max’s trip
to the zoo. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. The sign below shows information about the train schedule into the city.
a. Max’s family buys 2 adult tickets and 3 child tickets. How much does it cost Max’s family to take the
train into the city?
b. Max’s father pays for the tickets with $10 bills. He receives $6 in change. How many $10 bills does
Max’s father use to pay for the train tickets?
c. Max’s family wants to take the fourth train of the day. It’s 6:38 a.m. now. How many minutes do
they have to wait for the fourth train?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 3
2. At the city zoo, they see 17 young bats and 19 adult bats. The bats are placed equally into 4 areas. How
many bats are in each area?
3. Max’s father gives the cashier $20 to pay for 6 water bottles. The cashier gives him $8 in change. How
much does each water bottle cost?
4. The zoo has 112 types of reptiles and amphibians in their exhibits. There are 72 types of reptiles, and the
rest are amphibians. How many more types of reptiles are there than amphibians in the exhibits?
Lesson 1: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 4
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. Leanne needs 120 tiles for an art project. She has 56 tiles. If tiles are sold in boxes of 8, how many more
boxes of tiles does Leanne need to buy?
2. Gwen pours 236 milliliters of water into Ravi’s beaker. Henry pours 189 milliliters of water into Ravi’s
beaker. Ravi’s beaker now contains 800 milliliters of water. How much water was in Ravi’s beaker to
begin with?
3. Maude hung 3 pictures on her wall. Each picture measures 8 inches by 10 inches. What is the total area
of the wall covered by the pictures?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 5
4. Kami scored a total of 21 points during her basketball game. She made 6 two-point shots, and the rest
were three-point shots. How many three-point shots did Kami make?
5. An orange weighs 198 grams. A kiwi weighs 85 grams less than the orange. What is the total weight of
the fruit?
6. The total amount of rain that fell in New York City in two years was 282 centimeters. In the first year,
185 centimeters of rain fell. How many more centimeters of rain fell in the first year than in the second
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 6
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. A box containing 3 small bags of flour weighs 950 grams. Each bag of flour weighs 300 grams. How much
does the empty box weigh?
2. Mr. Cullen needs 91 carpet squares. He has 49 carpet squares. If the squares are sold in boxes of 6, how
many more boxes of carpet squares does Mr. Cullen need to buy?
3. Erica makes a banner using 4 sheets of paper. Each paper measures 9 inches by 10 inches. What is the
total area of Erica’s banner?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 7
4. Monica scored 32 points for her team at the Science Bowl. She got 5 four-point questions correct, and
the rest of her points came from answering three-point questions. How many three-point questions did
she get correct?
5. Kim’s black kitten weighs 175 grams. Her gray kitten weighs 43 grams less than the black kitten. What is
the total weight of the two kittens?
6. Cassias and Javier’s combined height is 267 centimeters. Cassias is 128 centimeters tall. How much taller
is Javier than Cassias?
Lesson 2: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the 8
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problems below. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
When you are finished, share your solutions with a partner. Discuss and compare your strategies with your
partner’s strategies.
1. Monica measures 91 milliliters of water into 9 tiny beakers. She measures an equal amount of water into
the first 8 beakers. She pours the remaining water into the ninth beaker. It measures 19 milliliters. How
many milliliters of water are in each of the first 8 beakers?
2. Matthew and his dad put up 8 six-foot lengths of fence on Monday and 9 six-foot lengths on Tuesday.
What is the total length of the fence?
3. The total weight of Laura’s new pencils is 112 grams. One pencil rolls off the scale. Now the scale reads
105 grams. What is the total weight of 7 new pencils?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems 9
4. Mrs. Ford’s math class starts at 8:15. They do 3 fluency activities that each last 4 minutes. Just when
they finish all of the fluency activities, the fire alarm goes off. When they return to the room after the
drill, it is 8:46. How many minutes did the fire drill last?
5. On Saturday, the baker bought a total of 150 pounds of flour in five-pound bags. By Tuesday, he had
115 pounds of flour left. How many five-pound bags of flour did the baker use?
6. Fred cut an 84-centimeter rope into 2 parts and gave his sister 1 part. Fred’s part is 56 centimeters long.
His sister cut her rope into 4 equal pieces. How long is 1 of his sister’s pieces of rope?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems 10
Name Date
Use the RDW process to solve the problems below. Use a letter to represent the unknown in each problem.
1. Jerry pours 86 milliliters of water into 8 tiny beakers. He measures an equal amount of water into the
first 7 beakers. He pours the remaining water into the eighth beaker. It measures 16 milliliters. How
many milliliters of water are in each of the first 7 beakers?
2. Mr. Chavez’s third graders go to gym class at 11:15. Students rotate through three activities for
8 minutes each. Lunch begins at 12:00. How many minutes are there between the end of gym activities
and the beginning of lunch?
3. A box contains 100 pens. In each box there are 38 black pens and 42 blue pens. The rest are green pens.
Mr. Cane buys 6 boxes of pens. How many green pens does he have in total?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems 11
4. Greg has $56. Tom has $17 more than Greg. Jason has $8 less than Tom.
5. Laura cuts 64 inches of ribbon into two parts and gives her mom one part. Laura’s part is 28 inches long.
Her mom cuts her ribbon into 6 equal pieces. How long is one of her mom’s pieces of ribbon?
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems 12
Student A
Student B
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems 13
Student C
Lesson 3: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems 14
Name Date
1. Cut out all the polygons (A–L) in the Template. Then, use the polygons to complete the following chart.
Attribute Write the letters of the polygons in Sketch 1 polygon from the group.
this group.
Polygons: Y, Z
3 Sides
4 Sides Polygons:
2. Write the letters of the polygons that are quadrilaterals. Explain how you know these polygons are
3. Sketch a polygon below from the group that has 2 sets of parallel sides. Trace 1 pair of parallel sides red.
Trace the other pair of parallel sides blue. What makes parallel sides different from sides that are not
4. Draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner of each polygon you drew in the chart using
a straightedge. What new polygon(s) did you make by drawing the diagonal lines?
Name Date
3 Sides
4 Sides
4 Right Angles
2. a. Each quadrilateral below has at least 1 set of parallel sides. Trace each set of parallel sides with a
colored pencil.
b. Using a straightedge, sketch a different quadrilateral with at least 1 set of parallel sides.
Name Date
1. Cut out all the polygons (M–X) in the Template. Then, use the polygons to complete the following chart.
Attribute List polygons’ letters for each group. Sketch 1 polygon from the group.
3 Sides Polygons: Y, Z
At Least 1 Polygons:
Right Angle
3. Jenny says, “Polygon N, Polygon R, and Polygon S are all regular quadrilaterals!” Is she correct? Why or
why not?
4. “I have six equal sides and six equal angles. I have three sets of parallel lines. I have no right angles.”
a. Write the letter and the name of the polygon described above.
b. Estimate to draw the same type of polygon as in part (a), but with no equal sides.
Name Date
1. Match the polygons with their appropriate clouds. A polygon can match to more than 1 cloud.
2. The two polygons below are regular polygons. How are these polygons the same? How are they
3. Lucia drew the polygons below. Are any of the polygons she drew regular polygons? Explain how you
Name Date
Use a ruler and a right angle tool to help you draw the figures with the attributes given below.
2. Draw a quadrilateral with 4 right angles and sides that are all 2 inches long.
3. Draw a quadrilateral with at least 1 set of parallel sides. Trace the parallel sides green.
4. Draw a pentagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
5. Draw a hexagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
6. Sam says that he drew a polygon with 2 sides and 2 angles. Can Sam be correct? Use pictures to help you
explain your answer.
Name Date
Use a ruler and a right angle tool to help you draw the figures with the given attributes below.
1. Draw a triangle that has no right angles.
3. Draw a quadrilateral with 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
4. Draw a hexagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
5. Draw a pentagon with at least 2 equal sides. Label the 2 equal side lengths of your shape.
6. Cristina describes her shape. She says it has 3 equal sides that are each 4 centimeters in length. It has no
right angles. Do your best to draw Cristina’s shape, and label the side lengths.
Name Date
1. Use tetrominoes to create at least two different rectangles. Then, color the grid below to show how you
created your rectangles. You may use the same tetromino more than once.
2. Use tetrominoes to create at least two squares, each with an area of 36 square units. Then, color the grid
below to show how you created your squares. You may use the same tetromino more than once.
a. Write an equation to show the area of a square above as the sum of the areas of the tetrominoes you
used to make the square.
b. Write an equation to show the area of a square above as the product of its side lengths.
3. a. Use tetrominoes to create at least two different rectangles, each with an area of 12 square units.
Then, color the grid below to show how you created the rectangles. You may use the same tetromino
more than once.
b. Explain how you know the area of each rectangle is 12 square units.
4. Marco created a rectangle with tetrominoes and traced its outline in the space below. Use tetrominoes
to re-create it. Estimate to draw lines inside the rectangle below to show how you re-created Marco’s
Name Date
1. Color tetrominoes on the grid to create three different rectangles. You may use the same tetromino
more than once.
3. Explain how you know the rectangles you created in Problem 2(b) have the correct area.
Name Date
1. Fold and cut the square on the diagonal. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
2. Fold and cut one of the triangles in half. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
3. Fold twice, and cut your large triangle. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
4. Fold and cut your trapezoid in half. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes. 31
5. Fold and cut one of your trapezoids. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
6. Fold and cut your second trapezoid. Draw and label your 2 new shapes below.
a. Draw lines inside the square below to show how the shapes go together to form the square. The first
one has been done for you.
b. Describe the process of forming the square. What was easy, and what was challenging?
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes. 32
Name Date
2. Draw a line to divide the triangle below into 2 equal, smaller triangles.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes. 33
6. Describe the steps you took to divide the square in Problem 5 into 8 equal triangles.
Lesson 8: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes. 34
Name Date
1. Use at least two tangram pieces to make and draw two of each of the following shapes. Draw lines to
show where the tangram pieces meet.
b. A triangle.
c. A parallelogram.
d. A trapezoid.
2. Use your two smallest triangles to create a square, a parallelogram, and a triangle. Show how you
created them below.
3. Create your own shape on a separate sheet of paper using all seven pieces. Describe its attributes below.
4. Trade your outline with a partner to see if you can re-create her shape using your tangram pieces. Reflect
on your experience below. What was easy? What was challenging?
Name Date
1. Use at least two tangram pieces to make and draw each of the following shapes. Draw lines to show
where the tangram pieces meet.
a. A triangle.
b. A square.
c. A parallelogram.
d. A trapezoid.
2. Use your tangram pieces to create the cat below. Draw lines to show where the tangram pieces meet.
3. Use the five smallest tangram pieces to make a square. Sketch your square below, and draw lines to
show where the tangram pieces meet.
Name Date
b. Trace the new shape you made with the square in the space below with a red crayon.
d. Color the inside of the shapes in Problem 1 (a) and (b) with a blue crayon.
e. Which color represents the perimeters of the shapes? How do you know?
b. Explain how you know you outlined the perimeters of the shapes above.
Name Date
a. Explain how you know you traced the perimeters of the shapes above.
b. Explain how you could use a string to figure out which shape above has the greatest perimeter.
3. Maya draws the shape shown below. Noah colors the inside of Maya’s shape as shown. Noah says he
colored the perimeter of Maya’s shape. Maya says Noah colored the area of her shape. Who is right?
Explain your answer.
Name Date
1. Follow the directions below using the shape you created yesterday.
a. Tessellate your shape on a blank piece of paper.
b. Color your tessellation to create a pattern.
c. Outline the perimeter of your tessellation with a highlighter.
d. Use a string to measure the perimeter of your tessellation.
2. Compare the perimeter of your tessellation to a partner’s. Whose tessellation has a greater perimeter?
How do you know?
4. How would overlapping your shape when you tessellated change the perimeter of your tessellation?
Name Date
b. Explain how Samson could use a string to measure the perimeter of his new shape.
2. Estimate to draw at least four copies of the given triangle to make a new shape, without gaps or overlaps.
Outline the perimeter of your new shape with a highlighter. Shade in the area with a colored pencil.
3. The marks on the strings below show the perimeters of Shyla’s and Frank’s shapes. Whose shape has a
greater perimeter? How do you know?
Shyla’s String:
Frank’s String:
4. India and Theo use the same shape to create the tessellations shown below.
a. Estimate to draw the shape India and Theo used to make their tessellations.
b. Theo says both tessellations have the same perimeter. Do you think Theo is right? Why or why not?
Name Date
1. Measure and label the side lengths of the shapes below in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter of each
a. b.
= _______ cm = _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the 46
perimeter of polygons.
2. Carson draws two triangles to create the new shape shown below. Use a ruler to find the side lengths of
Carson’s shape in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter.
3. Hugh and Daisy draw the shapes shown below. Measure and label the side lengths in centimeters.
Whose shape has a greater perimeter? How do you know?
Hugh’s Shape
Daisy’s Shape
4. Andrea measures one side length of the square below and says she can find the perimeter with that
measurement. Explain Andrea’s thinking. Then, find the perimeter in centimeters.
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the 47
perimeter of polygons.
Name Date
1. Measure and label the side lengths of the shapes below in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter of each
a. b.
c. d.
Perimeter = _____________________
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
= _______ cm
Perimeter = _____________________
= _______ cm
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the 48
perimeter of polygons.
2. Melinda draws two trapezoids to create the hexagon shown below. Use a ruler to find the side lengths of
Melinda’s hexagon in centimeters. Then, find the perimeter.
3. Victoria and Eric draw the shapes shown below. Eric says his shape has a greater perimeter because it
has more sides than Victoria’s shape. Is Eric right? Explain your answer.
4. Jamal uses his ruler and a right angle tool to draw the rectangle shown below. He says the perimeter of
his rectangle is 32 centimeters. Do you agree with Jamal? Why or why not?
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the 49
perimeter of polygons.
Lesson 12: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the 50
perimeter of polygons.
Name Date
8 in 4 cm
a. b.
4 cm 4 cm
3 in 3 in
4 cm
8 in
= _________ in = _________ cm
11 cm
6 cm 9m
15 m
9 cm
9 in
2 in
3 in
P = ____ in + ____ in + ____ in + ____ in + ____ in
2 in
= _________ in
9 in
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems. 51
2. Alan’s rectangular swimming pool is 10 meters long and 16 meters wide. What is the perimeter?
16 m
10 m 10 m
16 m
3 in
2 in
6 in
4 in
9 in
b. Lila says the shape is a pentagon. Is she correct? Explain why or why not.
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems. 52
Name Date
1. Find the perimeters of the shapes below. Include the units in your equations. Match the letter inside
each shape to its perimeter to solve the riddle. The first one has been done for you.
7 cm
6 ft 6 ft
7 in 7 in 5 cm 5 cm
q r s
9 ft 9 ft
7 in 6 ft 7 cm
P = 7 in + 7 in + 7 in
P = 21 in
5 yd
8 cm
4 in 4 in
7 yd a 7 yd
m 5 cm e 5 cm
4 in 4 in
9 yd
8 cm
7m 4m
3m u 4m 3m l
6m 4m
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ !
24 21 20 28 36 26 16 26 28 15 24
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems. 53
2. Alicia’s rectangular garden is 33 feet long and 47 feet wide. What is the perimeter of Alicia’s garden?
47 ft
33 ft 33 ft
47 ft
4 in
3 in
5 in
2 in
5 in 4 in
3 in
7 in
Lesson 13: Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems. 54
Name Date
1. Label the unknown side lengths of the regular shapes below. Then, find the perimeter of each shape.
a. b.
8 in 7 ft
Perimeter = _______ ft
Perimeter = _______ in
c. d.
6 in
Perimeter = _______ m
Perimeter = _______ in
2. Label the unknown side lengths of the rectangle below. Then, find the perimeter of the rectangle.
2 cm Perimeter = _______ cm
7 cm
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when 55
whole number measurements are unknown.
3. David draws a regular octagon and labels a side length as shown below. Find the perimeter of David’s
6 cm
4. Paige paints an 8-inch by 9-inch picture for her mom’s birthday. What is the total length of wood that
Paige needs to make a frame for the picture?
5. Mr. Spooner draws a regular hexagon on the board. One of the sides measures 4 centimeters. Giles and
Xander find the perimeter. Their work is shown below. Whose work is correct? Explain your answer.
Perimeter = 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm + 4 cm Perimeter = 6 × 4 cm
Perimeter = 24 cm Perimeter = 24 cm
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when 56
whole number measurements are unknown.
Name Date
1. Label the unknown side lengths of the regular shapes below. Then, find the perimeter of each shape.
a. b.
4 in
8 cm
Perimeter = _______ cm
Perimeter = _______ in
c. 9m d.
6 in
2. Label the unknown side lengths of the rectangle below. Then, find the perimeter of the rectangle.
4 cm
9 cm Perimeter = _______ cm
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when 57
whole number measurements are unknown.
3. Roxanne draws a regular pentagon and labels a side length as shown below. Find the perimeter of
Roxanne’s pentagon.
7 cm
4. Each side of a square field measures 24 meters. What is the perimeter of the field?
5. What is the perimeter of a rectangular sheet of paper that measures 8 inches by 11 inches?
Lesson 14: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when 58
whole number measurements are unknown.
Name Date
1. Mrs. Kozlow put a border around a 5-foot by 6-foot rectangular bulletin board. How many feet of border
did Mrs. Kozlow use?
2. Jason built a model of the Pentagon for a social studies project. He made each outside wall
33 centimeters long. What is the perimeter of Jason’s model pentagon?
3. The Holmes family plants a rectangular 8-yard by 9-yard vegetable garden. How many yards of fencing do
they need to put a fence around the garden?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths. 59
4. Marion paints a 5-pointed star on her bedroom wall. Each side of the star is 18 inches long. What is the
perimeter of the star?
5. The soccer team jogs around the outside of the soccer field twice to warm up. The rectangular field
measures 60 yards by 100 yards. What is the total number of yards the team jogs?
6. Troop 516 makes 3 triangular flags to carry at a parade. They sew ribbon around the outside edges of the
flags. The flags’ side lengths each measure 24 inches. How many inches of ribbon does the troop use?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths. 60
Name Date
1. Miguel glues a ribbon border around the edges of a 5-inch by 8-inch picture to create a frame. What is
the total length of ribbon Miguel uses?
2. A building at Elmira College has a room shaped like a regular octagon. The length of each side of the
room is 5 feet. What is the perimeter of this room?
3. Manny fences in a rectangular area for his dog to play in the backyard. The area measures 35 yards by 45
yards. What is the total length of fence that Manny uses?
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths. 61
4. Tyler uses 6 craft sticks to make a hexagon. Each craft stick is 6 inches long. What is the perimeter of
Tyler’s hexagon?
5. Francis made a rectangular path from her driveway to the porch. The width of the path is 2 feet. The
length is 28 feet longer than the width. What is the perimeter of the path?
6. The gym teacher uses tape to mark a 4-square court on the gym floor as shown. The outer square has
side lengths of 16 feet. What is the total length of tape the teacher uses to mark Square A?
16 ft
Lesson 15: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths. 62
Name Date
1. Find the perimeter of 10 circular objects to the nearest quarter inch using string. Record the name and
perimeter of each object in the chart below.
(to the nearest quarter inch)
a. Explain the steps you used to find the perimeter of the circular objects in the chart above.
b. Could the same process be used to find the perimeter of the shape below? Why or why not?
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest 63
quarter inch.
2. Can you find the perimeter of the shape below using just your ruler? Explain your answer.
3. Molly says the perimeter of the shape below is 6 inches. Use your string to check her work. Do you
agree with her? Why or why not?
4. Is the process you used to find the perimeter of a circular object an efficient method to find the perimeter
of a rectangle? Why or why not?
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest 64
quarter inch.
Name Date
1. a. Find the perimeter of 5 circular objects from home to the nearest quarter inch using string. Record
the name and perimeter of each object in the chart below.
(to the nearest quarter inch)
b. Explain the steps you used to find the perimeter of the circular objects in the chart above.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest 65
quarter inch.
2. Use your string and ruler to find the perimeter of the two shapes below to the nearest quarter inch.
3. Describe the steps you took to find the perimeter of the objects in Problem 2. Would you use this
method to find the perimeter of a square? Explain why or why not.
Lesson 16: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest 66
quarter inch.
Name Date
1. The shapes below are made up of rectangles. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, write and solve an
equation to find the perimeter of each shape.
2 cm b. 5 ft
2 ft
3 cm 1 ft
2 cm
2 ft 2 ft
4 cm
2 yd
c. d.
2 yd
4 yd
2 yd 2 yd
2 yd
7 yd
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and 67
unknown measurements.
2. Nathan draws and labels the square and rectangle below. Find the perimeter of the new shape.
6 cm 6 cm
12 cm
3. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
8 in
a in
b in
7 in
2 in
16 in
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and 68
unknown measurements.
Name Date
1. The shapes below are made up of rectangles. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, write and solve an
equation to find the perimeter of each shape.
7m 8 cm
a. b.
9m 6 cm 5 cm
3 cm
4 cm
2 cm
4m 2 cm
P= P=
c. d. 2 ft
3 ft
3 ft
6 in
7 ft 1 ft
4 in 4 in
2 in
12 in 8 ft
P= P=
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and 69
unknown measurements.
2. Sari draws and labels the squares and rectangle below. Find the perimeter of the new shape.
6 cm
6 cm
6 cm
18 cm
3. Label the unknown side lengths. Then, find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
18 in
2 in
8 in
b in
5 in a in
Lesson 17: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and 70
unknown measurements.
Name Date
1. Use unit squares to build as many rectangles as you can with an area of 24 square units. Shade in squares
on your grid paper to represent each rectangle that you made with an area of 24 square units.
a. Estimate to draw and label the side lengths of each rectangle you built in Problem 1. Then, find the
perimeter of each rectangle. One rectangle is done for you.
24 units
1 unit
b. The areas of the rectangles in part (a) above are all the same. What do you notice about the
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and 71
determine the perimeters.
2. Use unit square tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with an area of 16 square units. Estimate to
draw each rectangle below. Label the side lengths.
b. What is the perimeter of the square? Explain how you found your answer.
3. Doug uses square unit tiles to build rectangles with an area of 15 square units. He draws the rectangles
as shown below but forgets to label the side lengths. Doug says that Rectangle A has a greater perimeter
than Rectangle B. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Rectangle A
Rectangle B
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and 72
determine the perimeters.
Name Date
1. Shade in squares on the grid below to create as many rectangles as you can with an area of 18 square
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and 73
determine the perimeters.
3. Estimate to draw as many rectangles as you can with an area of 20 square centimeters. Label the side
lengths of each rectangle.
a. Which rectangle above has the greatest perimeter? How do you know just by looking at its shape?
b. Which rectangle above has the smallest perimeter? How do you know just by looking at its shape?
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and 74
determine the perimeters.
grid paper
Lesson 18: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and 75
determine the perimeters.
Name Date
1. Use unit square tiles to make rectangles for each given number of
unit squares. Complete the charts to show how many rectangles Number of unit squares = 12
you can make for each given number of unit squares. The first
one is done for you. You might not use all the spaces in each Number of rectangles I made: 3
Width Length
1 12
2 6
3 4
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a 76
given number of unit squares.
12 18
4. Why do some numbers of unit squares, such as 13, only produce one rectangle?
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a 77
given number of unit squares.
Name Date
1. Cut out the unit squares at the bottom of the page. Then, use them to make rectangles for each given
number of unit squares. Complete the charts to show how many rectangles you can make for each given
number of unit squares. You might not use all the spaces in each chart.
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a 78
given number of unit squares.
6 11
a. Luke looks at the line plot and says that all odd numbers of unit squares produce only 1 rectangle. Do
you agree? Why or why not?
b. How many X’s would you plot for 4 unit squares? Explain how you know.
Lesson 19: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a 79
given number of unit squares.
Name Date
1. Use your square unit tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 12 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
d. The perimeters of all the rectangles are the same. What do you notice about their areas?
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 80
determine their areas.
2. Use your square unit tiles to build as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 14 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
c. Given a rectangle’s perimeter, what other information do you need to know about the rectangle to
find its area?
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 81
determine their areas.
Name Date
1. Cut out the unit squares at the bottom of the page. Then, use them to make as many rectangles as you
can with a perimeter of 10 units.
a. Estimate to draw your rectangles below. Label the side lengths of each rectangle.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 82
determine their areas.
2. Gino uses unit square tiles to make rectangles with a perimeter of 14 units. He draws his rectangles as
shown below. Using square unit tiles, can Gino make another rectangle that has a perimeter of 14 units?
Explain your answer.
4 units
6 units
1 unit
3 units
c. Estimate to draw a different rectangle that has the same perimeter as Katie’s square.
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 83
determine their areas.
Name Date
Use the data you gathered from Problem Sets 20 and 21 to complete the charts to show how many rectangles
you can create with a given perimeter. You might not use all the spaces in the charts.
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
1 unit 4 units 4 square units
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Lesson 20: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 84
determine their areas.
Name Date
1. On your centimeter grid paper, shade and label as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of
16 centimeters.
a. Sketch the rectangles below, and label the side lengths.
2. On your centimeter grid paper, shade and label as many rectangles as you can with a perimeter of 18
a. Sketch the rectangles below, and label the side lengths.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 85
determine their areas.
3. Use centimeter grid paper to shade in as many rectangles as you can with the given perimeters.
a. Use the charts below to show how many rectangles you shaded for each given perimeter. You might
not use all the spaces in the charts.
Perimeter = 10 cm Perimeter = 20 cm
b. Did you make a square with either of the given perimeters? How do you know?
4. Macy and Gavin both draw rectangles with perimeters of 16 centimeters. Use words and pictures to
explain how it is possible for Macy’s and Gavin’s rectangles to have the same perimeters but different
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 86
determine their areas.
Name Date
a. Shade Margo’s rectangles on the grid below. Label the length and width of each rectangle.
c. The perimeters of the rectangles are the same. What do you notice about the areas?
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 87
determine their areas.
2. Tanner uses unit squares to build rectangles that have a perimeter of 18 units. He creates the chart
below to record his findings.
a. Complete Tanner’s chart. You might not use all the spaces in the chart.
Perimeter = 18 units
b. Explain how you found the widths and lengths in the chart above.
3. Jason and Dina both draw rectangles with perimeters of 12 centimeters, but their rectangles have
different areas. Explain with words, pictures, and numbers how this is possible.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 88
determine their areas.
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 89
determine their areas.
Name Date
Use the data you gathered from Problem Sets 20 and 21 to complete the charts to show how many rectangles
you can create with a given perimeter. You might not use all the spaces in the charts.
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
1 unit 4 units 4 square units
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Number of rectangles you made: _____ Number of rectangles you made: _____
Width Length Area Width Length Area
Lesson 21: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and 90
determine their areas.
Name Date
1. Use the data you gathered from your Problem Sets to create a line plot for the number of rectangles you
created with each given perimeter.
2. Why are all of the perimeter measurements even? Do all rectangles have an even perimeter?
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in 91
Lessons 20 and 21.
3. Compare the two line plots we created. Is there any reason to think that knowing only the area of a
rectangle would help you to figure out its perimeter or knowing only the perimeter of a rectangle would
help you figure out its area?
4. Sumi uses unit square tiles to build 3 rectangles that have an area of 32 square units. Does knowing this
help her find the number of rectangles she can build for a perimeter of 32 units? Why or why not?
5. George draws 3 rectangles that have a perimeter of 14 centimeters. Alicia tells George that there are
more than 3 rectangles that have a perimeter of 14 centimeters. Explain why Alicia is correct.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in 92
Lessons 20 and 21.
Name Date
1. The following line plot shows the number of rectangles a student made using square unit tiles. Use the
line plot to answer the questions below.
a. Why are all of the perimeter measurements even? Do all rectangles have even perimeters?
b. Explain the pattern in the line plot. What types of side lengths make this pattern possible?
c. How many X’s would you draw for a perimeter of 32? Explain how you know.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in 93
Lessons 20 and 21.
2. Luis uses square inch tiles to build a rectangle with a perimeter of 24 inches. Does knowing this help him
find the number of rectangles he can build with an area of 24 square inches? Why or why not?
3. Esperanza makes a rectangle with a piece of string. She says the perimeter of her rectangle is 33
centimeters. Explain how it’s possible for her rectangle to have an odd perimeter.
Lesson 22: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed in 94
Lessons 20 and 21.
Name Date
1. Gale makes a miniature stop sign, a regular octagon, with a perimeter of 48 centimeters for the town he
built with blocks. What is the length of each side of the stop sign?
2. Travis bends wire to make rectangles. Each rectangle measures 34 inches by 12 inches. What is the total
length of the wire needed for two rectangles?
3. The perimeter of a rectangular bathroom is 32 feet. The width of the room is 8 feet. What is the length
of the room?
4. Raj uses 6-inch square tiles to make a rectangle, as shown below. What is the perimeter of the rectangle
in inches?
6 in
5. Mischa makes a 4-foot by 6-foot rectangular banner. She puts ribbon around the outside edges.
The ribbon costs $2 per foot. What is the total cost of the ribbon?
6. Colton buys a roll of wire fencing that is 120 yards long. He uses it to fence in his 18-yard by 24-yard
rectangular garden. Will Colton have enough wire fencing left over to fence in a 6-yard by 8-yard
rectangular play space for his pet rabbit?
Name Date
1. Rosie draws a square with a perimeter of 36 inches. What are the side lengths of the square?
2. Judith uses craft sticks to make two 24-inch by 12-inch rectangles. What is the total perimeter of the
2 rectangles?
3. An architect draws a square and a rectangle, as shown below, to represent a house that has a garage.
What is the total perimeter of the house with its attached garage?
55 ft 30 ft
40 ft
4. Manny draws 3 regular pentagons to create the shape shown below. The perimeter of 1 of the
pentagons is 45 inches. What is the perimeter of Manny’s new shape?
5. Johnny uses 2-inch square tiles to make a square, as shown below. What is the perimeter of Johnny’s
2 in
6. Lisa tapes three 7-inch by 9-inch pieces of construction paper together to make a happy birthday sign for
her mom. She uses a piece of ribbon that is 144 inches long to make a border around the outside edges
of the sign. How much ribbon is leftover?
9 in
7 in
Name Date
Use the given perimeters in the chart below to choose the widths and lengths of your robot’s rectangular
body parts. Write the widths and lengths in the chart below. Use the blank rows if you want to add extra
rectangular body parts to your robot.
H __________ cm by __________cm
I __________ cm by __________cm
Use the information in the chart below to plan an environment for your robot. Write the width and length for
each rectangular item. Use the blank rows if you want to add extra circular or rectangular items to your
robot’s environment.
__________ cm by __________cm
K house rectangle 82 cm
__________ cm by __________cm
M tree trunk rectangle 30 cm
__________ cm by __________cm
O tree trunk rectangle 20 cm
Lesson 24: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 100
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 24 Homework 3 7
Name Date
1. Brian draws a square with a perimeter of 24 inches. What is the width and length of the square?
a. Estimate to draw as many different rectangles as you can that have a perimeter of 18 centimeters.
Label the width and length of each rectangle.
Lesson 24: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 101
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 24 Homework 3 7
A 6 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
B 10 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
C 14 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
b. Double the perimeters of the rectangles in part (a). Then, find possible widths and lengths.
A 12 cm __________ cm by __________ cm
B __________ cm by __________ cm
C __________ cm by __________ cm
Lesson 24: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 102
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 25 Problem Set 3 7
Name Date
Draw a picture of your robot in its environment in the space below. Label the widths, lengths, and perimeters
of all rectangles. Label the perimeters of all circular shapes.
Lesson 25: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 103
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 25 Homework 3 7
Name Date
The robot below is made of rectangles. The side lengths of each rectangle are labeled. Find the perimeter of
each rectangle, and record it in the table on the next page.
4 cm
4 cm A
2 cm
2 cm B
5 cm 5 cm
2 cm D E 2 cm
8 cm C
6 cm
7 cm F G 7 cm
2 cm 2 cm
Lesson 25: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 104
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 25 Homework 3 7
Rectangle Perimeter
P = 4 × 4 cm
P = 16 cm
Lesson 25: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 105
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 26 Problem Set 3 7
Name Date
1. Collect the area measurements of your classmates’ robot bodies. Make a line plot using everyone’s area
a. How many different measurements are on the line plot? Why are the measurements different?
b. What does this tell you about the relationship between area and perimeter?
Lesson 26: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 106
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 26 Problem Set 3 7
2. Measure and calculate the perimeter of your construction paper in inches. Show your work below.
3. Sketch and label two shapes with the same perimeter from the robot’s environment. What do you
notice about the way they look?
4. Write two or three sentences describing your robot and the environment in which it lives.
Lesson 26: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 107
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 26 Homework 3 7
Name Date
4 cm 5 cm
4 cm Rectangle A 3 cm Rectangle B
e. Use your answers to parts (a–d) to help you explain the relationship between area and perimeter.
Lesson 26: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 108
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 26 Homework 3 7
2. Each student in Mrs. Dutra’s class draws a rectangle with whole number side lengths and a perimeter of
28 centimeters. Then, they find the area of each rectangle and create the table below.
a. Give two examples from Mrs. Dutra’s class to show how it is possible to have different areas for
rectangles that have the same perimeter.
b. Did any students in Mrs. Dutra’s class draw a square? Explain how you know.
c. What are the side lengths of the rectangle that most students in Mrs. Dutra’s class made with a
perimeter of 28 centimeters?
Lesson 26: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 109
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 27 Problem Set 3 7
Name Date
1. Use the chart below to evaluate your friend’s robot. Measure the width and length of each rectangle.
Then, calculate the perimeter. Record that information in the chart below. If your measurements differ
from those listed on the project, put a star by the letter of the rectangle.
Rectangle Width and Length Student’s Perimeter
A __________ cm by __________cm 14 cm
B __________ cm by __________cm 14 cm
C __________ cm by __________cm 18 cm
D __________ cm by __________cm 18 cm
E __________ cm by __________cm 28 cm
F __________ cm by __________cm 16 cm
G __________ cm by __________cm 8 cm
H __________ cm by __________cm
I __________ cm by __________cm
Lesson 27: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 110
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 27 Problem Set 3 7
2. Is the perimeter of the robot’s body double that of the arm? Show calculations below.
3. Is the perimeter of the robot’s neck half the perimeter of the head? Show calculations below.
Lesson 27: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 111
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 27 Problem Set 3 7
4. Use the chart below to evaluate your friend’s robot environment. Measure the width and length of each
rectangle. Then, calculate the perimeter. Use your string to measure the perimeters of nonrectangular
items. Record that information in the chart below. If your measurements differ from those listed on the
project, put a star by the letter of the shape.
Item Width and Length Student’s Perimeter
J About 25 cm
K __________ cm by __________cm 82 cm
L About 30 cm
M __________ cm by __________cm 30 cm
N About 20 cm
O __________ cm by __________cm 20 cm
Lesson 27: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 112
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 27 Homework 3 7
Name Date
Record the perimeters and areas of the rectangles in the chart on the next page.
1 cm
6 cm
8 cm
6 cm A
11 cm
4 cm
5 cm
8 cm
5 cm D
2 cm E
6 cm
4 cm F
Lesson 27: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 113
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 27 Homework 3 7
A __________ cm by __________cm
B __________ cm by __________cm
C __________ cm by __________cm
D __________ cm by __________cm
E __________ cm by __________cm
F __________ cm by __________cm
4. Which two rectangles are squares? Which square has the greater perimeter?
Lesson 27: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 114
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 27 Template 3 7
Lesson 27: Use rectangles to draw a robot with specified perimeter 115
measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be
©2015 Great Minds.
G 3-M7-TE-1.3.1-0 1.2 0 16
A STORY OF UNITS Lesson 28 Problem Set 3 7
Name Date
1. Gia measures her rectangular garden and finds the width is 9 yards and the length is 7 yards.
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all 116
four operations.
d. Elijah connects three of these squares to make one long rectangle. What is the perimeter of this
3. The area of Mason’s rectangular painting is 72 square inches. The width of the painting is 8 inches.
d. Mason’s mom hangs the painting on a wall that already has two of Mason’s other paintings. The
areas of the other paintings are 64 square inches and 81 square inches. What is the total area of the
wall that is covered with Mason’s paintings?
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all 117
four operations.
4. The perimeter of Jillian’s rectangular bedroom is 34 feet. The length of her bedroom is 9 feet.
d. Jillian has a 4-foot by 6-foot rug in her room. What is the area of the floor that is not covered by the
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all 118
four operations.
Name Date
d. Carl draws two of these squares to make one long rectangle. What is the perimeter of this
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all 119
four operations.
2. Mr. Briggs puts food for the class party on a rectangular table. The table has a perimeter of 18 feet and a
width of 3 feet.
d. Mr. Briggs puts three of these tables together side by side to make 1 long table. What is the area of
the long table?
Lesson 28: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using all 120
four operations.
Name Date
1. Kyle puts two rectangles together to make the L-shaped figure below. He measures some of the side
lengths and records them as shown.
8 in
12 in
6 in
16 in
c. Kyle makes two copies of the L-shaped figure to create the rectangle shown below. Find the
perimeter of the rectangle.
12 in
16 in
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using al 121
four operations.
2. Jeremiah and Hayley use a piece of rope to mark a square space for their booth at the science fair. The
area of their space is 49 square feet. What is the length of the rope that Jeremiah and Hayley use if they
leave a 3-foot opening so they can get in and out of the space?
3. Vivienne draws four identical rectangles as shown below to make a new, larger rectangle. The perimeter
of one of the small rectangles is 18 centimeters, and the width is 6 centimeters. What is the perimeter of
the new, larger rectangle?
4. A jogging path around the outside edges of a rectangular playground measures 48 yards by 52 yards.
Maya runs 3 laps on the jogging path. What is the total number of yards Maya runs?
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using al 122
four operations.
Name Date
1. Katherine puts two squares together to make the rectangle below. The side lengths of the squares
measure 8 inches.
8 in
a. What is the perimeter of the rectangle Katherine made with her 2 squares?
c. Katherine decides to draw another rectangle of the same size. What is the area of the new, larger
8 in
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using al 123
four operations.
2. Daryl draws 6 equal-sized rectangles as shown below to make a new, larger rectangle. The area of one of
the small rectangles is 12 square centimeters, and the width of the small rectangle is 4 centimeters.
3. The recreation center soccer field measures 35 yards by 65 yards. Chris dribbles the soccer ball around
the perimeter of the field 4 times. What is the total number of yards Chris dribbles the ball?
Lesson 29: Solve a variety of word problems involving area and perimeter using al 124
four operations.
Name Date
Strategies My
Classmate Used:
Things My
Classmate Did
Suggestions for
Strategies I Would
Like to Try Based
on My Classmate’s
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving. 125
Name Date
Use this form to critique Student A’s problem-solving work on the next page.
Strategies Student
A Used:
Things Student A
Did Well:
Suggestions for
Strategies I Would
Like to Try Based
on Student A’s
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving. 126
1. Katherine puts 2 squares together to make the rectangle below. The side lengths of the squares measure
8 inches.
8 in
a. What is the perimeter of Katherine’s rectangle? b. What is the area of Katherine’s rectangle?
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving. 127
c. Katherine draws 2 of the rectangles in Problem 1 side by side. Her new, larger rectangle is shown
below. What is the area of the new, larger rectangle?
8 in
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving. 128
Student A
Student B
Student C
Lesson 30: Share and critique peer strategies for problem solving. 129
Name Date
Name Date
2. During math class, Arthur, Emily, and Gia draw a shape and then shade one-half of it. Analyze each
student’s work. Determine if each student was correct or not, and explain your thinking.
3. Shade the grid below to show two different ways of shading half of each shape.
Name Date
1. Look at the circles you shaded today. Glue a circle that is about one-half shaded in the space below.
a. Write the letters of the circles that are about one-half shaded.
b. Choose one circle from your answer to Part (a), and explain how you know it’s about one-half shaded.
Circle _______
c. Choose one circle that you did not list in Part (a), and explain how it could be changed so that it is
about one-half shaded.
Circle _______
. b. Shade in 2 parts.
c. Erase a small circle from each shaded part.
d. Estimate to draw and shade 2 circles in the unshaded
parts that are the same size as the circles you erased in
Part (c).
4. Did you shade in one-half of the circle in Problem 3? How do you know?
Name Date
1. Estimate to finish shading the circles below so that each circle is about one-half shaded.
a. b. c.
2. Choose one of the circles in Problem 1, and explain how you know it’s about one-half shaded.
Circle _____
3. Can you say the circles in Problem 1 are exactly one-half shaded? Why or why not?
b. Explain how the circle that is not one-half shaded can be changed so that it is one-half shaded.
. . .
Name Date
List some games we played today in the chart below. Place a check mark in the box that shows how you felt
about your level of fluency as you played each activity. Check off the last column if you would like to practice
this activity over the summer.
Name Date
Teach a family member your favorite fluency game from class. Record information about the game you
taught below.
Describe what it was like to teach the game. Was it easy? Hard? Why? ________________________
Will you play the game together again? Why or why not? __________________________________
Was the game as fun to play at home as in class? Why or why not? ___________________________
Name Date
Complete a math activity each day. To track your progress, color the box after you finish.
Do squats as you Play a game from Collect data about Read a recipe. Complete a Multiply
count by threes your Summer your family’s or What fractions does by Pattern Sheet.
from 3 to 30 and Practice booklet. friends’ favorite the recipe use?
Week 2
Hop on one foot as Create a Measure the widths Read the weight in Complete a Sprint.
you count by fours multiplication of different leaves grams of different
from 4 to 40 and and/or division from the same tree food items in your
Week 3
Bounce a ball as you Find, draw, and/or Go on a shape Find the sum and Complete a Multiply
count by 5 minutes create different scavenger hunt. difference of 453 by Pattern Sheet.
Week 4
to 1 hour and then objects to show Find as many mL and 379 mL.
to the half hour and one-fourth. quadrilaterals in
quarter hours. your neighborhood
or house as you can.
Do arm swings as Draw and label a Measure the Use a stopwatch to Complete a Sprint.
you count by sixes floor plan of your perimeter of the measure how fast
Week 5
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills. 140
Name Date
Complete a math activity each day. To track your progress, color the box after you finish.
Jump forward and Play a game from Use string to Build a 4 by 6 array Complete a Sprint.
back as you count your Summer measure the with objects from
Week 7
Do arm crosses as Create a Write a story Measure or find the Complete a Multiply
you count by nines multiplication problem for 72 ÷ 8. capacity in milliliters by Pattern Sheet.
from 9 to 90 and and/or division of different liquids
Week 8
Jump rope as you Find, draw, and/or Go on a shape Measure the weight Complete a Sprint.
count up by tens create different scavenger hunt. of different produce
from 280 to 370 objects to show Find as many at the grocery store.
Week 9
and back down. one-third. triangles and What unit did you
hexagons in your measure in? What
neighborhood as are the lightest and
you can. heaviest objects you
Count by sixes Draw and label a Find the perimeter Show someone your Complete a Multiply
starting at 48. floor plan of your of a different room strategy to solve 8 × by Pattern Sheet.
Count as high as dream tree house. in your house. How 16.
Week 10
Lesson 34: Create resource booklets to support fluency with Grade 3 skills. 141
polygons (A─L)
polygons (M─X)
polygons (M─X)
circles (A–F)
Name Date
Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1 Subtotal
Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter
calculations for calculations calculations calculations
all shapes are include 1 to 2 include 3 to 4 include 5 or _____/4
correct, and errors, and both errors, and at more errors,
both evaluations of a least 1 and at least 1
evaluations of a classmate’s evaluation of a evaluation of a
classmate’s project have classmate’s classmate’s
project have been project has project has
been completed. been been
completed. completed. completed.
Name Date
Evaluation Rubric
4 3 2 1 Subtotal
Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter
calculations for calculations calculations calculations
all shapes are include 1 to 2 include 3 to 4 include 5 or _____/4
correct, and errors, and both errors, and at more errors,
both evaluations of a least 1 and at least 1
evaluations of a classmate’s evaluation of a evaluation of a
classmate’s project have classmate’s classmate’s
project have been project has project has
been completed. been been
completed. completed. completed.
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T: (Draw an array with 3 rows of 2.) Say the T: (Draw a picture with 2 groups of 4 circled.)
repeated addition sentence. Say the total as a repeated addition
S: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6. sentence.
T: (Write 3 × ____ = ____.) On your personal S: 4 + 4 = 8.
white board, complete the multiplication T: Write a division sentence that means the
sentence. number of groups is unknown.
S: (Write 3 × 2 = 6.) S: (Write 8 ÷ 4 = 2.)
Repeat using the following ideas: 4 rows of 10, 3 T: Below that division sentence, write a
rows of 4, 7 rows of 3, and 8 rows of 2. Or you can division sentence that means the number in
think of your own. each group is unknown.
S: (Write 8 ÷ 2 = 4.)
Repeat using the following ideas: 5 groups of 3, 3
groups of 4, and 6 groups of 2. Or you can think of
your own.
T: (Draw an array with 3 rows of 2 dots.) How T: (Draw a tape diagram with 5 equal units
many rows of 2 do you see? and 2 stars in the first unit.) What is the
S: 3 rows of 2. value of each unit?
T: Write four different multiplication S: 2 stars.
sentences for the picture. T: How many units are there?
S: (Write 3 × 2 = 6, 2 × 3 = 6, 6 = 3 × 2, and S: 5 units.
6 = 2 × 3.) T: Write a multiplication sentence for this tape
Repeat using the following ideas: 3 rows of 5 and 4 diagram.
rows of 3. Or you can think of your own. S: (Write 5 × 2 = 10.)
T: (Write 4 × 2 = 2 × ___.) On your personal Repeat using the following ideas:
white board, fill in the blank. 4 × 3 = 12, 8 ÷ 4 = 2, and 15 ÷ 3 = 5. Or you can think
S: (Write 4 × 2 = 2 × 4.) of your own.
Repeat using the following ideas: 9 × 5 = 5 × ___ and
3 × 6 = 6 × ___. Or you can think of your own.