V1 V2
V0 V0
(1) (2)
-V0 -V0
(3) (4) (1) (2) W
(3) 2 W (4) 2W
4 SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2.
Test Booklet Code-D
39. A hydrogen like gas atoms absorb radiations of
wavelength 0 and consequently emit radiations of
This section will have 15 questions. Candidate can 6 different wavelengths of which, three wavelengths
choose to attempt any 10 questions out of these 15 are shorter than 0. Choose the correct alternative (s).
(1) The final excited state of the atoms is n = 3
36. For series L-C-R circuit the plot of Imax versus is (2) The final excited state of the atoms is n = 4
shown in the figure. The bandwidth will be: (3) The initial state of the atoms is n = 1
(4) The initial state of the atoms is n = 3
(1) (2)
(1) 1, 2, 4 (2) 2, 3, 4, 5
(3) 1, 2, 3 (4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(2) OH OH
1) NaOH
(3) + CO2
2) 5.1 atm
68. 3) H+
(4) only Name of the above reaction is
(1) Kolbe’s reaction
(2) Elb’s reaction
62. The final product of the reaction (3) Reimer – Tiemann’s reaction
(4) Duff’s reaction.
NaBH 4
69. Which of the following alcohols will get dehydrated
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
71. Which of the following geminal diols is most 75. Which among the following compounds will have
unstable : the highest boiling point ?
F 3C H3C (1) CH4
(A) C (2)
(B) C (2) CH3OCH3
(3) C2H5OH
(4) (4) HCHO
(C) C (D) C
76. STATEMENT – 1:
72. Bromination of salicyclic acid with Br2 water The reactivity order for acid catalyzed dehydration
of alcohols is R3C – OH > R2CHOH > RCH2OH.
gives :
Acid catalyzed dehydration follows saytzeff
(Zaitsev’s) rule.
(1) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is
(1) (2) True; STATEMENT–2 is a correct explanation
(2) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is
True; STATEMENT–2 is NOT a correct
explanation for STATEMENT–1
(3) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is
(3) (4)
(4) STATEMENT–1 is False, STATEMENT–2 is
73. STATEMENT – 1:
Boiling point of alcohols is more than ethers. Phenol undergoes oxidation with PCC.
because STATEMENT–2
STATEMENT – 2 PCC oxidises all primary and secondary alcohols
Intramolecular hydrogen bonding present in alcohols (1) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is
(1) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is True; STATEMENT–2 is a correct explanation
True; STATEMENT–2 is a correct explanation for STATEMENT–1
(2) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is True; STATEMENT–2 is NOT a correct
True; STATEMENT–2 is NOT a correct explanation for STATEMENT–1
explanation for STATEMENT–1
(3) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is
(3) STATEMENT–1 is True, STATEMENT–2 is
(4) STATEMENT–1 is False, STATEMENT–2 is (4) STATEMENT–1 is False, STATEMENT–2 is
True True
8 SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2.
Test Booklet Code-D
78. In the reaction sequence:
NaCN/HCl H2O/H / 82.
Product will be
(1) Racemic mixture of two optically active
α –hydroxy acids
(2) Optically inactive α–hydroxy acid
(3) Optically inactive acid
(4) Racemic mixture of two optically active (2)
secondary alcohols
O3 / H 2 O
Ca ( OH )2
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
CH3 OH Pyridine CH3 Cl
C + SOCl2 C
(B) Ph H H 5C 6 H (q) SN2
(+) (-)
(3) CH 3 C H Br + - OC 2 H 5
(C) | (r) SNi
C + HCl C
(4) (D) H5C6 H C6H5 H (s) E2
110. Which one of the following statement is not true for 116. Identify the (X), (Y) and (Z) in these figures :-
bryophytes ?
(1) Their zygote undergoes meiosis and then
produces sporophytes.
(2) Their spore germinates and produces
(3) They show photosynthetic nature.
(4) They are called "Amphibians of the plant
111. Assertion :
Pteridophytes are restricted to narrow Geographical
Reason :
Prothallus requires damp and shady places and water
is required for fertilizations. (1) X–DNA, Y–Sex organ, Z-Gemma cup
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason (2) X–Mid rib, Y–Daughter colony, Z-Air bladder
is correct explanation of Assertion.
(3) X–DNA, Y–Oogonium, Z-Frond
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
not correct explanation of Assertion. (4) X–Air bladder, Y–Archegonium, Z-Stipe
(3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(4) Both assertion and reason are false. 117. When spores of moss germinate, they form:
(1) Leafy gametophyte (2) Sporophyte
112. Statement-I: (3) Prothallus (4) Protonema
The female gametophytes in heterosporous
pteridophytes are retained on the parent sporophytes
for variable periods. 118. Which of the following is an example of bryophyta
Statement-II : that has more elaborate mechanism of spore
The development of zygotes into young embryos dispersal ?
take place within the female gametophyte in (1) Polysiphonia (2) Marchantia
homosporous pteridophytes. (3) Polytrichum (4) Dryopteris
(1) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct.
(2) Both statement-I and Statement-II are incorrect. 119. Gametes are pyriform with two laterally attached
(3) Statement-I is correct and Statement-II is
flagella in :
(4) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is (1) Ulothrix (2) Volvox
correct. (3) Spirogyra (4) Fucus
12 SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2.
Test Booklet Code-D
120. Independent sporophyte is not found is : 128. Assertion :-
(1) Bryophyta Reticulate venation is found in dicot leaf.
(2) Pteridophyta Reason :-
(3) Gymnosperm Veinlets are present in reticulate venation.
(4) Angiosperm (1) Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason
is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
121. In which of the following system of classification (2) Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is
equal weightage was given to both vegetative and not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
sexual characteristics ? (3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(1) Two kingdom system (4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.
(2) Artificial system
129. At the root tip, some of the epidermal cells form
(3) Phylogenetic system
very fine and delicate, thread-like structures called
(4) Natural system
root hairs in the region of:
(1) Root cap
122. The gametophyte of pteridophytes requires to grow: (2) Meristematic activity
(1) Warm, damp and shady place (3) Elongation
(2) Cool, damp and shady place (4) Maturation
(3) Warm, dry and shady place
(4) Cool, dry and place of well sunshine 130. Assertion :
Pteridophytes show origin of seed habit.
123. The sporophytes of pteridophytes bear sporangia Reason :
that are subtended by leaf-like appendages called :- Pteridophytes are first successful land plant.
(1) Tropophylls (1) Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason
(2) Sporophylls is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(3) Sori (2) Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is
(4) Fronds not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
124. Some characters structures are given below. (4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.
How many of them are found in both bryophyte and
pteridophyta ? 131. Which of the following is not a stem modification?
(1) Thorn of Citrus
(A) Archegonium
(2) Pitcher of Nepenthes
(B) Protonema
(3) Tendril of Cucumber
(C) Rhizoids
(4) Flattened structures of Opuntia
(D) Ovule
(E) Vascular tissue 132. Select the incorrect option for different type of roots ?
(F) Antheridium (1) Fibrous root - Wheat
(1) Two (2) Three (2) Adventitious root - Monstera
(3) Four (4) Five (3) Tap root - Mustard
(4) Fibrous root – Sugarbeet
125. Heterosporous genera of Lycopsida is :
(1) Selaginella (2) Lycopodium 133. An example of edible underground stem is :
(3) Salvinia (4) Azolla (1) Carrot (2) Groundnut
(3) Sweet potato (4) Potato
126. ___________of sweet potato, get swollen and store
food. 134. A modification in which a lateral branch with short
(1) Fibrous root internode and each node bearing a rosette of leaves
(2) Underground stem and a tuft of roots is found in aquatic plants like
(3) Tap root Pistia and Eichhornia is:
(4) Adventitious root (1) Runner (2) Offset
(3) Stolon (4) Sucker
127. Axillary bud get modified into stem tendril in which
plant ? 135. Root apex is subterminal because it is:
(1) Citrus (1) covered with root hair
(2) Cucurbita (2) covered with root cap
(3) Potato (3) covered with epidermis
(4) Wheat (4) under the soil
SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2. 13
Test Booklet Code-D
140. Male and female gametophytes do not have an
independent free-living existence in:
This section will have 15 questions. Candidate can (1) Pteridophytes
choose to attempt any 10 questions out of these 15
questions. (2) Algae
(3) Angiosperms
136. Observe the following figures and identify the (4) Bryophytes
labelled structures P, Q, R, and S:
141. Though their main body is sporophyte, yet, free-
living photosynthetic gametophyte can be seen in:
(1) Bryophytes
(2) Pteridophytes
(3) Gymnosperms
(4) Angiosperms
142. Assertion:
The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and
restricted to narrow geographical regions.
Evolutionarily, pteridophytes are the first terrestrial
plants to possess vascular tissue – xylem and
(1) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason
is the correct explanation of the assertion
(2) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason
is not the correct explanation of the assertion
P Q R S (3) Assertion is true but reason is false
(1) Archegoniophore Gemma cup Antheridiophores Capsule (4) Both assertion and reason are false
(2) Antheridiophores Rhizoids Archegoniophore Capsule
143. Axillary bud is derived from:-
(3) Antheridiophores Seta Antheridiophores Leaves
(1) Root apical meristem
(4) Archegoniophore Gemma cup Archegoniophore Capsule (2) Phellogen
(3) Shoot apical meristem
137. In a sphenopsida plant number of chromosome in (4) Mesophyll of leaf
the cells of scaly leaves is 24, what will be the
number of chromosomes in its cells of stem, spore, 144. In some legumes plants, the leaf base may become
and prothallus respectively : swollen which is called –
(1) 24, 12, 12 (1) Phyllode
(2) 24, 24, 12 (2) Pulvinus
(3) 12, 24, 12
(3) Leaf pitcher
(4) 24, 12, 24
(4) Sheathing leaf base
138. Phycoerythrin is the major pigment in : 145. Assertion :-
(1) Red algae In cymose inflorescence flowers are borne in the
(2) Blue-green algae
basipetal order.
(3) Green algae
Reason :-
(4) Brown algae
Younger flower are present towards the base and
139. Which of the following statements is incorrect about older flower are present at the tip.
gymnosperms? (1) Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason
(1) They are heterosporous is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(2) Male and female gametophytes are free-living (2) Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is
(3) Most of them have narrow leaves with thick not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
cuticle (3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(4) Their seeds are not covered (4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.
C. Cytokine barrier 3. Mucous membrane 173. Find out the helminth intestinal parasite
D. Physical barrier 4. Lysozyme (1) Entamoeba
(2) Plasmodium
(3) Ascaris
(1) 2 3 4 1
(4) Wuchereria bancrofti
(2) 1 4 2 3
(3) 3 2 4 1
(4) 1 3 2 4 174. Statement-I :
IgA immunoglobulin can pass through the placenta
165. Immature lymphocytes differentiate into antigen- to enter into the foetus.
sensitive lymphocytes in the Statement-II :
(1) Liver IgA immunoglobulins are common in colostrum.
(2) Spleen and lymph nodes (1) S-I is true, but S-II is false
(3) Red bone marrow and thymus (2) S-I and S-II are false
(3) S-I and S-II are true
(4) MALT
(4) S-I is false, but S-II is true
166. Antibody is composed of
175. Identify the correct statement from the following
(1) Only tow light chains and four heavy chains
(1) Ernst Haeckel: Proposed the embryos never pass
(2) Only two heavy chains and four light chains
through adult stages of other animals
(3) Four heavy chains
(2) Alfred Wallace: A naturalist who worked in
(4) Two light chains and two heavy chains
Galapagos Islands
(3) Charles Darwin: Existing living forms share
167. Character of acquired immunity is similarities to varying degrees not only among
(1) Removal of self cells themselves but life forms that existed millions of
(2) Specific immunity years ago
(3) Immunological memory (4) Oparin: Attempted Big Bang theory to explain to
(4) 2 and 3 us the origin of universe
168. Vaccination is an example of 176. Swan neck flask experiment of Pasteur disproves
(1) Passive immunity (1) Biogenesis
(2) Artificial active immunity (2) Theory of catastrophism
(3) Natural active immunity (3) Panspermia
(4) Natural passive immunity (4) Theory of spontaneous generation
16 SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2.
Test Booklet Code-D
177. Which set doesn’t include homology?
(1) Wings of butterfly and bird
(2) Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendril of Cucurbita This section will have 15 questions. Candidate can
(3) Forelimbs of cheetah and whale choose to attempt any 10 questions out of these 15
(4) Mouthparts of mosquito and cockroach questions.
186. Sauropsids gave rise to
178. Archaeopteryx is (1) Chelones, Therapsids and Squamates
(1) An extant bird (2) Turtles, Lizards and Tuataras
(2) A living fossil (3) Terrapins, Tuataras and Mammals
(3) A rare bird of recent live recovery (4) Crocodiles, Birds and Mammals
(4) A fossilized bird
187. Mark the correct option
179. Which among the following has least cranial (1) Variations explained in Darwinism are small and
capacity? directionless
(1) Homo habilis (2) Fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt
(2) Homo erectus and gets selected by nature
(3) Homo sapiens (3) Evolution is a directed process in the sense of
(4) Homo neanderthelensis determinism
(4) Mutations are random and directional
180. Finches of Galapagos Islands
(1) Migrated to all over the world 188. The theory that explains the joining of South
(2) Descended from common ancestor America with North America and dominating the
fauna of North America by South America is
(3) Completely unrelated
(1) Theory of continental drift
(4) Compete for seeds and extinct due to competition
(2) Theory of catastrophism
(3) Big Bang theory
181. Which of the following statement is correct? (4) Germplasm theory
(1) Evolution is not a stochastic process
(2) Evolution is a directed process 189. Identify the INCORRECT statement from the
(3) Evolution may be a consequence of a process following
called natural selection (1) Genetic drift operates in small isolated
(4) Adaptive radiation is not a part of evolution population
(2) Homo habilis refers to tool maker
182. Marsupial evolution in Australia is an example of (3) de Vries opinioned the mechanism of evolution
(1) Analogous organs (2) Adaptive radiation is multiple step mutations
(3) Convergent evolution (4) Vestigial organs (4) The species inhabiting the same geographical
areas are sympatric species
183. Statement (A):
Though mutations are random. 190. Natural selection is based on certain observations
Statement (B): which are factual. Which one is NOT correct with
Mutations are subjected to natural selection. respect to these factual observations?
(1) Both A and B are true (1) Natural resources are limited
(2) Both A and B are false (2) Populations are stable in size except for seasonal
(3) A is true but B is false fluctuations
(4) A is false but B is true (3) Members of population vary in characteristics
even though they look superficially similar
184. Which of the following is the correct order in (4) Variations are not heritable
evolutionary history of man? 191. In a Hardy-Weinberg population, 16% of the
(1) Homo habilis → Homo erectus → population is provided with 400 ebony fruit flies,
Cro- Magnon man → Neanderthal man then the total population is (Note: Grey is dominant
(2) Cro-Magnon man → Neanderthal man → over ebony)
Homo erectus → Homo habilis (1) 1600 (2) 4000
(3) Homo erectus → Homo habilis → (3) 2500 (4) 360
Neanderthal man → Cro-Magnon man
(4) Homo habilis → Homo erectus → 192. Darwin used sentence "Descent with modification"
Neanderthal man → Cro-Magnon man for which type of evolution?
(1) Chemical evolution
185. Dinosaurs disappeared from the earth about (2) Organic evolution
(1) 200 mya (2) 25 mya (3) Spontaneous generation
(3) 500 mya (4) 65 mya (4) Artificial evolution
SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2. 17
Test Booklet Code-D
193. The selection of resistant bacteria and industrial 198. Assertion:
melanism are an examples of Organ transplantation patients are given
(1) Artificial selection (2) Natural selection immunosuppressive drugs.
(3) Convergent evolution (4) Adaptive radiation Reason:
Transplanted tissue has antigens which stimulate the
194. A person sufferring from malaria feels fever when specific immune response of the recipient
(1) Liver cells are destroyed (1) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
(2) Sporozoites stage enters in the body Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion
(3) When RBC ruptures and haemozoin granules are (2) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but
released Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(4) All the above
(3) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is
195. Proto oncogenes present in:
(4) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect
(1) Normal body cells
(2) Cancer cells
199. Assertion:
(3) Both (1) and (2)
-interferons activates immune system and help in
(4) Only in tumor cells destroying the tumor.
196. Our health is affected by : Cancer also removed by immunotherapy.
(a) Genetic disorders (1) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
(b) Infections Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion
(c) Life style (2) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but
(1) a only (2) b, c only Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(3) a, b only (4) a, b, c Assertion
(3) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
197. Read the following statements regarding the various (4) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect
techniques used in cancer detection: ]
(i) Cancer detection is based on biopsy and 200. Assertion:
histopathological studies of the tissues and the Cocaine has a potent stimulating action on central
blood and bone marrow tests for increased cell nervous system, producing a sense of euphoria and
counts in case of leukemia increased energy.
(ii) In biopsy, a piece of the suspected tissue cut into Reason:
thin sections is stained and examined under Injecting the microbes intentionally during
microscope by pathologist. immunization or infectious organisms gaining
(iii)Techniques like radiography (use of X-rays), access into body during natural infection induces
CT (computed tomography) and MRI (Magnetic active immunity.
resonance imaging) are very useful to detect (1) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the
cancers of the internal organs. Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion
(iv)Computed tomography used strong magnetic (2) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but
fields and non-ionising radiations to detect Reason is not a correct explanation of the
physiological changes in living tissues. Assertion
Which of the following statement are incorrect? (3) Assertion is correct but Reason is
(1) (i) and (iii) (2) (ii) and (iv) incorrect
(3) (iii) and (iv) (4) Only (iv) (4) Both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect
01 4 26 4 51 4 76 2 101 3 126 4 151 4 176 4
02 3 27 1 52 1 77 4 102 4 127 2 152 4 177 1
03 2 28 1 53 4 78 1 103 3 128 1 153 3 178 4
04 1 29 2 54 4 79 3 104 4 129 4 154 1 179 1
05 1 30 1 55 1 80 3 105 2 130 2 155 4 180 2
06 2 31 1 56 4 81 3 106 3 131 2 156 1 181 3
07 2 32 1 57 1 82 2 107 3 132 4 157 2 182 2
08 3 33 4 58 1 83 1 108 1 133 4 158 1 183 1
09 3 34 3 59 2 84 4 109 2 134 2 159 1 184 4
10 3 35 4 60 3 85 2 110 1 135 2 160 1 185 4
11 4 36 3 61 2 86 2 111 1 136 1 161 3 186 2
12 1 37 2 62 1 87 3 112 3 137 1 162 2 187 2
13 2 38 4 63 1 88 3 113 3 138 1 163 1 188 1
14 2 39 2 64 2 89 1 114 3 139 2 164 2 189 3
15 2 40 1 65 3 90 2 115 1 140 3 165 3 190 4
16 1 41 1 66 3 91 1 116 2 141 2 166 4 191 3
17 1 42 1 67 1 92 1 117 4 142 2 167 4 192 2
18 2 43 3 68 1 93 3 118 3 143 3 168 2 193 2
19 1 44 3 69 4 94 3 119 4 144 2 169 3 194 3
20 1 45 4 70 2 95 3 120 1 145 1 170 2 195 1
21 3 46 4 71 2 96 1 121 2 146 3 171 2 196 4
22 3 47 1 72 3 97 3 122 2 147 2 172 3 197 4
23 2 48 2 73 3 98 3 123 2 148 4 173 3 198 1
24 2 49 2 74 2 99 4 124 2 149 3 174 4 199 3
25 1 50 4 75 3 100 1 125 1 150 2 175 3 200 3
RM-NEET Batch, Weekly Test- 20, Date: 04-Feb. -2024
01. Answer (4) 1
L2C2 =
Ammeter reads the root mean square value of current 22
(Irms) is released to the peak value of current (I0) by
1 1 1
the relation LC LC 12
I 12 12 LC
Irms = 0 I0 2 I rms 2 10A 10 2 A
2 11. Answer (4)
02. Answer (3)
03. Answer (2) V VR2 (VL VC ) 2 802 (40 100) 2 100V
T 1 Answer (1)
t = 5 103 f 50HZ 12.
4 4f e 1 L
04. Answer (1) i max max and Q
Impedance, Z = R 2 (X L X C )3 13. Answer (2)
10 (10) (X L X C )
2 2 ie
Pavg = 0 0 cos
100 = 100 + (XL XC)2 XL XC = 0 …….. (i)
14. Answer (2)
Let is the phase difference between current and
N P VP iS N i 4 140
voltage iS P P 2A
X XC 0 NS VS i P NS 280
tan = L tan 15. Answer (2)
=0 [From Eq. (i)]
05. Answer (1) Output V5 I5
We know efficiency η =
Since, current lags behind the voltage in phase by a Input VP I P
constant angle, then circuit must contain R and L VI V (6)
06. Answer (2) η = 5 5 0.9 5 3
VP I P 310
Power factor, V5 = 450 V
1 R As VPIP = 3000
cos = 3000 3000
2 R 2 2 L2 IP A 15A
VP 200
This gives, L = R when is doubled, we find 16. Answer (1)
1 R R 1 XL = XC Z = R hence cos =
cos = Z
2 R 4 L
2 2 2
R 4R
2 2
5 17. Answer (1)
07. Answer (2) According to Bohr’s hypothesis, electron can revolve
When dielectric is filled between he plates of only in those orbits in which its angular momentum
capacitor, its capacitance increases. So XC decreases. h
is an integral multiple of ; where h is planck
Then current flowing through bulb Y increases 2
08. Answer (3) constant. This is called quantisation of angular
e e 100 momentum.
i Rms Rms 2A
Z R 50 18. Answer (2)
VR = iR = 2 950) = 100V In the second excited state n = 3
09. Answer (3) h
At A XC > XL , at B XC = XL, at C XC < XL LH = LLi = 3
At C point circuit is inductive ZH = 1 ; ZLi = 3; E Z2
10. Answer (3) |ELi| = 9|EH|
V0 V0 Or |EH| < |ELi|
2 2
1 1 19. Answer (1)
R 2 1L R 2
2 L mv 2 3q 2
1C 2 C ……. (1)
2 2 r 40 r 2
1 1
1L 2 L nh
1C 2 C and mvr
SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2. 20
Test Booklet Code-D
using (1) and (2) and putting [n = 1] V 240
and i
h 3q 2 R 30
2 40 v 34. Answer (3)
35. Answer (4)
3q 2
v I02 R
20 h With sinusoidal wave P i 2rms R W.....(1)
20. Answer (1)
with equal have
1 1 P i 2rms R i 02 R 2W
E Rhc 2 2
n1 n 2 36. Answer (3)
1 1 7 Here I0 = 1.0 A
(II) E 43 Rhc 2 2 Rhc Bandwidth applies to frequencies when
3 4 9 16 I
E14 31 0.05 Rhc I 0 0.707A
1 1 = 2 1= (1.4 0.8) = 0.6 rad s1.
(IV) E14-21 = Rhc 2 2 0.2Rhc
2 4 37. Answer (2)
1 1 For transition from 4E to E
(III) E[4 2] Rhc 2 2 0.75Rhc hc hc
1 2 (4E E) 1 ……… (1)
1 3E
1 1
(I) E[1-4] = Rhc 2 2 0.9 Rhc 7
4 1 For transition from E to E
(It is absorption not emission) 3
21. Answer (3) 7 hc 3hc
E E 2 ……… (2)
22. Answer (3) 3 2 4E
23. Answer (2) 4
24. Answer (2) Thus 1
25. Answer (1) 2 9
26. Answer (4) 38. Answer (4)
27. Answer (1) Radius of nth orbit rn n2
t2 Graph between rn and n is a parabola. Also
Vrms V V
2 2
V 2 dt
rn n
t 2 t1 loge n 2log e (n)
r1 1 r1
V t dt V
3/ 2
0 1 Comparing this equation with y = mx + c
V t dt
2 0 2 3
1 0
0 r
graph between loge n and loge(n) will be a
t4 1 0 V
V02 V02 0 straight line, passing from origin.
4 0 4 4 4
Time period (Tn) n3
V Answer (2)
therefore , Vrms = 0 39.
2 40. Answer (1)
28. Answer (1) 41. Answer (1)
i = 2+3 sin t 42. Answer (1)
i rms 22 32 / 2 17 / 2 43. Answer (3)
44. Answer (3)
29. Answer (2) 45. Answer (4)
30. Answer (1) 46. Answer (4)
31. Answer (1) 47. Answer (1)
Currents in same phase in series combination
48. Answer (2)
32. Answer (1)
49. Answer (2)
E = E0 sin t 50. Answer (4)
= 75 51. Answer (4)
2f = 75 Na2S Na 2 Fe CN 5 NO
Na 4 Fe CN 5 NOS
f Hz 52. Answer (1)
2 SO2 and H2S both being reducing agent, can turn
In one cycle ac current becomes zero twice acidified dichromate solution green. SO2 can be
75 times zero is one second obtained by the action of acid upon while H2S is
33. Answer (4) evolved by the action of acid upon sulphide.
XL = XC Resonance However, SO2 has a burning sulphur smell which is
Reading of voltmeter = VL VC = 0V irritating H2S has rotten egg like smell.
SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIR, Coaching Division, Neelakantha Nagar, Berhampur – 2. 21
Test Booklet Code-D
53. Answer (4) 75. Answer (3)
54. Answer (4) Hydrogen bonds are present in alcohols.
55. Answer (1) 76. Answer (2)
56. Answer (4) 77. Answer (4)
57. Answer (1) Phenol involves in resonance.
58. Answer (1) 78. Answer (1)
Fe OH3 3HCl
FeCl3 3H2O Aldehydes give a recemic mixture of optically
active cyanohydrins, which on hydrolysis give
NaCl H2O CO 2
-hydroxy acids.
59. Answer (2) 79. Answer (3)
60. Answer (3) Oxidative ozonolysis gives adipic acid and
61. Answer (2) Barium salt of acid gives ketone
80. Answer (3)
order is 3° R OH > 2° ROH>iR OH RMgx R Mg x
64. Answer (2) 82. Answer (2)
Reactivity order of HX is Addition of water to alkynes
HI > HBr > HCl > HF 83. Answer (1)
65. Answer (3) 84. Answer (4)
CH 2 OH The resultant conjugate base is resonance
| stabilized.
.. ||
Ethylene glycol. CH 3 CH CH 2 -CHO OH
CH 3 CH C H C -H
66. Answer (3) OH
| |
CH3Br has no carbon, so it will not undergo 85. Answer (2)
elimination. 86. Answer (2)
67. Answer (1) This is an example of SNi reaction
(intramolecular ring closure).
H / OH
O Cl
Cl Cl
Electrophillic addition will take place.
68. Answer (1) 87. Answer (3)
Phenol NaOH
O hydroxy benzoic acid
CO 2 H
69. Answer (4) CH3 CH2 C CH3 + (CH3)3 CONa CH3 CH2 C CH3
Depends upon stability of C. bulkybare (major)
70. Answer (2)
Acid catalysed dehydration follows C+ mech.
88. Answer (3)
71. Answer (2)
Friedal craft alkylation.
(B) Due to +I effect of CH3 group, electron density
89. Answer (1)
on oxygen increases and thus repulsion increases.
72. Answer (3) Addition compound
90. Answer (2)
If any activating group is present along with –
SN1 mech
COOH for example –OH which is in salicylic acid
91. Answer (1)
then substitution w.r.t –OH and –COOH is replaced
by that new group. 92. Answer (1)
73. Answer (3) 93. Answer (3)
Inter molecular H-Bonding. 94. Answer (3)
74. Answer (2) 95. Answer (3)