Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn Vol 1, 2nd Edition

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Enta Spinwhistle’s

Guide to Sharn

Volume 1, 2nd Edition

by Pietro Calogero

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon
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Foreword some images of this GIS model of Sharn. The response was
enthusiastically supportive.
On March 11, 2020, I began hosting a D&D campaign at Victory Point
Once I proposed this book to Eberron Discord participants, I also
Cafe in Berkeley, California. Within a week, we went into pandemic
solicited their input for places in Sharn that they had created. The
lockdown and shifted the game online. I named it "the Fiesole
response has been wonderful. I have credited the Discord contributors
Campaign" after the town where Boccaccio and his friends took refuge
in italics below each contribution. Locations attributed to the Fiesole
from the Black Plague of 1348-51. This turned out to be appropriate not
Campaign are ones I developed.
only because of the pandemic and our shared project of telling stories;
but also because the ethical sensibilities of the group fit better with with I realize that this portrayal of Sharn is not entirely canon, nor kanon.
the Decameron, and with the pulp/noir/Weimar Berlin setting of Sharn. This is partly due to ambiguities in the original source material,
especially about the scale of the Sharn and how the city meets the
I began developing these maps of Sharn in February 2020, in
terrain. But I also wanted the setting to be tangible, imaginable, and
anticipation of starting the campaign. I wanted to give the group
playable. I made the Core Towers truly massive, but not 1000 feet across.
maximum latitude to improvise, and I wanted more specific, tangible
The city is more than 40 stories (500 feet) high, but not a mile. If you
detail to work with. So I built a geographic information system (GIS)
ever stand at the edge of a sheer cliff in Yosemite or Zion Canyon, it is
model of Sharn, figured out its scale, and sought out urban fabric
that dizzying height.
patterns that would match.
The closest is Venice, Italy. I feel the influence of Italo Calvino in this: Thank you:
his fictional Marco Polo kept describing cities to Kublai Khan, but the My players: Kitty Stryker, Christopher Rodriguez, Leslee Petersen,
Great Khan eventually realized they were all versions of Polo's native Meghan Krause, Rena Lourie, Josh Price, and Allison Elliot.
Venice. By chance, the footprint of Venice is almost exactly the size of
My Spouse: Lizzie Calogero.
Sharn, and it is shockingly small: about 1400 meters by 1700 meters. Yet,
in a way, it is infinite. The fabric of Venice is so compact, so irregular, that Eberron Discordians: Imogen Gingell, Sunevial, Jarrod Taylor, Nathan
Doyle, Matthew Booth, kpenguin, The Windu, and bandti. Kpongle for
visitors remark on how they get lost in this tiny city.
pointing out sites in SCoT that were not included in ERLW.
I cut-and-spliced Venetian neighborhoods to fit the Districts and
Open-source developers of QGIS, LibreOffice, & Open Streetmap.
Wards of Sharn. In the process, I realized that Venice had been originally
settled as a refugee camp. Since 2003 I have gained a lot of experience The people of Venezia, Italia.
with these types of 'informal' settlements while working for the In-real-life (IRL) text is set in Noto Sans.
government of Afghanistan. No matter how fancy Venice became by the ❧
Late Middle Ages, the raw panic of that haphazard retreat from the
Enta Spinwhistle's text is set in Libre Baskerville and Andada.
Lombards in the 6th century had been etched forever into the pattern of
its streets and blocks.
Enta would like to thank the Korranberg University Press and
Venice, therefore, is a very appropriate model for the lower wards of
her editor, Melliflua, for her patience in the assembly of this
Sharn. The Cyran and Brelish refugees; the extreme crowding; the
superimposition of newer development over an ancient city; it works
well. For the more orderly and spacious Central Plateau, I used parts of
Vienna (Wien), Austria.
My players are much more savvy about 21st century social media
than I. They pointed me to the Eberron Discord Server where I shared

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 2

Preface Layout of this Report
This report is in wide format, to accommodate the peculiar
Dear TrustLeader Vollin,
layout of this city. The Cogs and Skyway are presented only in one
Please accept my apologies for the tardiness of this document. I map each; but all the remaining Levels are shown in nine maps:
submit to you the most complete report on Sharn that I could one overview and eight detailed maps. The detailed maps overlap
compile, under the unstable conditions of this remarkable city. I considerably, so that relationships between Wards can be shown.
had only begun to compile the report when the Mourning In the corner of each detail map is a key-map of the whole city,
happened. Over the next four years, the Lower levels have been showing the location of that detail within the overall level.
transformed by the influx of both Cyran and Brelish refugees, and
Along the edges of each Ward, the two white features that
a recent influx of humanoids from Droaam. Repeated attempts to
appear in many places are the lifts (eight-pointed star) and the
map out The Depths proved futile and very nearly lethal. I have
landings for the public sky-coach system. The landings each have
included here the schematic maps of the upper portion of The
two platforms, one for offloading and the second for loading new
Depths, which I compiled by tracing drains in the Lower Wards
overlying them.
Descriptions of newly-documented locations follow the
Please thank Inquisitive Trebbulio for his suggestion that I work
sequence of maps, from the north edge of Dura southward,
for the local newspaper, the Breland Voice. The editors there have
sweeping north through Menthis, Central, and Northedge, and
given me license to investigate stories all across the city, so long as
south through Tavick’s Landing.
I produce a steady stream of sensationalist, salacious gossip for
their readers. In the guise of a journalist I have been able to The Form of Sharn
compile and verify the maps of the Middle and Lower Wards
included here. Towers, yes; but look below as well
My overall assessment of Sharn remains unchanged from the In this Report I focus mostly on the Lower and Middle Wards of
impressions I relayed to you several months ago. The leaders of Sharn. The slender towers, soaring bridges, and floating structures
this city feel that they have always governed over barely-controlled of the Upper Wards and Skyway draw the attention of both visitors
chaos. Either through ignorance or indifference, they have not and the ruling elite of the city itself. However, nine-tenths of both
sensed the fundamental change in tone in the lower levels of the the population and the productive power of this city lie in the
city. Our Gnomish policy of intelligence-gathering might be Middle Wards and below. The main value of this report is as a
considered intrusive by the other races here, but we would have detailed description of the Middle and Lower city.
taken action long ago to address the troubles which plague the The massive Core Towers emerge from the bedrock of The
races in this City of Towers. Depths and support the street-level platforms of both the Lower
That said, I would greatly appreciate an extension of my and Middle Wards (see the cross-section, p.6). In the Lower City,
assignment here. There remain many sites to explore and map, ten-story tenements are built with the shoddiest timber-and-mud
and the volatile politics of this city need to be closely and construction, and they (usually) remain erect under the levitating
continuously monitored by Gnomes familiar with the context. My influence of the Manifest Zone of Syrania. These tenements rest
position as a staff reporter at The Voice remains uniquely on the street-level platforms, and lean against each other and the
advantageous for this. Also: I remain ever-grateful to the House of Core Towers for mutual support.
Sivis for providing discrete communication to you, but Sivis Waves of refugees built these tenements in haste, in erratic
rumors that I am having an affair with a Shifter in the depths of patterns of blocks and streets. Malleon's Gate has a reputation as a
this city are wholly unfounded. deadly maze, but to some degree this applies to all the districts of
Through Vigilance We Remain Strong and Safe, the Lower and Middle Wards. The main value of this report is not
to map out the Upper Towers and Skyway districts, which can be
Enta Spinwhistle easily seen. Rather, it is to give some sense of the vast majority of
the city below these airy heights.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 3

Demography of Sharn Cogs Locations
At the urging of scholars at Morgrave University, the estimated Gan'Raat (Ashblack, the Cogs)
population of Sharn was recently revised upwards from 200,000
credit: Jarrod Taylor
to 500,000. This is still a gross underestimate, reflecting the willful
– dare I say imperial? – perspective of the humans who dominate There is a newer restaurant in Ashblack, converted from an
Brelish politics. The population is 500,000 people if you only count abandoned Cannith warehouse into a fine establishment for eating.
‘proper, recognized citizens of Breland’ as people. If you count all The Gan'Raat (or hungry story) serves up unique and flavorful
the orcs, goblinoids, tieflings, gnolls, ogres, and Cyran refugees, dishes by it's owner, a goblin Wayfinder called Vonan'khesh. In
the population is close to ten times that. Virtually all of the Cogs, addition to having more space (and less nefarious ties) than
Depths, Lower Wards, and even a surprising portion of the Middle Shamukaar in Khyber's Gate, the Gan'Raat overlooks a pool of lava
Wards are “informal neighborhoods” that are ignored by the city where a shark of elemental fire resides.
government. This un-recognition conveniently allows the city CogSteam
rulers to exclude the majority from political participation and
Dwarves rediscovered an ancient Goblinoid strategy of
from protection by the Sharn Watch. Curiously, this is at odds with
tunneling out to the Dagger River to tap fresh water that can be
the express wishes of King Boranel. He has repeatedly argued for
poured onto the magma in controlled amounts. The water
full recognition of all persons, even if they are refugees – even if
explodes into steam. Steam-expansion drives turbines which
they are warforged.
power the massive machinery that gives this district its name.
Relationship of The Cogs to the rest of the city Steam is ducted upward to heat the baths of Lower and Middle
Sharn is located on the Trans-Khorvaire Rift Zone (see Sharn. This also means that steam rises from maintenance hatches
‘Geology,’ p.6), which remains volcanically active. Basaltic magma in the streets of Lower and Middle, and contributes to the humid,
rises to within only one hundred feet below sea level under the city hazy atmosphere of the city.
itself, enabling heat-tolerant peoples to access pools of magma in
Cannith Forges (Cogs; locations uncertain)
several locations below the city.
House Cannith produced the warforged, myriad weapons,
Most of the known residents of the Cogs are Warforged and
armor, and key components of the skyships at the end of the Last
heavily-indebted humanoids of all races. There are also criminal
fugitives, but perhaps the most interesting are a community of
Tieflings who dominate the production of fine ceramics and glass-

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 4

Geology and the Structure of Sharn
This basaltic magma was used to build and rebuild the towers of
I agree with Gill-Bullywug (YK937, pp. 2296 et seq.) that the
Sharn, including the Dhakaani city of Ja’shaarat, Malleon’s Shaarat,
Dagger River is part of the Trans-Khorvaire Rift Zone, created
Breggor’s Sharn, and the current city rebuilt after the War of the
some time late in the Age of Demons. As the continent began to
Mark. Basalt forms massive columnar crystals with a hexagonal
tear apart, massive basalt-lava flows covered the adjacent ground.
cross-section. The great towers which support Lower, Middle, and
Continued rifting resulted in the exposed cliffs of basalt along the
Upper Sharn are in fact made of basalt, though their gargantuan
Dagger River and the Hilt, with similar formations from
scale could only be achieved through magical means and the
Thronehold north to the Scions Sound. There is strong indication
association of this Manifest Zone with the plane of Syrania.
that Black Pit and the Thrane River are part of this same rift zone.
Somehow they were extruded hundreds of feet up, and rendered
Devotees of the Church of the Silver Flame might take great
hollow. Furthermore, lava was allowed to spread out twice: first to
offense at this, though, so we should remain tactful when dealing
cover The Depths and provide a foundation for the Lower Wards;
with those zealots.
then as a series of platforms which support the Middle Wards. A
Here in Sharn, the Great Rift remains volcanically active. In the few small platforms were created at the Upper Level. These smaller
Cogs, directly below the city, lava pits can still be accessed (though platforms create the University District in Menthis, Skysedge Park
I advise against it) and the magma appears to be the same basaltic in Central, and a few smaller areas in Upper Dura and Northedge.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 6

The Depths and Cliffside Depths Locations
The previous cities built on this site were carved out of a basalt Goblin Gasworks Composting Chambers (Upper Depths;
platform, or bench, that rises 120 feet above the Dagger River (see multiple locations)
‘Geology’ section for details). The Depths are a honeycomb of GoblinGas uses chambers within the core towers to collect the
shafts and caverns within this stone bench. I have shown The effluent, flotsam, and jetsam of Sharn to compost in to cooking-gas
Depths in the same set of maps as the Cliffside neighborhoods and gardening soil. These are within the upper 30 feet of The
along the river. This is partially correct, because the deeper levels Depths.
of The Depths are at the same level as Cliffside, on the Dagger
River and Hilt. However I have only been able to sketch out the Crypt of Calderus (Lower Depths; location unknown)
topmost level of The Depths, where it closely matches the pattern Thus far the Servants of Calderus have managed to keep the
of the streets above in the Lower Wards. The deeper regions of location of her crypt unknown.
The Depths seem to have completely different layouts.
Daask Headquarters (Depths; location unknown)
This begs the question: are there hidden portals and doors from
Cliffside or the Mud Caves which provide access to The Depths? Typically the Daask seek out ancient Dhakanni fortresses as
Through repeated inquiries I have made no progress answering strongholds; and the rumors are that they have done so in the
this question. ancient goblinoid ruins within the Depths of Sharn. However, the
location remains unknown to most citizens of Sharn.
Cliffside Locations Baker Beach & Boardwalk (The Hilt; below Dragoneyes)
Coranesti Brothers Adventuring Company (Ship’s Towers, This beach and boardwalk are accessed via a stairway down
Cliffside) from the Dragon Gate at the Lower Wards level. Named after an elf
Credit: The Windu who ran a bakery on the boardwalk for more than a century; he
was famed for his wide-brimmed hat. Clothing is optional on this
Business Type: Adventuring Guild beach, and it is a place where people from all levels of Sharn get
Owner: Lueten, Cora, & Gaelmus Coranesti fresh air and show off their figures. dwarves, goblinkind, and orcs
If you are looking for an up and coming guild within Sharn, but generally visit at night, though.
are on a budget, look no further than the Coranesti Brothers
Adventuring Company (C.B.A.C). The small guild office is run by
the Coranesti Brothers and their sister Cora. It was once voted the
third best guild for new adventurers. In all of Cliffside. Six years
ago. But with dues kept reasonably low and a very relaxed
admittance policy, becoming a C-Back might be exactly what you

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 7

The Lower Wards Bath-Houses (multiple locations, Lower & Middle)
All baths include a caldarium, tepidarium, frigidarium, dry sauna,
The buildings of the Lower Wards of Sharn are typically ten and massage tables. Each is run independently, under city license.
stories high. Centuries ago they were probably spacious. As Heat is supplied by CogSteam; cold is maintained by magewrights.
wealthy families moved to higher levels and towers, they
Households in Upper Wards and Skyway have personal
subdivided these Lower buildings and turned them into dense
bathrooms. The only public baths in the upper city are Yomama’s
tenements. Buildings in Lower Sharn are still owned by the
in Upper Dura and Skylight (see ‘Upper and Skyway Locations’).
‘leading families’ of the city, such as the ir’Tains; but half of the
Lower districts are appalling slums. High Walls, a district in Lower Veterans of the Last War halls (VLW; multiple locations)
Tavick’s Landing is perhaps the worst. Packed with Cyran refugees, Support services and the general mood vary widely between
you could buy any ‘service’ you could imagine from them. Yet the halls in different districts. Veteran mercenaries of all races can be
Cyrans are a proud and cultured people. Their condition of found in at least one of the VLW halls. HQ: Sword Point, Middle
humiliation in Lower Sharn should be a concern for both the city Central Plateau.
government and the regime of Breland as a whole.
Today the Lower Wards are dimly-lit, damp, and reeking from
PixieMart (Lower Wards, multiple locations)
the refuse tossed down from upper levels of the city. A species of Run by the Boromar Clan, these convenience stores are staffed
glow-moss grows on the walls of many of the crumbling buildings. by surly young Halflings. They wear cheap costumes that are poor
Glow-moss is the only reason why darkvision is not required even imitations of actual pixies. Thelanis emissaries have lodged a
at midday; but it casts an eerie blue-green pall over the whole complaint of ‘misrepresentative slander’ in the Sharn courts, but
level. haven’t paid sufficient bribes to court clerks to make any progress.
A surprisingly diverse selection of poor quality items are offset
How the Lower Wards are mapped by a few exceptionally good products, such as Fair Game Jerky.
In the maps I have have compiled, I only show the street level of Rumors and bard songs intimate that the meat is from humanoids,
the Lower and Middle Wards. The buildings above this level follow but PixieMart vigorously defends its quality. Supply runs short
the same footprint, but most of the businesses are located at the during certain Goblin holidays.
base of each building, where it rests upon the great basalt
platforms that support each Level. In many Lower Wards a
The Archaic (Malleon’s Gate, Lower Dura)
webwork of rickety bridges and catwalks are strung between Credit: bandti
buildings at various heights above the streets. At first I tried to map In the depths of Malleon's Gate, there is a small shop named
those, too. But each time I returned to a district some had “The Archaic”, which sells spell components of all sorts. However,
collapsed or been re-strung in a different arrangement. The these components are a bit... strange. Instead of bat guano for
ground-level plan forms the only stable reference for these fireball, the shop sells penguin guano. Instead of fur or feathers for
districts. enhance ability, the store sells tentacles from a sea creature. The
shopkeeper, a hobgoblin from Darguun, is a scholar on the
Lower Wards Locations Dhakaani empire and insists there was a region of the empire that
Lord Halas’ Promenade used arcane magic, albeit in a completely different way from the
High, volcanic bluffs bound the city of Sharn to the north and modern Siberyian we know. When a spellcaster uses these
east. The city maintains an official gap between the northern bluffs components, the spell seems to work a bit differently. For example,
and the adjacent quarters of Dura and Northedge. Goblinkind of Fireball becomes more fluidic and deals damage over time.
Malleon’s Gate call the gap between their district and the cliffs a (maybe 4d6 initially, then 1d6 after that for 4 rounds).
‘promenade’ named after Halas Tarkanan, the last great leader of Miracle Max’s (Malleon’s Gate, Lower Dura)
aberrant dragonmarked. Need a cheap magical fix from a grumpy Goblin? Right here!

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 16

Outer Industrialization (Precarious & The Stores Precarious Trees (Precarious, Lower Dura)
districts) The two Precarious Trees are the Pernicious Pine and the
Belligerent Balsam Fir. Each winter, Goblins on broomsticks
Merchants leapt at the opportunities created by the tenuous attempt to decorate these trees for the winter festivals, while
peacetime under the Treaty of Thronehold. Sharn had been avoiding being beaten senseless by thrashing branches or
attacked many times from the water during the Last War, so few pincushioned by evergreen needles.
valuable investments were made in Cliffside, down at the water
level. Instead, both shipyards and warehouses had been built up in The Orphanages (Precarious, Lower Dura)
Lower Dura, in The Stores and Precarious districts, directly above The orphanages are Mother Strayne's Nest for Foundlings and
Cliffside. Gragna's Orphanage for Orderly Boys. Mother Strayne's has been
With the advent of Skyships eight years ago, and peace two abandoned for 50 years, because of the horrific murder of Strayne
years ago, these two districts have become a hive of activity. Trade and all the children at the orphanage. There are many rumors and
has resumed with the nervous vigor of merchants who believe it ghost stories about this place, but it is avoided by the locals.
might not last. Meanwhile, Lyrandar Skyships are predominantly Gragna's was started 50 years ago to fill the unmet need after the
wooden vessels, structurally similar to waterborne ships. Work- death of Strayne. Gragna's miserable students are often seen lined
shops that have long served the wooden ship industry are now up along streets, singing pitifully to gather alms to cover the cost of
beginning to serve the Skyships as well. These include Hermetic their food.
Garage, Gantressor's Garage, Half-Tusk Fabrications, Wind- Forum of Fists (Gate of Gold, Lower Dura)
catcher's Sails, and Rex's Garage.
credit: Fiesole Party
Helix Ropeworks has located in the Old Keep district,
Sometimes political disagreements are not about the policies
indicating that port-side activity is expanding northward into this
exactly – they are about partisans wanting to beat each other to let
adjacent district. Blackwind Security provides armed protection.
off steam. The Forum is devoted to venting this impulse. A
Spanner's Quaffs (Precarious, Lower Dura) surprising number of chronic family feuds have been settled here.
Spanner's has become a new favorite pub for the local workers. Mild healing-potions are provided to combatants, partly to
Spanner is a Warforged explosives specialist, who now runs a bar. prolong fights. Side-betting has been dominated by the Boromar
In his back room he maintains a fully equipped shop for clan for decades, but smaller gangs like the Callestan Clash and the
Warforged who want to modify themselves. Bonegrub Boys also engage in betting here. High nobles and even
city councilmembers have occasionally been seen here.
Another 'modder' is Bannu the Gnome, whose shop is just
across the plaza in Callestan district. Punchiez’ Gym (Malleon’s Gate, Lower Dura)
Here you can train with simple, martial, and exotic weapons,
and hand-to-hand(or claw) combat with a variety of humanoids.
Good preparation for a session at Forum of Fists.
Well-Pounded Bread (Malleon’s Gate, Lower Dura)
Gur the ogre, baker & proprietor. Gur also sells tiny collectibles,
including glass bobble-head cats and Thoog’s figurines.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 17

Interior Industrialization of Lower Dura The Thundering Flea (Downstairs, Lower Menthis Plateau)
On the 'inside face' of Lower Dura—mostly in Gate of Gold and Credit: The Windu
Malleon's Gate—are a series of factories. Just inside Callestan A cheap tavern owned by the centaur Peronia Brushpass.
district are Callestan Carpetweavers and Callestan Colorworks. In
Hypatia's Heaven (Firelight, Lower Menthis Plateau)
Gate of Gold there are three toy-producers: Thoog's Miniatures,
Hiram's Toys, and Maurice's Mechanisms. Each of these is run by Credit: Leslee Petersen
an eponymous gnome, but Thoog uses indentured ogres to sculpt A worker-owned brothel with a focus on diversity among
and paint the tiny figures he sells. workers and clients. Founded and run by the halfling Fenchurch
Gate-o-Gold Weavers is a major producer of cloth for the whole Bagend, Hypatia’s frequently has clients from all levels of Sharn.
city. Goblin Glamerweave gets first pick of many of these fabrics; Primary competitor to Salvia's. Fenchurch is also a founder of the
it would dominate the custom-tailoring business of the city if Church of Ecstatic Secularism. Remember: consent is the key (to
upper-city residents were not so nervous about coming to this bedroom)!
Malleon's Gate. The Vortex: Experimental Theater (Firelight, Lower Menthis)
Goblin Gasworks (Malleon’s Gate, Lower Dura) Extreme absurdism, abstract expressionism, and other dramatic
At the east end of Malleon's Gate are the offices and one of the happenings that confuse, offend, and occasionally polymorph the
major refineries of Goblin Gasworks. This firm does most of the audience-participants. Release-of-liability policy is comparable
solid waste management for the entire city of Sharn. It collects the with high-risk adventure companies. Purchase of a ticket
trash, sewage, and corpses that flow or fall into The Depths and constitutes acceptance of sweeping terms of impunity.
ferments them. The goblins extract methane gas from this process, Patty & Gina’s (Olladra’s Kitchen, Lower Central Plateau)
and pipe it back up into the city where it is used as cooking fuel.
Credit: The Windu
The decomposed organic solids from this process are used as
fertilizer in the mushroom-farms of Lower Dura and The Depths, Type: Tavern
and also sold as mulch to local gardeners and farmers. Owner: Patricia and Regina Doras
The Ball Pit (Callestan, Lower Dura) This unique tavern in Olladra’s Kitchen has guests take a small
survey before seating them. This survey will dictate if the
Credit: The Windu
customers will sit on one side of the bar, or the other. Patricia and
Type: Brawling Tavern Regina are the gnomish owners of this tavern, which was willed to
Owner: “Crown Breaker” them by their parents. The will stated all of their parent’s
Many taverns in Sharn can offer a chance at a wonderful bar belongings would be split evenly between the girls, so the tavern
brawl, but only The Ball Pit can guarantee one. The goliath owner was split through the middle. Patty and Gina both attest that THEY
of this tavern is a former Brightblade Arena Champion. Due to an had come up with the Sharn Famous Meat-On-A-Stick that so
unfortunate accident, he is no longer allowed to fight in the arena, many have come to know and love. Each side of the tavern
so he created a place he could fight without risking injury to produces such a unique experience it is beneficial to visit multiple
another person. To that end the entire building has been outfitted times. However, to tell a devotee of Gina that Patty’s Meat-On-A-
for safety. Cushions, padding, rubber, and soarwood are used on Stick is better would surely cause a fight to break out.
every surface.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 18

Sarha’s Gear (High Walls, Lower Tavick’s Landing) The Proving Grounds (east of Lower Tavick’s)
Credit: Nathan Doyle (@deficitdragons) The gap between Sharn and the high bluffs to the east is much
Nestled in a hard to find alley of High Walls is Elgan ir'Sarha, a larger than on the north side. This space is accessible by land,
once-wealthy noble turned Cyran refugee who buys Cyran which means Sharn has an actual defensive wall and gates on its
military equipment from down-on-their-luck soldiers. He offers a eastern side. Between EastWall and Halden’s Bluffs is an area large
higher rate than other pawnshops, but only to Cyrans or friends enough for military exercises, parades, and contests, known as The
thereof. Usually, instead of reselling this equipment, he Proving Grounds.
painstakingly works on repairing it and ships it off to New Cyre, in Since The Proving Grounds are not within any of the Districts
the hope that Cyre can rise again. of Sharn, they lie outside the jurisdiction of Sharn Watch. It is
therefore often the site of duels and forms of lethal combat which
Terminus Station (Lower Tavick’s)
are banned within the city itself.
This is both a station and the main surviving production facility
for the Lightning Rail. Maintenance and fabrication shops are Dragon Gate (Dragoneyes, Lower Tavick’s)
located directly above the station. This is a lesser gate into the city from the land side. Generally it
is used by city residents to access Baker Beach and Boardwalk,
Rookery Plaza (Terminus, Lower Tavick’s Lannding)
located along The Hilt below.
Adjacent to the Lightning Rail station is a large plaza, which
feels somewhat like a cavern because it is roofed over by the
underside of the Middle Wards, 120 feet above. It is filled with
hawkers, stalls, and pickpockets, giving many visitors their first
genuine experience of the culture of the city.
Wroann’s Gate (East Wall, Lower Tavick’s Landing)
This is the main roadway entry to the city. Marked by a statue of
Queen Wroann ir’Wynarn. Cyran refugees consider it bad luck to
pass through this gate. Wroann’s refusal to recognize the
succession of the Cyran Princess Mishann was instrumental in
starting the Last War. Cyrans use the Dragon Gate instead.
PRESTO Products (Black Arch, Lower Tavick’s)
Sharn’s economy is based on the mass production of practical
magical items. PRESTO Products is the quintessential example of
this. Magewrights who have mastered one or several aspects of the
Prestidigitation spell infuse diverse home-convenience products,
from never-fail lighters to autobrooms.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 19

Middle Wards Montoya’s Metals (Hareth's Folly, Middle Dura)
Run by Atazar Montoya, one of the few elf blacksmiths in
In general, the Middle Wards are like a happier sibling to the Sharn. She specializes in damascened blades made of hybrid steel
Lower Wards. Middle Wards buildings are also typically ten stories and byeshk.
high, and tightly-packed with narrow streets between them.
However, most of the streets are open to sky because there are Weevil’s Wares (Bazaar, Middle Dura)
only a few Upper Level platforms covering small portions of this The most eclectic assemblage of items outside of the Brelish
Level. Museum of Antiquities.
In the Middle Wards, the ‘street level’ map is still the most The Stalls (Bazaar, Middle Dura)
useful, because most businesses are at this level. Unlike the Lower
Wards, suspended streets and catwalks are discouraged here, Rotating groups of vendors set up daily stalls in this plaza.
because there is actually sunlight and sky that could be blocked. Sharn Petting Zoo (Bazaar, Middle Dura)
Furthermore, residents of the Middle Wards can afford skycoaches Credit: the Windu
as a means of daily travel. Dense bridges and catwalks at this level
Owner: Beck Grayhawk
would be seen as more of an obstacle, and less as an affordable
means of travel. House Vadalis has been submitting various creations to the
Sharn Petting Zoo over the years. Many well known breeds have
Floor-to-floor heights in Middle Sharn are higher, so the tops of
gotten their start here, as it is the perfect place to try out things not
buildings are often more than 150 feet above the Middle-level
as flashy as Magebred Bears. Stop in to see their glowing kittens.
streets, and 400 feet above the Dagger River. The slender towers
that constitute the Upper Wards rise out of the tops of these Chibbles Boutique (Bazaar, Middle Dura)
buildings. The hexagonal towers are magically-extruded basalt, Credit: the Windu
and reputedly extremely strong and stable. Other buildings and
Business Type: Clothier
towers are braced against these ‘core’ towers. Though many things
can fly in Sharn, lateral stability is still useful. Owner: Chibbles
This small boutique offers some of the finest designs in the city,
A revision of several districts
if you have an unusual eye. The owner, an elan from Sarlona, has
Many locations in the Middle Wards have been described in been making outfits based on designs from her homeland. The
previous guide-books. However, a few locations seem to have been style is slightly unnerving to some, but is guaranteed to make an
mis-reported. Most importantly, the location of several districts in impression. Chibbles boutique is one of 3 shops that has Wing
Middle Central is different from what was reported in Sharn: City Weave, a fabric made with angel feathers magically woven within.
of Towers. Furthermore, "Little Barrington" seems to be called
"Baragon" today. Menander’s Wands & Staves (Bazaar, Middle Dura)
Dimly-lit shop stacked high with carefully-organized boxes of
Middle Wards Locations wands and bins full of staves. It is rumored that the ancient Elven
Bath-Houses and VLW Halls (multiple locations) proprietor met Galifar the Great when Breland was incorporated
into the Kingdom.
See descriptions of Baths & VLW in ‘Lower Wards Locations.’
Harla’s Delivery (Underlook, Middle Dura) Fezzini’s Potions (Bazaar, Middle Dura)
Sometimes known as ‘Fezzini’s Poisons.’ Run by Ranolo Fezzini.
Aspiring young Orien Sorceress who flies parcels across Sharn.
a proud and stout halfling who boasts that he carries the finest
ingredients, purest reagents, and organic aromatic oils. Haggling
over prices is encouraged, but avoid offending Ranolo at all costs.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 29

The Nameless Tavern (Rattlebone, Middle Dura) The Helpful Halfling (Cassan Bridge, Middle Menthis)
Credit: The Windu Credit: the Windu
Type: Brawling Tavern Business Type: Refurbished Equipment
Owner: N/A Owner: Stoben d’Ghallandha
The Nameless Tavern is often hard to locate as the sign outside This simple goods store is one of the only reclaimed items
has been painted and plastered over countless times. When stores in Sharn. When an adventuring group has a bunch of bulk
Thamas Vance died over ten years ago, he left a will and note for equipment they have “reclaimed”, The Helpful Halfling is the
his son. He called on his son to “As owner of the tavern you must perfect place to sell. The owner is an heir of House Ghallandha
fight anyone who wants to take this legacy from you.” Due to a who wanted to try something a little different. He purchases all
clerical error it was written as “Any owner of the tavern must fight goods at 50% of the general purchase price and sells them for 75%.
anyone who wants to take it.” leading to a frequent changing of
Mirror's Emporium (Everbright, Middle Menthis)
ownership. Because it takes a few months to get the name changed
no one has had it legally changed in years. The current owner has Credit: Matthew "Regitnui" Booth
filled the paperwork and made it four weeks. A cosmetic magic expert located in Middle Menthis, Mirror is a
Due to the quick turn over, drink specials are hard to come by, changeling who makes a point of appearing as their client's mirror
so if you find yourself in the tavern, just order the House Ale until image. While this can be disconcerting, it's very helpful in their
you get the courage to challenge the owner. line of work. A client can simply describe their desires and Mirror
will alter their own appearance until the client is happy, thereafter
Aundair’s Bite (Rattlebone, Middle Dura) casting the required spells.
During the Last War the floating Glass Tower was somehow
Iarris Adventuring (Everbright, Middle Menthis)
sabotaged: it fell hundreds of feet and shattered across the old
temple district of Lower Dura. As it fell, it broke through a portion Credit: Khell
of the Middle Wards basalt platform, taking several buildings with A small, independent adventuring company, led by Iarris.
it. Pilots of skycoaches and soarsleds avoid this area out of both
Magewright College (Everbright, Middle Menthis)
respect and a fear of magic that might undo the levitating
properties of Sharn’s Manifest Zone. Directly below Morgrave University is the equally-large, but
less-acclaimed college that trains magewrights to refine their
The Beauty of the Divine (Cassan Bridge, Middle Menthis) magical skills. This is the womb of Sharn’s economy, providing
credit: Sunevial those who will deliver the goods and services that support the city.
Tucked away in a corner of Cassan Bridge is a small clothing
store and salon named 'The Beauty of the Divine'. It's run by two
planetouched tieflings, a brother and sister, and the store
specializes in catering to individuals who have unique fashion
needs. They cater for tails, horns, hooves, and are experts in
matching colorful skin to the latest fashion trends. The two
siblings are also devoted members of a Three Faces of Love cult,
and they're known to matchmake among their customers.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 30

Hrrregaros' Finest Porcelain (Tradefair, Middle Central) Ragga SkyCoach Works (Holdfast, Middle Northedge)
Hrrregaros the Minotaur sells some of the most exquisite Largest producer of skycoaches in Sharn. Joint Cannith-
porcelain and glasswork in Breland, possibly all of Khorvaire. Most Lyrandar shop.
of his products are made by a collective of Tieflings based in the
Knuckles Bones (Cornerstone, Middle Tavick’s Landing)
Cogs. It is rumored that one can commission items with disturbing
enchantments from this shop, but most visitors swear that they Credit: the Windu
cannot imagine anything harmful being sold by this charming Type: Gaming Tavern
Minotaur. Owner: Milton ir’Bradley
Cyran Embassy (Ambassador Towers, Middle Central Plateau) Gaming Halls have a long history in Sharn but Knuckles Bones
Out of respect for the plight of the Cyrans, this Embassy offers a different type of gaming. No gambling takes place and
continues to be recognized even after the Mourning. Prince instead everything is casual and fun. It is a very different feeling
Oargev still holds receptions here, though fewer Brelish notables and it can build up relationships in your life.
attend as the plight of Cyran refugees in Sharn has deteriorated. Each game they have amongst their collection, has a recom-
mended cocktail to accompany it. One of the most popular is a
S.W.A.E. Headquarters (Ambassador Towers, Middle Central) game called Gloomy Family, in which players weave morbid tales
credit: Fiesole Party about their fictional family and kill them in hilarious ways. The
Sharn Workers Against Eploitation (S.W.A.E.) are a labor-union night is made all the better when paired with a pitcher of the Long
organization led by goblins and orcs of the Lower Wards. They and Bitter, a bitter black concoction that gets more and more bitter
have recently received support from the warforged and tieflings, as each pitcher is refilled.
and surprise endorsement from the King's Citadel. Royal support
is a move in the long game of political tensions between the noble
houses of Sharn and the Brelish monarchy.
Plaza of Truths (Sovereign Towers, Middle Central Plateau)
In this lovely district, the Pavilion of the Sovereign Host and the
Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame face onto the same plaza. This
major public space crackles with the tension between these two
faiths. In the middle of the plaza is a permanent Zone of Truth, ten
feet square. Leaders of both faiths are accustomed to avoiding this
The Liar’s Bite (Sovereign Towers, Middle Central Plateau)
Credit: Flannelcat
Hole-in-wall restaurant serving fried spider parts. Adjacent to
the Plaza of Truths.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 31

Upper Wards & Skyway Elba's Airships (Highwater, Upper Dura)
Our Skyships may be a great leap in magecraft, but older
I have little to add to prior existing works, regarding locations in balloon-based Airships still serve cities across Breland. Airships
the Upper Wards and Skyway. I refer you to the works of Baker, have seen a recent revival as merchants have become nervous
Slavicsek, Wyatt, Crawford, Bassingthwaite, Wulf, Crilley, et. al. about the insecurity of roadways, and even the Lightning Rail.
These wards are beautiful and remarkable, justifying Sharn's Within Sharn, Airships are redundant, but the Sharnese have
epithet: City of Towers. Aundair has a few floating ‘motes of acquired a preference for flight even beyond the limits of this
Eberron,’ but in the case of Sharn it seems as if the city is either Manifest Zone.
slowly coalescing from the sky, or slowly dissolving up into it. The
floating towers are beautifully wrought, but there is still a clear Rats In The Cellar (Clifftop, Upper Dura)
design relationship to buildings in the Upper, Middle, and Lower Credit: The Windu
Wards. Scholars at Morgrave University argue that subtle Type: Trapped Tap Tavern
proportions of walls, windows, and decorative details trace back
Owner: Aurizura Karch
even to the Dhakaani City of ten thousand years ago.
Rats In The Cellar is a new type of tavern experience appearing
A city for bird-watchers in Sharn, known as Trapped Taps. These unique establishments
One notable feature of the upper reaches of Sharn is that got their start in Xen’drik as a way to keep adventuring skills sharp.
floating structures are excellent bird habitats. Nesting bird still When entering the tavern your group of “Adventurers'' must
have to defend against avian predators, but the threat of terrestrial proceed through a series of random puzzles and traps in order to
animals is almost nonexistent. Occasionally some rats manage to make its way to the main bar. The tunnels and halls leading to the
stow aboard a sky-coach and infest a floating tower, but bar have over 100 unique puzzles to solve, and your team will
magewrights are well-paid to exterminate these vermin from encounter 4-5 before succeeding. The next team behind you will
palatial estates. Storks, terns, and swallows all migrate across the have a completely different experience. Rats In The Cellar is
Straits of Shargon to roost here. currently running a scenario inspired by The Inspired., with
Within the city, residents of the Lower and Middle Wards raise “Escape From Riedra”. Once you do make it through, definitely try
pigeons to race and as food. Upper-Wards families raise falcons the Pomow Punch , made with actual Pomow from Riedra.
and hawks which prey on the 'lower' birds. There is a tacit
agreement that this reflects the class animosities in the city as a
Ganix's Zeppelins (Redstone, Upper Dura)
whole, and many festivals in the Middle and Lower Wards involve Only one firm continues to maintain these massive vehicles in
killing Upper-Ward birds and displaying them as parodies of Breland. Whereas Elba's airships range from day-trip balloons to
important officials of the city. small dirigibles, Ganix maintains a fleet of rigid, buoyant ships in
direct competition with the skyships we build with houses
Upper Wards Locations Lyrandar and Cannith. Ganix grumbles about the dangers of
Yomama’s Bathhouse (Highwater, Upper Dura) relying on bound elementals to keep a heavy ship aloft.
However, Ganix's clientele are generally nobles and members of
Yomama is an elder sorceress who runs one of the largest bath-
the Aurum who have their own objections about being dependent
houses in Sharn, in an isolated tower in the Highwater District of
upon Dragonmarked houses for their travel and trade. His most
Upper Dura. Service is excellent, though patrons might get the
regular route is between Sharn and the Brelish capital, Wroat. I
uncanny sense that the staff are under some form of compulsion.
believe he is able to maintain a headquarters and mooring tower
atop the largest tower in Dura only because of his close
relationship with the propertied class in Sharn.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 41

Mic’s Miscellany (Redstone, Upper Dura) Skyway Locations
Credit: The Colonel
Skylight Bathhouse
A tiny shop that offers low prices, but is avoided by locals.
This bathhouse has glass floors and glass ceilings. Technically it
Irritating tourists and over-eager new adventurers are directed
is a public bath, but one must be able to enter Skyway in order to
there, to sample the wares in the large chest at the back of the
use it. Skylight is one of the few places where the elite of the city
reveal themselves, and in fact many prepare for several hours
Izzy’s Slightly Used Airships (Redstone, Upper Dura) before sashaying into this venue. Although it is shielded from
Credit: Zed Bundershot scrying, the glass floors of the pools can be seen from below. This
alone has played a major role in the improvement of optical-glass
Opposite the Lyrandar Airship Tower of Central Plateau. Izzy
lenses for telescopes and field-glasses sold to residents of the
guarantees that the elemental binding-rings and dragonshards of
Upper Wards.
her refurbished airships are sound. Battle-damage and bloodstains
almost completely removed from the decks.
Hanging Gardens (Den’iyas, Upper Menthis)
credit: Paul Crilley, Night of the Long Shadows
An area of Sharn where the manifest zone knots in on itself, and
gravity is reversed for just that area.
Sharn Exchange, a.k.a. The Mosh Pit (Korran-Thiven)
Sharn is a commerce-oriented city. The trading floor of the
“Sharn Exchange” is a monument to business; a continuous violent
performance of primitive accumulation.
Some suggest that traders in the Exchange train for combat in
Lower Dura.
The Flowing Chalice (Korran Thiven, Upper Central)
Credit: The Windu
Type: Adventuring Tavern
Owner: Fizalki Hammersmith
The Flowing Chalice is a short walk from the offices of The
Wayfinder Foundation. Every adventurer wants a chance to have
their stories live on forever and no tavern offers a better chance for
that. Once an adventure has been featured in a broad sheet for
their exploits, they are welcome to come and share their exploits
within. The ability to mingle with other well known adventurers
has led many to see The Flowing Chalice as a rung on the ladder to
membership within the Wayfinder Foundation.
When an adventurer is featured in a paper for a fifth time, The
Flowing Chalice has a special ceremony. A ceremonial dagger with
the adventurer’s name is added to the Wall of Heroes. It is woven
and intertwined with the other blades on the wall.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 42

In Closing Works Cited
Thank you for your kind attention to this report! In Volume 2, I Baker, Keith. 2004. Shadows of the Last War. Renton, WA: Wizards of
will show detailed maps of selected areas of the city, with an the Coast.
overlaid, hexagonal, five-foot grid.
Baker, Keith. 2010. City of Towers. Renton, WA: Wizards of the
Kind Regards,
Baker, Keith, Ruty Rutenberg, Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, and

Enta Spinwhistle Kate Welch. 2018. Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron. Renton, WA:
Wizards of the Coast.

Baker, Keith, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt. 2004. Eberron

Campaign Setting. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast.

Baker, Keith, and James Wyatt. 2004. Sharn: City of Towers.

Book&CD edition. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast.

Team, Wizards RPG. 2019. Eberron: Rising from the Last War.
Illustrated edition. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast.

Wyatt, James, and Keith Baker. 2009. Eberron Campaign Guide:

Roleplaying Game Supplement. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast.

Enta Spinwhistle’s Guide to Sharn 53

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