Ingles 10 2024
Ingles 10 2024
Ingles 10 2024
Competencia(s) a desarrollar:
Writes a personal and critical essay about the crisis of the political parties and how it
affects democracy and the election processes in Colombia.
Communicates orally, the most important of a written essay, using specific linguistic
structures and vocabulary and paying attention to pronunciation and intonation
Descripción de la Actividad:
Dear Student
Follow the steps below to successfully develop this task.(Siga los pasos a continuación para
desarrollar esta tarea exitosamente)
An original 5 paragraph written essay about the crisis of the political parties in Colombia
and how it affects the democracy and the election processes. Include your
contribution to face it and overcome it from your perspective as a professional of a specific
career. Try to cover these aspects:
D. Possible alternatives to solve that crisis and to strength our democracy from your
perspective as a professional of FUNLAM
F. Record a 2: 00 to 2: 30 minute videos Talking about the most important of your essay
1. Observe these examples of basic essays about political parties and politicians
3: Watch and listen to this video for ideas to record the summary
What happened in Hong Kong that affects the people participation in democratic elections
6: Study this material for using connectors in your oral and written
After studying, and doing the exercises above, be ready to start the task
Write a 5 paragraph essay trying to answer these 5 aspects (one paragraph for each aspect (50-
70 words for each paragraph)
1. Paragraph 1 the first paragraph of your essay presents a general and short story and
information about the political parties in Colombia ( short summary in your words )
2. Paragraph 2 The second paragraph of your essay states your concern about the crisis of
the political parties in Colombia
3. Paragraph 3. Paragraph 3 will address the how the crisis affects the democracy and the
election processes.
4. D. Paragraph 4 Paragraph presents your personal ideas for overcoming the crisis from your
professional perspective.
Paragraph 5 Concluding paragraph 5. The concluding paragraph of your essay will contain a
statement declaring or restating your opinion about how to solve the crisis of the parties and so,
improve and strength our democracy.
.After you have written the 5 paragraph essay, record a 2:30 to 3 minute video talking about the
most important aspects of your written text:
3. You should talk to the camera. Try not to read all the letters
Final instructions: Publique el video en Youtube o en Drive (cuenta de Gmail), copie el enlace y
péguelo con la composición escrita. Luego envíe el texto y el enlace del video a través de la
pestaña Agregar entrega, ubicada en la parte inferior de esta página. Inserte el texto directamente
en la ventana emergente así: para copiar = Ctl + C, para pegar = Ctl + V
This video shows some reflections on the importance of voting as a democratic right and duty Take
some ideas from the video to record and present your oral task