Associate Cloud
Engineer Journey
agenda Diagnostic questions
In this module you’ll explore the scope of ensuring successful cloud operations. This
involves managing the compute, storage, and networking resources as well as
monitoring and logging tasks. These areas correspond to the fourth section of the
Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Guide.
When we review the questions, identify the resources you’ll want to include in your
study plan.
Cymbal Superstore’s
cloud solutions
Now that Cymbal Superstore’s cloud solutions have been deployed and implemented,
your role as an Associate Cloud Engineer shifts focus to maintaining successful
operations. Let’s explore what that means.
The next step:
managing Cymbal ● Managing Compute Engine resources
Sometimes the instance template that the group is based on might need to be
bq mk --external_table_definition=cymbal_trans_mngt_bt_def /
3. Query the data using the permanent table reference in the from clause of a sql query
Let’s specifically discuss how you might set up the resources required to query that
data on a regular basis.
What would this involve? Let’s think about Cymbal Superstore’s transportation
management app. You can use BigQuery sql to query your Bigtable data by defining a
permanent external table using the Google Cloud Console or the bq command line
tool. You do this by creating a table definition file which includes the uri for the table
in Bigtable and information about the column families and columns defined in the
table. The entries for the table definition are written in JSON. Next you create an
external table reference with a bq mk command. Here is an example of what that
might look like for our Cymbal Superstore example. Then you can submit the query
using BigQuery sql.
Diagnostic questions
Now that you have some context for the objectives in this exam section, it’s time to
take a self-assessment focused on managing Google Cloud solutions.
Please complete the
diagnostic questions now
● Forms are provided for you to answer
the diagnostic questions
● The instructor will provide you a link
to the forms
● The diagnostic questions are also
available in the workbook
Review and
study planning
What areas do you need to develop your skills in order to manage the different
aspects of a Google Cloud solution? This is another important area for an Associate
Cloud Engineer, and where you’ll likely spend much of your time on the job. Let’s
review the diagnostic questions to help you target your study time to focus on the
areas where you need to develop your skills.
Your study plan:
Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution
4.1 Managing Compute
Engine resources
We’ll approach this review by looking at the objectives of this exam section and the
questions you just answered about each one. We’ll introduce an objective, briefly
review the answers to the related questions, then talk about where you can find out
more in the learning resources and/or in Google Cloud documentation. As we go
through each section objective, use the page in your workbook to mark the specific
documentation, courses (and modules!), and quests you’ll want to emphasize in your
study plan.
Just like with the previous section, there are multiple objectives in this section that
have many related tasks - so you will probably need to plan for more study time.
Managing Compute
4.1 Engine resources
Tasks include:
● Managing a single VM instance (e.g., start, stop, edit configuration, or delete an instance)
● Remotely connecting to the instance
● Attaching a GPU to a new instance and installing necessary dependencies
● Viewing current running VM inventory (instance IDs, details)
● Working with snapshots (e.g., create a snapshot from a VM, view snapshots, delete a snapshot)
● Working with images (e.g., create an image from a VM or a snapshot, view images, delete an image)
● Working with instance groups (e.g., set autoscaling parameters, assign instance template, create an
instance template, remove instance group)
● Working with management interfaces (e.g., Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, Cloud SDK)
These are the diagnostic questions you answered that relate to this area:
Question 1: Identify commands required to list and describe Compute Engine disk
Question 2: Describe the incremental nature of Compute Engine disk snapshots
Question 3: Implement an Instance Group based on an instance template
4.1 Diagnostic Question 01 Discussion
You want to view a description of your available snapshots using the command line
interface (CLI). What gcloud command should you use?
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
■ M3 Compute Engine and Networking
○ Architecting with Google Compute Engine
■ M3 Virtual Machines
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Getting To list Compute Engine disk snapshots:
You have a scheduled snapshot you A. Delete the downstream incremental snapshots before
are trying to delete, but the operation deleting the main reference.
returns an error. B. Delete the object the snapshot was created from.
C. Detach the snapshot schedule before deleting it.
What should you do to resolve
this problem? D. Restore the snapshot to a persistent disk before deleting it.
You have a scheduled snapshot you are trying to delete, but the operation returns an
error. What should you do to resolve this problem?
A. Delete the downstream incremental snapshots before deleting the main reference.
Feedback: Incorrect. This is not required to delete a scheduled snapshot and would
be a lot of manual work.
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
■ M3 Compute Engine and Networking
○ Architecting with Google Compute Engine
■ M3 Virtual Machines
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Creating a Snapshot
Persistent Disk A
Snapshot 3
*only contains blocks that are
different since Snapshot 2
Snapshots are incremental in nature and less expensive than creating full
images of a disk. You can only create them for persistent disks. They are
stored in a Cloud Storage bucket managed by the snapshot service and are
automatically compressed. You can choose regional or multi-regional storage,
which will affect cost. Snapshots are stored across multiple locations with
automatic checksums. You schedule them using the gcloud command line
and cron. You can also set up a snapshot schedule in the Google cloud
console or command line. A Snapshot schedule and its source persistent disk
have to be in the same region. You can restore them to a new persistent disk.
The new disk can be in a different zone or region, so you can use snapshots to
move VMs. You can create them while they are running. Snapshots of a disk
have to be at least 10 minutes apart.
● The first snapshot is full and contains all data on the persistent disk it
was run on.
● Each subsequent snapshot only contains new or modified data since
the first snapshot.
● However, sometimes to clean up resources and cost, a new snapshot
might be a full backup.
Which of the following tasks are part of the process when configuring a managed
instance group? (Pick two.)
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Architecting with Google Compute Engine
■ M9 Load Balancing and Autoscaling
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
01 02
Step 01 Step 02
Implementing an
Create instance template Configure your instance
instance group e.g. identify machine group e.g. number of
type and boot disk instances and
autoscaling settings
Managed instance groups help you create and manage groups of identical VM
instances. They are based on an instance template that defines how new VMs
added to the instance group should be configured. You can specify the size of
an instance group and change it at any time. The managed instance group will
make sure the number of instances matches what you request, and monitors
instances via health checks. If an instance goes down, the managed instance
group will start another instance to replace it. Managed instance groups can
be zonal or regional. Regional instance groups create instances across
multiple zones in a region so your application can still run in case of a zonal
After you create an instance template you need to configure your managed
instance group. Here is where you specify location settings, describe port
mappings, and reference the instance template. You also specify the number
of instances in your group, configure autoscaling, and create health checks for
your instances to determine which instances should receive traffic.
Managing Compute
Engine resources Documentation
Let’s take a moment to consider resources that can help you build your knowledge
and skills in this area.
The concepts in the diagnostic questions we just reviewed are covered in these
modules and in this documentation. You’ll find this list in your workbook so you can
take a note of what you want to include later when you build your study plan. Based
on your experience with the diagnostic questions, you may want to include some or all
of these.
Managing Google
4.2 Kubernetes Engine resources
Tasks include:
● Viewing current running cluster inventory (nodes, pods, services)
● Browsing Docker images and viewing their details in the Artifact Registry
● Working with node pools (e.g., add, edit, or remove a node pool)
● Working with pods (e.g., add, edit, or remove pods)
● Working with services (e.g., add, edit, or remove a service)
● Working with stateful applications (e.g. persistent volumes, stateful sets)
● Managing Horizontal and Vertical autoscaling configurations.
● Working with management interfaces (e.g., Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, Cloud SDK, kubectl)
Cymbal Superstore’s GKE cluster requires an A. Annotate your ingress object with an ingress.class of “gce.”
internal http(s) load balancer. You are B. Configure your service object with a type: LoadBalancer.
creating the configuration files required
C. Annotate your service object with a neg reference.
for this resource.
D. Implement custom static routes in your VPC.
Cymbal Superstore’s GKE cluster requires an internal http(s) load balancer. You are
creating the configuration files required for this resource. What is the proper setting
for this scenario?
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
■ M5 GKE
○ Getting Started with GKE
■ M4 Introduction to Kubernetes Workloads
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Internal vs Ingress-managed
load balancer Cluster
External load
balancing in Pod
To implement network load balancing you create a service object with these
● type: LoadBalancer.
● Set External Traffic Policy to cluster or local
Cluster - traffic will be load balanced to any healthy GKE node and then
kube-proxy will send it to a node with the pod.
Local - nodes without the pod will be reported as unhealthy. Traffic will only be
sent to nodes with the pod. Traffic will be sent directly to pod with source ip
header info included.
To implement external http(s) load balancing create an ingress object with the
following settings:
● Routing depends on URL path, session affinity, and the balancing mode
of backend Network endpoint groups (NEGS)
● The object type is ingress.
● Using ingress.class: “gce” annotation in the metadata deploys
an external load balancer.
● External load balancer is deployed at Google Points of presence.
● Static IP for ingress lasts as long as the object.
To implement an internal http(s) load balancer create an ingress object with
the following settings:
● Routing depends on URL path, session affinity, and balancing mode of
the backend NEGS.
● The object kind is ingress.
● Metadata requires an Ingress.class: “gce-internal” to spawn
an internal load balancer.
● Proxies are deployed in a proxy only subnet in a specific region in your
● Only NEGs are supported. Use the following annotation in your service
○ '{"ingress": true}'
● Forwarding rule is assigned from the GKE node address range.
4.2 Diagnostic Question 05 Discussion
A. Pod templates
What Kubernetes object provides
access to logic running in your cluster B. Pods
via endpoints that you define? C. Services
D. Deployments
What Kubernetes object provides access to logic running in your cluster via endpoints
that you define?
A. Pod templates
Feedback: Incorrect. Pod templates define how pods will be configured as part of a
B. Pods
Feedback: Incorrect. Pods provide the executable resources your containers run in.
*C. Services
Feedback: Correct! Service endpoints are defined by pods with labels that match
those specified in the service configuration file. Services then specify how those pods
are exposed.
D. Deployments
Feedback: Incorrect. Deployments help you with availability and the health of a set of
pod replicas. They do not help you configure external access.
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
■ M5 GKE
○ Getting Started with GKE
■ M3 Kubernetes Architecture
● Quests
○ Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Manages and
Pod Pod Pod
What is a service? A service is a group of pod endpoints that you can configure
access for. You use selectors to define which pods are included in a service.
A service gives you a stable IP that belongs to the service. Pods have internal
IP addresses but they can change as pods get restarted and replaced.
A service can be configured to implement load balancing.
4.2 Diagnostic Question 06 Discussion
A. kubectl apply
What is the declarative way to initialize B. kubectl create
and update Kubernetes objects?
C. kubectl replace
D. kubectl run
What is the declarative way to initialize and update Kubernetes objects?
B. kubectl create
Feedback: Incorrect. kubectl create creates objects in an imperative way. You can
build an object from a manifest but you can’t change it after the fact. You will get an
C. kubectl replace
Feedback: Incorrect. kubectl replace downloads the current copy of the spec and
lets you change it. The command replaces the object with a new one based on the
spec you provide.
D. kubectl run
Feedback: Incorrect. kubectl run creates a Kubernetes object in an imperative way
using arguments you specify on the command line.
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Getting Started with GKE
■ M4 Introduction to Kubernetes Workloads
● Quests
○ Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Types of kubectl commands
kubectl ...
Imperative Declarative
- run - apply
- create
- replace
● Works on a directory of config files
- delete
● Specifies what
Imperative commands such as run, create, replace, delete act on a live object
or single config file and overwrite any state changes that have occurred on an
existing object.
Example commands:
Pods are not created by themselves but are based on template made available
in deployments.
You can use the name of an existing object or defined config file. The object
you create service for can be one of the following: deployment, service, replica
set, replication controller or pod.
If you need to change a deployment you change the config file and do a
kubectl -apply
Let’s take a moment to consider resources that can help you build your knowledge
and skills in this area.
The concepts in the diagnostic questions we just reviewed are covered in these
modules, skill badges, and documentation. You’ll find this list in your workbook so you
can take a note of what you want to include later when you build your study plan.
Based on your experience with the diagnostic questions, you may want to include
some or all of these.
4.3 Managing Cloud Run resources
Tasks include:
● Adjusting application traffic splitting parameters
● Setting scaling parameters for autoscaling instances
● Determining whether to run Cloud Run (fully managed) or Cloud Run for Anthos
Cloud Run and Cloud Functions are Google’s serverless approach to handling
containers and functional code. In both of these technologies, you pay for resources
based on how many requests are coming in. One big difference between the two of
them is that Cloud Run is optimized for multiple concurrent connections to each
instance, while Cloud Functions only lets you have only one connection per function
For Cymbal Superstore, Cloud Run could be used to quickly test updates to
containers. As an Associate Cloud Engineer, you could be tasked to implement traffic
splitting to test changes or rollback updates that didn’t work well. There are also
settings you need to know for autoscaling, such as min and max instances, that will
let you make tradeoffs of relative latency versus cost. You also have the choice of
using a fully managed version in Google Cloud or a hybrid version available as part of
Anthos. The hybrid version runs on abstracted GKE resources allocated by your
Anthos cluster.
You have a Cloud Run service with a database backend. You want to limit the number
of connections to your database. What should you do?
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
■ M6 Applications in the Cloud
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Number of events
Set min Set max
instances instances
Cloud Run
00 { } ...
Scales servers based
on # of events
Set concurrency
Cloud Run automatically scales the number of container instances required for
each deployed revision. When no traffic is received, the deployment
automatically scales to zero.
Instances that are started might remain idle for up to 15 minutes to reduce
latency associated with cold starts. You don’t get charged for these idle
instances. You set a min and max on the container tab in the advanced
settings dialog.
4.3 Managing Cloud Run resources
Courses Documentation
Let’s take a moment to consider resources that can help you build your knowledge
and skills in this area.
The concepts in the diagnostic question we just reviewed are covered in this modules
and in this documentation. You’ll find this list in your workbook so you can take a note
of what you want to include later when you build your study plan. Based on your
experience with the diagnostic questions, you may want to include some or all of
Managing storage
4.4 and database solutions
Tasks include:
● Managing and securing objects in and between Cloud Storage buckets
● Setting object life cycle management policies for Cloud Storage buckets
● Executing queries to retrieve data from data instances (e.g., Cloud SQL, BigQuery, Cloud Spanner,
Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable)
● Estimating costs of data storage resources
● Backing up and restoring database instances (e.g., Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore)
● Reviewing job status in Cloud Dataproc, Cloud Dataflow, or BigQuery
Consider this example. You store static images of products for Cymbal Superstore’s
ecommerce app in Cloud Storage. As an Associate Cloud Engineer, you would be
expected to know how to secure access to these images from the application through
IAM roles assigned to a service account. When you upgrade product images you
would like to keep the previous images, but move them to a different storage type
based on object versioning. You could do this using the object lifecycle management
feature of Cloud Storage.
You want to implement a lifecycle rule that changes your storage type from standard
to nearline after a specific date. What conditions should you use? (Pick two.)
A. Age
Feedback: Incorrect. Age is specified by number of days, not a specific date.
*B. CreatedBefore
Feedback: Correct! CreatedBefore lets you specify a date.
*C. MatchesStorageClass
Feedback: Correct! MatchesStorageClass is required to look for objects with a
standard storage type.
D. IsLive
Feedback: Incorrect. IsLive has to do with whether or not the object you are looking at
is the latest version. It is not date-based.
E. NumberofNewerVersions
Feedback: Incorrect. NumberofNewerVersions is based on object versioning and you
don’t specify a date.
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Architecting with Google Compute Engine
■ M4 Storage in the Cloud
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
● Age
● Createdbefore Conditions
● Customtimebefore
● ...
Apply to
Cloud Storage
Lifecycle Actions Objects
When met
● Delete
● SetStorageClass Actions
● Downgrade the storage class of objects older than 365 days to coldline
● Delete an object that existed before a certain date.
● Keep the 3 most recent versions of each object in a bucket with versioning
Object metadata has to match all rules for the action to fire. If an object state matches
more than one rule set, delete takes precedence, followed by storage class with
lowest price.
Courses Documentation
Let’s take a moment to consider resources that can help you build your knowledge
and skills in this area.
The concepts in the diagnostic question we just reviewed are covered in this module
and in this documentation. You’ll find this list in your workbook so you can take a note
of what you want to include later when you build your study plan. Based on your
experience with the diagnostic questions, you may want to include some or all of
4.5 Managing networking resources
Tasks include:
As an Associate Cloud Engineer, any app you deploy is going to have connectivity
requirements. Google’s software defined networking stack is based on the idea of a
Virtual Private Cloud. VPCs group regional resources into internal IP address ranges
called subnets. As you manage network resources, you might have to add subnets or
expand a subnet to let it support more devices. IP addresses assigned to both internal
and external virtual machines are ephemeral, meaning as resources come and go
your IP addresses might change. To get around this problem you can set and attach
static IPs that persist across different individual resources.
How do these tasks apply to Cymbal Superstore? The ecommerce app requires
global external connectivity for users to access it. You can manage this through an
ingress object in GKE. The ecommerce application middleware is going to need
private, regional, internal access to a Spanner backend that stores order data.
Cymbal’s supply chain app is going to need external regional connectivity with
regional internal connectivity as well, only implemented with Google Cloud load
balancers instead of GKE ingress objects.
Cymbal Superstore has a subnetwork called mysubnet with an IP range of You need to expand this subnet to include enough IP addresses for at
most 2000 new users or devices. What should you do?
Where to look:
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training/OnDemand
○ Architecting with Google Compute Engine
■ M2 Virtual Networks
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Current IP address range
Expand IP addresses
Reduce your mask:
in a subnet e.g. 24 to 20
Command syntax:
If you can supply 20 to reduce your mask, which increases your
number of available ip addresses
4.5 Managing networking resources
Courses Documentation
Let’s take a moment to consider resources that can help you build your knowledge
and skills in this area.
The concepts in the diagnostic question we just reviewed are covered in this module
and in this documentation. You’ll find this list in your workbook so you can take a note
of what you want to include later when you build your study plan. Based on your
experience with the diagnostic questions, you may want to include some or all of
4.6 Monitoring and logging
Tasks include:
● Creating Cloud Monitoring alerts based on resource metrics
● Creating and ingesting Cloud Monitoring custom metrics (e.g., from applications or logs)
● Configuring log sinks to export logs to external systems (e.g., on-premises or BigQuery)
● Configuring logs routers
● Viewing and filtering logs in Cloud Logging
● Viewing specific log message details in Cloud Logging
● Using cloud diagnostics to research an application issue (e.g., viewing Cloud Trace data, using
Cloud Debug to view an application point-in-time)
● Viewing Google Cloud Platform status
For example, Cymbal Superstore’s supply chain app might require you to monitor
CPU utilization for all the instances in your managed instance group.
Cloud Monitoring allows you to build charts based on metrics you specify. You can
also look at logs associated with resources from the dashboard. You could use this to
monitor messages being posted to your pubsub topic for the transportation
management app.
Custom metrics allow you to define metrics descriptors for things you want to keep
track of that aren’t included in standard metrics. For example, in Cymbal Superstore’s
ecommerce app you want to track the number of requests going to sales and the
number going to support.
Cloud Logging allows you to log any timestamped data in logs you define and
manage. There are a myriad of options for where you can save your logs and how to
route them. There is also an interface provided to query your logs.
Cloud Ops has several tools that will help you with debugging app performance
issues. Cloud Trace, Cloud Debugger, and Cloud Profiler all help you figure out what
might be causing latency and performance issues in your apps.
You explored these types of tasks in this question:
Question 10: Configure a Google Cloud Operations custom alert: specify conditions,
send optional notifications, and reference documentation
4.6 Diagnostic Question 10 Discussion
Cymbal Superstore’s supply chain management system has been deployed and is
working well. You are tasked with monitoring the system’s resources so you can react
quickly to any problems. You want to ensure the CPU usage of each of your Compute
Engine instances in us-central1 remains below 60%. You want an incident created if it
exceeds this value for 5 minutes. You need to configure the proper alerting policy for
this scenario. What should you do?
A. Choose resource type of VM instance and metric of CPU load, condition trigger if
any time series violates, condition is below, threshold is .60, for 5 minutes.
Feedback: Incorrect. CPU load is not a percentage, it is a number of processes.
Content mapping:
● Instructor-led Training
○ Architecting with Google Compute Engine
■ M7 Resource Monitoring
● On-Demand
○ Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
■ M4 Resource Monitoring
● Quests
○ Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud
○ Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud
Explanation/summary on the following slide.
Cloud operations custom alerts
Conditions are made of a monitored resource, a metric for that resource, and
the threshold where the condition is met. An alerting policy can have up to 6
conditions. In an alerting policy with 1 condition, when that condition is met, an
incident is created. For an alerting policy, you specify how those conditions are
4.6 Monitoring and logging
Courses Skill Badges Documentation
Let’s take a moment to consider resources that can help you build your knowledge
and skills in this area.
The concepts in the diagnostic question we just reviewed are covered in this module
and in this documentation. You’ll find this list in your workbook so you can take a note
of what you want to include later when you build your study plan. Based on your
experience with the diagnostic questions, you may want to include some or all of
Knowledge Check 1
What GKE object implements an http(s) load balancer?
A. Service
B. Pod
C. Deployment
D. Ingress
Knowledge Check 1
What GKE object implements an http(s) load balancer?
A. Service
B. Pod
C. Deployment
D. Ingress
A. Min Instances
B. Max instances
C. Concurrency settings
D. CPU utilization
Knowledge Check 2
Which Cloud Run autoscaling setting should you set if you want to limit cost?
A. Min Instances
B. Max instances
C. Concurrency settings
D. CPU utilization
A. Incorrect. Min instances will prewarm a certain number of container instances and
not save you money.
B. Correct! Max instances directly affects cost by limiting the maximum amount of
container instances deployed.
C. Incorrect. Concurrency settings specify how many connections a certain instance
can have. It will not limit how many instances are spawned.
D. Incorrect. CPU utilization is something you monitor, but will not help you limit costs.