The part mode is the very first and basic mode of SolidWorks in which a 3D model is
created.First, you need to select a sketching plane to create a sketch for the base
feature. Three default planes are provided named Front Plane, Top Plane and Right
Plane. After completion of drawing sketches, you can give proper dimensions and apply
the required relations in the same sketching environment. The Sheet Metal and Surface
Modeling tools are also present in this mode for special design of the part.
In Assembly Mode, the assembly is created by assembling the components created
earlier in the park mode to form a complete model. You can also create models by
creating parts in the assembly mode. Assembly is created by mating relations between
parts. These relations are termed as Mate tools.
In Assembly Mode, after assembling the components you can also animate the model
with the use of Motion Study Tab. The Evaluate Command Manager Tab is provided in
the assembly mode.
The Drawing Mode is used for the detailing of any created part or assembly. All the
detailing or documentation is done in 2D format in this mode. The documentation
consists of different drawing views and the details in the drawing views. You can detail
all the views by simply dragging and dropping parts or assemblies that you created in
Part Mode or Assembly Mode. Drawing Mode provides all the tools required to generate
and modify the drawing views and add dimensions and annotations to them.
SolidWorks has a property of Bi-directional Associativity, which gives a major advantage
to this software. As this property ensures that any change in the dimensions of a part in
the drawing view will lead to the change in the design of part in the part as well as in the
assembly mode, and vice versa.
In a CAD software, everything is referenced to other entity like a line created must be
referenced to any other geometry so that you can clearly define the position of line with
respect to the other geometry. But, what if there is no geometry in the sketch to
reference from. In these cases, we have tools to create reference geometries like
reference planes,axes, points, curves etc. Out of these reference geometries, the
sketching plane acts as foundation for other geometries.
• Click on the Sketch button at the left in the Sketch CommandManager. Three main
planes are displayed with their name in the viewport.
• Click on the desired plane from the viewport or click on the arrow displayed in the
top-left corner of the viewport and select the name of the plane from the list of
• On clicking on a plane, the selected plane will become parallel to the screen. Now, we
are ready to draw sketches on the plane.
There are five tools in the Rectangles drop-down; Corner Rectangle, Center
Rectangle, 3 Point Corner Rectangle, 3 Point Center Rectangle, and Parallelogram.
There are four tools in the Slot drop-down; Straight Slot, Center Straight Slot, 3 Point
Arc Slot, and Centerpoint Arc Slot.
The tools in spline drop-down are used to create the splines with different methods.
The tools in the Ellipse drop-down are used to create geometric profiles like; ellipse,
partial ellipse, parabola, and conic.
The Sketch Fillet tool is used to create fillet at the corners created by intersection of
two entities. Fillet is sometimes also referred to as round. Generally it is not advised to
use this tool first if there are some major changes going to occur later in the model.
The Sketch Chamfer tool is used to create chamfer at the corners created by
intersection of two entities.
The Text tool is used to create text which can be used for embossing/engraving on a
solid face. The Text tool is also used to provide notes and other information for the
The Point tool is used to create sketch point in the viewport. The point is a very
important entity and finds its major usage when you start creating surfaces. The points
give the flexibility to parametrically change the surface design.
The Trim Entities tool is available in the Trim Entities drop-down of the Ribbon. This
tool is used to remove unwanted parts of a sketch entity. While removing the segments,
the tool considers intersection points as the reference for trimming.
The Extend Entities tool does the reverse of the Trim Entities tool. This tool is available
in the Trim Entities drop-down. This tool extends the sketch entities up to the nearest
intersecting entity.
The Offset Entities tool is used to create copy of the selected entities at a specified
distance from them. If you are the user of AutoCAD then this tool is the most
common tool being used while creating layouts.
The Mirror Entities tool is used to create mirror copy of the selected entities with respect
to a reference called mirror line.
The Move Entities tool is used to move the entities from one position to another
position. You can move the entities either by coordinate values or by clicking.
The Copy Entities tool is available in the Move Entities drop-down. This tool is used
to copy the entities by specifying position. This tool works in the same way as the Move
Entities tool does. The only difference is that it does not move the entity but it creates
the entities.
The Rotate Entities tool is available in the Move Entities drop-down. This tool is
used to rotate the entities by specifying angle.
The Scale Entities tool is available in the Move Entities drop-down. This tool is used
to increase or decrease the size of an entity by specified scale value.
The Stretch Entities tool is available in the Move Entities drop-down. This tool is
used to stretch any sketched entity.
A 3D sketch is a sketch which is not confined to one plane only. The 3D sketch can be
in all the planes available in the viewport. To start with the 3D sketching, we are
required to again open the Sketch tab in Ribbon.
The Convert Entities tool is used when you need the projection of any face, edge or
sketch entity in another sketch. In this way, you can create the sketch entities from the
projection of other features. The tool is available in the Convert Entities drop-down in
the Sketch tab of Ribbon.