Warrens Burg NY Lake George News 1911-1912 Grayscale - 0520
Warrens Burg NY Lake George News 1911-1912 Grayscale - 0520
Warrens Burg NY Lake George News 1911-1912 Grayscale - 0520
T e s t i f y i n g Before t h e I n v e s tigating Senate Committee.
The Kev. John B. Armstrong, who has been pastor ot the Methodist Episcopal church in Whitehall for three years, at the recent sea-ion of the Troy conference was trunsterred to Greenwich to till the pastorate made vacant by the resignation of the Kev. Thomas O. Grieves, who accepted a call irom the church in Lockport. Mi. ArmstronK is a native of Johnsburgh and is an eloquent preacher, also a mvn of g r e a t executive ability. His departure from Whitehall is deeply regretted by the people of that place.
Watch for Sam Brooks Up North.
At t h e session of the senate commit t e i \ iu New York, investigation of the T i t a n i c disaster these main facts were developed: The W h i t e Star line ship Baltic mv notified before 2 o'clock Monday morn inj: that the Titanic was sinking fast mid at 10:30 in the morning that shf h;ui gone down with most of her pas etigers and crew, the survivors beiui: on the Carpathia. On t h e same Monday afternoon tht TVhiie S t a r line notified Congressman H u g h e s that the Titanic w a s proceed lug to Halifax ani J all aboard her afe. No report was sent from the Carpa thia to justify the statement that tin Titanic or her passengers were safe. T h e a d v e n t of the t ' a r p a t u i a upon t h e scene was the merest accident, tli operator catching the distress PUIIMI s he w a s retiring for the 'night ami while w a i t i n g for a response from an other ship. Warned of Icebergs. Six h o u r s hefore the Titanic waBide wiped by an iceberg her captain h a d received warning from the Call forni.in, in about the s a m e position. t h a t the latter had just passed vei\ close to t h r e e large bergs. T h e first reply received by the Tita nic operators to their distress call was from t h e German liner Kraukfort. which, according to the surviving Ti tank' operator, ignored the urgent de m a n d for assistance. Bride, t h e surviving operator, told of seeing "lots of peop!e*'~~runnin^ around t h e decks of the Titanic just before she went down searching foi Mfe belts. Captain Smith of the Titanic, said Bride, j u m p e d from the bridge into the ocean about five minutes before the waves closed over the big ship H e wore no life belt, and Bride never a w him a g a i n . Scores of life belted men and women truggled to get hold of the Inst boat. collapsible which was thrown into t h e sea a n d fell bottom up. and were r i v e n off by the men who had man aged to reach the boat and had loaded i t to its full weight carrying capacity Many Witnesses Tell of Wreck. J. Bruce Ismay. managing director M the W h i t e S t a r line and president of t h e International Mercantile Marine c o m p a n y : Captain Arthur Henry Ros trom of the Carpathia: Charles W IJghtoller. second officer of the Ti t a n i c ; Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of wireless telegraphy; Harold Thomas Cottam, wireless operator of the Car fjathia, a n d haggard seamen of the tinken vessel who rowed the survi Tors to safety told the senate investi f a t i n g c o m m i t t e e under oath the stor\ of the sinking of the giant vessel. It w a s a thrilling recital and it e s t a b Hshed beyond a reasonable doubt how the c a t a s t r o p h e occurred and the cause of i t Mr I s m a y and Mr. Lightoller. sec ond officer, agreed that the ship was making t w e n t r - o n e knotstwenty-six milesan h o u r when she hit the !ce berg. The officer added the detail thai it w a s the intention of the captain to let her out more and perhaps exceed the t w e n t y - t w o and one-half knots m a d e on h e r trial trip. The speed wa> not lessened even after Captain Smit' and Mr. Lightoller had discussed the proximity of icebergs a t 9:20 o clod, last Sunday tyght.
One Lifeboat Not Jsed.
One of t h e lifeboats of the Titanic w a s not used. It was on the top ol the officer*' q u a r t e r s on the boat deck and it capsized when it reached tin Water. Later thirty men stood iti tin upturned boat for four hours. TinIs the story of tiie second officer, wh. went down with the vessel and came op again. He climbed Hboard the up turned boat aud took command of it Determined to get to the bottom or the case without an hour's unneces aary delay. Senators William Alden Smith of Michigan and Francis C Newlands of Nevada representing th committee, will late today go aboani the Cunard s t e a m s h i p Saxonia and t a k e the t e s t i m o n y of Harold Bride the surviving wireless operator of the Titanic, whose ankles are broken ami back Is injured Last S a l u t e of Major Butt " W e particularly desire one witness who is now too III to appear." sai I Senator Smith, " w h o bptefiy desTd>ed to the c o m m i t t e e when the members Went aboard the Carpathia Thursday Bight the b r a v e r y and heroism of the men who perished. This witness says t h a t Major Archibald Butt and Clar n e e Moor of Washington stood at the rail and waved a parting salute to th. last boat to leave the Titnnlc'a side. Absolute denial was made by Cap tain Uostrom. Mr. Ismay. Mr Mot BOB I ami Harold Cottam, the opera'or that any inst r o d Ions had been given Dot to a n s w e r President T a f t ' s mes age from t h e cruiser Cheater about
the safety of Major Butt a u d the de tiiils of the accident. "My God, I hope not!" cried Captain Kostrom when asked if he had issued any such order. Ismay Explains His Escape. Mr. Ismay told the committee thai when he boarded the last lifeboat there were uo other passengers, either men or women, within hailing distance Second Officer Lightoller said thai when he went on deck to uncover the lifeboats t w e n t y minutes after the ship had struck he saw Mr. Ismay standing alone on the boat deck, near one oj the boats. He did not speak with him a n d said he did not see him get into a boat. Ship Near When Titanic Struck. When the inquiry was transferred to the senate committee room in Wash ingtou the following facts w e r e testi fled to by F o u r t h Officer Boxhall of the Titanic: T h a t fifteen minutes before the Titanic sank he saw the masthead a n d red side lights of a ship five miles a w a y , coming straight toward the liner. He signaled with rockets and by Morse to the ship, which veered off without answering. T h a t the iceberg, which could not have risen more than thirty feet above t h e water's surface, struck the Titanic midway between the bow and the for ward portion of the starboard side. Some splinters of ice from t h e ber^ were deposited on the lower deck. T h a t the examination u p w a r d s from the steerage made by the fourth officer showed no evidence of internal d a m age. but shortly after his return to t h e bridge water w a s reported from t h e mail room. He found It within two feet of the deck. T h a t he saw no effort to rush a lifeboat nor s a w a n y one refuse to enter a boat, although he heard on the Carpathia that there had been m a n y such instances. Colonel Astor, t h e only American he knew by sight, w a s not seen by him after the collision. T h a t no officer of the Titanic w a s of other than temperate habits a n d that he saw none who was not a t t e n d i n g to his duty at the time of the collision No testimony was offered t h a t tended to disprove this. Two men were in the crow's nest when the berg w a s The officers had to assert their austruck. T h a t there was an inspection and fire thority by force, and three foreigners drill an hour before the Titanic left from the steerage who tried to force Southampton. T h e lifeboats were test their way in among t h e women and ed to carry sixty-five persons jeach; children were shot. the emergency or sea boats f r o n / t w e n Robert Daniel, a Philadelphia pas ty-five to thirty, and the collapsible senger. tells of terrible scenes at this lifeboats the s a m e number. period of the disaster. H e says men fought and bit and s t r u c k one another News Withheld Six Hour*. P. A. S. Franklin, vice president of like madmen and exhibits wounds upon his face to prove the assertion. Mr. the White Star line, testified: T h a t it had been known at the White Daniel says that he w a s picked up Star offices in New York six hours be naked from the Ice cold w a t e r and alfore the news w a s made public that most perished from exposure. Narratives of survivors do not bear the Titanic foundered. That this information was withheld out the supposition t h a t the final hour because it seemed unbelievable in tin upon the vessel's decks were passed light of other information and because in darkness. They s a y the electric it did not seem possible that t h e great lighting plant held out until the last. and that even as they watched the ship was Rinkablo. That it never entered the mind of ship sink from their places In the float any White Star official on Monday ing lifeboats her lights were gleaming morning that there had been any seri in long rows as she plunged under by ous loss of life in the accident. Nc I the head, .fust before s h e sank, some one doubted that the Titanic w a s afloat i of the refugees say, t h e ship broke I In t w o abaft the engine room after the or in tow for Halifax. boiler explosions occurred. T h a t he did not believe there hail T h e total death list Is placed a t LOSo been negligence or any violation of and the total number of those saved British regulations in the equipment I at 705, the ship having had aboard in or handling of the T i t a n i c He did not all 2.340 persons. believe- that any White Star official Colonel Aator a Hero. was in any way responsible for the dis Colonel Astor was a n o t h e r of the aster. heroes of the awful n i g h t Efforts T h a t .1. Bruce Ismay's request thai were made to persuade him to take a the Cedric be held until the Titanic place in one of the lifeboats. He em men could be transferred 4 , Ismay In phatically refused to do so until every tending to accompany them, was woman and child on board bad been deemed by him "an unwise step." provider! for, not excepting the worn That In the handling of all White en members of the ship's company. Star ships everything is second to safeInto the lifeboat that w a s launched ty, t h a t no company desires speed ree ords at the expense of a n y t h i n g else from the ship Captain Smith, with own and that dangers from collisions and bands, lifted an infant into a aeat be aide its mother. As t h e gallant of I'oni icebergs are the greatest risks fleer performed this final act of bu #nn on the Atlantic. manity several who were already In T h a t the Titanic was In the proper the boat tried to force the captain to track and that when the Carpathia join them, but be turned a w a y rereached here she was exactly where solutely toward the bridge. she should have been. Before the last of t h e boats got Glasses Might Have Saved Linar. away, according to some of the pasFrederick Fleet, a lookout in the sengers' narratives, there were more "crow's nest" of the Titanic, told the than fifty s'.iots fired upon thqpdecks committee that he and his mate could by officers or others in the effort to not see the iceberg ahead until tin maintain the discipline t h a t until then ship was close to it because I hoy did , had been well preservednot li.ive murine glasses.
Sam Brooks, the Northville merchant, has just returned from New York with a full line of up-to-date goods and will leave Northville April 27 for a trip up north. He intends to "Women First" W a s the Rule Whan surprise the people with nis new line Lifeboats Were LaunchedHusbands of goods and the remarkably low prices Bade Wives Goodby and Were Never he will ask for them. His wagon will Seen Thereafter Total Dead, 1,635; ! contain m e n ' s clothing, dry goods, ladies' shirt waists, skirts and furnishRescued, 705. ings. New York, April 24.Freighted with S o d a Fountain Sold on Mortgage. her argosy of woe, disaster and death, T h e soda fountain and fixtures bebringing glad reunion to some, but mis longing to H. ti. Sanders will be sold ery unutterable to m a n y , the Carpa at public auction a t his store in the thia, with the survivors of the lost Ti Alexander block, Saturday afternoon, tanic aboard, came back to a grief a t 2 o'clock, to s a t i n y a chattel mortpaue hdd by Robert Cardie, the forstricken city and nation. mer owner of the store. A C. Stone The story she brought home was one will a c t as auctioneer. to crush the heart w i t h its pathos, but To Horse Owners. at the same time to thrill It with pride We are in a position to do all In the manly and womanly fortitude displayed in the face of the most a w classes of horse shoeing and wagon r r p a i r i n g at reasonable prices and all ful peril and inevitable death. work guaranteed Interfering and As the Titanic went down, according forgeing horses a specialty Auto reto the story of those who were among pairing and painting. Warrensburgh the last to leave her wounded hulk, the Auto Garage, lower Main street. ship's band was playing. Captain Scrappy Game by Juvenile Ball Teams. Smith stood to his post calm, resolute, efficient to tiie last. The u p - s t r r e t junior base ball team, F R E E copies m a y b e obtained a t o u t Henry B. Harris, t h e theatrical m a n captained by Joe Gabei, J r . , and the Pasko Block, Warrensburgh Pattern Counter down-stieet juniors, under the leaderager, of this city w a s one of the men Rooms formerly occupied by O.R. Wilxev who showed superb courage in the cri ship of Albert Emerson, played a afternoon, sis. When the lifeboats were first be- scrappy frame Saturday which, after a hard struggle, was won Music Hall Block Warrensburgh ing filled and before there was any by t h e uD-town boys. panic or extraordinary excitement he had been assisted into one of them at Oh You Monday Morning. the side of his wife before the boat Houghton Brothers, of Troy, have Agent for the celebrated A l f r e d w a s lowered away. opened the Warrensburgh Custcm Peats Prize Wall Papers and the su"Women first!" shouted one of the laundry, downtown, and a r e prepareo perior products of the Potter Mills. THE BOTTOM IS OUT ship's officers. Mr. H a r r i s glanced up to do all kinds of laundry work in a Best Line of Samples in town. VVKITK D l KOK PKICKS and saw that the r e m a r k was ad first-class manner. The patronage of II I sell the Dayton & rfaverford BiWarrensburgh and vicinity people is dressed to him. cycles, a high grade wheel from $22 GRIfNN LUMBER COMPANY solicited. "All right," he replied coolly. "Good to $ 2 7 . , HUDSON fALLS. N. Y. by, my dear." he said as he kissed his Rebekahs, Take Notice. 9S Repairing promptly d o n e . Telewife, pressed her a moment to his The members of the Hackensack p h o n e orders receive p r o m p t attenbreast and then climbed back to the Rebekah lodge are invited to attend tion. Call 6 f 21, Old Phone. Titanlc's deck. services at the Presbyterian church The night was clear and t h e majes Sunday morning. May 5, a t 10:30 tic ship was steaming at a rate of o'clock. All members are requested b> twenty-one knots when she struck the meet a t the lodge rooms a t 10 o'clock, submerged shelf of the iceberg a glanc- sharp. ing blow that sent her to the ocean bot- Timothy Hurley's Will Admitted t o Probate tom 2.000 fathoms deep. H e r hull rose The will of the late Timothy Hurley, on a shelf of the berg, and In so doing of Warrensburgh, was admitted to proand In the subsequent recoil her bot- bate in tbe Warren County s u r r o g a t e ' s tom plates and her port side were bad court Tuesday and l e t t e r s t e s t a m e n t a r y ly torn and shattered, b u t there was no were issued to Mary Elizabeth and TheWorld'j such terrific shock from the impact a s Daniel Edward Hurley. Standard might have been supposed, according to the evidence. FOR S A L E , W A N T E D , ETC. T h e captain and officers a t once reT e n y e a r s a g o t h e r e w e r e a dozen different makes of assured tiie passengers, believing t h a t OR SALEWhite Wyandotte egx* from heavv layers, fifteen. there was no immediate danger. Under Henry Cameron, $1 OO and VI.90 per N. Y. c r e a m e r y or factory separators in use. T o - d a y o v e r 9 8 p e r Athol, Warren Co., his encouragement m a n y of them went cent of t h e w o r l d ' s creameries !se D e L a v a l separators OR S A L E U - r r e d Plymouth Rock dav back to their staterooms, and not a few old chicks Irom April 8 to Julv 8, $!) and exclusively. calmly returned to their berths. Others $10 par lOO. John Peterson, Lake Georjee continued their card games. T h a t is W h e n it comes to buying a separator why not profit by the exOUNDLody'8 brooch. Owner may resaid to account for the fact t h a t many cov r same by payinf? for this advertisep e r i e n c e of the c r e a m e r y m a n , which qualities him to advise you of the women were not even on deck menttweniy-ffve cents. Call at The News office. when the imminence of their danger correctly. OR S A L E - P a i r red oxen, four y ars old, w a s realized, and scores of them were with breeching. sold H e knows which s e p a r a t o r will give you the besf service and drowned in their staterooms, like r a t s cheap it yoke and once. D. E Will be War taken at Pasco rensbureh. in a trap. be t h e most economical lor you t o b u y . That's Three Explosions In Boiler Room. 'O RENTAfter May 1, I have a tenant why 9 8 p e r cent of the v/orid's c r e a m e r i e s use the house t o rent Everything In good shape. About one hour before the shirt Apply t o or address, Fred R M i s t r, WarD e LavcJ eschisively. plunged to the bottom there were rensburgh. three separate explosions from the T h e r e can b e no b e t t e r recom acboiler room as the vessel filled. These l" OTICEAll persons having unsettledi m e counts with me must attend to t h e s mendation for the D e L a v a l were at intervals of a b o u t fifteen min at once. Call and make a satisfactory setMay oa utes. Until then there had been no tlement before settled15. Interest charged T. than the fact that t h e men all bills not at that time. A. panic and but little disorder. From Crandall, Warrensburgh. w h o make t h e separation of ff Easiest t h a t moment, however, there was a OTICEThe undersigned, as administramilk a business use t h e D e J to t u r n , different scene. The rush for the retrix of the estate ot Robert Swan, deceased, pursuant to an order of the surromaining boats became a stampede. L a v a l t o the practical f easiest t o
gate of the county ot Warren, dated April 23. 1912. will sell at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, at the residence of the under, signed, on May 2, 1912. at 2 o'clock p. m. the uncollected aud stale book accounts of said dec .ased, to er.ab e said administratrix to close and settle her accounts as such Dated April 23, 1912. M i t L SWAM. Administratrix.
J F Z * ^
know ^
the cleanest
last.; the longest
An Old Timer
Dr. W. P. Wilkinson
Warrensburgh, N. Y.
-I2J. M Opposite PoMofficr Plcaic makr appointor nl fey Itltrr, t<l* tone or call in screen.
J. A. Woodward
6 H S ! pfr*or and
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069