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Adaptation and Growth Performance of Lowland Bamboo Species at Haro Sabu


Article · November 2023


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2 authors:

Temam Mama Wegene Negese

Oromia Agricultural Research Institute Oromia Agricultural Research Institute( IQQO) Haro Sabu ARC


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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 6 Issue 6, Nov- Dec 2023
Available at www.ijsred.com

Adaptation and Growth Performance of Lowland Bamboo Species

at Haro Sabu Condition
Temam Mama1, Wegene Negese2
Email of corresponding auther:[email protected]
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Haro Sabu Agricultural Research Center, Agroforestry Research Teams
P.O.Box 10, Haro Sabu, Kellem Wollega, Oromia, Ethiopia.
Bamboo is a fast growing plant species than other and starts to yield within three or four years of planting. Even though Ethiopia is one
of the most endowed countries in having huge coverage of bamboo resource in Africa, the country has narrow genetic diversity only has two
species; Yushania alpine (highland bamboo) and Oxytenanthera abyssinica (lowland bamboo). The adaptation of lowland bamboo was
conducted at Haro Sabu Agriculture Research Center from 2016 to 2019 to evaluate the adaptability potential of different performance of
lowland bamboo species and to identify the best performing of lowland bamboo species around Haro Sabu areas. Based on the objectives,
four different lowland bamboo species were collected from Bako Agriculture Research Center. The species are: Oxythenantera abyssinica,
Guadua amplexofolia, Dendrocalamus hamlitonii and Dendrocalamus memebranceous among those mentioned only Oxytenanthera
abyssinica are indigenous the rest are exotics. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications. The selected bamboo species has
good survival and adaptability at Haro Sabu area except some growth variation. Despite this fact, Dendrocalamus asper species is show high
difference in new emerging shoots, internodes length, culm height and culm diameter whereas, Oxythenantera abyssinica revealed low in all
growth parameters. So, based on these results we recommend Dendrocalamusasper, Dendrocalamus hamlitonii and Dendrocalamus
memebranceous for different production since they have a good internodes length, ability to emerge new shoots, culm height and diameter
while the growth of Oxythenantera abyssinica is quite different when compare with others. Therefore, the adaptation of lowland bamboo under
Haro Sabu and related agro ecologies is reliable so, we recommend for further economic and livelihood benefits for different stakeholders
through expanding the plantation.
Keywords: Lowland Bamboo, Exotic, Indigenous, Plantation
consumed in Ethiopia by the rural people living near the bamboo forests,
albeit less popular. Boiled rhizomes are also eaten in these areas. There are
Introduction reports indicating that “enset” (Ensete ventricosum) helped the Ethiopian
Bamboo is a perennial plant, which belongs to the Poaceae (sometimes
people to limit the effects of drought and famine. Bamboo could also,
called Gramineae) family ([20]). In terms of taxonomy, it is considered as a probably, be used to supplement food requirements in Ethiopia. A panel held
giant grass. There are over 1,500 species of bamboo ([3]) and Africa alone
under the theme Drought in Ethiopia on 19 August 1999, in Addis Ababa,
has 43 species ([7]). Ethiopia is one of the most endowed countries in area
recommends, among other things, drought resistant crops and income-
coverage of natural bamboo forest of the country that estimated to have generating activities to resist and minimize the effects of recurring drought
about 1 million ha, which is about 7% of the world total and 67% of the
([5]).As a multipurpose, drought resistant species, bamboo (particularly the
African bamboo forest areas ( [4] ). lowland species) is suitable for these objectives. Deforestation is one of the
Even though Ethiopia is one of the most endowed countries in having huge most serious environmental hazards in Ethiopia ([6]). The country lost 77%
coverage of bamboo resource in Africa, the country has narrow genetic
of its forest land between 1955 and 1979 ([5].and this decline has continued
diversity only has two species: Yushania alpine (High land) and to the present. The major consequences are losses in protective cover, soil
Oxytenanthera abyssinica (Lowland). In addition the most puzzling aspect erosion, flooding, water-quality deterioration, drought, and all the synergetic
of the bamboo life cycle is its flowering behavior. Bamboo is mostly
negative effects of these losses. Because it is a fast growing plant, which is
monocarpic following it dies after flowering; without appreciating its adaptable to low quality sites (particularly lowland species) bamboo has the
economic return due to lack of scientific information in Ethiopia. capacity to redress many of the problems in large areas of Ethiopia. It has
Oxythenantera abyssinica is a clumping (sympodial) type bamboo with
high soil conservation potential. The rhizomes and roots grow in all
solid culm at maturing age. It has an average culm diameter of 5 cm, and is 7 directions forming a complex network of up to more than 1 m depth
m high. This species grows at an elevation of between 1000 to 1800 m above
belowground, which effectively holds soil particles together, thereby,
sea level and is widely distributed in lowland areas of the country. On other
preventing soil erosion and promoting water percolation and the litter fall of
hand bamboos has multiuse and fast growing species that has potential in Bamboo improves soil structure and fertility.
improving the livelihood of people. It has immense potential in reducing The above ground part of bamboo helps to reduce erosion caused by rain,
carbon dioxide that is blamed for environmental pollution and the most
by interception, and also shelters the soil from wind erosion. Bamboo has
valuable species for environmental protection. Bamboo is a millennium effectively restored the vegetation cover in denuded lands in the Philippines
grass that contributes to government vision of getting itself in the list of the ([3] ). Bamboo is also planted as an ornamental species owing to its grace,
middle-income countries of the world in about the forthcoming two decades
attractive foliage, and easy-to-shape clump ( [17] ).The high growth rate of
by boosting the income of farmers ([2]). bamboo is of course closely associated with high water and nutrient
Bamboo is also used in Asia, at household and cottage-industry levels, to consumption. This makes it suitable for vegetation filter purposes ( [11] ).a
produce mats, scaffoldings, ladders, sticks, hand tools, brushes, pipes,
biological means of waste purification, whereby most of the pollutants in the
umbrellas, toys, sports goods, musical instruments, spears, arrows, rafts, waste are used for biomass production through the plant-growth process.
fishing rods, caps, baskets, flower pots and many other items ([9] and
Increased biomass production means that carbon sequestering is enhanced
[12]).In this way, rural people can satisfy their own needs and supplement
and oxygen release increases. These are not unique characteristics for
their income. Bamboo is also the preferred material for shade construction in bamboo, but it does excel most species in growth rate. These qualities all
plant nurseries, and for props to support the growth of agricultural crops like
make it an ideal species for urban plantations as hedges, as a buffer near
banana, tomatoes, and flowers
waterbodies and surrounding waste deposits. This is in addition to its uses in
Bamboo shoots are a popular food in Asia, and the nutritional value is
production, e.g. to supply biofuel and products for construction and furniture
comparable to those of many commercial vegetables ([14]). They are also
industries for urban populations.

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Available at www.ijsred.com
Bamboo is a fast growing and high yielding perennial plant with a good performance in emerging new shoots. This is due to the well
considerable potential to the socioeconomic development and environmental performance, adaptability and producing new emerging shoots ability of the
protection ( [2], [8], [10] ). Therefore it is important to introduce and adapt species when compare to the other lowland bamboo species. The result is
high economic value of exotic bamboos species to improve the income of similar with the report from West Hararghe, Mechara on station [1]).
small farm holder, to divers the genetic resources of bamboos species and Root Collar Diameter
for environmental protection in Ethiopia. However the presence study was There was significant difference (P<0.05) between lowland bamboo species
conducted to evaluate adaptability potential and growth performance of four in mean root collar diameters of the species. In 4 years growing season,
lowland bamboo Species under Haro Sabu Condition. Dendrocalmus asper (3.47 cm), Dendrocalmus Hamletonii (2.59cm) and
MATERIALS AND METHODS Dendrocalmus membracias (0.8cm) recorded the highest root collar
Description of study area diameter. However, Oxytenanthera abyssinica recorded the least in root
collar diameter (0.36)(Table 1). In present study the highest Root Collar
The study was conducted at HaroSabu Agricultural Research Center which
Diameter was recorded for Dendrocalmus asper, but study done in West
is located in Kellem Wollega Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. It is
Hararghe, Mechara on station ([1]) recorded the highest root collar diameter
found at 550 km away from Addis Ababa, 89 and 110 km from the nearby
for Dendrocalmus Hamletonii. The difference in the root collar diameter of
towns, D/Dollo and Ghimbi, respectively. The elevation of the center is
1300-2000 m.a.s.l and temperature 23-34 0c, rainfall 1000-1300mm. species can be due to their difference in adaptation to site condition.
Table 1: Means Comparisons between treatments at 0.05 significant levels
(Mean ± SE).
Culm Diameter
Dendrocalmus Hamlitonii 66.6+ 2.37 1.8+0.50 2.59+1.22
Dendrocalmus asper 100+0 2.1+0.37 3.47+1.53
25+0 0.6+0.35 0.8+0.54
Oxytenanthera abyssinica. 2.27+0 0.27+0.19 0.36+0.13
The mean value of Culm diameter showed significant difference at
(p<0.029) between species.
The highest mean was observed from Dendrocalmus asper species that
followed by Dendrocalmus hamletonii and Dendrocalmus Membracias,
while the least mean was recorded from Oxytenanthera abyssinica (Table 2).
Culm Height
The mean value of Culm Height showed no significant difference at
(p<0.029) between species.However, study by Terefe et al. (2016) showed
that mean value of Culm Height showed significant difference among
Figure 1. Map of study area. species in which Dendrocalmus hamletonii showed highest Culm height.
Treatments and Experimental Design Internode Length and Number ofNode
The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications. The The mean value of an internode length showed significant difference at
distance between blocks and plots was 5 m and 4 m, respectively. The space (p<0.000) level between treatments. The highest mean was observed from
between each plant was 3 m and the plot size was 1470 m2 with a total of 4 Dendrocalmus asper that followed by Dendrocalmus Hamletonii, while the
plants per plot and 48 total plants. As a treatment four lowland bamboo least mean was recorded from Oxytenanthera abyssinica (Table 2).Moreover,
specieswereGuadua aplexifolia /Dendrocalmus asper, Dendrocalmus the mean value of number of nodes showed significant difference at
Hamletonii,Dendrocalmus Membracias andOxytenanthera abyssinica. (p<0.000) between the species. The highest mean was observed from
Data Collection and Analysis Dendrocalmus asper while the least mean was recorded from Oxytenanthera
To achieve the given objective data on such parameter were collected; abyssinica (Table 2).
number of Bamboo seedling survived, Number of new emerging bamboo Table 2: Means Comparisons between treatments at 0.05 significant levels
shoots, RCD of the emerging shoots, Culm diameter, Culm height, (Mean ± SE).
Internodes length, and Number of nodes per plant. The collected data were Bamboo
CD(cm) CH(cm) IL(cm) NN(no)
analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) following the General Linear Species
Model (GLM) procedure using SAS statistical software of 91.3 versions. Dendrocalmus
2.5+1.35 18.6+30.84 10.68+2.7 15.98+2.7
The important variation, mean separation using LSD was conducted at 5 % Hamlitonii
significance level. Dendrocalmus
3.3+1.95 20.6+34.19 11.46+4.05 26.18+7.64
Number of Bamboo Seedlings Survived 0.8+0.60 6.28+10.86 2.73+1.29 5.6 +2.38
Mean value of the survival rate showed that there were high significant Oxytenanthera
difference (p<0.000) among lowland bamboo species (Table 1). The highest 0.31+0.17 0.38+0.10 1.246+0.38 1.96+0.49
mean was observed from Guadua aplexifolia /Dendrocalmus asper species P value 0.03 0.66 0 0
that followed by Dendrocalmus Hamletonii, while the least mean was
recorded from Oxytenanthera abyssinica. Dendrocalmus asper revealed the
Conclusion and Recommendation
good survival rate. This might be due to the suit of the species at Haro Sabu Among the selected bamboo species Dendrocalmus asper were showed
condition. However, Oxytenanthera abyssinica illustrate low survival highest performance followed by Dendrocalmus hamletonii and
because the seedlings of Oxytenanthera abyssinica are highly preferred by Dendrocalmus memebranceous, by all parameters. Based on the results of
termite which might have contributed to their poor adaptation compared to growth parameter, we rank performance of species as Dendrocalmus asper,
other species. Dendrocalmus hamletonii and Dendrocalmus memebranceous the first,
second and third orders respectively.However Oxytenanthera abyssinica
New Emerging Number of Bamboo Shoots performed least and failed to adapt in the study site.
There was significant difference (P<0.000) in mean new emerging shoot Generally we recommend pre-scaling up and demonstration for
between different lowland bamboo species. Based on the analysis results of Dendrocalmus asper, Dendrocalmus hamletonii and Dendrocalmus
the four years data Dendrocalmus asper bamboo species revealed a highest memebranceous that have high growth performance. However
mean value on the number of new emerging shoots followed by Oxytenanthera abyssinica need further investigation to approve the problem.
Dendrocalmus hamletonii (Table 1). Dendrocalmus asper species showed a

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 6 Issue 6, Nov- Dec 2023
Available at www.ijsred.com
we would thanks to the staff of Agroforestry Research Team of Haro Sabu
Agricultural Research Center for data collection and Oromia Agricultural
Research Institution for its financial support.
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