Islamiyat Class 9 AY 2024-25 (Term 1)
Islamiyat Class 9 AY 2024-25 (Term 1)
Islamiyat Class 9 AY 2024-25 (Term 1)
Syllabus Breakup Class 9
Term I
The period of the rule Main events of his reign Candidates should know the details 2
of the rightly His policies in maintaining of Weeks
guided caliphs as and expanding the state how Hazrat AbuBakar took over the
leaders (Abu Bakar His approach in leading the Islamic empire after the death of the
R.A) community Holy Prophet from his election to his
Main achievements death.
Main difficulties encountered by
His significance and example of his
leadership and importance of his
rule as model for government
today. His importance as example
for Muslim communities in their
relations with other states.
The first Islamic Wives of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) Relationship of the Prophet with his 1.5
community The scribes of divine revelation wives. Weeks
The Articles of Faith God, including what Muslims believe The Significance of these Articles of 1.5
about Him, Angels, their duties ad Faith in the life of a Muslim Weeks
nature Books, their content and
The Pillars of Islam The declaration of faith, Shahadah, The Significance of these Pillars in 1.5
including the significance of what it the life of a Muslim Weeks
contains Fasting, including the way
it is observed, its significance and
those exempted.