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The Chintels Schoo, Kalyanpur CLASS: X

Pre-Board -I Examination (2023-24)

Subject - Social Science (087)
M.M- 80
Time- 3hs

Name: Tizihka
General Instructions
Raria RollNo: Date: 22.11.2023

1. Question paper comprises six Sections- A. B, C, D. E andF. There are 37 questi ons in the question paper. All questions are
2. Section A- From question Ito 20 are MCQs of l mark each.
3. Section B-Question no. 2l to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each
should not exceed 40 words.
question should
4. Section C contains Q. 25 to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3marks each. Answer to each
not exceed 60 words.
5. Section D - Question no. 30to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to each question should
exceed 120 words.
6. Section-E- Questions no. from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub questions and are of4 marks each.
7. Section F- Question no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 37a from History (2 marks)
and 37b from Geography (3 marks). one of
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only
the choices in such questions have to be atempted.
9. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.

Section-A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 × 20 = 20)

1. What helped in the colonisation of Asian and African countries? Identify the corect statement from the following options.
(a) Intergovernmental policies for the expansion of trade. (b) Governmental invite to the mother countries for expansion.
(c) Technology, investments and improvement in transport. (d) Capitalists of these regions wanted trade with colonial
2. Which of the following newspaper was started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak? (1)
(a) Hindu " (b) Sudharak (c) Kesari (d) Pratap

3. Arange the following in chronological order. (1)

I. Print culture created the conditions for the French Revolution

II. Martin Luther's writings led to beginning of the Protestant Reformation
III. Menocchio reinterpreted the of the Bible message
IV. Johann Gutenberg invented Printing Press
(a) III, II, 1, IV (b) I, II, III, IVa (c) IV, , I, I. (d) IV, II, III. I

4. Consider the following statements
Regarding power sharing arrangements in Belgium and identify the incorrect one from the following.
(a) Equal number of members from Dutch and French community in the Central government.

(b) Separate government for Brussels with equal representation of communities.

(c) The State government to be subordinate to the Central government.
(d) Community government elected by people belonging to one language community.
5. Which one of the following subjects comes under the legislation of Centre and State in India? (1)

(a) Education (b) Banking (c) Communication (d) Trade (1)

6. Which of the following statement is true regarding
Feminist Movements?
(a) A group which favours giving more power to working women al rural and
(b) A movement that believes in giving exclusive rights to urban leal
(c) Radical women's movements aimed at equality in female in urban arcas
personal and family life as well
(d) It is the practice of placing a feminine and masculine point of view in decision mab ing
7. Which one among the following pairs is correctly matched?
List I
List |
(a) Bharatiya Janata Party
National Dermocrstx Allianes
(b) Congress Party Left front
(c) Communist Party of India
(d) Mizo National Front Regional Party
United Progressive Ailiance

8. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Mark your answer as per the codes prvie eim
Assertion (A) Democracy is an accountable. responsive and
Reason (R) Democracies have regular, free and fair electionslegitimate government.
and decision-making is based on norns arnd proceiues
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
expianation of A correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true. but R is not the correct
(c) A is true. butR is false. explanation if A
(d) A is false. butR is true.

9. Which one of the following religions was protected and fostered by Sri
Lankans in their constitution? (1)
(a) Christianity (b) Hinduism (d) Islam (c) Buddhism
10. Oudh Kisan Sabha was set up and headed by:
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose (1)
(b) Baba Ramchandra and Alluri Sitaram Raju
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru and Baba Ramchandra (d) Subhash Chandra Bose and Alluri Sitaram Raju

11. This soil is found in the low rain fed parts of Deccan Plateau region
a. Black soil b. Alluvial Soil c. Red Soil d. Laterite Soil

12. Traditional harvesting svstem is a useful system to conserve and store water. Which of the following statements does mot
justify this fact? ()
Statement IIn Rajasthan. the system of using underground tanks is popular. It is important for storing water for domestic use
Statement II In hilly areas like Arunachal Pradesh, the system of using diversions channels is called Guls and Kuls. These are
used for storing water for irrigation.
Statement I In Meghalaya, the bamboo pipe drip irigation system is used it is used to irigate erops.
a. Staternent Ii and I|I are right b. Statement Iand III are right
c. Statement Iand Il are right d. Statement I. Il and IIl are right

13.Manju wanted to cultivate cotton in her agricultural land.But she was confused regarding the terms and conditins requred
for growing cotton. She searched on the internet and found the following points. ()

I. Cotton growth is good in the drier parts of the Deccan Platcau

I. It requires high temperature. ight rainfallor irigation, 210 fros{ free days and bright sushune for its gruwth
IIL. Fertile soil in the flood plains where soils are renewed every year is a must for growing voton
Which of the above points is/ are correct,and would help Manju in harvesting ahugc amount of cotton
a Both II and III b. Both I and II c Both Iand 111
14. Kuiu nas surplus money, so he opens a bank accOunt and deposits in it. Whenever he needs money , he can go to nis oaik
and withdraw from there. This kind of deposit with
a. Tem Deposit the bank is known as (1)
b. Fixed Deposit c. c. Surplus Deposit d. Demand Deposit
15. Which one of the following sector shows the highest share in Gross Domestic
a Primary Sector Product in india"(1)
b. Secondary Sector c. Tertiary Sector d. Quatemary Sector
l6. The following table shows the sources of credit for rural households in India in 2003 (1)

Source Share
Money lender 30%
Cooperative Bank 27%
Commercial Banks 25%
Others( traders, Relatives) 18%

What is the share of formal sector in total credit ?

-60% b. 48% c. 52% d. 38%
17. There are hindrances in the development of tertiary or service sector. Identify the hindrances from the given options
1. Inadequate infrastructure
II. Unfair competition in the telecom sector Financial services Seruices
a. Onlyl b. Both I and II c. Both Il and III d. All of the above

18. Nandu has taken a loan of 5 lakhs from the bank to purchase a house at a 12% rate of interest . He has to submit papers of
the new house and salary record to the bank. What is this process called? (1)
a. Interest rate b. Collateral c. Principle Amount d. Installations

19. Which Institution is responsible for the recognition of Political Parties in India: (1)
a. Election commission of India b. Suprerme court c. Parliament d. Governor
20. State can discriminate people on the basis of: (1)
a. Gender b. Religion c. Place of birth d. Age

Section-B: Very Short Answer Questions (2 x4=8)

21. Mention the provisions that constitute India into a secular country. (2)
22. When was print technology introduced in Japan? (2)
23. What is Equal Remuneration Act and its impact on womens. (2)
24. Explain the reason why rice is considered a subsistence crop in Odisha. (2)

Section-C: Short Answer Questions (3x5= 15 )

25. On what basis the female allegories were given names? (3)
How did the Indian merchants and industrialists relate themselves to the Civil Disobedience Movemen:? Explain.
26. Write a brief note on the language policy adopted in India. (3)
'27. Describe any three features of Joint Forest Management. (3)
28. Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organized and unorganized sectors. (3)
29. Which government body supervises the functioning of the banks in India? Explain its functions) (3)

Section-D: Long Answer Questions (5x4-20)

30. Highlight the various measures and practices that French revolutionaries introduced to create a sense of collective
identity amongst the French people. (5)
Highlight the role of Otto von Bismarck in making of Germany.
31.. What are the positive aspects of caste system in Indian politics? (5)
What is Communalisn? Explain.
32.Some environmentalist allege tribes for destroying forests for their use and some say that they are more eco- sensitive and
protect nature better. Then what do you infer from both the reference
33. Explain with the help of examples how the terms of credit can be unfavorahle for thc small farmer 4so st
sources by which farmers can get cheap credit.
Section-E Case Based Questions
34. Readthe source given below and answer the questions that follow.
For plantation workers in Assam. freedom meant the ght to move freelv in and out of the onfined spat hoc they e
enclosed. and it meant retaining a link with the village from which they had come Lnder the Iniand Emgra At f 8*
plantation workers were not pernitted to leave the tea garderns without pernISSHOn. ad in fat ther were rarel given s
permission. When they heard of the Non-Cooperation Movement. thousands of workers defied the athotes eft the
plantations and headed home. They believed that Gandhi Raj was coming and everyone woud he gven iand n heit
villages. They,however. never reached their destinati on. Stranded on the way by arailway and steamer strke thev were g
by the police and brutally beaten up.The visions of these ovements were not defined bv the Congress prograe hey
interpreted the tem swaraj in their own ways. imagining it to be a time when all suffering and ail troubles w (uid e over
Yet, when the tribals chated Gandhiji's name and raised siogans demanding Sw atantra Bharat. thev were als
emotionally relating to an al-India agitation. When they acted in the name of MMahatma Gandhi. or inked ther mvement
that of the Congress, they were identifying with amovement which went beyond the limits of the r immediate lxalin
() Define the main objectives of Non Cooperation movement.
(i) Define Gandhi's view on Swaraj.
(iii) How plantation workers were involved in the Non-Cooperation Mevement
35. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follew.
Money is a fascinating subject and full of curiositres t s impertant lo capture thrs element for the students Ihe historny of
money and how various forms wvere used at d1fferent times 1s an interesting story Modern forms of money are nked to the
banking systen the stock of money consists of currency held by the public and the demand deposits that they hold with the
banks. This is the money that people can use as they wish and the government has to ensure that the svstem works smoothy
What would happen when the government declares that some of the currency notes used by people would be nade nvalid and
would be replaced by new currency? In India, during November 2016. currency notes in the denomination of R& 100 and Rs
1.000 were declared invalid. People were asked to surrender these notes to the bank by a specific period and receive new Ra
S00, Rs. 2,000 or other currency notes This is known as 'demonetisation' S1nce then. people were also encouraged lo use their
bank deposits rather than cash for transactions Hence. digtal ransactions started by using bank to bank annfer through the
internet or mobile phones, cheques, ATM cards, credit cards, and Point of Sale (POS) swipe machines at shops Thin is
pronoted lo reduce the requirement of cash for transactions and also control corruption

i. What can be counted as modern forns of money?

i. Which factor according to the g1ven case primarily facilitates the expansion of newer currency" (1)
ii. State the possible benefits from demonitosat1on
36. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow.
Energy is required for all activ ities. It ts needed te cook. to provide light and heat, to propel vehucles and ui d ve mac hinery n
industries.Energy can be generated from fuel minerals like coal. petroleum. narural gas, urannun arnd from electrieity nerg:
resources can be classi fied as conventional and non-conventional sources Conventional sources include firewood. catie dung
cake, coal. petroleum, natural gas and electricity (both hydel and thermal).
Non-conventional sources inciude solar, wind. tidal, geothernal, biogas and atom ic energy Frewood and cattie dung cake are
most common in rural India. According to one estimate more than 70 percent energy requirement in rura householdn is met by
these two; continuation of these is increasingly becoming difficult due to decreasing forest area Moreover sng dng cake u
is being discouraged because it consumes most valuable manure which could be used In agriculture
i State onedifference between conventional and non comventional source of energy (2)
iL. Why are firewood and cattle dung cake are most comon energy in rural Ind:a (1)
i. How India can reduce its dependence over countries for energy?
Section-F: Map Skill Based Questions +)-5 Marka)
37.(a) Two places AandB have been marked on the outine map of India láentify them ard wrse thet curreet ames(2) the
line drawn near them.
A. Aplace associated with Jallianwalia Bagh incident B. Aplace associated with Peasants Satyagraha
b. In the same outline map mark and label the foliow ng
Singrauli Thermal Power Plant iNaharkatia oilfiesd i Largest lte producng sate
The Chintels Schoo, Kafyanpur CLASS: X
Pre-Board II Examination (2023-24)
Subject: Social Science (087)
Time: 3 Hours M.M.80
Tanishha Vayilan Roll No: Date: 30/12/2023

General Instructions:
(0) The question paper comprises Six Sections - A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37
questions in the Question paper. Allquestions are compulsory.
(ü) Section A - From questions 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
(i) Section B- Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
(iv) Section C - contains Q25to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3
markseach. Answer toeach question should notexceed 60words
(v) Section D- Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
(vi) Section E - - Questions no from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub
questions and are of 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100
(vi) Section F - Question no. 37 is map based,carrying 5 marks with two parts, 37a from
History (2 marks) and 37b from Geography (3 marks).
(vii) There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has
been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be
(ix) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question,
wherever necessary.
Note: CBQ stands for "Competency Based Question". 50% weightage allocated for
competency-based questions.

1. ldentify the appropriate reason for the formation of the Swaraj party from the
options given below.
(a) Wanted members of Congress to return to Council Politics
(b) Wanted members of Congress to ask for Poorna Swaraj for Indians
(c) Wanted members of Congress to aslk Dominion State for India
(d) Wanted members of Congress to oppose Simon Commission 1

2. Which of the following is a negative externality associated with the

construction ofa dam?
(a) Dams help in flood control.
(b) Dams are water reservoirs and suppliers for industrial as well as
domestic purposes.
(c) Dams can channelise the naturallow of water.
(d) Damscan impoundrivers to irrigate the agricultural fields. 1

3. Readthe given data and answerthe following question.

Country Gross N.a Life Expectancy Mean Years of School HDI Rank
tional Income at birth ing of People aged 25 in the world
(GNI) per and above 2017 (2018)
capita (2011)
Sri 11,236 75.5 10,9 76
khdia 6,353 68.8 (6.4. 130
Myan 5,567 66.7 4.9 148

Pakistan 5,531 66.6 5.2 150

Nepal 2,471 70.6 4.9 149
Rangla 3,677 72.8 5.8 136

ldentify the country that most probably has a well-developed healthcare

system but lesser average education than India.
(a) Sri Lanka (b) Myanmar
(c) Pakistan (d) Nepal 1
4. Arrange in chronological order.
() Conservationists demanded a national wildlife protection programme.
(I1) Butterflies, moths, beetles, and one dragonfly have been added to the
list of protected species.
(I) Plants were added to the protection list, starting with six species.
(IV) The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act was implemented.

(a) (), (), (IV) and (1) (c) (1),(I1), (1) and (1V)
(b) (). (IV), (1) and () (d) (), (), (IV) and (III) 1
5. is the freedom of markets and abolition of state
restrictions on the movement of goods. 1

(a) Integration (b) Partnership

(c) Liberalisation (d) Globalisation
6. Which of the following measures does not establish Sinhala supremacy in
Sri Lanka?
(a) Sinhala is the only official language.
(b) Preferential policies in government jobs for Sinhalas.
(c) The state shallprotect and foster Buddhism.
(d) Equal political rights to Sri Lankan Tamils. 1
7. Assertion (A):
A democratic government will take more time to follow
procedures before arriving at a decision.
Reason (R): ADemocratic government is weak. ( ' m
0. When do people have the provision to withdraw money? Choose the most
appropriate option from the following.
(a) They canwithdraw money at the time of severe illness.
(b) They cannot withdraw money before it reaches to it maturity level.
(c) They can withdraw money as and when they require.
(d) Once they have deposited they can only use it digitaly. 1

9. John is drawing the map of the world for his school assignment. Where
should he draw Luxembourg?
(a) Next to Italy (b) Next to Kazakhstan
(c) Next to Belgium (d) Next to Poland
10.ldentify the country indicated through the symbols given in the picture.

(a) Bulgaria (b) Germany

(c) Italy (d) France
11.Shazia's teacher asked her a question, to which she answered, "MGNREGA
2005". What couldhave been the teacher's question?
(a) Name of the act that was devised toimplement the Right to Work.
(b) Name of the act that was devised to implement the Right to Equality.
(c) Name of the act that was devised to implement the Right to Freedom.
(d) Name of the act that was devised to implement the Right to Education.
12. Fill in the blank.
Socialdivisions based on .are peculiar in India.
(a) Discomfort (b) Religion
(c) Caste (d) Gender
13. Who among the following West-Indies cricketers trace their roots to
indentured labour migrants from India?
(a) Vivian Richards and Gary Sobers
(b) Chris Gayle and Dwayne Bravo
(c) Ramnaresh Sarwan and Shivnarine Chanderpaul
(d) Bran I.araad Courtey Walsth
14 Thesumtotal of producionof althe goods and services in the three
sectors are called as :
(a) NDI (b) NI () GN (d} GD'

15. Not everyone welcomed the printed book. There was widespread criticism.
What could have been the reason? Find the corret answer from the options
given below:
(a) it was feared that ittherewas no control over what wasprinted and read, then
rebellious and irreligious thouyhts nugbt spread.
(b) Books will corrupt the minds of young readers.
(c) It willdivide the soiety into intellectu.als and non-intellectuals.
(d) Time will be wasted in reading books and it will hamper the work of
daily life.
16. ldentify the process:
(1) Thistype of mining is done in Jowaa and Cherrapunji.
(2) Mining is carried out by family members in the form of a long narrow
(3) The National Green Tribunal hasdeclared this activityillegal.
(a) Shaft mining (b) Bat lole mining
(c) Open pit mining (d) None of the above
17."Do or Die" sloganwas used during which of the following movement. 1
(a) Bardoli Satyagrah (e) Non Co-operation Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement (d) Quit India Movement

18. costs of borrowing increases the debt-burden.

(a) Formal (b)Informal
(c) Low (d) Higher

19.Observe the party symbols and identify the associated political parties.

(a) INC and CPL

(by BSP and AAP
( BJP and AAP
(d) CP and CPI (M)
20. Which of the
following refers to investment?
(a) The money spent on
(b) The money spent on social ceremonies.
(C) The money spent to buy assets such as land.
(d) The money spent on household goods. 1

21.Observe the map given below showing the distribution of thermal and
nuclear power plants across India.










Air Quality Index (AQ) is used to measure real-time air pollution levels. A
high AQl represents poor air quality.
Accordingly, which of the following regions marked on the map is LIKELY
to experience comparatively better AQl and why? 2

22. How can development and conservation of nature be carried out

simultaneously? 2
23. Describe the technological reforms taken by the Indian Government in the
field of agriculture. 2

24. Mention two aspects of an ideal federal system? 2

25. Describe any three problenms faced by Indian cotton weavers in the
nineteenth century.
growth of the press in India
26. Exanine the role of missionaries in the
boost to the agriculture
Explain with examples, how do industries give a

27. Describe the incidence of jall1anwala Bagh Massacre.

imjrovement in hhe
28. What are feminist movements? How have they brought
condition of women?
unorganized sector?
29.State the reasons why primary sector is considered as an

30. Explain any three major problems taced by road transport in Inda
31. Explain three points how pr1nt culture developed in India'

Why werethe printed books popular even among illiterate people"

32. Explain the different aspects of life in which women are discriminated o1
disadvantaged in Inda'

"Caste system and politics In India can not be separated." justify

33. "There are a large number oft activities which are the primary responsibility
of the goverment." Do you agree to it Support your view with arguments.

34. We have seen how British manufucturers attempted to take over the Indian
market, and how Indian weavers and craftsmen, traders und industriatsts

resisted colonial controls, demanded tari! protection, reated ther own

spaces, and tried to extend the marketfor ther produce
But when new products are produ ced people have to be persuaded to buy
them. They have to feel Iike using the product. How ws this done' Une
way in which new consumers are created is through udverttsements As you
know, advertisements make products appear des1ruble and necessary Thes

try to shape the minds of people and create new needs

(A) According to the source, what kind of smages were

(b) why were advertisements used by Manchester products for
() What infornmation was contained in the 2

S9. n igneous and metamorphic rocks minerals may occur in the cracks, crevices,
Jaults or joints. The smaller occurrences are called veins and the larger are
called lodes. Inmost cases, they are formed when minerals in liquid/molten
and gaseous forms are forced upward through cavities towards the earth's
surface. They cool and solidify as they rise. Major metallic minerals like tin,
copper, zinc and lead etc. are obtained fron veins and lodes.
(A) Name a mineral found in veins and lodes.
(B) How are veins and lodes formed?
(C) Mention one feature each of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

36. Over ahundred countries of the world today clain and practice some kind
of democratic politics: they have formal constitutions, they hold elections,
they have parties and they guarantee rights of citizens. While these features
are common to most of them, these democracies are very different from each
other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements and
their cultures. Consequently, what may be achieved or not achieved under
each of these demnocracies will be very different.

(A) Explain the fascination for denmocracy amongst various countries.
(B) Explain democracy on the basis of expected and actual outcome. 2


37.(A) Two places I and Il have been marked on the given outline map of India.
Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near


() The place where session of Indian National Congress was held in

September 1942.
() The place where HSRAwas founded. 2
(B) On the same given map of India, locate and label any three of the
following with suitable symbols:
() A Nuclear power plant in Kerala
(1) AThermal power plant in Assam
() A Sea port in Chennai

(IV) AnAirport named after a leader in Hyderabad 3

The Chintels Schoo, Kafyanpur
Time: 3 hours SUBJECT -SOCIAL SCIENCE (087)
ani hka Pariler Section Roll No: 232085ate: 31/ 01/2024
M.M. :80

General Instructions:
I. The question paper comprises Six
Sections -A. B.C, D, E and F. There are 37 questions in
questions are compulsory. theQuestion paper. All
2. Section A - From
questions I to 20 are MCQs of I mark cach.
Section B- Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 marks
question should not exceed 40 words. each.Answer to cach
4. Section Ccontains Q.25to Q.29 are Short
should not exceed 60 words
Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks cach. Answerto cach
3. Section D -Question no. 30 to 33 are long
answer type questions, carrying 5 marks cach. Answerto cach question
should not exceed 120 words.
6. Section-E - Questions no from 34 to 36 are case
based questions with three sub questions and are of 4 marks
Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words. cach.
7. Section F -Question no. 37 is map based,
carrying S marks with two parts, 37a from History (2marks)and
Geography (3 marks). 37b Irom
8. There is no overallchoice in the question paper.
However, an internalchoice has been provided infew questions.
Only one of the choices in such questions have to be
9. In addition to this, separate instructions are given attempted.
with each section and question, wherevernecessary.
10. Note: CBQ stands for Competency Based
Question". 50% weightage allocated forcompetency-based questions.

MCQs (1X20=20)
1.Which one of the following aspect best signifies the image given below?
a) Traditional family roles.

b) Destruction of proper family relations.

c) Cultural impact of the west.

d) pleasure being the ultimate goal of life.

2. Read the data given below and answer the question.

Educational achievement of rural population of Utar Pradesh

category male female

Literacy rate for rural population 52% 19%

Literacy rate children in age group 10- 14 68% 39%

Percentage of rural children aged 10-14 64% 31%

attending school

data what percentage of rural male children aged 10-14 are not attending school?
of above
Onthe usis
b) 32°% c)69% d) 48%

both in Kharif and Rabi Season.

Which of the follow ing crop 1s grown
c) Soybean d) Linseed
b) Groundnut
the Joint Forest Management (JFM)?
Whch one ofthe following statement is corectregarding
on degraded
iomation of local (village) institutions that undertake protection activities mostly
forest land managed by the forest department.
ü. Prohibiting the visit of public into forest area.

iL Establishing wildlife sanctuaries and National Parks.

in. Banning on hunting and poaching activities.

a) Statement i and iv are correct. c) Statement ii, iii &iv are correct
b) Statement iis correct. d Statement (). (ii) & (iv)are correct.

$. Consider the following statements about the Ethnic composition of Sri Lanka:
A. Major social groups are the Sinhala- speaking (74%) and Tamil-speaking (18%)
Tamils and Indian Tamils.
B. Among the Tamils, there are two sub-groups, Sri LankanSinhala.
C. There are about 7% Christians, who are both Tamil and
are Buddhists.
D. Most of the Sinhala-speaking are Hindus or Muslims and most of the Tamil-speaking
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) A. B. C c) B. C, D
b) A. B. D A,B, C, D
India. ldentify those which hold true
6. Consider the following statements on the practice of federalism in
for decentralisation after 1992.

A. Local governments did not have any power or resources of their own.
government bodies.
B. It became constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to local
local government bodies.
C. The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with
scheduled tribes and other backward
D. No seats are reserved in the elected bodies for scheduled castes,
c) A and D
a) BandC
d) B and D
b) A and C
answer as per the codes
7 There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
provided below:
Assertion (A): Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation.

Reason R): Democratic Government takes more time to follow procedures before arriving at a
a Both (A)and (R) are true and (R) is
the correct explanation of(A)

correct explanation of (A).

b. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
c. (A) is correct but (R) is wrong

d. (A) is wrong but (R) is corect has to

a car on 12% rate of interest. She
to purchase
& Geeta has taken a loan of Rs.2 lakhs from the bank 1
and salary record to the bank. What is this process called
submil papers of new car c) Principal Amount
a) Interest Rate d) Instalment
b) Collateral
/ncorrect one
desirability of power sharing and identifythe 1
9. Consider the following: statements regarding
from the following: groups.
sharing helps to reduce possibility of conflicts between social community.
a) Power of majority
attractive option in imposing the will
b) Power sharing is an stability of political order.
c) Power sharing ensures the 1
of democracy.
d) Power sharing is the very spirit correct about Balkan nationalism?
option(s) is/are
10. Which of the following became part of the conflict because of the Otoman Empire.
I. The Balkan region Montenegro, etc.
region comprised of ethnic groups included Greeks, Serbs,
II. The struggled to establish their identity.
III. British and ethnic nationalities
a &II
b) Il& II
c) Only II
d) Only I
Sweden, Norway and the participation of women in public
11. In Scandinavian countries such as 1
life is very high.
Choose the correct option to complete the e Russia d) Latvia
a) Finland b) Hungary

following statements is true in respect of outcomes of democracy?
12. Which of the and in setting up condition
in setting up regular and free elections
a) Democracies have had greater success
for open public debate.
provide a fair chance to everyone and in subjecting
b) Most democracies do not fall short of elections that
every decision to public debate.
when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
c) Democratic governments have a very good record
d) Democracies are free of corTuption.
events that shaped the Civil
03.Arrange the following statements in sequential order based on the
Disobedient Movement.
unspecified future.
i Lord Irwin, announced a vague offer of'dominion status' for India in an
i. The arrival of Simon Commission consisting of all British members.
ii. The Lahore Congress session formalised the demand of 'PurnaSwaraj' or full independence for
Salt Act
iv. Gandhiji launched a nationwide satyagraha against the
a) iv, iii, ii, i c) ii, i. iii,iv
b) i, iv, ii, I d) i, i, ii, iv

has to do a lot of manual work iis wife and

13. Aman is employed on a food processing farm where he
ment 1s this an exAmple
daughter also heip him with his work on the farm every day. Which type of employ

a. Under employment
b. Seasonal çmployment
c. Over employment
d. Cyclical employment
14. Why was the Vernacular Press Act passed bv the British Government in Ind1a"
(a) The Vernacular Act was passed to promote vernacular languages
on vernac uiar
(b) The Vernacular Act was passed by the British government to put some check
newspapers which had become assertively nationalist.
(c) The Vernacular Act was passed to please the Indians who wanted to promote Indian
(d) The Vernacular Act was passed to consolidate British rule in India

15. Match the following:

a Red and YellowSoil
b Laterite soil II. Chhattisgarh
Alluvial soil Tamil Nadu

IV Uttar Pradesh
d Regur soil
a) a-lI, b-lII, c-IV, d-l
b) a-IV, b-l, c-IlI, d-ll
c) a-1, b-|I1.,c-II, d-IV
d) a-IV, b-llI, c-II, d-l
16. Choose the right option to fill in the blank.
Assembly of aState and wins
party that secures at least six per cent of the total votes in an election to the Legislative
at least isrecognised as a state party

a) Two seats b) Three seats c) One seats d) Four seats

17.Rapid improvement in technology has been one major factor that has stimulated
process. e) Globalization
b)Liberalization d) Socialisation
Which ofthee following statements is correct regarding the ideology of BSP?

satementr: The party wants to build a strong and modem India by drawing inspiration from India's aneien
culture and values.

Statement ii: The party draws inspiration from the ideas and teachings of Sahuji Maharaj.
Statement ii: Cultural nationalism or Hindutya is an important element of its ideology.
Statement iv: The party supports new economic reforms but with a human lace.

a) Statement i and iii are right.

b) Statement i, iiand ii are right.

c) Statement ii is right.

d)Only statement i is right.

99. Read the information given below and select the correct option:
no work and needs credit to
Ram is an agricultural labourer. There are several months in a year when he has
charges an interest
meet his daily expenses. He depends upon his emplover. the landowner for credit who
rate of 5 per cent per month.
Which of the following statements about this sector is correct -

a) There are govt. bodies to supervise informal sector

b) Money lenders ask for a reasonable rate of interest
c) Cost of informal loans to the borrower is quite high
d) Money lenders use fair means to get their money back



. The democratically elected government adopted a series of majoritarian measures to establish Sinhala
supremacy. Justify the statement by two arguments.
2 The Silk route is a goodexampleof trade and cultural link between distant parts of the world. Explain
with twoexamples.

Some times new crops could make the difference between life and death
22 Mohan owns a farn in Uttar Pradesh: he wishes to cultivate either Jute or Sugarcane. He shall cultivate
which crop out of these two keeping in mind the conditions required for their growth? Explain. 2
24,'Judiciary plays an important role in Indian federalism . Justify the statement.
25 Noteveryone welcomed the printed book, and those who did also had fears about it." Justify the
statement by giving three arguments.
26. Do you think that classification of Economic Activities into primary, secondary and tertiary is useful?
Explain how? 3

27. Why is the Economic strength of acountry measured by the development of manufacturing industries ?
Explain with examples. 3
28. The exact balance of power between the central and the state government varies from one federation to
another'. Explain. 3
29. Raviworks in a leather bag manufacturing and export company. He feels insecure due to the introduction
of flexible labour laws. How can the
government help him? 3

30.There is an urgent need to develop a sustainable path of energy development'.Explain. 5

Describe the importance of coal as a source of energy.

31.-Ideas of national unity in the early nineteenth century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of
liberalism'. Support the statement with arguments.
"The 1830s were the years of great economic hard hardships in Europe". Give five reasons to support the

32. "Caste and caste system in India have undergone great changes." Explain. 5
*Caste continues to be very strongly linked to economic status in many important ways." Explain.
33.'Self-help Groups support has brought about a revolutionary change in the rural sector.' Explain with
suitable examples.

Amrita is a government employee and belongs to a rich urban household whereas Rani works as a helper on a
construction site and comes from a poor rural household. Both have acrisis at home and wish to take loan.
Create a list of arguments explaining who between the two would successfully be able to get the loan from a
formal source. Why?

34. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow: 4

In Awadh, peasants were led by Baba Ramchandra - a sanyasi who had earlier been to Fijias an indentured
labourer. The movement here was against talukdars and landlords who demanded from peasants exorbitantly

farms without any
ents avariety of other cesses. Peasants had to do begar and work at landlords'

sment. As tenanis they had no security of tenure. being regularly evicted so that
they could acquire no
abolition of begar. and
over the leased land.
right The peasant movement demanded reduction of revenue,
were organised by panchyts
social boy cott of oppressive landlords. In many places naj - dhobi bandhs
In June 1920. Jawaharlal Nehru began
deprive landlords of the services of even barbers and washermen,
trying to understand their grievances. By
going around the villages in Awadh. taiking to the villagers. and few others.
Jawaharlal Nehru. Baba Ramchandra and a
October. the Oudh Kisan Sabha was set up headed by
when the Non
ithin a month. over 300 branches had been set un in the villages around the region. So
effort of the Congress was to integrate the Awadh
Cooperation Movement began the following vear, the
that the
peasant movement. however. developed in forms
peasant struggle into the wider struggle. The and
movement spread in 1921. the houses of talukdars
Congress leadership was unhappy with. As the
bazaars were looted. and grain hoards were taken over. In many places local
merchants were attacked.
to be
peasants that Gandhiji had declared that no taxes were to be paid and land was
leaders told action and
Mahatma was being invoked to sanction all
redistributed among the poor. The name of the
during Non-Cooperation Movement
i. State two main demands of peasant movement
Bardoli led by Vallabhbhai Patel in 1928.
ii. State the reason of peasant movement in unhappy
"The peasant movement. however, developed in forms that the Congress leadership was
with." Substantiate this statement in 20 words.
questions that follow:
35. Read the source given below and answer the

recent years, multi-purpose projects and large dams have come under great scrutiny and opposition for a
natural flow causing poor sediment flow
variety of reasons. Regulating and damming of rivers affect their
stream beds and poorer
and excessive sedimentation at the bottom of the reservoir. resulting in rockier
making it difficult for aquatic fauna to
habitats for the rivers' aquatic life. Dams also fragment rivers
floodplains also submerge the
migrate. especially for spawning. The reservoirs that are created on the
existing vegetation and soil leading to its decomposition over a period of
new environmental movements
Multi-purpose projects and large dams have also been the cause of many
to these projects has
likethe Narmada Bachao Andolan' and the Tehri Dam Andolan' etc. Resistance
had to give up
primarily been due to the large-scale displacement of local communities. Local people ofien
of the nation.
their land. livelihood and their meagre access and control over resources for the greater good
Perhaps. the land
So. if the local people are not benefiting from such projects then who is benefited?
oWners and large farmers. industrialists 'and few urban centres.
i. State one reason. why multipurpose river projectsconsidered as temples of modern India?
ii. What are dams? 1

iii. Analyse the reasons of opposition of multi-purpose projects and large dams in recent years in India.

36. Read the source given below and answer the questions that follow:

Besides seeking more income. oneway or the other. people also seck things like equal treatment, fireedom.
security, and respect of others. They resent discrimination. All these are important goals. In fact, in some
cases. these may be more important than more ineome or more consumption because material goods are not
all that you need to live. Money,or material things that one can buy with it, is one factor on which our lite
depends. But the quality of our life also depends on non-material things mentioned above. Ifit is not obv ious
to you, then just think of the role of your triends in your life. You may desire their friendship. Similarly.
there are many things that are not casily measured but they mean a lot to our lives. These are often ignored.
However. it will be Wrong to conclude that what cannot be measured isnot important.
1. Mention any two developmental goals of people other than income.
ii 1
Why do difterent people have diftierent developmental goals?
iii. Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well."
Substantiate this statement in 20 words.


37. a) Two places Aand Bhave heen marked on the given outline map of India. ldentify them and write
their corTeCt names on the lines drawm ncar them.
A. The congress session in which took place in 1927.

B. The place where Mahatma Gandhi started his first initial saty agraha movement in India.
b) On the same outline map of lndia locate and label any 3 of the following with suitable symbols.
1. TarapurNuclear power plant
2. Netaji Subhash Chandra B0se International Aiport.
3. Pune software technology park
4. Salal dam

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