1.State the use of method in javascript with the help of suitable example.
6. Enlist & explain the use of any two Intrinsic JavaScript Functions
10. Write a Java script to create person object with properties firstname,
lastname, age, eyecolor,
13. Write a Javascript to design a form to accept values for user ID &
16. What is operator? Which type of operators are used in Java script.
2.Explain prompt() and confirm() method of Java script with syntax and
3.Write a Java script program which computes, the average marks of the
following students then, This average is used to determine the corresponding
grade. .
4.Write the use of chatAt() and indexof() with syntax and example
6. Write a JavaScript that will replace following specified value with another
value in string. String
10. List ways of protecting your web page and describe any one of them
11. Create a slideshow with the group of three images, also simulate next
and previous transition
13. Write a Java script to modify the status bar using on MouseOver and on
MouseOut with links.
When the user moves his mouse over the links, it will display “MSBTE” in the
status bar. When the
User moves his mouse away from the link the status bar will display nothing
14. Write a JavaScript program that will display current date in DD/MM/YYYY
15. Write a JavaScript program that will remove the duplicate element from
an array
16.Write a JavaScript program that will display list of students in ascending
order according to the
17. Write and explain a string functions for converting string to number and
number to string…..54
20.Write a JavaScript function to merge two array & removes all duplicate
21. Write a JavaScript function that will open new window when the user will
click on the button.
23. Write a JavaScript program that will create pull-down menu with three
options. Once the user
Will select the one of the options then user will re directed to that website
24. Describe Quantifiers with the help of example.
28. Explain getter and setter properties in Java script with suitable example
29. Write a Javascript that displays the following properties of Math object.
34. How to read and write cookie in javascript? Explain with example
38. Describe how to replace text using Regular Expression with example
39. What is context menu? How to create it? Explain with example.
40. Write a javascript program to validate user accounts for multiple set of
user ID and password
43. Design a webpage that displays a form that contains an input for user
name and password.
User is prompted to enter the input user name and password and password
become value of the
44. Write a javascript program to create read, update and delete cookies
(input from user). Form should contain two text boxes to input numbers of
four buttons for
1. Write a HTML script which displays 2 radio buttons to the users for
fruits and vegetables and 1 Option list. When user select fruits radio
button option list should present only fruits names to the User & when
user select vegetable radio button option list should present only
vegetable names to The user.
2. Describe, how to read cookie value and write a cookie value. Explain
with example
3. Write a java script that displays textboxes for accepting name & email
ID & a submit button. Write java script code such that when the user
clicks on submit button (1) Name Validation (2) Email ID Validation.
5 .Write a script for creating following frame structure FRUITS, FLOWERS AND
CITIES are links to the webpage fruits.html, flowers.html, cities.html
respectively. When these links are clicked Corresponding data appears in
4. Write a javascript to create a pull-down menu with three options
[Google, MSBTE, Yahoo] once The user will select one of the options
then user will be redirected to that site
5. Write HTML script that will display following structure Write the
JavaScript code for below Operations: (1) Name, Email & Pin Code
should not be blank. (2) Pin Code must contain 6 digits & it Should not
be accept any characters.
8.Write a webpage that displays a form that contains an input for user name
and password. User is Prompted to enter the input user name and password
and password becomes the value of the Cookie. Write the JavaScript function
for storing the cookies. It gets executed when the password Changes
10. Write HTML script that will display dropdown list containing options such
as Red, Green, Blue And Yellow. Write a JavaScript program such that when
the user selects any options. It will change The background colour of
11. Develop a JavaScript program to create Rotating Banner Ads
13. Write a HTML script that displays textboxes for accepting emp id, name
and designation. Write Proper JavaScript such that when the user clocks the
submit button
HTML frames are used to divide your browser window into multiple sections
where each Section can load a separate HTML document. A collection of
frames in the browser Window is known as a frameset. The window is divided
into frames in a similar way the Tables are organized: into rows and columns.
16.Describe how to change option list dynamically with the help of example.
20. Develop javascript to convert the given character to unicode and vice-
21. Write a javascript program to create a silde show with the group of six
images, also simulate The next and previous transition between slides in
your javascript.
22. Write a javascript to open a new window and the new window is having
two frames. One Frame containing buthon as “click here !”, and after clicking
this button an image should open in The second frame of that child window.
23. Write a javascript to create option list containing list of images and then
display images in new Window as per selection.
24. Write a javascript function to generate Fibonacci series till user defined