Submitted by
Kavita madam
Associate Professor, Dept. of ISE
An activity work of immense Sheer Size and it cannot be proficient by
an individual all by them ultimately, I am gratifying to a number of
individuals whose qualified guidance and assistance and
encouragement have made it a pleasant venture to undertake this
activity work. I am grateful to my Institution SKSVMACET College with
its ideals and inspiration for having provided us with the facilities,
which has made this activity work a success. It is my pleasure to tender
my heartfelt thanks to our College Trustees for their vision behind,
towards the successful completion of our activity. I would like to
express my gratitude to Dr.Parashuram Baraki, Principal of
SKSVMACET, who is the source of inspiration as well providing an
amiable atmosphere to work in. Further, I would like to express my kind
gratitude towards Dr.Rajashekar Kunabeva HOD, Dept. of ISE and the
whole department for providing us kindly environment for the
successful completion of the activity work. I also extend my sincere
thanks to my activity work coordinator kavita madam, for the timely
suggestions and co-operation throughout my dissertation. It's my duty
to thank one and all faculties of ISE Department, who have directly or
indirectly supported to accomplish the activity work successfully. I
would also like to thank my friends, who really helped us to complete
this activity work successfully.
6. Conclusion
waste generated from agricultural activities to reduce
environmental pollution and promote resource
conservation. Organic farming promotes biodiversity, soil
health, and long-term sustainability by employing
techniques such as crop rotation, composting, biological pest
control, and cover cropping. These methods enhance soil
fertility, reduce erosion, conserve water, and minimize the
negative impact on ecosystems compared to conventional
farming practices. Waste management in organic farming
encompasses various strategies to manage organic waste,
including crop residues, animal manure, and food scraps.
Composting is a common practice in organic agriculture,
where organic waste materials are decomposed into
nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to fertilize soil and
improve its structure and moisture retention capacity.
Additionally, anaerobic digestion can be employed to
convert organic waste into biogas, a renewable energy
source, and nutrient-rich digestate, which can be used as
fertilizer. Effective waste management in organic farming
not only helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
mitigating climate change but also contributes to the circular
economy by closing nutrient loops and reducing reliance on
external inputs
produced, including household waste, industrial waste, agricultural
waste, electronic waste (e-waste), and hazardous materials. This has
made effective waste management a key issue in modern society.
Without proper management, waste can lead to serious
environmental pollution, health risks, and the depletion of natural
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The primary objectives of waste management are to:
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In conclusion, both waste management and organic farming are
essential practices for promoting sustainability and protecting the
environment. Waste management helps reduce pollution, conserve
resources, and promote recycling, while organic farming prioritizes
soil health, biodiversity, and the use of natural methods to grow
food. Together, these approaches contribute to a healthier
ecosystem, reduce the environmental impact of agriculture and
waste, and support the long-term well-being of both people and the
planet. By adopting these practices, we move closer to a more
sustainable and resilient future.
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