https___app.ample-qp_subsolution_730Self Assessment Paper 3

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I. Multiple Choice Questions [1 × 4 = 4] the magnitude of the current transmission, Lord
1. Option (B) is correct. Kelvin modified the existing galvanometer so that
Explanation: F = qvB sin q, when q = 2C, F = 1N, it became capable to measure the weakest current.
q = 90°
3. Option (C) is correct.
F 1 1
then B = = = = 0.5T Explanation: The galvanometer, was a means of
qv sin θ 2 × 1 × sin 90° 2
detecting electric current. It consisted of a needle
2. Option (B) is correct. that was deflected by the magnetic field created by
1 the electric current.
Explanation: B ∝
r 4. Option (B) is correct.
B1 r2 r / 2 Explanation: The mirror galvanometer consists of
= =
B2 r1 r a long fine coil of silk-covered copper wire. In the
heart of that coil, within a little air-chamber, a small
So, B2 = 2B1 = 2B
round mirror is hung by a single fibre of floss silk,
3. Option (B) is correct.
with four tiny magnets cemented to its back.
4. Option (B) is correct.
5. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: Magnetic field at the ends of a current
carrying solenoid is half of the magnetic field inside Explanation: The air in the little chamber
it. surrounding the mirror is compressed at will, so as
II. Assertion & Reason  [1 × 2 = 2] to act like a cushion, and deaden the movements of
1. Option (D) is correct. the mirror; the mirror is thus prevented from idly
Explanation: The force on a charged particle moving swinging about at each deflections.
in a uniform magnetic field always acts in the IV. Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 × 3 = 3]
direction perpendicular to the direction of motion
1. I g R g = ( I − I g )RS
of the charge. So, work done by the magnetic field
is W = FS cos q = FS cos 90° = 0. So, the energy
 Rg 
of the charged particle does not change. Hence, I = 1 +  Ig
assertion is false and reason is true.  RS 

2. Option (B) is correct.

On substituting the values
Explanation: The torque on the coil in a magnetic
field is given by t = nIBA sin q. For radial field, q = i = 0.15 A
90° and sin q = 1, torque = nIBA and it is maximum. 2. Due to high permeability of the ferromagnetic
So, assertion is true. Torque is the rotational material, the magnetic field inside the solenoid gets
equivalence of force. So, torque will tend to rotate a increased to a great extent.
coil. Reason is also true. But reason cannot explain
the assertion that's why the torque is maximum in 3. When angle between the magnetic dipole moment
the specified position. and the magnetic field is 0° i.e., both are parallel.
III. Competency Based Questions [1 × 4 = 4] V. Short Answer Type Questions-I [2 × 3 = 6]
1. Option (A) is correct. 1. Given, a galvanometer coil, Resistance on
Explanation: Improved mirror galvanometer was galvanometer, G = 10 W. Current passing through
developed by William Thomson, later to become the galvanometer, Ig = 3.5 mA = 3.5 × 10–3 A.
Lord Kelvin, in 1858. Current across the ammeter, I = 4A. Using formula,
2. Option (B) is correct. I gG
S= I −I
Explanation: The fundamental problem was that the g

transmitting / receiving a signal through a lengthy

Putting values in the above equation
submarine cable was very low. Instead of increasing
S = 8.7 m W.
2 Oswaal CBSE Question Bank Chapterwise & Topicwise, PHYSICS, Class-XII

Therefore, a resistance of 8.75 mW should be Force on arm AB = F1 = IbB (directed into the plane
connected as shunt so as to convert the galvanometer of the loop)
Force on arm CD = F2 = IbB (directed out of the
into an ammeter.
plane of the loop)  ½
2. The material is paramagnetic. The field pattern gets Therefore the magnitude of the torque on the loop
modified as shown in the figure below. due to these pair of forces ½
a a
τ = F1 + F2
2 2
= I ( ab )B
= IAB = mB  ½
(A = ab = area of the loop)
3. Magnetic field strength at a point P (where the Alternatively,
resultant magnetic field is zero), at Also accept if the student does calculations for the
µ0 I 1 general case and obtain the result.
left wire = B1 = Torque = IABsin φ
2 πr Alternatively,
µ0 I 2 Also accept if the student says that the equivalent
right wire = B2 =
2 πr magnetic moment (m), associated with a current
carrying loop is
The fields are oppositely directed. → ∧
m = IA n (A = area of the loop)
The torque, on a magnetic dipole, in a magnetic
field, is given by
→ → →
τ =m×B
∧ →
Since, I2 > I1 the point P cannot be in region II or III. τ = IA( n × B)
It will be in the region I.
VI. Short Answer Type Questions-II [3 × 2 = 6]
Magnitude of torque = IAB sin φ
1. (a) Derivation of expression for torque 2 (b) When a current carrying coil is kept inside a radial
magnetic field, the corresponding moving coil
(b) Significance of radial magnetic field. 1
galvanometer would have a linear scale.1
Consider the simple case when a rectangular Alternatively,
loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field B that is in "In a radial magnetic field, two sides of the
the plane of the loop. rectangular coil remain parallel to the magnetic
field lines while its other two sides remain
perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. This
holds for all positions of the coil".
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2019]
2. (a) (i) Work done = mB(cos q1 – cos q2)
q1 = 60°, q2 = 90°,
work done = mB(cos 60° – cos 90°)

½ 1  1
= mB  − 0  = mB
 2  2
work done = × 4 × 0.24
work done = 0.48 J
(ii) q1 = 60°, q2 = 180°,
work done = mB(cos 60° – cos 180°)
1  3
= mB  − ( −1)  = mB
2  2
(b) work done = × 4 × 0.24
work done = 1.44 J
Solutions 3
Area of cross-section =l × b = A,
(b) Torque = mB sin q, For q = 180°, we have torque =
4 × 0.24 sin 180° = 0 Intensity of the uniform magnetic field = B,
VII. Long Answer Type Questions [5 × 1 = 5] Current through the coil = I
\ Deflecting torque = BIl × b =BIA
For N turns, t = NBIA
Restoring torque in the spring = kq
(k = restoring torque per unit twist)
\ NBIA = kq

1.  k 
\ I=  θ
 NBA 
\ I ∝q
The deflection of the coil is therefore, proportional
to the current flowing through it.
(i) The soft iron core not only makes the field radial but
also increases the strength of the magnetic field.
(ii) We have
Current sensitivity = =
I k

θ θ  NBA  1
Voltage sensitivity = = = .
Principle and working: A current carrying coil, V IR  k  R
placed in a uniform magnetic field, can experience
a torque. It follows that an increase in current sensitivity may
Consider a rectangular coil for which no. of turns = not necessarily increase the voltage sensitivity.

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