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Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator with slit-type heat exchangers for HTS
superconducting motor
Taekyung Ki ⇑, Sangkwon Jeong 1
Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory, Division of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and System Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A cryogenic refrigeration system is one of the indispensable components for cooling superconducting
Available online 20 October 2010 motor or generator. Among various configurations of cryogenic refrigeration system, the on-board refrig-
eration system is considered to be attractive for compactness and small heat leak. In order to turn this
Keywords: concept into reality, we focus on two essential points; development of the specific structure for on-board
Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator refrigeration and optimal design of the refrigerator. Since the on-board refrigeration system should not
Slit-type heat exchanger create unbalanced vibration, the inline Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator is considered as a good can-
Flow straightener
didate and more concrete and efficient structure is developed under the design constraints. The dynamic
On-board refrigeration
absorber is used to maintain the dynamic stability of the single acting linear compressor. To increase
thermal Carnot efficiency with the on-board Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator, slit-type heat exchang-
ers are implemented and flow straighteners are carefully designed by the three-dimensional CFD simu-
lation. The overall configuration of the Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator is designed and fabricated by
the optimal process. The present on-board refrigerator has the cooling capacity of 7 W at 59.5 K with the
Carnot efficiency of 10.9%. According to these experimental results, the pulse tube refrigerator as the on-
board refrigeration system possesses a sufficient thermal efficiency despite the restricted design config-
uration. The on-board refrigeration is considered as a useful method for cooling HTS superconducting
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction amount of heat leak from the connection part. Therefore, supercon-
ducting rotating machines may need more compact and efficient
Superconducting motors and generators have larger electric cooling system for true commercial applications.
power and higher efficiency than those of conventional motors In order to solve these problems, Zhang et al. [1] proposed that
and generators at the same size since they use superconducting the refrigeration system itself is directly attached to the rotor and
wire which reduces electrical power loss in the rotor field windings Nam et al. [2] demonstrated its feasibility under slowly rotating
and the stator without iron core. Additionally, the development of condition using a hybrid pulse tube refrigerator. Kim [3] experi-
High-Temperature Superconductor (HTS) material gives us more mentally studied performance change of pulse tube refrigerator
possibility for the practical application of superconducting rotor in the rotating system to the maximum rate of 1800 rpm. Accord-
by raising the operating temperature of superconductor. ing to their investigations, the performance change due to rotating
Superconducting machines, however, indispensably contain a effect was negligible. Choi [4] investigated the effect of rotation on
complicated cryogenic cooling system to sustain stable supercon- the performance of the pulse tube refrigerator under various
ducting condition of the rotor. Because the rotating part has been parameters such as pulse tube size, compressor capacity, and
separated from the cooling system in the case of conventional operating conditions using numerical analysis. Previous studies,
superconducting motors and generators, it must be necessary to however, focused on the possibility or the effect of rotation for
use a dynamic cryogenic fluid sealing and an additional component refrigeration system directly attached to the rotor. Thus, to
for removing heat from the rotating superconducting rotor to the promote future applications and to improve the stability of HTS
stationary cryogenic refrigerator. This complex configuration has superconducting system, we need more concrete and efficient
caused numerous engineering problems and also considerable design for the rotating refrigeration system.
This paper describes an optimal design and the structure for
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +82 42 350 8207. the on-board refrigeration of HTS superconducting motor. The
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Ki), [email protected] (S. Jeong). Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator with an axisymmetric
Fax: +82 42 350 8207. structure is adopted. All components of the Stirling-type pulse tube
0011-2275/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
342 T. Ki, S. Jeong / Cryogenics 51 (2011) 341–346
refrigerator are optimally designed according to the constraints of minimizing electrical input and attaining the target efficiency.
the on-board refrigeration system and the thermodynamic analy- The single piston linear motor (Q-drive model 1S175M) is used
sis. Specially, slit-type heat exchangers have been optimally de- for the linear compressor of the PTR in this paper. The parameters
signed for the air-cooled aftercooler, the cold-end heat of the PTR are designed using a one-dimensional PTR design pro-
exchanger, and the air-cooled warm-end heat exchangers. This gram coupled with loss analysis. Major losses mainly occur in
configuration can eliminate unnecessary thermal contact resis- the regenerator and the pulse tube. Ineffectiveness loss is calcu-
tance problem which is usually encountered in the fabrication of lated by the net enthalpy flow generated in the regenerator. Free
the mesh-type heat exchanger. The paper also discusses flow dis- convection loss, shuttle loss, and second-order steady flow loss
tribution problem near the slit-type heat exchanger by carrying are all calculated by equations of previous study [5–7]. Governing
out the three-dimensional flow simulation. The pulse tube refriger- equations of the PTR containing loss analysis is optimally solved
ator has been numerically designed to attain the high efficiency. together with the wall conduction loss to achieve the Carnot effi-
The fabricated pulse tube refrigerator demonstrates sufficient ciency of 12% at 60 K. After the optimal design program produces
thermal efficiency and operational suitability as an on-board flow and thermal boundary conditions of the PTR, the design tool
refrigeration system. of the slit-type heat exchanger and the Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) simulation are used for realization of these bound-
2. Design of pulse tube refrigerator ary conditions. The final configuration of the PTR is obtained by
feedback process and re-optimization process. The parameters of
2.1. Structure for on-board refrigeration the PTR finally designed from this optimal process are tabulated
in Table 1.
One of the most important things in the design stage of the
on-board refrigerator is that all the components of refrigeration 2.3. Slit-type heat exchanger
system should be designed concentrically and maintain dynamic
stability at high rotation speed. For this requirement, an inline Stir- The design of the air-cooled aftercooler is crucially important in
ling-type pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) is selected due to its high large cryocoolers because the heat to be rejected in the aftercooler
efficiency and a single piston linear motor equipped with the dy- increases in proportion to the capacity of the compressor. If the
namic absorber is used. As schematically shown in Fig. 1, all the compressed heat is not efficiently rejected to the ambient, the inef-
components from the compressor to the reservoir are located axi- fectiveness of the regenerator easily increases. The design of the
symmetrically to avoid unbalanced centrifugal force. For geometric warm-end heat exchanger (WHX) is also important because the
compatibility with the cryostat, the flanges of the pulse tube and heat generated in the pulse tube should be rejected to the outside
the warm-end heat exchanger are combined together with the environment efficiently. The design of the cold-end heat exchanger
flange of the cryostat. The torque tubes transferring a reliable tor- (CHX) is also critical. The cooling capacity of the PTR is directly
que generated in the superconducting field winding to the overall influenced by the temperature difference between the CHX and
system are located on both sides. In addition, a bellows is installed the gas flow conditions.
at the end of the pulse tube to prevent from being damaged by The slit-type heat exchanger has several advantages; it can have
cryogenic thermal contraction of each element. diverse configuration (straight or tapered shape) and no thermal
contact resistance problem usually encountered in a mesh-type
2.2. Optimal design one. The appropriate heat path of radial direction in a large scale
and high-power PTR is especially attractive. In this paper, the de-
The inline Stirling-type PTR is optimally designed to achieve the sign tool of the slit-type heat exchanger is implemented to increase
Carnot efficiency of 12% at 60 K. The optimal design process means accuracy and reliability of the design. The design tool in this paper
that the overall parameters of the PTR are efficiently designed for is the in-house program of the slit-type heat exchanger according
Compressible volume
and cylinder Dynamic
frame Aftercooler
Torque tube
Pulse tube
Torque tube
Regenerator Linear
Bellows heat exchanger
tube Cryostat
Reservoir Warm-end
heat exchanger
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the on-board system.
T. Ki, S. Jeong / Cryogenics 51 (2011) 341–346 343
to the Ref. [8]. Specially, since the aftercooler and the CHX have dif- Regenerator heat exchanger Pulse
ferent diameters at the front and back sides, the tapered slit has Flow tube
been considered. Design results of the heat exchangers are incor- straightener
porated in the design program of the PTR. The aftercooler and
the WHX are designed as the air-cooled type for suitability of rotat-
ing superconducting rotor. Parameters of each slit-type heat ex-
changer and the designed heat load are tabulated in Table 2. The
slit-type heat exchanger, however, has some flow distribution
problem. To overcome this shortcoming, the flow straightener is Flow
carefully designed and utilized in the PTR. straightener
Table 2
Specifications of slit-type heat exchangers.
Slit-type heat exchanger Inlet height (mm) Outlet height (mm) Thickness of the slit (mm) Number of slits Length (mm) Lifted heat (W)
Aftercooler (air-cooled) 26 14 0.35 20 112 300
CHXa 14 5 0.30 20 25 –
WHX (air-cooler) 4.5 4.5 0.30 16 35 25
Number and length of slits in the cold-end heat exchanger are designed for temperature difference of 0.3 K between the gas and the surface of the heat exchanger.
344 T. Ki, S. Jeong / Cryogenics 51 (2011) 341–346
(a) 25 Table 3
Specifications of the dynamic absorber.
0 mm Flow straightener
20 6 mm Flow straightener Parameter Value
Axial velocity (m/s)
direction; x0 the maximum axial deflection of the flexure; r is the
radial direction.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 The axial deflection of the flexure with respect to radial direc-
Radial direction (mm) tion is considered as a non-linear form. When the effective mass
of the flexure sustaining the piston of the linear compressor is
determined, Eq. (2) is used for approximately determining the axial
(b) 2.5
deflection of the flexure with respect to radial direction [12].
2.0 xðrÞ ¼ x0 ð1 r 4 Þ
Axial velocity (m/s)
From the Eq. (2), the effective mass of the flexure is obtained as
53.3% of the total mass. Eq. (2), however, is based on the situation
of moving center and fixing maximum radius of the flexure. In the
1.0 situation of actual dynamic absorber, the flexure is in opposite con-
dition. Therefore, the effective mass of the flexure is 46.7% of the
0.5 1 mm Flow straightener total mass, relatively. The result, however, is obtained by the rough
3 mm Flow straightener assumption, and the resonant frequency of the dynamic absorber
0.0 can sensitively change according to the change of the balancing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 mass. Accordingly, the effective mass of the flexure is calibrated
Radial direction (mm) from numerous experiments and it turns out to be 53.5% of the to-
tal mass in the actual condition of the dynamic absorber. The con-
(c) 20 figuration of the dynamic absorber used in the experiment is
tabulated in Table 3.
Axial velocity (m/s)
heat exchanger
Bellows sensors
tube Anchoring
at cold-end
heat exchanger
Compressible Dynamic
Cryostat volume absorber 300
Measured temperature
Air-cooled Linear 295 Designed temperature
system compressor
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (Min)
Fig. 4. Configuration of the on-board PTR and system. (a) On-board PTR.
(b) On-board system. Fig. 6. Exit surface temperature of the aftercooler.
photograph of the PTR with superinsulation.
of the Stirling-type PTR have been located in the coaxial line and
10 the dynamic stability is effectively maintained by the designed
Cooling capacity (W)
0 Acknowledgement
48 52 56 60 64
Temperature (K)
This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering
Fig. 8. Cooling capacity line. Foundation (KOSEF) Grant funded by the Korea Government
(MOST) (No. R0A-2007-000-20062-0).
% of Carnot efficiency
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5. Conclusion
The on-board PTR has been designed and fabricated for super-
conducting rotor. Due to the structural constraint, all components