Copia de Dumb

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Dumb ways to die

Set fire to your _____
Poke a stick at a grizzly _____
_____ medicine that's out of date
_____ your private parts as piranha bait

Dumb ways ___ die

So ______ dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to _____
____ many dumb ways to die

Get your toast out _____ a fork

Do your own __________ work
Teach yourself how to ____
Eat a ____ week old unrefrigerated pie

______ ways to die

So many dumb _____ to die
Dumb ways ____ die
So _____ dumb ways to die

Invite a psycho-killer ______

Scratch a drug dealer's brand _____ ride
Take ______ helmet off in outer _______
____ a clothes dryer as a hiding place
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways ___ die
Dumb ways to die
So many ____ ways to die

Keep a rattlesnake as a ____

Sell both your kidneys on the _______
_____ a tube of superglue
"__ wonder, what's this ____ button do?"

Dumb ways to die

___ many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to ____

______ up like a moose during _______ season

Disturb a nest ___ wasps for no _____ reason
Stand on the edge of a _____ station platform
______ around the boom gates at a level crossing
____ across the tracks between the _______
_____ may not rhyme but they're quite possibly

The dumbest ways to die

The dumbest ways to die

Dumbest ways to die

So many dumb

So many dumb ways to die


1 Die Vender
2 Fork Vías
3 Teach Secadora
4 Pie Estar de pie
5 Scratch Cruze
6 Killer Entre
7 Helmet Morir
8 Dryer Enseñar
9 Sell Riñones
10 Kidneys Molestar
11 Moose Tenedor
12 Season Nido
13 Disturb Temporada
14 Nest Borde
15 Wasps Alce
16 Stand Avispas
17 Edge Asesino
18 Crossing Rascar / Rayar
19 Tracks Casco
20 Between Tarta

Answer the questions

1 Mention five different ways the characters die in the song.

2 How many characters are there in the song?

3 What animals can you see during the video?

5 What does the red button do?

4 What is , in your opinion, the dumbest way to die?

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