Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics
Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics
Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics
André Porto
[email protected]
1. Introduction
This research was supported by the grants 402705/2022-0 and 304548/2022-7, CNPq,
Cf. (Rodych, 2024, p. 1)
Cf. (Monk, 1971, p. 466)
Cf. (Monk, 2007, p. 273)
Thus, just to take a rather notorious example, Michael Dummett, who writes: “Many of
the thoughts are expressed in a manner which the author recognized as inaccurate or obscure;
some passages contradict others; some are quite inconclusive; some raise objections to ideas
which Wittgenstein held or had held which are not themselves stated clearly in the volume; other
passages again, particularly those on consistency and on Gödel's theorem, are of poor quality or
contain definite errors.” (Dummett, 1978, p. 166)
that Wittgenstein’s ideas on the topic have been largely relegated to a small
ghetto comprising just a handful of devoted scholars.6
And yet, it is the opinion of this writer that all these highly dismissive
evaluations regarding the quality of Wittgenstein’s ideas on the philosophy of
mathematics are profoundly misguided and are the result, not only of a still rather
poor understanding of the philosopher’s ideas, but also of a strongly biased (i.e.,
set theoretical, classical) view of mathematics as a whole, but also an inadequate
appraisal of the importance of alternative contemporary mathematical and logical
movements such as constructive intuitionistic type theory, category theory and
even theoretical computer science and proof-verifiers.
Ray Monk writes: “Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics has now become a
specialist scholarly field in its own right. Researchers in this field are now writing, not for logicians
or mathematicians, nor even for philosophers of mathematics. They cannot even assume they
will be read by other, more general Wittgenstein scholars. The only people they can assume will
read their work are other researchers working on Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics.”
(Monk, 2007, p. 293)
Concerning this very distinction, we encounter the Canadian software engineering Eric
Hanner writing: “A program is a description or specification of computer behavior. A computer
executes a program by behaving according to the program, by satisfying the program. People
often confuse programs with computer behavior. They talk about what a program “does”; of
carried out by some computing agent (either a person, or a machine) within some
determined interval in of time.
course, it just sits there on the page or screen; it is the computer that does something. … A
program is not behavior, but a specification of behavior.” (Hehner, 2004, p. 41). Compare those
remarks with rather congenial ideas made by Wittgenstein himself in (Wittgenstein, 2001, pp.
§193, §194), for example.
About the idea of an “accepted mathematical statement”, the American mathematician
Reuben Hersh writes: “In mathematical practice, in the real life of living mathematicians, proof is
convincing argument, as judged by qualified judges. How does this notion of proof differ from
proof in the sense of formal logic? Firstly, formal proof can exist only within a formalized theory.
… But the passage from an informal, intuitive theory to a formalized theory inevitably entails some
loss of meaning or change of meaning. … Secondly, for many mathematical investigations, full
formalization and complete formal proof, even if possible in principle, may be impossible in
practice. (Hersh. Proving is Convincing and Explaining. Pg. 147)
For a more comprehensive discussion of those two crucial issues in Wittgenstein’s
philosophy of mathematics cf. (Porto, forthcoming)
this text we will try to provide but a panoramic presentation of one of those two
central contributions Wittgenstein has made to the philosophy of mathematics:
his profoundly modal construal “(mathematical) grammatical rules”, i.e., of
(“already proved”) mathematical assertions.
Let us step back a little and consider more broadly the family of
philosophical approaches to mathematics generally called “platonism”. If we
adopt Marco Panza and Andrea Sereni’s characterization of this family of
approaches as the idea in platonism “mathematical statements… are about
abstract objects forming a domain that those theorems describe” (Panza &
Sereni, 2013, p. 1), than, as we shall see, Wittgenstein’s construal of “rules” can
be viewed as a direct opposition to such construal of “platonism” and to its
Juliet Floyd goes as far as saying that non-revisionism represents “the main divide in
interpretations of Wittgenstein’s proposals” for mathematics (Floyd, 2005, p. 77). For recent
discussions on this topic, see (Panjvani, 2006) (Frascolla, 2014) (Dawson, 2016) (Nakano, 2020)
postulation of “objects” which could qualified as being “abstract”, “mathematical”.
According to the philosopher, unlike empirical propositions such as “There are
three windows in this room” or “Prince has blue trousers”, grammatical rules
should not be viewed as assertions about “objects”, as statements which can be
“made-true” by events in realities (i.e., the objects involved in these events do
possess the properties attributed to them). The textual evidence is quite
impressive on this point.
I should like to say: the proof shows me a new connection, and hence
it also gives me a new concept. (RFM, V, §45, 297)
If I conceive a proof as my movement from one concept to another,
then I shall not want also to say that it is a new concept. (RFM, V, §42-3 296-
An equation links two concepts; so that I can now pass from one to
the other. An equation constructs a conceptual path. But is a conceptual path
a concept? … It is surely a movement. It seems to be a movement between
two stationary points; these are the concepts. (RFM, V, §42-3 296-7)
Thus, just to give a simple, illustrative example. According to the
philosopher’s interpretation of the grammatical rule “25 × 25 = 625”, an assertion
like that would state something like: there is a necessary link between the concept
“25 rows of 25 things” and the concept “625 things in total”. Thus, whenever one
was to describe an (empirical) situation as involving, say, 25 rows of 25 objects,
one would be bound to accept that that same situation could also be described
as one “comprising 625 things altogether”. The philosopher writes:
3. Non-Predicativity of Rules
The conventions of grammar can’t be justified by a description
of what is represented. Any description of that kind already presupposes the
rules of grammar. That is, what counts as nonsense within the grammar that
is to be justified can’t count as making sense in the grammar of the justifying
propositions, and so on.
Grammar is not answerable to any reality.
(Grammar is not accountable to reality.) (Wittgenstein, 2005, pp. §56,
Pg 188, 184)
The terms “sense” and “nonsense”, rather than the terms “true”
and “false”, bring out the relation of mathematical propositions to non-
mathematical propositions. (Wittgenstein, 1979, p. 152)
to alter our expository strategy thus far and attempt a rather ambitious
argumentative move. We are going to try to set up connections between
Wittgenstein’s ideas and some important and radical contemporary logical
advancements. As we’ve already insinuated before, the idea is to try to free
Wittgenstein scholarship from that ghetto we’ve mentioned before.11 Instead of
restricting our discussion to the usual themes carried out by that small “parish of
devoted apostles”, we will try to open his ideas up to a direct dialogue with some
important aspects of the contemporary foundational debate. Wittgenstein
proposals will be approximated to some of the most powerful and far-reaching
achievements within the current discussion on the foundations of mathematics
and of logic. We are referring here to Paul Cohen’s and Saul Kripke’s notorious
ideas on a new, non-classical semantics for logic based on their revolutionary
notion of “forcing”.12
Cf. note 5 above.
Concerning Cohen’s notion of “forcing”, Raymond Smullyan and Melvin
Fitting wrote: “… a non-classical logic was invented for the occasion – its negation
behaved differently that in classical logic. A semantics was created … and used
to establish the classical independence of the continuum hypothesis. Later, other
more familiar non-classical logics were used for the purpose. Intuitionistic logic
was the basis for (Fitting, 1969)”. (Smullyan & Fitting, 1996, p. 190)
Cf. for example (Moreno, 2001)
objects determining, sub specie aeternitatis, which propositions are true, and
which are false, the opposite is the suggested. According to this new,
revolutionary semantics, we don’t have a “fixed universal domain of objects”
(which makes some assertions true, and others, false). Rather than that fixed,
eternal domain, a varying, growing ontology is boldly put forth instead. Regarding
these ideas, the category theorists William Lawvere and John Bell explain:
high. And, as we’ve also argued in those texts, we do not think that the option of
simply dismissing that thesis as “some transitory conceptual alternatives” –
explored by Wittgenstein during his intermediate but later rejected in his mature
years – is really adequate.14 As we’ve stressed before, the textual evidence does
not appear to bear that out at all.
Cf. (Porto, 2015, p. 4). For authors who advocate that Wittgenstein’s had altogether
dropped that rather “troublesome thesis” in his mature years, cf. for example (Gerrard, 1991, p.
132) (Frascolla, 2004, pp. 180-1) (Panjvani, 2006, pp. 420-1).
suggestion, the very traditional way of viewing the connection between rules and
reality is reversed. Instead of the idea of assertions being valid because they
correctly describe a logically prior “reality” (which would thus “make those
assertions valid”),15 the opposite is suggested.16 Each new theorem forces some
new condition, lays down a further constraint on the range of possible “models”
of some mathematical theory.
We are following Wittgenstein here and avoiding the use of the terms “true” and “false”
in connection with mathematical assertions.
Cf. (Chateaubriand, 2001, p. 232). Chateaubriand cites Aristotle: “It is not because we
think truly that you are pale, that you are pale, but because you are pale, we who say this have
the truth” (Metaphysics 1051b7).
5. Two Routes to Intuitionism
We believe there can be no doubt that Wittgenstein adopted this identification of
“function” and “possession of an algorithm”. For example, in his intermediate period the
philosopher writes: “The theory of aggregates [i.e., Set Theory] attempts to grasp the infinite at a
more general level than a theory of prescriptions (Vorschriften). It says that you can’t grasp the
actual infinite by means of arithmetical symbolism at all and that therefore it can only be described
and not presented.” (Wittgenstein, 1983, pp. 206, §170), and also “But can I be in doubt whether
all the points of a line can actually be represented by arithmetical prescriptions (Vorschriften).
Can I then ever find a point for which I can show that this is not the case? If it is given by means
of a construction, then I can translate this into an arithmetical prescription (Vorschrift), … It is
clear that a point corresponds to a prescription (Vorschrift).” (Wittgenstein, 1983, pp. 222, §180)
(PR. § 180, Pg. 222).
But one should not forget that there is also another alternative, a second path to
that logic, and that path which is associated with the notion of “forcing” and with
the famous Brouwer-Beth-Kripke’s semantical diagrams we’ve been discussing
above.18 It is important for us to stress here that those two routes, both leading
to the same logical system of laws are, as we’ve already anticipated before, not
conceptually dependent, one from the other. A mathematician, philosopher or
logician can be an intuitionist (because of Brouwer-Beth-Kripke’s Semantics)
without ever being a constructivist. The same category-theorist William Lawvere
stresses just this point:
Thus, let us take the very reason category-theorists like Lawvere explain
the idea of rejecting the law of excluded-middle using Brouwer-Beth-Kripke’s
diagrams.19 According to those diagrams, there is an asymmetry between
(positive) “demonstrations” and (negative) “refutations”. The opposite of a
demonstration of “¬𝑃” (i.e., the of refutation “¬𝑃”) is not demonstration of “𝑃”.
There is still a semantical distinction that the intuitionist wants to make (and which
the classical insists on ignoring), a sort of possible “intermediary step” between
We follow (Van Atten, 2018) and suggest adding the Brouwer’s name to that family of
semantical proposals.
This distinction is especially clear in the case of “identity”. A refutation of negation of
identity, “¬(𝑎 = 𝑏)”, is not equivalent to the assertion of an identity, “𝑎 = 𝑏”, but rather to the
assertion of the indistinguishability of “𝑎” and “𝑏”. Regarding this point, John Bell writes: “…
intuitionistic logic has allowed new features of the logico-mathematical landscape – invisible
through the lens of classical logic – to be discerned. Intuitionistic logic has proved to be a subtle
instrument, more delicate than classical logic, for investigating the mathematical world”. (Bell,
2001, p. 209)
refuting a negative assertion and demonstrating a positive one. That possible
intermediary step is, of course, a refutation “¬𝑃” (i.e., the demonstration that
¬𝑃 ¬¬𝑃
𝑃 ¬¬𝑃
This is of course precisely what is expressed by the contextual bar “¾” in the
intuitionistic tableaux rule for negation:
? ¬𝑃 ü
(Bell, De Vidi, & Graham, 2001, p. 197)
As we’ve stressed elsewhere thought (Porto, forthcoming, p. Section III.16), Wittgenstein
had a purely modal (i.e., not epistemic) interpretation of these rules.
correspond to the fact. But what if it is questionable whether the pictures can
be applied here? (Wittgenstein, 1983, pp. 268, V §10)
6. Concluding Remarks
Wittgenstein is ready to go as far as proposing that all (accepted) mathematical
assertions should be formulated as commandments. He writes: “Can we imagine all mathematical
propositions expressed in the imperative? For example: “Let 10 × 10 be 100” (Wittgenstein,
1983, pp. 276, V §17).
There is also an important similarity between Wittgenstein’s handling of the notions of
“computational process” and of “proof” and contemporary software engineering. Cf. (Porto, 2021)
in our opinion, in order to be able to do that we have to reject the rather
widespread idea that there is but “one acceptable way to conceive mathematics”
– i.e., as being the traditional, set theoretical mathematics – and realize that there
are several (albeit “strange” and “radical”) “alternatives” to that mainstream
approach. If by Wittgenstein’s assertion stating that “[philosophy] leaves
mathematics as it is”23 we should necessarily understand that his philosophy of
mathematics could never be critical of traditional, extensional, set theoretical
mathematics, then it is the opinion of this author that there would be no way out
for an adequate defense of his philosophical proposals regarding the foundations
of that discipline.
7. Bibliography
Bell, J., De Vidi, D., & Graham, S. (2001). Logical Options, An Introduction
to Classical and Alternative Logics. Ontario: Broadview Press.
(Wittgenstein L. , 2001, pp. 42, §24)
Dummett, M. (1978). Truth and Other Enigmas. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
Nakano, A. (2020). Anti-Realism and Anti-Revisionism in Wittgenstein's
Philosophy of Mathematics. Grazer Philosphische Studien, 97, pp. 451-474.
Smullyan, R., & Fitting, M. (1996). Set Theory and the Continuum Problem.
Oxford: Claredon Press.
Wittgenstein, L. (2001). Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blacwell