Q.2) Compare Continuous Time & Discrete Time Signals. Q.3) Give the classification of different types of signals. Q.4) Define continuous time unit step, unit ramp and unit impulse signals with mathematical expression and waveforms. Q.5) Define discrete time unit step, unit ramp and unit impulse signals with mathematical expression and waveforms. Q.6) Explain with waveforms Continuous time and Discrete Time Real Exponential Signals. Q.7) Explain the following operation on continuous time signals with at least 2 examples each a) Time shifting b) Time Scaling c) Amplitude scaling d) Time Reversal Q.8) Explain the following operation on discrete time signals with at least 2 examples each a) Time shifting b) Time Scaling c) Amplitude scaling d) Time Reversal Q.9) Sketch the following continuous time unit step signals a) u (t 4) b) u (t 3) c) u (t 4) d) u (t 5) Q.10) Sketch the following discrete time unit step sequences a) u (n 4) b) u (n 3) c) u (n 4) d) u(n 5) Q.11) Sketch the following signals a) 2u (t 2) 2u (t 3) b) u(t 4)u(t 4) c) r (t )u (t 2) Q.12) Examine the systems from (a) to (j) with respect to properties given below (1) Static or Dynamic (2) Linear or Non-linear (3) Time invariant or time varying (4) Causal or Non- Causal (a) y (n) cos x(n) (b) y (n) x(n) cos( 0 n)
(c) y(n) x(n 2) (d) y (n) x(n)
(e) y(n) e x ( n ) (f) y(t ) tx(t )
(g) y (t ) sin( x(t )) (h) y(t ) 2 x(t ) 3
(i) y(t ) x 2 (t ) (j) y(t ) x(10t )
Q.13) Find the energy & power for the following signals (a) 2 cos(t / 4) (b) e j 2t / 7