Learning electrochemistry through scientific inquiry. Conceptual modelling as learning objective and as scaffold
Learning electrochemistry through scientific inquiry. Conceptual modelling as learning objective and as scaffold
Learning electrochemistry through scientific inquiry. Conceptual modelling as learning objective and as scaffold
To cite this article: Mariana Orozco, Mieke Boon & Arturo Susarrey Arce (2023) Learning
electrochemistry through scientific inquiry. Conceptual modelling as learning objective
and as scaffold, European Journal of Engineering Education, 48:1, 180-196, DOI:
(Orozco 2022, forthcoming) when new topics are offered, so that students can revisit and connect more
familiar electrochemical concepts to more advanced thermodynamical concepts; e.g. connecting ‘cell
potential’ to ‘Gibbs free energy’ both conceptually and through the use the Nersts equation (Fuller and
Harb 2018). Also, deep insight into electrochemical phenomena is necessary when students are con-
fronted with scientific problem-solving (such as chemical reactor design), where they have to generate
new knowledge, e.g. through adaptive transfer (Bransford and Schwartz 1999).
If engineering students are expected to approach their learning differently, they have to be
shown how this is possible and be supported in developing advanced thinking skills. In particular,
if students are expected to achieve deep insight into electrochemical phenomena and a high
level of mastery of electrochemical concepts, both in and beyond the learning context, then a
novel instructional design is required that can effectively contribute to reaching such goals. In
response to these needs, a team of teachers and educational researchers designed a new course
(part of a broader intervention) which taps on ideas of inquiry-based learning (e.g. Pedaste et al.
2015), that approaches the teaching of thinking in an explicit and content-related fashion (Ennis
1989), and that is guided by the use of conceptual modelling as a scaffold to learning.
The broader pedagogical intervention is composed of various elements that are integrated into a
mixed general-infusion approach to teaching (Ennis 1989). This intervention departs from the con-
sideration that conceptual modelling is an essential reasoning ability of (engineering) scientists
(Boon 2020; Boon and Knuuttila 2009) and, consistently, it constitutes a key learning objective of
this course. When used as a scaffold to learning (e.g. Ippolito 2019), conceptual modelling aims to
enhance students’ understanding of natural phenomena by confronting students with strategies
for conducting scientific research.
The implementation of this course is accompanied by empirical educational research aiming
to evaluate the effectiveness of this novel approach, i.e. whether (and to what extent) there is any
observable effect on both the learning and the transfer of electrochemical concepts. Further-
more, this research addresses a more fundamental question of how students learn electrochem-
istry during the period of this intervention, i.e. how students’ reasoning progresses during the
learning process. Both the instructional design of the course and the educational research
design integrate considerations from Chemical Science, Philosophy of Science in Practice, and
Education Sciences.
This paper is further organised into four sections. The first section regards the relevance of elec-
trochemistry in engineering science education. The second section focuses on the theoretical frame-
work, thus introducing the basis of the ongoing action research project. Subsequently, section three
presents the project itself. Finally, the fourth section revisits the connections between our theoretical
framework and our action research, next discusses methodological threats and, eventually, proposes
plausible implications.
importance, so too does the science that helps us reduce consumption, reduce waste, and lessen our impact on
the planet. (Fuller and Harb 2018, front)
The preceding quote leaves no doubt on the relevance of electrochemical engineering; from this
is follows that engineering science education has an important role to play. We advocate that a con-
ducive approach consists in integrating (or re-integrating) theoretical concepts to empirical work; in
order to provide both critical disciplinary knowledge and scientific thinking skills that ultimately find
applications in real-world contexts.
The present theoretical framework is constructed on four main topics: (i) a perspective on learning
and transfer of knowledge, (ii) reflective learning, (iii) scientific inquiry as a learning approach, and
(iv) conceptual modelling.
preventing mere acquisition of inert knowledge (e.g. Marzano and al 1988). Eventually, this making
connections renders knowledge more meaningful for the students (Orozco, Gijbels, and Timmerman
Reflective learning
The kind of learning we aim for, as described in the previous paragraphs, strongly connects to the
idea of ‘reflective learning’. The term ‘reflective approach’ to learning (Lindblom-Ylänne, Parpala, and
Postareff 2019) refers to the well-known concept of ‘deep approach’ to studying (Marton and Säljö
1976, 1997), originally called ‘deep processing’. The categories deep and surface are widely accepted
to typify qualitative differences in approaches to learning, be it in terms of the referential aspect of
students’ experiences (i.e. whether the students search for meaning or not), which remains inextric-
ably mixed with the organisational aspect (i.e. whether the informational content is organised in a
holistic or an atomistic way) (Marton and Säljö 1997).
Marton and Säljö’s (1976) phenomenographic work examined strategies of learning in higher
education, as well as the outcomes of such learning. These outcomes were investigated in terms
of what is understood and remembered, i.e. with emphasis on what is learned rather than how
much. The different levels of outcomes found contain (a) different conceptions of the content of
the very task, and (b) correspond to differences in processing.
Our studies have been concerned with meaningful learning in the true sense of this term. The primary aim was
to explore qualitative differences in what is learned and to describe the functional differences in the process of
learning which give rise to the qualitative differences in outcome. […] The most important conclusion […] is that
learning should be described in terms of its content. A highly significant aspect of learning is, in our opinion, the
variation in what is learned, i.e. the diversity of ways in which the same phenomenon, concept or principle is
apprehended by different students. By gaining knowledge about how students comprehend, for instance,
various scientific principles and ideas, we should obtain information which would undoubtedly prove fruitful
for teaching. (Marton and Säljö 1976, 10)
Indeed, it appears crucial to describe the outcome of the learning in terms of the conceptions of
the phenomena learned about, which calls for knowing what conceptions of the phenomena (and
the concepts included therein) the students already hold, as immediate implication for teaching
(Marton and Säljö 1997). Moreover, ‘it is exactly in transitions between preconceived ideas of the
phenomena and an improved understanding of those phenomena, where the most important
form of learning in higher education is to be found’ (Marton and Säljö 1997, 57).
Lindblom-Ylänne and colleagues (2019) further examined the nature of the surface approach to
learning in higher education and explored explanatory factors for students’ use of such approach.
The authors suggest that several factors contribute to its use, e.g. extent of organised studying,
motivation to study, interest, perception of challenge, and self-efficacy beliefs. Furthermore, it is
suggested that both students’ unreflective studying and their strong perception of a fragmented
knowledge base are at the core of the surface approach (Lindblom-Ylänne, Parpala, and Postareff
2019). It is important to consider the implications of these conclusions in (our) educational practice
and action research. In the discussion section, we also connect with other researchers’ work on the
factors for students’ approach, and the strategies to enhance mastery and deep learning in the
context of Electrochemistry (De Jong and Treagust 2002; Rahayu, Treagust, and Chandrasegaran
2021; Schmidt, Marohn, and Harrison 2007; Treagust, Mthembu, and Chandrasegaran 2014).
higher level of understanding of both science content and scientific practices (Edelson, Gordin, and
Pea 1999).
IBL is usually organised into inquiry phases that together form an inquiry cycle, although many
variations on this cycle are found (Pedaste et al. 2015). In most cases, five phases can be distin-
guished, i.e.: (i) orientation, (ii) conceptualisation, (iii) investigation, (iv) conclusion and (v)
discussion. The latter includes communication and reflection, and is expected to be present at
every point during IBL (Pedaste et al. 2015).
Prior research has consistently shown that IBL can be more effective than instructional
approaches that tend to be more expository (i.e. more instructor-centred than student-centred),
as long as students are supported adequately (Lazonder and Harmsen 2016). Yet it is not straightfor-
ward to state what type of guidance is adequate, and for whom. Meta-analyses have shown that the
type of guidance does not moderate the overall effects, but the effects on particular learning out-
comes present considerable variation (Lazonder and Harmsen 2016).
Compared to more traditional learning models, IBL presents both advantages and disadvantages
that should not be overlooked, if we aim to meet teachers and students’ expectations (Khalaf and Zin
2018). More than just focusing on students’ performance and learning outcomes, Khalaf and Zin
(2018) emphasise that various pedagogical aspects should be considered concurrently. The
implementation of IBL presents significant challenges (Edelson, Gordin, and Pea 1999): (a) higher
level of student motivation required, (b) accessibility of investigation techniques, (c) opportunities
to develop and readily engage scientific understanding, (d) planning and organisation of activities
and resources, (e) practical constraints of the learning environment. Strategies proposed in the lit-
erature for addressing such challenges, still need to be adapted to the particular learning
Madhuri and colleagues (2012) provide an example of an inquiry-based approach in engineering
education. They redesigned a chemistry course to focus on: the students’ ability to execute an exper-
iment, design new experiments, and connect the practical utility of the course module to real-life
problems. This intervention attempts to overcome the problem that ‘students can be successful
in their laboratory class even with little understanding of what they are actually doing’ (Madhuri,
Kantamreddi, and Prakash Goteti 2012, 118).
All in all, considering the aforementioned issues during the instructional design and the
implementation, IBL can offer a space for the creation of knowledge that is stimulated by the
inquiry process (Santana-Vega, Suarez-Perdomo, and Feliciano-Garcia 2020), thus favouring mean-
ingful learning.
IBL then allows us to modify the traditional sequence of learning activities, such that the students’
inquiry and discovery come first, and it is followed by integration to conceptual knowledge (Orozco,
Gijbels, and Timmerman 2019). The conceptual modelling approach (Boon and Knuuttila 2009;
Knuuttila and Boon 2011) guides the students in performing such integration. Yet it remains of
utmost importance to develop a thoughtful learning progression for scientific modelling, if we
aim to make modelling accessible and meaningful for the students (Schwarz et al. 2009).
Schwarz and colleagues (2009) propose a learning progression for scientific modelling based on
the interaction of elements of practice and metamodelling knowledge. The elements of practice
refer to activities such as constructing, using, evaluating, and revising; while the metamodelling
knowledge (which guides and motivates practice) includes an understanding of the nature and pur-
poses of models, along with consideration of criteria for evaluating and revising the models. Within
this framework, various levels of progress can be identified (Schwarz et al. 2009): four levels along the
generative dimension (i.e. scientific models as tools for predicting and explaining), and four levels
along the understanding dimension (acknowledging that models change as understanding
improves). There is evidence to suggest that sufficient support to students is a condition for them
to make progress: ‘[…] we found that with sufficient support, students were able to revise their
models and explain how their models were improved from their earlier versions, referring to increas-
ingly sophisticated criteria’ (Schwarz et al. 2009, 651)
advancement of educational practice, ‘based on a rigorous evidential trail of data and research’
(Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011, 344).
Action research bridges the gap between educational research and practice by combining diag-
nosis, action and reflection, and by focussing on issues that have been identified by the very prac-
titioners (Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011). In our project, teaching practitioners and educational
researchers work alongside in the area of teaching methods (i.e. in order to introduce a novel course,
in which traditional teaching methods are replaced by a scaffolded discovery method). Table 1 high-
lights some key principles of action research (Kemmis and McTaggart 1992) and indicates how such
principles are present in our particular study, i.e. to design, implement, execute, monitor and under-
stand the effects of the pedagogical intervention.
There are many published examples of action research in education, although only few of them in
the context of engineering education. One example pertains to the design and use of learning mini-
projects in a chemistry laboratory for engineering, in order to make the learning activities in the
classroom resemble the activities in real companies (Cancela et al. 2016). Another example concerns
the development of chemical engineering course methods, using systematically extracted data from
student feedback and teacher reflection over a period of several years, and with the aim of improving
the quality of teaching (Virkki-Hatakka, Tuunila, and Nurkka 2013).
of phase transitions, mixing, or chemical reactions, (b) predicting whether a process will run spon-
taneously under certain conditions, and (c) determining the composition and state conditions of a
mixture in equilibrium. This knowledge is the foundation for the design of nearly all industrial pro-
cesses, i.e. its technology, operation, and products.
Next to the lectures on electrochemistry theory, a lab course is designed and conducted. Five
practicums are planned, to be performed by small groups of students (combining individual and
group tasks); these are: (1) potentiometric meter, (2) electrochemical cell, (3) solubility, (4) acid–
base potentiometric titration, (5) voltammetry. In the present study, we are particularly interested
in in the second and fifth practicums. We selected the second topic, electrochemical cell, for
being both particularly challenging for the students (in terms of difficulty) and particularly relevant
(in terms of eventual applications, as explained before). We selected the fifth topic, voltammetry,
because it somehow integrates and extends all other topics.
Conceptual modelling as a learning objective and as a scaffold for learning and transfer
In this project, the conceptual modelling skill is regarded as a learning objective, while the modelling
activity plays the role of a scaffold in engineering science education. As explained before, the action
of modelling involves a scientific way of reasoning and, therefore, it represents a desired academic
skill and an intended learning objective of the proposed pedagogical intervention.
Furthermore, the process of modelling uses the B&K method (Boon and Knuuttila 2009; Knuuttila
and Boon 2011) as a scaffold for the learning and persistent use of conceptual modelling. In edu-
cational sciences, the term ‘scaffold’ refers to an educational or instructional strategy (or even an
artefact) intended to promote a desirable outcome (e.g. the effective development of a group of
skills). Originally, a ‘scaffold’ is deliberately temporary and meant to fade over time (Newstetter
2005; van Merriënboer 2013). However, our use of ‘scaffold’ particularly refers to a ‘cognitive
scaffold’ (Ippolito 2019) and presupposes its persistence over time. Examples of such a cognitive
scaffold are ‘reflection prompts’(Davis and Linn 2000), intended to assist students in becoming,
and remaining, autonomous integrators of their knowledge. We take a scaffold to be more than
just a procedure that is demonstrated by an instructor and that students need to internalise, so
that it becomes automated or and the instructor’s support becomes superfluous. The persistent
and effective use of the scaffold (either deliberately or unconsciously) is an indicator of the attained
level of cognitive skill development.
In particular, the B&K method (Boon and Knuuttila 2009; Knuuttila and Boon 2011) is a scaffold
that guides reasoning in terms of the aspects that need to be collected and related in the modelling
processes; this requires critical thinking of what is relevant (or not) for understanding the modelled
phenomenon, in a specific problem-context and for an intended epistemic purpose.
The new electrochemistry course: focus on the practicums. The electrochemistry lab course is
designed according to IBL principles. It is centred on the use of conceptual modelling to guide
the scientific reasoning (including the integration of the students’ empirical observations to the
theory of electrochemistry) and is assisted by the B&K method as a scaffold for developing the mod-
elling skills. There are several practicums to be performed, each with specific aims and learning
objectives, as explained before.
The five practicums composing this course (each with specific aims and learning objectives) are
conducted by groups of students (16 groups, 3 students each), while alternating individual and col-
laborative tasks. Each practicum involves understanding a particular electrochemical phenomenon
(or even tackling a particular scientific electrochemical problem). The learning process is facilitated
by learning assistants (LA), whose main task is to guide the students’ reasoning in the process of
modelling at several stages before and after the actual empirical work. Also, both the students’ learn-
ing process and the assistants’ task are facilitated by a semi structured lab journal. This lab journal,
furthermore, constitutes an important instrument for the assessment of the learning process, while it
will also be used as a key data collection instrument for our educational research. Table 3 presents
the sequence of learning activities per practicum.
For the present study, we selected the second and fifth practicums for being particularly challen-
ging and integrative (thus providing richer educational research data), while the instructions and
approach is nearly the same for all practicums. The second practicum concerns an electrochemical
cell; the aim is to determine the electromotive force (EMF) and evaluate whether (and if so, how)
cation concentration affects EMF after electrochemical cell assembly. The learning purpose is to
build knowledge on electrochemical cell assembly and determine the different phenomena occur-
ring in the cell. After this practicum, the student should explain the working principle of an electro-
chemical cell (in particular, the relationship between a chemical reaction and electricity) by
integrating the learning from their lab experience (i.e. including the analysis of the empirical
findings) to (prior) conceptual knowledge on electrochemical electrodes, electrochemical reactions
(e.g. species, stoichiometry, equilibrium, reversibility), cell potentials, EMF, and ion diffusion.
Further, we focus on the fifth and last practicum, which has both a formative function (i.e. to inte-
grate and extend the learning from the previous practicums) and an evaluative function (i.e. to assess
the achievement of the learning objectives by the student groups). In other terms, this final project
aims to challenge the students and use conceptual modelling skills in the project assignment.
Additional concepts will be used, such as cyclic voltammetry, to generate insights into the
different identified phenomena. After the practicum, the student should know how to integrate
the concepts from previous experiments with the voltammetry method.
Lecture on electrochemistry. The students are assumed to have some prior knowledge, such as: fun-
damentals of chemistry and of thermodynamics. Learning objectives for the integrated course have
been formulated as a guide for learning, teaching and assessment.
Before each practicum, an introductory lecture will present the main aspects of the particular
topic (Fuller and Harb 2018), without disclosing what the students are supposed to discover by
themselves, in line with the principles of IBL (Pedaste et al. 2015) and the learning by scientific dis-
covery (Schwarz et al. 2009).
After each practicum’s sequence of activities, a recapitulation lecture will focus on anchoring con-
nections (e.g. between empirical observations and theoretical concepts) made by the students
groups during the modelling (Knuuttila and Boon 2011; Schwarz et al. 2009). Also, new connections
to further applications may be discussed with a view on transfer of meaningful knowledge (Marzano
and al 1988; Orozco, Gijbels, and Timmerman 2020).
Lecture on conceptual modelling. The students are expected to have preconceptions about scien-
tific-technological knowledge (along with its generation, validation, and stability) that may not
always be conducive to developing academic thinking. Learning objectives for this part of the inter-
vention have been formulated.
This lecture first aims to create awareness about conducive and non-conducive epistemological
preconceptions, to then introduce the principles of conceptual modelling (Boon and Knuuttila 2009;
Knuuttila and Boon 2011). The lecture is accompanied by a handout for the students’ reference.
Providing this lecture on conceptual modelling to students in quite general terms (thus not
centred on any particular subject matter) responds to a ‘general approach’ to teaching scientific
reasoning (Ennis 1989). It is not expected that the students will master the modelling skills just
after this lecture. Rather, this lecture smoothly integrates with the practicums that use the concep-
tual modelling method and the B&K scaffold (Boon and Knuuttila 2009; Knuuttila and Boon 2011) in
relation to electrochemical concepts and phenomena. These practicums respond to the ‘infusion
approach’ to teaching reasoning (Ennis 1989). The overall approach is an example of a thoroughly
integrated mixed approach to teaching.
Training the learning assistants. A two-session workshop is given to the learning assistants for
them to start becoming acquainted with the conceptual modelling method. Furthermore, the LAs
need to understand what is expected from them at the time of assisting the students groups. There-
fore, the workshop first introduces the overall idea and principles, and continues with a more
detailed discussion of handouts and manuals that have been written for this course. A third
session with the LAs (an ‘intervision’ meeting) takes place later during the semester, to collect
their experiences with the students, to discuss any issues and to steer the intervention if necessary.
The LAs are advanced students in chemical engineering who are particularly interested in the
topic of conceptual modelling, and in guiding students in their learning process. These LAs have
already received training to assist students in higher education (e.g. introduction to learning and
motivation theories, giving qualitative feedback, and dealing with conflicts). Their participation in
the present action research project further contributes to their professional development.
Exploring could be seen to extend beyond the scope of the action research approach (if defined nar-
rowly), as it responds to a more fundamental interest to understand the progress of learning.
Research question I reads: How do students learn electrochemistry under the proposed inter-
vention? The research activities will seek to elicit and observe the students’ activity and progress
in various situations. Table 4 summarises these research activities, including the strategies for
data collection and analysis.
The description intends to assist further generalisation of the research findings, in terms of external
validity (Mortelmans 2020). Research question II reads: In what ways is student learning
embedded in the learning environment? Responding to this question involves a narrative that
integrates various pieces, as shown in Table 5.
The purpose of evaluating resonates more clearly with the spirit of evidence-based justification, that
characterises action research. Here we aim to find out whether and to what extent the new course
has any effect on the students’ learning and transfer of knowledge. Research question III reads: To
what extent does the intervention have any effect on the learning outcomes? This question is
broken down into (IIIa) near-reaching and far-reaching learning outcomes in Module 4, and (IIIb) in
terms of mastery of concepts and the transfer of knowledge to scientific-problem solving situations
in Module 5. Such distinction is also shown in Table 6, along with the corresponding data collection
and analysis strategies.
purpose has its own focus and approach and makes a different contribution to the overall project.
The first purpose could be seen to extend beyond the scope of the action research approach (if
defined narrowly), as it responds to a more fundamental interest to understand the progress of learn-
ing. In contrast, the last purpose fits more clearly in the spirit of evidence-based justification. In the
middle, the second purpose of the description is to assist further generalisation of the overall
Furthermore, we aim to consider existing knowledge in our research field during the analytical
phase of our investigation; this, we expect, will provide a broader perspective and more thorough
basis to our conclusions and further work. More specifically, we will attend to known recurrent
difficulties in learning and teaching electrochemical concepts, which seem to be rooted on, e.g.
rote application of electrochemical concepts and algorithms, the use of multiple definitions/mean-
ings although they stem from different contexts (e.g. the phenomenological, the particulate, the
measurement/calculation, and the thermodynamic context), the use multiple or of hybrid
models, students’ wrong interpretations of language, too early connection of labels to meaning,
and misleading analogy (De Jong and Treagust 2002; Schmidt, Marohn, and Harrison 2007).
Also, we will consider prior knowledge on contributing factors to students’ using particular
approaches to learning such as organised studying, motivation to study, interest, perception of
challenge, self-efficacy beliefs, and perceptions of fragmented knowledge base (Lindblom-
Ylänne, Parpala, and Postareff 2019).
Finally, recent empirical work on understanding concepts of electrochemistry resonates with ours
in the importance attached to teachers and LAs’ continuing professionalisation, given that concep-
tual understanding often remains underdeveloped even after years of university education (Rahayu,
Treagust, and Chandrasegaran 2021); indeed, the instructors should be aware of alternative con-
ceptions held by students to be prepared to deal with these conceptions in their teaching.
Next to any limitations that may come up in the course of this action research, so far, we have ident-
ified two potential methodological issues. The first one, concerns the feasibility of straightforward
comparison of existing to new data (e.g. exam questions of different kind over the years); the com-
parative analysis might require much interpretation (e.g. via constructed units of analysis, rather than
using the ‘raw data’).
The second issue concerns the attribution of the observed effects (e.g. differences in learning out-
comes or other performance indicators) to the intervention. We aim to find evidence for the effec-
tiveness of the intervention but need to be cautious when assuming attributability; the affordances
of our research methods may not warranty such claims. On consideration of the actual research pro-
cedure, an evaluation will be made on whether it is defendable to claim a quasi-experimental design,
where the cohort before the intervention (the control group) is compared to the cohort having the
intervention (the experimental group). We plan to use other strategies such as data triangulation and
deliberate attention to disconfirming evidence.
This project is expected to contribute directly to the learning and/or professional development of all
involved, in particular the students and the learning assistants. Furthermore, we expect that it will
have implications on engineering educational practice, given that the conclusion can be informative
for further redesign of the intervention and its implementation in the context of study and in other
engineering programmes. Also, implications on educational science, as the findings promise to
provide fundamental insight into the interaction of the intervention with the process of learning
and the development of scientific reasoning. Finally, implications on philosophy of science in
practice, as the empirical evidence may add to existing knowledge on scientific-technological con-
ceptual modelling, in terms of backing and further refinement or extension.
1. This remark was made by the CSE programme director and reflects the perception of the teachers’ team. This
claim is based on the staff’s extensive experience and careful observation of the students’ learning and transfer
across the various modules. Such observation connects to the distinction between surface-level and deep-level
processing (Marton and Säljö 1976) which, roughly, emphasises the quality and the content of what is learned
(rather than how much is learned).
Notes on contributors
Dr. ir. Mariana Orozco is a postdoctoral researcher in Educational Sciences for the Department of Philosophy at the
University of Twente. She conducted her PhD at the University of Antwerp. Her PhD dissertation concerns the Integra-
tive Learning of Theory and Practice, and it is embedded in the context of Chemical Processing Technologies. She built a
career as a civil chemical engineer in various industrial sectors, where she became increasingly interested in how pro-
fessionals (at all hierarchical levels) learn and develop. She holds an MSc in Chemical Engineering (Universidad Tecno-
lógica Nacional, Argentina), an MSc in Instructional and Educational Sciences (University of Antwerp, Belgium), and an
MSc in Educational Research (University of Portsmouth, UK). Her research situates in the areas of professional learning
and learning in transition. She is particularly interested in the micro-level of education and instruction, learning theories
and the psychology of learning, reasoning in learning processes, and educational research methodology. Currently, she
conducts research on the development of higher-order skills in Engineering Education, with particular attention to the
Epistemology of Science in Practice.
Prof.dr.ir. Mieke Boon is full professor in Philosophy of Science in Practice. She is core-teacher in Philosophy of Science,
Technology and Society (PSTS), and Dean of the University College ATLAS. Her scientific background is in chemical
engineering, in which she received an MSc and PhD, both cum laude. In 2003-2008 and 2012-2017 she worked on per-
sonal grants of the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO-Vidi and NWO-Vici/Aspasia), to develop a philosophy of
science for the engineering sciences. She established an international movement SPSP in the Philosophy of Science in
Practice. Her citation scores in engineering sciences and philosophy are high. She designed educational innovations
based on new philosophical insights, in ATLAS and biomedical, chemical, electrical engineering. She is chair of the
Section Theoretical Philosophy of the National Dutch Research School in Philosophy (OZSW). Her current research inter-
ests in philosophy and education are: interdisciplinarity, complexity, modelling, creativity, innovation, and higher-order
cognitive skills.
Dr. Arturo Susarrey Arce completed his PhD at the University of Twente. The focus of his work was on the development
of structured materials with applications in the field of energy, chemistry, and material sciences. After graduation, he
continued his research work in the field of antimicrobial surfaces (University of Liverpool), in the field of nanofabrication
(Chalmers University of Technology), and in mesoscale chemical systems including energy, chemistry, material sciences,
and health (University of Twente). He is assistant professor for the Department of Chemical Science & Engineering at the
University of Twente, where he co-teaches Electrochemistry (BSc level) and Chemical Process Analysis (MSc level). He
co-supervises bachelor and master assignments related to material sciences, physics, chemistry, and chemical
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
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