Measures of Variability- Khyati
Measures of Variability- Khyati
Measures of Variability- Khyati
Khyati Nimavat
Dept. of Community Medicine
GMERS- Junagadh
Types of Variability
Measures of Variability
No two measurements in man are absolutely equal
Q3- Q1
The semi-interquartile range takes into account
only the middle half of the data between Q3 and
If mean blood pressure of a large representative series is
taken, some observations are found above the mean and
other are below the mean.
MD= Σ | X -X|
To find MD of observations from the mean, add the
difference from the mean and divide by the number of
= ΣX = 775 = 155cm
n 5
Mean Deviation M.D. = Σ | X - | = 40 = 8cm
n 5
Mean deviation is not used in statistical analysis being less
mathematical value, particularly in drawing inferences.
Standard deviation is an improvement over mean deviation as
a measure of dispersion and is used most commonly in
statistical analysis.
It is computed by following steps:
a. Calculate Mean: :
b. Find the difference of each observation from the mean: X -
c. Square the difference of observations from the mean: (X - )2
d. Add the squared values to get the sum of squares: Σ(X - )2
e. Divide the sum by the number of observations minus
1 to get mean-squared deviation called variance (σ2 ):
: Σ(X - )2
f. Find the square root of this variance to get root-
mean squared deviation called SD.
- )2
Σ(X -X
SD= n -1
= ΣX2 -2 ΣX + Σ 2 = ΣX/ N or N = ΣX
= ΣX2 -2 (N ) + Σ 2
= ΣX2 -N 2 Σ 2 =N 2
= ΣX2 –N (ΣX / N) 2
= ΣX2 –N ΣX 2
= ΣX2 – (ΣX) 2
Now, find the variance (var) which is mean squared deviation,
i.e. sum of squares, divided by the number of independent
observations. This number is not total but one less than the
total number of measurements or observations (n) in the
series, therefore, divided by n-1. It is also called the degree of
freedom in statistical terms and gives an unbiased estimate of
Hence variance = Σ(X - )2 or ΣX2 – (ΣX) 2
n-1 ______n____
or = Σx2 – (Σx) 2
-Very often variance is written as Var. or SD2 or s2 for sample or
σ2 for universe or population
Lastly, determined the square root of the variance. That gives
the standard deviation which in fact is the square root of the
mean squared deviation. It will be in the same units as the
original measurements. We had squared the deviatio ns so
the square root has to be found.
Σ(X - )2
s or SD = √Var = n -1 by formula (a) or
ΣX2 – (ΣX)2
= _____n__
by formula (b1) or
by formula (b2) where assumed mean (w) is used
= Σx2--(Σx)2
It is a measure used to compare relative variability
The variation of the same character in two or more different
series has to be compared quite often. It may be of interest to
know whether the weight varies more in spleen or in heart;
weight varies more among girls or among boys
Variation of pulse rate is more among youth or among aged
or in students appearing for the examinations and in others
not doing so
At other times, the variation of two different characters in the
same subjects can also be compared. e.g. Height & Weight of
same group of students, Blood Pressure & Height, Blood
Pressure and pulse rate etc.
It compares the variability irrespective of the units of
measurement used in two or more distributions such as
Height in centimeter in one and inches in other or pulse rate
in beats and Blood Pressure in mm Hg
Coefficient of variation (CV) is used to compare the variability
of one character in two different groups having different
magnitude of values or two characters in the same group by
expressing in percentage
The coefficient of variation is calculated from standard
deviation and mean of the characteristic. The ratio of SD and
mean is found in percentage. Thus, SD expressed as
percentage of mean is the coefficient of variation.
Coefficient of variation CV = SD x 100 = s x 100
In two series of adults aged 21 years and children 3 months old following
values were obtained for height. Find which series shows greater variation?
(can you prove the difference between these two series is statistically
Persons Mean Ht in Cm SD in Cm
CV = SD x 100