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The power supply from the mains is single-phase 230V and must be downclocked to 12V DC. A variable
frequency drive controls the speed of an AC motor by varying the frequency supplied to the motor. LM7805; a
3-pole voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation and provides 5V DC constant supply. This 5V DC is
passed to the ESP32 microcontroller which operates on it. Parallel communication is done by connecting 32
pins of the microcontroller to the 16*2 LCD display. A current is first applied to the Optocoupler, which makes
the infrared LED emit a light that's proportional to the current. A potentiometer is used to adjust the contrast
of the display. The required code is written in the Arduino software and uploaded to the microcontroller board.
The code is written in such a way that a PWM signal is generated and can also be controlled by the ESP-32
microcontroller. By applying a trigger pulse with a controlled phase angle in a AC cycle (via PWM) allows us to
control the voltage and thus the speed of the motor. "IoT Remote" is the Android application installed on the
phone that uses the wi-fi of the Android phone. On the other hand, the control circuit of the motor also contains @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:04/April-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868
a Bluetooth module that is inbuilt in microcontroller.
The concept of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) was used. To a motor driven system, a Variable Frequency
Drive (VFD) was added so that potential energy saving can be done in a System in which the load varies with
time. The main advantage of opting for VFD in applications are that it can provide energy saving and also a
speed reduction by 20% can save energy of up to 50%. By changing the frequency of the motor supply voltage,
the operating speed of the motor that is connected to a VFD is
varied. Therefore, this method allows continuous process speed control.
#include "thingProperties.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
const int rs = 17, en = 18, d4 = 19, d5 = 21, d6 = 22, d7 = 23;
LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);
int frequency;
bool fwd_rev;
bool run_stop;
#define run_stop_relay 33
#define fwd_rev_relay 32
#define speed_1 26
#define speed_2 27
#define speed_3 14
#define speed_4 12
#define speed_5 13
The motor can be controlledusing the computer and Android using the IoT Remote Application.
Maintenance is less..
Easy speed control.
AC motor is less expensive.
Provide low speed starting facility
Save energy
Reduce thermal and mechanical stress.
It supports remote control of 3phase induction motor.
It does not support graphical user interphase modules to display current working status.
Power converter for AC motor are more complicated.
In industries for improving the product quality, it requires
varying the speed as well as constant speed.
Using android application intensity of light can be controlled.
This method of speed control of a three-phase induction motor that is using variable frequency and Internet of
things. Inductive loads are extensively used in industries due to so many applications. It is very important to
make some smart systems. For this a smart panel is set which aims to operate the loads both manually and
through IOT. The IOT controlling system is very efficient and more comfortable which we can use from
anywhere through Wi-Fi. It is a more easy and quick operating system compared to a manual system because
there will be no need for anybody to be available physically. This will not only save the cost of labor but also
make the system smart. This system is very much helpful to industries for controlling purposes and may be
extended in future to work on all the types of faults in the motor and their reverse and forward operation
through IoT.
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