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Kaloi, Ghulam Sarwar; Wang, Jie; Baloch, Mazhar Hussain

Active and reactive power control of the doubly fed
induction generator based on wind energy conversion

Energy Reports

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Suggested Citation: Kaloi, Ghulam Sarwar; Wang, Jie; Baloch, Mazhar Hussain (2016) : Active and
reactive power control of the doubly fed induction generator based on wind energy conversion
system, Energy Reports, ISSN 2352-4847, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 2, pp. 194-200,

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Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200

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Energy Reports
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Active and reactive power control of the doubly fed induction

generator based on wind energy conversion system
Ghulam Sarwar Kaloi a,∗ , Jie Wang a,∗ , Mazhar Hussain Baloch a,b
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PR China
Department of Electrical Engineering, MUET, SZAB Khairpur Mir’s Campus Pakistan, Pakistan

article info abstract

Article history: This paper presents a dynamic modeling and control of doubly fed induction-generator (DFIG) based
Received 15 February 2016 on the wind turbine systems. Active and reactive power control of the DFIG are based on the feedback
Received in revised form technique by using the suitable voltage vectors on the rotor side. The rotor flux has no impact on
25 July 2016
the changes of the stator active and reactive power. The proposed controller is based on the feedback
Accepted 1 August 2016
Available online 9 August 2016
technique in order to reduce the oscillation of the generator. The control approach is estimated through
the simulation result of the feedback controller assembled with DFIG wind turbines. It is applied by the
feedback control based techniques in order to control the power flowing of DFIG and the power grid.
Doubly-fed induction generator Hence, an improved feedback control technique is adopted to get a better power flow transfer and to
Feedback control system improve the dynamic system and transient stability. In stable condition, the improved performance of
Transient stability the controller, the proposed method is verified for the effectiveness of the control method is done in
Wind turbine generator stable conditions.
Wind energy system © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction the fixed speed generator. Variable speed wind turbines with the
new standards are effective because of their improved efficiency in
The renewable energy resources have emerged as a new model capturing more wind power and their ability to achieve the higher
to meet the energy requirements of our society. In recent years, power quality (Luna et al., 2011; Tohidi and Behnam, 2016).
the production of electricity from hydropower, solar, the wind Moreover, wind turbine of the variable speed with control of
and geothermal energy, tides, waves and biomass energy sources the speed of the turbine output power and reduces the load stress
have gained much attention (Yaramasu et al., 2015). Energy is on different parts of the turbine structure, including the blades
considered to be the decisive input for the growth of the wind and tower. As a result, higher energy efficiency, longer life time,
energy. Nowadays, conventional resource depletion is more con- and improve the quality of energy to make these wind turbines
cerned about environmental degradation and takes advantage of inexpensively competitive, despite the high initial costs (Zhan
renewable energy resources to meet growing energy demands. En- et al., 2014; Baloch et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2012). The dynamic
ergy production cost is very low as compared to the conventional model of DFIG depends upon the non-linear parameters such as
method. The potential sources of clean energy are considered for electromagnetic torque, stator current; rotor current and stator
the future such as wind energy. For electricity production through flux are controlled with state feedback linearization techniques to
wind energy, DFIG is commonly used for this purpose because of get the better results as compared to the exit method (Baroudi
its numerous advantages over its counterparts (Dinesh and Ra- et al., 2007; Hu et al., 2010). Implementation of DFIG is increasing
jasekaran, 2015; Ebrahimi et al., 2016). for many reasons, such as reducing the mechanical stress, to
Variable speed operation of the DFIG wind turbine based on the mitigate the noise, and flexible control of the active and reactive
active and reactive power abilities, lower cost of the converter and power on the basis of back to back converter between the induction
power losses are decreased as compared to wind turbine by using machine and the power grid (Mishra et al., 2009; Rahimi, 2016).
As a result, the complexity of the system increases and it
becomes difficult to analyze without a systematic point of view.

Corresponding authors. In short terms, there must be the ability to support dynamic
E-mail addresses: ghulamsarwar@sjtu.edu.cn (G.S. Kaloi), frequency of wind energy rapidly in the near future to ensure
jiewangxh@sjtu.edu.cn (J. Wang). the stability of the frequency of the system. In addition, it can be
2352-4847/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.
G.S. Kaloi et al. / Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200 195

contributed to the inertia of wind energy to further improve the where ρ represents the air density, RT represents the wind turbine
accessibility of wind power in the grid (Zhan et al., 2014; Xiao et al., radius, Vw represents the wind speed and Cp represents the wind
2013; Hu et al., 2010). In order to control the generator speed is turbine power coefficient is given by
used to rotor side converter (RSC) and reactive power controlled
 
with grid side converter (GSC) is connected to the grid through grid −12.5 λ1
Cp (λ, β) = 22 − 0.004β − 0.05 e i , (2)
filter and is used to control the dc link voltage and reactive power λi
exchange with the grid.
1 1 0.035
Hence with increased penetration of the DFIG, the inertia of = − , (3)
the effective system will be reduced. Grid integration of this λi λ + 0.08β β3 + 1
variable power in increased capacity raises concerns about its
where β represents the blade pitch angle and λ represents the tip
impact on the power system stability (Carrasco et al., 2006;
speed ratio as described below.
Gayen et al., 2015). Nonetheless, it is imperative for large scale
transient strength studies to consider the rotor field elements of ωr RT
the induction generator since it assumes a critical part in deciding λ= . (4)
the inner voltage behind transient reactance. In order to reduce the
efficiency of the machine due to the response of reactive power Owing to the presence of a gearbox with the gear ratio ng , the
is increased. But state feedback linearization control technique dynamic model wind turbine rotational speed ωr is associated to
is used to improve the efficiency of the machine and reduce the the rotor speed ωr is given as follows:
transient effect in the system. (Yousefi-Talouki et al., 2014; Abdel-
Khalik et al., 2013). ωr = ng ωroptimum . (5)
This paper proposes a new strategy for feedback control
systems for wind power generation on the basis of DFIG with The exact dynamic model of the torque equation of the generator
constant switching frequency to improve transient performance. is given by,
The direct method in calculating the required voltage circuit
Tm ωr = Pm (6)
control the transition period, based on the estimated stator
flux, active and reactive power, and their errors. The transient where, Tm represents the rotor torque, ωr represents the wind
performance of the nonlinear model of the DFIG is described by the turbine speed, it is a measure of the ratio of wind power turbines.
limit of the rotor control voltage with a direct method of the active Power coefficient is a function of wind turbine speed. Cp is 0.59 the
and reactive power. The aim of this paper is to provide a great idea theoretical limit, but practical range is 0.2–0.4 (Patel, 2005).
for the dynamic behavior of the DFIG wind turbine. Control of DFIG
parameters has a significant effect on the dynamic performance of 1
ωroptimum = λoptimum ng Vw . (7)
wind turbines. The controller of the DFIG will play an important RT
role in the energy system in the future with the increased
penetration of the wind energy conversion system (WECS) Which corresponds to the most extreme extraction of wind energy
(Bourdoulis and Alexandridis, 2014; Wang and Wang, 2011). Pm , at that point in the determination of the rotor torque of the
The proposed technique is considered by the feedback con- generator can be determined as
troller to regulate the rotor currents and the grid current. In order −1
Tmoptimum = 0.5ρπ R5T Cpoptimum ωroptimum λ3optimum .

to consider the effects of the rotor and the filter of network pa- (8)
rameters to control the dynamic performance DFIG under voltage
It is obvious that the wind turbine operates with ideal rotational
dips. It represents the vital phenomena that are much faster than
the phenomena of interest in transient stability analysis. The use speed and with the optimum torque of the doubly fed induction
of the detailed model in the study of transient stability leads to a generator.
harsh mathematical model with fast transients and long simulation
times and greatly increases the computational effort. In any case, 3. Dynamic model of the DFIG wind energy system
as a result of complexity of the DFIG model, extra suppositions are
utilized as a part of the transient stability program for simplify-
The power convertor of the wind turbine generator contains the
ing it (Naidu et al., 2014; Trilla et al., 2014). In this paper, feedback
rotor converter to control the generator speed and grid convertor
control design is developed and considered for the DFIG wind tur-
to inject reactive power in the grid. The grid side converter
bine system. Non-linear dynamic model of the DFIG is essentially
components of the real and reactive power are shown in Fig. 1.
based on stator flux as compared to conventional flux model of the
The instantaneous power can be defined as follows (Krause et al.,
wound rotor induction generator and GSC model. Non-linear dy-
namic model of the DFIG is improved by using the feedback con-
trol technique for alignment of the rotor and grid sides. Active and Ps = 1.5(Vds Ids + Vqs Iqs ); (9)
reactive power of the DFIG stator and GSC output are connected to
the grid. This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 wind tur- Qs = 1.5(Vqs Ids − Vds Iqs ), (10)
bine model is described. In Section 3 dynamic model of the DFIG Pg = 1.5(Vds Idg + Vqs Iqg ) (11)
wind energy System is developed. In Section 4, a controller is de-
Qg = 1.5(Vqs Idg − Vds Iqg ) (12)
signed for a DFIG Wind Turbine System. The simulation results are
shown in Section 5. Final conclusion of the paper is described in where Ps and Qs represent the active and reactive power stator
Section 6. of the DFIG respectively, and Pg and Qg represent the active and
reactive power of the grid respectively. The nonlinear dynamic
2. Wind turbine model
model of the DFIG wind turbine is normally described by the active
and reactive powers. To simplify the dynamic model is assuming an
The captured mechanical power from a wind turbine is given as
approximately constant stator voltage for DFIG. This assumption is
follows (Yang et al., 2012):
used only under a steady state condition and grid voltages vary at
Pm = 0.5ρ AVω3 Cp (λ, β), (1) the point of the common coupling typically less than ±0.005 p.u.
196 G.S. Kaloi et al. / Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of wind energy based on DFIG system.

3.1. The DFIG wind turbine system modeling in the dq reference frame Using Eqs. (9) and (10) into Eqs. (19a) and (19b) the following
equation can be obtained.
The nonlinear dynamic model of the doubly fed induction
d 2
generator represents the flux and the voltage equations can be Ps = − α1 (rs lr + rr ls )Ps − ωslip Qs
summarized as (Rezaei et al., 2012): dt 3
+ (α1 rr Vds + pα 1lr Vds ωr )λds
λds = Vds − rs Ids + ωs λqs (13) + (α1 rr Vqs + pα 1lr Vqs ωr )λqs
d − α1 lm Vds Vdr + V qr (20a)
λqs = Vqs − rs Iqs − ωs λds (14) d 2
dt Qs = ωslip Ps + α1 (rs lr + rr ls )Qs
d dt 3
λdr = Vdr − rr Is + (ωs − pωr )λqr , (15) + (α1 rr Vqs + pα 1lr Vqs ωr )λqs
+ (α1 rr Vds + pα 1lr Vds ωr )λds
λqr = Vqr − rr Is − (ωs − pωr )λdr (16) − α1 lm Vds Vdr + α1 lm Vds Vqr (20b)
and where,
λds = ls Ids + lm Idr ; λdr = lr Idr + lm Ids (17) 3
α1 = , V qr = α1 lm Vqs Vqr + α1 lr Vs2 .
λqs = ls Iqs + lm Iqr . λqr = lr Iqr + lm Iqs (18) 2σ lr ls
where, Rs and Rr are the stator and rotor resistance, ls and lr are The equation of the stator flux can be described by substituting for
the stator and rotor inductance while lm represents the mutual Is from (12) into (13) for λ̇sd and λ̇sq
inductance, ωs is the synchronous (stator) frequency respectively.
Subscript S and r indicates the stator and rotor variables. In d
λds = α3 rr Vds Ps − α3 rr Vqs Qs + ωs λqs , (21a)
addition Vs , Is and λs represent the stator voltage, current and stator dt
flux, Vr , Ir and λr are represent the rotor voltages, current and flux d
vectors. λqs = −α3 rr Vqs Ps + α3 rr Vds Qs + ωs λds (21b)
By substituting Eqs. (17) and (18) into Eqs. (13) and (14) for dtd Ids
and d
I , the following equation can be obtained: where, α3 = 2rs
dt qs 3rr Vs2
The nonlinear dynamic model of the DFIG wind turbine
d rs lm pωr lm
Ids = − Ids + ωs Iqs + rr Idr + Iqr equation of the rotor and torque model is given as follows (Balogun
dt σ ls σ ls lr σ ls et al., 2013):
l2m lm Vds
+p Iqr − Vdr + , (19a) d
ωr =
Te −
Tm , (22)
σ ls lr σ ls lr σ ls dt J J
d rs pωr lm lm
Iqs = ωs Ids − Iqs + Idr + rr Iqr where P, J and Tm are the number of pole pairs of the machine, rotor
dt σ ls σ ls σ ls lr inertia and mechanical torque of the machine respectively.
l2m ωr lm Vqs The electric torque is given (see Krause et al., 2013):
+p Ids − Vqr + , (19b)
σ ls lr σ ls lr σ ls Te = 1.5p(λqs Idr + λds Iqr ). (23)
In Eq. (17) mechanical torque is the input of the dynamic model
σ = (lr ls − l2m )/(lr ls ). and electric torque based on Eq. (18). It can be expressed in terms
G.S. Kaloi et al. / Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200 197

4. Proposed controller design for a DFIG wind turbine genera-


In this study, we proposed a controller through feedback

algorithm for DFIG transient stability analysis of WECS in order to
obtain accurate results and simulation on the basis of well-known
tool Matlab. It is well known that the transient stability analysis
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of the grid side convertor. under the typical situation which is dominated by conventional
synchronous generators. In the proposed method, the most
of active and reactive power. By substituting (23) into (22), the important intention is to reduce the voltage disturbance under
following equation can be obtained: normal operating conditions. The controller design technique is
used to achieve the best outcome of the wind energy conversion
d P2 P2 P system. The control method of DC voltage deals with the rotor
ωr = − λsq Ps + λsd Qs − Tm . (24) voltage to control the suitable parameters of the DFIG, such
dt JVs JVs J
as stator flux, stator current, active and reactive power of the
machine. The control of the RSC is utilizing the controller for power
3.2. Grid-side convertor and filter model flow from the DFIG as depicted in Fig. 3.
It is the most important intention to maintain the DC link
The grid sides filter convertor is shown in Fig. 2. The dq model voltage and an effect to deal with the active power transfer
of grid side convertor and the filter are given as follows (Lei et al., between the RSC and the grid. The DC link voltage is operated to
2006): the below rated value of the GSC. The proposed technique is used to
eliminate the transient from the DFIG to improve the performance
lf Idf = −rf Idf + ωs lf Iqf − Vdg + Vds (25)
of the machine. The control technique is minimized by the reactive
lf Iqf = −ωs lf Idf − rf Iqf − Vqg + Vqs (26) power in order to achieve the best outcomes from the dynamic
system that can be used for RSC and GSC to reduce the dynamic
where, Vg represents the grid voltage, Ig represents the grid
transient from the system.
current, lf represents the filter inductance and Rf represents the
The proposed system state variables are given as follows:
filter resistance. Substituting the Eqs. (24) and (25) into Eqs. (11)
and (12) the following equation can be obtained. T
λds λqs .

x = Ps Qs Pg Qg (33)
d rf Vds
Pg = − Pg − ωs Qg − 1.5 Vdg − V qg (27a) The dynamic model of the doubly fed induction generator is
dt lf lf given in the (19a)–(20b) and (32)–(34) and can be summarized as:
d rf Vds Vds ẋ = Ax + B1 U1 + B2 U2 (34)
Qg = ωs Pg − Qg − 1.5 Vdg + 1.5 Vqg . (27b)
dt lf lf lf
Now we take equivalent real power of the dynamic model of 


 

the DFIG, which can be obtained in the DC link model at the DC A= , B1 = , B2 =
A21 A22 B12 B23
converter node as follows (Wang and Wang, 2011):    
Vdr V dg
Vdc (t )Idc (t ) = Pg (t ) − Pr (t ) − Ploss (t ), (28) U1 = , U2 = .
Vqr V qg
where Pr (t ) represents active power of the rotor, Pg (t ) represents
the grid power and Ploss represents the power losses, including the Control of the real power is obtained by controlling the rotor
converter switching losses and the copper losses. The active power current of the dq axis component. The rotor side converter is
Pr delivered to the rotor (Rezaei et al., 2012). to improve the performance of DFIG, and the real power of the
DFIG is controlled with rotor voltages to increase the efficiency
Pr = 1.5 Vrd Ird + Vrq Irq .
 
(29) of the machine. The target of the controller design procedure is
to improve the performance of wind energy conversion while
Using Eqs. (9), (10) and (18) Pr can be expressed as maintaining the stability of the system under normal operating
ls (Vds Vrd + Vqs Vrq ) ls (Vqs Vrd + Vds Vrq ) conditions. In the conventional variable speed of the DFIG wind
Pr = Ps + Qs turbine, it is extracting maximum rated power from the turbines
lm |Vs |2 lm |Vs |2
unless the rated speed lower than the wind turbine speed (Asl and
λds λqs Yoon, 2016). The feedback linearization techniques are typically
+ 1.5 Vrd + 1.5 Vrq . (30)
lm lm controlled to the real power of DFIG wind turbine based on
In the high power convertor, the power loss is often less than one wind energy conversion based. When wind speed is below the
percent of the total transferred power, power losses are neglected rated value, the feedback linearization technique is maximized
because they are very small. to capture the energy from the wind turbine. To produce the
maximum possible power from the wind turbine is based on
d Pg − Pr its average amount of wind speed (Junyent-Ferré et al., 2010).
Vdc = . (31)
It is noted that a new design of technique for feedback control
dt CVdc
has been established which guarantees stability, and significant
Substituting Eq. (29) into Eq. (30) the following equation can be
simplification. The controller has been implemented for the
expressed as
nonlinear dynamic model of the DFIG. The RSC and GSC are
 
d 1 1 required only for voltage orientation due to simpler control design
ls (Vds Vrd + Vqs Vrq )Ps
  
Vdc = Pg − 2 for DFIG.
dt CVdc lm |Vs |
The feedback control strategy is used for the stator voltage
λds λqs
and current control of the DFIG wind turbine system. These input
+ ls (Vqs Vrd + Vds Vrq )Qs + 1.5 Vrd + 1.5 Vrq .

lm lm parameters Vdr , Vqr , V dg and Vqg are used to control the stator
198 G.S. Kaloi et al. / Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200

Table 1
1.5 MW DFIG wind turbine parameters.
Symbol Quantity Values Symbol Quantity Values

Rs Stator resistance 1.4 m Rf Grid filter resistance 0.04 

Rr Rotor resistance 0.99 m lf Grid filter inductance 0.001 H
ls Stator inductance 0.08998 mH RL Load resistance 4.16 
lr Rotor inductance 0.08208 mH lL Load inductance 4.093 H
lm Mutual inductance 1.526 mH F Frequency 50 Hz
P Pole pairs 3 Vω Wind speed 12 m/s

Fig. 3. Over all control diagram and study system of the nonlinear dynamic model of the DFIG.

real power and reactive power. The active and reactive power
are controlled independently via Vdr and Vqr , respectively. The
state feedback linearization control is achieved by controlling the
reactive power to keep it within the desired range. The pulse width
modulation is employed to generate the control signal Vr and Vg
both are derived from the RSC and GSC. Overall system oscillation
is decreased by using a control signal after the disturbance
elimination. It is an easy way to use the voltage single Vr and Vg
as input parameters of the controller. Under all circumstances, it is 0 2 4 6
easy to measure the angular velocity and fluxes and it has been
implemented in the steady state condition. The analysis of the
Fig. 4. Wind speed versus time.
DC link voltage is equivalent to the stable system under normal
operating conditions of the wind turbine. We take the following
enhanced model. 5. Simulation results and discussion
Again, we conclude (24) and (31) as follows:
The analysis of proposed scheme and performance of the
d controller is extensively estimated in this section and by using
ωr = x C̃ x + C̃o ,
(35) real-time data to obtain the results. The 1.5-MW DFIG wind
turbine parameters are presented in Table 1. The state of feedback
d 2 linearization controller gains are given in the Appendix. However,
Vdc = E1 X + XE3 U1 + XE2 U1 (36)
dt in the simulation environment, we have verified the effectiveness
of the proposed controller of DFIG wind turbine systems
considering a case 1.5 MW, at 575 Vrms and at 50 Hz frequency.
02×4 02×2 Moreover, the wind always vary from time to time due to uncertain
   
P Tm
C̃ = 02×4 c11 , C̃0 = , wind conditions, we are considering a ramp change around in
J 05×1
02×4 02×2 between 10 and 12 m/s and can be easily visualized in Fig. 4.
The newly generated state variables of the controller are depicted
   
1 as in Figs. 5–9. Therefore, our main focus is to control and to
E1 = , E3 = E21 ,
05×1 get maximum power at the grid side. The stator flux response
versus time of the DFIG is depicted in Fig. 5, where it is observed
02×2 02×2
   
that the exactly after 2.5 a very small change in the flux occurs.
E2 = E22 , E2 = E22 . Furthermore, the rotor speed response has been discussed in
02×2 02×2 Section 3 in Eq. (15), can be controlled around after 0.1 up as shown
G.S. Kaloi et al. / Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200 199

2 1.5


0 -1
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6

Fig. 5. (a) Response of the stator flux λds versus time, (b) response of the stator flux λqs versus time.

production has been concentrated. The DFIG wind turbine active

2 power control is achieved by the convenient control of the rotor
voltage. It is significantly the improved performance of the wind
turbine system. The proposed method of the feedback controller
for the DFIG wind turbine is obtained by the maximum power.
-1 The feedback controller is designed for the consideration of both
mechanical and electrical dynamics of the DFIG wind turbine.
In this paper, system reliability is increased by using a feedback
0 2 4 6 technique. The observer is used to evaluate this information. The
results show satisfactory system response and good performance
in comparison to the other method. Finally, it is interesting to
Fig. 6. Response of the angular rotor speed ωr versus time. model the relatively complex energy system scenario analytically
to demonstrate the applications of the feedback approach.


Support of Natural Science Foundation P R China under
1 Grant No. 61374155, and the Specialized Research Fund for the
0.8 Doctoral Program of Higher Education, PR China under Grant No.
0.6 20130073110030 is highly acknowledged.
0 2 4 6

Fig. 7. Response of the DC voltage Vdc versus time.

0.00589 0.00489
 
0 0 0 0
in Fig. 6. Besides that, the voltage of a dynamic system is improved K1 = ,
0.0888 0.0665 0 0 0 0
by the DC link around after 1.2 s on the both sides of the rotor
−0.0022 −0.00315 −0.0027 −0.00192 −0.0012 −0.0023
 
and grid as showed in Fig. 7. As summarized in Eq. (23). Fig. 8 K2 = ;
shows that the reactive and real power response versus time has a −0.0022 −0.00315 −0.0027 −0.0092 −0.0012 −0.0023
better performance of DFIG at 0.4 p.u after 1.1 s recover the fault
   
a1 −a2 a3 a4 0 0
or remove the disturbance and it can be observed to improve the A11 = a2 a1 a4  , A12 =  a3 0 0 ,
stability and damping characteristics after the symmetrical fault. a7 a8 0 ωs 0 0
In order to validate the performance of the proposed controller
−a8 a7 ωs
   
0 0 0
with the conventional one, the real power varies with the small
A21 = 0 0 0 , A22 = 0 a9 −ωs  .
step change from 0.4 p.u to −0.6 p.u, and at the same time
0 0 0 0 ωs a9
reactive power is set to be around zero (p.u). The real and reactive    
power time settlement is small and is without the overshooting a 1 02×2
B11 = 5 , B12 = ,
of symmetrical fault as shown in Fig. 8. The proposed method a5 a6 02×2
easily tracks the reference signal of the real and reactive power of a
   
0 a10 −1
dynamic system as showed in Fig. 9. It is verified that the proposed B22 = 2×2 , B23 = .
02×2 a10 a11
control method is robust in performance than the conventional
method as described in Rezaei et al. (2012). In addition, it is clearly a1 = α1 (rs lr + rr ls ), a2 = ωslip , a3 = (α1 rr Vds + pα1 lr Vds ωr ),
observed that the peak value of the DC-link voltage is minimized.
a4 = (α1 rr Vqs + pα 1lr Vqs ωr ), a5 = α1 lm Vds ,
Finally, DFIG wind turbine system performance is improved.
a6 = α1 lm Vds , a7 = α3 rr Vds , a8 = α3 rr Vqs ,
6. Conclusion and future work rf 3 Vds 3 Vqs
a9 = , a10 = , a11 = .
lf 2 lf 2 lf
The model has been integrated in a transient stability program P2
 
which applies the simultaneous implicit method of numerical  0 −  
JVs 
, b1 0
simulation to the network equations stated in the current balance c11 =
 P2 E11 = ,
 0 b2
form. The ability of the feedback controller in optimizing the wind 0
200 G.S. Kaloi et al. / Energy Reports 2 (2016) 194–200



-0.5 -0.4

-1 -0.8
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6

Fig. 8. (a) Performance stator real power versus time, (b) Performance stator reactive power versus time.


0.6 -0.45

0.5 -0.5
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6

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