Adobe Scan 18 Dec 2023

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CHAAU BN SAL , ienesät- tatue and Human uigs


non Snh is aitora chaate oeated ay eeosge

B paiy ded ey ig Bucothes, Bston smth is ihe þatagonist

and te cuontu for he Pady
tsirson smth tecomes tislusioned a Be obpneue egme
and tegtns to sabel agoint He Rastas caral ooe tndhutduaa
Roughts and
actona. he noued epplayes hemesmes oof totaktastnam,
Crsogshp Sunoellance , and the shuge tos ndhtdudadom
NineBeen Ggtdy aunsconideed a Jause th Jleaause and
tos tad a sgrafeart inbat on discubra abot gonnmert
Contaob , suwellance , and be þseueaatkon ok peoond bete
The otintsa t tath ts oonsible tor hsapganda and
Beus irg tttorieal seads to agn th he þuy's massadtue
Ksinstons ob ot he mirihy o Buh rale allurg hio
Jical docunet and meas ostees to enswe they
cusent pat tdeclogy tor tpamples-he Pasty hangesconom to the
ts stance on
on an issue
o a þeon talls ott of adou -
hetoca Jecosds ase modlied to eae eidence of he
tornallon sees he Rby's goal nainthN g ahsu
sste cor taal oueA the Rast, Bosert ard tatee usindton 'suole
at the
n he houe. The concep
66 Jouble Hant is fsualert , thae conte adictoy ea
Coepist and Be touth is haejes he Pasty says it This
madpulaion f inlosmabion is atoal Hos Conhol and
Sehes o teeo he ciien in a
hat ahe he 9

telesheens and Hos do lHe imbad daiy g

in Ocearoa ?

Tede soeens n feonge auuodl 's G6 neleen

Ciahby foun
inn hemalkfundional
detees usd by the oudia
cona ate ol cenla-The telesceen
natous poocee and Hhets inbad on dailyie isþnds
Contsibuing to he
opresiue and totatason hahuse of
Oceania.Heres q Bieahdouon theia
Suswellance They ase placed tn both þäimaidy aed for
shacel ,tndudighomes , to monttor hepobtie and þusvate.
actuA and
Behauios of citizeny. The constart sumyelarn ce ec
a þeastue masphese of condtal mahing indtuduala
4hestant b engge in anyy adikes hat ay te feckrd

G9mmuri caion - Teleseseed le

ny de[ce for suyillance theyy alio enabe hwo
The faty Can oamnt meage
commanda thaough the teleaeens diedty tnto peolplers
Thi faatse aloa for in mediabe
otginda announeemet and
, isseminaton
contal éue oxdes,irtoing
irtomaion ond communiao
Dpoþaganda and
-cast Poy Peopgnda Iindocainakon s-Telesoeens
and neLas Coniuguly. etiend
psedo contant steom imgormatoh that
aligns csh Bhe ay 's ideolgy
toym of tndoctinalon 'shasing NO and
he haalie and maniþ
tstoical fati sut the þay's grda
iy feas and conta The ausaenes
-ant suveillance fnslls Qsere o Bing unde
und e tont
ot feaa and Poanoia
Fe cikzer. Tha teaa is apoe toal tot the Pastyamog
mirtain conb individul ae
-ent a ergoge in any Behaioun ha
ight Be&Re deened
didlal. T6e Rea of purihmert ey the Trougt Rie teads
Yoserg hf and conty
u) diinion o Pavacy g-
Telesuee elinnote
piuay dily e'aoen ininde and pesuonad angsenbona
ssed to sunwllance - This dach momert ale
'ndrudual piuay hot oryses
thout and alence Gssert
3- Telesoeers
ko daibk Hrk
and Condode tohe fatys
hee induidual ase efpedd to
Beie stmudtarouly Thehe Pasy daes ahd ts tue
eiteds ae segui ded to eoroam

-3 How does e gouemert mcinoin tonto oue e
Oceqia in this Ognnig% fe noud.

it seems Jkke 1984 BH ieonge

Qowel, ahese Oceana ts
dystoçian shade oadad oy a toraltasian sggime Jed ay
and ts deaden, 8 erothes,. In he
houel, sevesal mecharism ae Begirig
o te
mairtain Conta oues he co kens govenmen
+Suauellance : The Pasty
tnoue. he
and micaphone, to morita he iezen see
Behe contaa) : The gouenment cortals nt
clieens but also mea, houath. The hot ony heatons
ogds Bat Coubd eto Jinst Be sarge Phogt
Concat depa
for subuesive inti
he hasatue and conl pubic
neastes tstbod ecords to ft pexceylhe
ion The
Gecig a a dishyted veion Rsy's Cashet
* feos and idini ocaliy
Big Jobeed a otor Q an
- Fe thoglt RJe art
the thaeat
enemy he state Cheate an
ahmaspheie Reas ferd ase
in a pupeh state
wch Sew es as a toal to heeb he po þulaon in a
otht ae eo teaa and dtstaton he enemy may cage
end He te ttou, Bt the that of an etesna
tneng is wed fo unte Phe akzes aganta comman foe

tat caeg he
Fe'gwenmet crhcs Jahat oaFon seahe
to manpalate theis p.captond.
deache hete puse
f Doube thnt he concabt k doutlhinh inuoes haldig
tso eontaadicto Beliaf sirulaneusty and acenrgñd Boimohe
he acens
gthe to aate
These. element uott hen
he goument eiets tota cobal ouey the Jsue and ninds
its aieens. and tndependet Phoygt
he houcl eo eched gouenmatal
he dagsof uncheched
poues and he cordtquenas s a Socesy stphod pead

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