tally prime ERA MCQ
tally prime ERA MCQ
tally prime ERA MCQ
F12 Configuration
23. Which of the following options encrypts the company data in Tally Prime?
Tally Vault Password
24. Which of the following options enables the user to track transaction creation and alteration
32. What information is typically entered when creating a ledger in Tally Prime?
Group under which the ledger falls
33. In Tally Prime, which master is used to categorize ledgers based on their nature or function,
such as income, expenses, assets, or liabilities?
Accounting Group
34. In Tally Prime, what is the purpose of creating a "Group" master?
To categorize ledgers into broader classifications
35. Which of the options should be selected to create an accounting master in Tally Prime?
36. _____________ are collections of ledgers of the same nature.
Accounting Group
37. At the highest level, accounting groups are classified as __________.
Income and Expenses
All of the above
39. Pre-defined accounting groups contain 15 primary accounting groups and 13 subgroups.
40. Which of the following accounting subgroups is not part of the current assets group?
Bank OD Accounts
41. Which accounting master in Tally Prime is used to record information about inventory items,
including their description, unit of measurement, and rate?
Stock Item
42. _____________ offers a parallel classification of stock items in Tally data.
Stock Category
43. A user can define a stock group as well as a stock category at the same time while creating a
stock item master in Tally.
44. ___________ is used to measure stock item quantity in Tally Prime.
Unit of Measurement
45. A unit of measurement can be set as ____________.
A and B both
46. 1 dozen = 12 Nos is an example of ___________ UOM.
47. Which of the masters is not related to the inventory master in Tally Prime?
48. What is a stock item in Tally Prime?
53. Which of the following letters can be used to access the chart of accounts report from the
Gateway of Tally?
54. The user can access the multi-master creation alteration option under _________ in Tally Prime.
Chart of Account
55. __________ in Tally Prime provides you with an index of a list of all accounting masters created
in the company data.
Chart of Accounts
56. The chart of accounts also displays masters altered or deleted if ________ is enabled in Tally
60. There are ___________ default voucher types available in Tally Prime.
61. To access the multi-master creation option in Tally, we should navigate to _________.
Gateway of Tally >> Chart of Account >> Ledger >> Multi Master
62. A list of multi-masters contains _________.
Purchase Accounts
64. There is no need to define the opening balance of the ledger grouped under _________.
Fixed Assets
66. Which of the following is a shortcut key to mark zero as the opening balance for all ledgers under
the multi-master alteration page?
Sundry Debtors
68. In Tally Prime, what does "multi-master" creation and alteration refer to?
Accounting Vouchers
72. A ____________ voucher in Tally is a virtual accounting tool to document a cash transaction
involving one or more banks, cash, or a deposit.
73. Cash deposit into the company's bank account transaction to be recorded under __________
74. You can use the ________ voucher when the customer pays the amount against the sales
75. ___________ voucher is used to account all the payments made by the company in cash or by
76. Purchase transactions in a business can be classified as cash purchases or ___________.
credit purchase
77. Material supplied to customers to be recorded using the ___________ voucher in Tally Prime
78. Which of the following is the shortcut key to access receipt vouchers in Tally Prime?
79. Which of the following options can be configured under F12 in the receipt voucher to update the
bank details of the receipt transaction?
88. Cash Denomination Information is generally needed in the case of _______.
Contra Voucher
89. Which of the following is the shortcut key to change the voucher date in the contra voucher?
F2 – Date
90. What is the primary purpose of a Journal Voucher in Tally Prime?
To record non-cash transactions and adjustments
91. What is the primary purpose of a Purchase Voucher in Tally Prime?
To record purchases of goods or services from suppliers
92. In a Purchase Voucher, which account is debited?
Creditors Account
93. What information is typically recorded in a Purchase Voucher?
Details of goods or services purchased, supplier information, and payment details
94. In a Purchase Voucher, what is the purpose of the "Party's A/c Name" field?
To update the supplier's name and contact details
95. Which of the bill references should be selected while recording a fresh purchase invoice?
New Reference
96. Under _________, no credit days are extended by supplied under purchase.
Cash Purchase
97. A cash purchase occurs when a business pays for goods or services immediately upon ordering
or delivery.
98. Which of the following is the shortcut key to access the purchase voucher?
F9 – Purchase
99. A purchase invoice can be recorded under _______.