Semi-Automatic Extraction of Rock Mass Structural Data From High Resolution Lidar Point Clouds_Gi_GI
Semi-Automatic Extraction of Rock Mass Structural Data From High Resolution Lidar Point Clouds_Gi_GI
Semi-Automatic Extraction of Rock Mass Structural Data From High Resolution Lidar Point Clouds_Gi_GI
International Journal of
Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences
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a r t i c l e in f o abstract
Article history: In this paper a Matlab tool called DiAna (Discontinuity Analysis), for the 2D and 3D geo-structural analysis
Received 8 October 2009 of rock mass discontinuities on high resolution laser scanning data is presented.
Received in revised form The proposed approach is able to semi-automatically retrieve some relevant rock mass parameters,
26 June 2010
namely orientation, number of sets, spacing/frequency (and derived RQD), persistence, block size and
Accepted 27 November 2010
scale dependent roughness, by analyzing high resolution point clouds acquired from terrestrial or aerial
Available online 5 January 2011
laser scanners.
Keywords: In addition, with a specific DiAna option called filterveg, we are able to remove vegetation or other
Geomechanical survey disturbing objects from the point cloud, which is one of the main problems in LIDAR data processing.
Some examples of the proposed method have demonstrated its ability to investigate rock masses
characterized by irregular block shapes, and suggest applications in the field of engineering geology and
Laser scanning
Point cloud emergency management, when it is often advisable to minimize survey time in dangerous environments
DiAna and, in the same time, it is necessary to gather all the required information as fast as possible.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1365-1609/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
188 G. Gigli, N. Casagli / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 187–198
acquisition rate (up to hundreds of thousands of points/s) allows to The creation of a surface from a point cloud leads to a
immediately obtain the detailed 3D shape of the object. simplification and a first segmentation of the original data in
Laser scanning data can be processed by true coloring point elementary polygons (usually triangles), whose spatial location
clouds from high resolution optical digital images, or by triangulat- and orientation can be calculated. It is therefore possible to group
ing points in order to create Digital Surface Models (DSM). neighbor polygons with similar orientation, and to individuate the
One of the main tasks when we have to interpret the acquired extent of planar features within the investigated object [17,18,23].
data is the vegetation removal [14]. However, the capability of reconstructing discontinuity surfaces
Two main different levels of automation can be conceived, to depends primarily on the quality of the triangulation process and
extract the most relevant rock mass geomechanical characteristics, its resolution. Small features can be neglected, and complex shapes
hidden in the point cloud. could lead to incorrect and distorted polygonal surfaces.
On the other side, working on raw point cloud data gives the
Manual: by inspecting the point cloud or the derived surface, advantage of keeping all the initial information, and the disadvan-
fitting local planes, taking measurements, drawing polylines of tage of a larger amount of input data to be processed, with a
interest, etc. [15]. This procedure has, however, a non-systema- consequently longer computational time.
tic character, is time-consuming and tends to neglect the This approach has been adopted by Jaboyedoff et al. [20] for the
smallest features. It is a subjective or biased analysis, as only assessment of the local orientation of ground surface, and for
those discontinuities, which appear to be important are inves- vegetation detection and removal, by means of eigenvalues.
tigated. The success of this approach depends on the quality of Roncella et al. [16], Voyat et al. [19] and Ferrero et al. [22]
digital data and on the skill and experience of the geologist. applied a procedure based on the Random Sample Consensus
Automatic/semi-automatic: by selecting a specific algorithm for (RANSAC) algorithm [37] for the segmentation of point clouds into
the segmentation of the original data in clusters of points subsets, each made of points belonging to the same discontinuity
belonging to the same discontinuity. This can be defined as surface.
an objective or random analysis, since all detectable disconti- Slob et al. [21] proposed a method for the direct segmentation of
nuities within the surveyed area are sampled. Since raw data point clouds, by verifying if most of the points around a seed point
can contain up to tens of millions of points, the adopted lie close to the same flat plane. Should this happen, the operation is
algorithm should be optimized to make computational time iterated by selecting other neighboring points and verifying their
acceptable. In the author’s opinion, it is important to use both position with respect to the plane found before, in order to
approaches, because they can complement each other. individuate the extent of the discontinuity surface.
On the other side, rock faces with rugged shape can be investigated
by inspecting the discontinuity surfaces exposed on the slope. Such
3D approach requires the extraction of clusters of points belonging to
the same discontinuity plane from the point cloud; subsequently,
a spatial analysis for the quantitative description of discontinuities
within the rock mass has to be performed.
Both cases have been dealt with the proposed method, by
applying two different Matlab [39] tools, called DiAna3D and
DiAna2D and fully described in the following sections.
Authors are presently working at the integration of the 2D and
3D methods in a single tool, after which their intent is to distribute
it for free.
3.1. DiAna3D
Fig. 3. Influence of the searching cube dimension on the total number of valid points (blue points) for a standard deviation threshold of 0.025 m. (a) 1 m selection cube;
(b) 0.5 m selection cube; (c) 0.25 m selection cube and (d) 0.1 m selection cube. The areal extent of the point cloud is about 16 10 m. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 4. Definition of the rock mass discontinuity sets on the stereographic projection. Contour lines have been obtained by plotting the orientation of valid clusters with a
reference dimension of 0.1 m.
When all the points belonging to a discontinuity plane have discontinuity persistence, which implies the areal extent of the
been extracted, the dip and dip direction of the best fitting plane are surface [2]. It is important to emphasize that this method can
computed, and the discontinuity bounding polygon is found (Fig. 7) produce an underestimation of the discontinuity persistence, as the
by applying a convex hull algorithm [41]. exposed surface is often a sub-set of the entire fracture.
Minimum and maximum discontinuity persistence can be, For each discontinuity a cylinder is drawn, with the axis
therefore, calculated for each set, based on the bounding polygon perpendicular to the plane passing from the centroid and the base
dimensions. This procedure fits well with the original definition of containing the surface points (Fig. 8).
G. Gigli, N. Casagli / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 187–198 191
By counting the number of discontinuities belonging to the possible to assess the mean, minimum and maximum joint spacing,
same set intersected by the cylinder (hatched polygons, Fig. 8) and and the associated frequency of each set. If a set is defined to be
measuring the maximum distance between them (Fig. 8d) it is infinitely persistent (i.e. bedding planes), its spacing is calculated
by considering all the discontinuities belonging to that set,
independently from their position.
Block dimensions are evaluated by using the correlation pro-
posed by Palmstrom [42,43]
Vb ¼ bx Jv3 ð4Þ
Theta ( °)
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Fig. 10. Roughness characterization of the black discontinuity surface of Fig. 6: stereographic projection of poles (left) and contour lines of the poles for each reference
dimension (right).
Fig. 11. DiAna application of the filterveg option for rock and vegetation segmentation.
different cube dimensions, with the result that even the smallest we can not extract them from discontinuity traces. This informa-
rock surfaces are extracted (Fig. 11). tion can be obtained either from a traditional geomechanical
survey, or from the 3D analysis described in the previous section,
performed on a rugged sector of the slope.
3.2. DiAna2D By measuring the length of the projected lines, discontinuity
persistence can be evaluated for each trace [54]. It is important to
When a planar rock face has to be investigated, a 2D approach remark that while measuring trace lengths will always produce a
can be pursued by automatically extracting, or manually tracking, biased estimate of persistence in favor of the longest traces, the 3D
the discontinuity traces, and projecting them on the best fitting approach is more objective, provided that a small enough reference
plane of the rock face [52,53]. cube dimension is selected.
With reference to the described 3D approach, we need to know Once the modal orientations of discontinuity sets are known, it is
in advance the orientations of the modal planes of each set, since possible to associate each trace with the original set, by considering its
194 G. Gigli, N. Casagli / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 187–198
trend and plunge (which are related to the pitch of the line on the
reference plane). This approach is similar to the one adopted by
Kemeny et al. [55].
The intersection lines between the fitting plane of the rock face
and each discontinuity set plane are hence computed. If the angle
between one of these intersections and the discontinuity traces is
lower than a fixed threshold, the trace is assigned to the
correspondent set.
In order to evaluate the joint frequency and spacing, virtual
scanlines are drawn on the slope fitting plane, and apparent
frequency and RQD [56] are calculated for each of them. It is
possible to trace many scanlines, with different pitches on the rock
face plane, in order to enhance the directional characteristic of
these parameters.
Based on the scanline and discontinuity sets orientations, and
on the coordinates of intersection points between discontinuity
traces and the virtual scanlines, true spacing and associated
frequency and mean persistence are then assessed for each set.
Finally, as described for the 3D version, block dimensions are
evaluated using the correlation proposed by Palmstrom [42,43].
The 2D approach is suitable for analyzing rock masses with
sharply distinct discontinuity sets and it could lead to misleading
results when applied to rock masses with irregular block structure,
or if important random discontinuities occur, in fact, the 2D
association process of a trace to a discontinuity set is not
unambiguous, since the same polyline can be attributed to more
than one sets.
Although this is a weak point of the proposed approach, mainly
considering photogrammetric methods, the 2D approach has been
conceived as an integration to the 3D version.
Both versions of the method have been applied for the geome-
chanical characterization of a man-made rock face near Florence
(Fig. 12).
The abandoned quarry of Maiano is about 50 m high, and was
one of the most important areas of extraction of a feldspathic
greywacke, called Pietra Serena, belonging to the Monte Modino
Sandstones [57]. This stone is one of the main materials employed
in Florentine architecture from the 12th century, especially for
decorative purposes [58].
The choice of this area is supported by the availability of
traditional geomechanical survey data, by the presence of both
planar and rugged surfaces in the lower and upper part of the
eastern sector of the quarry, respectively (Fig. 13), and by the
irregular block shapes within the rock mass, in order to apply
the proposed methodology to a non-ideal real case, for enhancing
its main advantages and disadvantages.
A detailed point cloud of the rock face has been obtained from a
laser scanning survey. A long range 3D laser scanner (RIEGL
LMSZ410-i) has been employed, based on the time of flight
detection technique. This device is capable of determining the
position of up to 12,000 points/s, with a maximum angular Fig. 13. True colored high resolution point cloud from laser scanning survey. The
resolution of 0.0081 and an accuracy of 710 mm, from a maximum blue and red rectangles are the areas of application of the 3D and 2D approaches,
distance of 800 m. It is worth stressing that the accuracy specifica- respectively. The extent of the image is approximately 25 40 meters.
tions given for devices, which are built in small series (like laser
scanners) may vary from instrument to instrument, and is often high resolution digital images have been taken. A true colored high
determined under controlled laboratory conditions [59]. resolution point cloud of the rock face is shown in Fig. 13.
In order to completely cover the rock face, two surveys from A standard geomechanical survey has been performed, by
different scan positions have been performed. The resulting point applying the scanline method at the base of the rock wall. All
clouds have been linked to a global reference system with the aid of the relevant parameters required to make a detailed description of
reference points, the coordinates of which were defined by using a the discontinuity system in the rock mass have been recorded on a
GPS device. A total of more than 3 million points and associated specific form.
G. Gigli, N. Casagli / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 48 (2011) 187–198 195
Fig. 14. (a) Stereoplot of discontinuities from traditional geomechanical survey; (b) semi-automatically extracted clusters from the high resolution point cloud; (c) field data,
after Terzaghi correction; (d) numerical data, after inverse Terzaghi correction (see text).
bias introduced in favor of those features, which are perpendicular to The geometrical properties of discontinuities retrieved with
the line of sight of the laser scanner, has been applied (Fig. 14d) the 3D approach are reported in Table 1 and compared with
those derived with standard scanline surveys performed in
1 the field.
o¼ ð6Þ
9cos y9 Joint roughness has been defined for the largest discontinuity
surface of each set, according to the method described in the
where y is the angle between the scan direction and the normal to the previous section.
rock face. The diagram of Fig. 16 (left) reports the roughness angle vs. the
By inspecting Fig. 14c and d, we can notice a good agreement reference dimension, to enhance the scale effect. The stereoplot
between the set orientations measured in the field and the ones (Fig. 16, right) illustrates the pole scattering for the three surfaces,
extracted semi-automatically. There is, in fact, a difference of about considering a 0.1 m reference cube.
151 in dip direction of set 2 (Jn2). Regarding the 2D analysis (Fig. 17), discontinuity traces (yellow
Fig. 14b shows a strong influence on the cluster concentration by lines) and virtual scanlines (blue lines) have been drawn on the best
the mean slope direction of the artificial slope. This contribution can fitting plane of the quarry face in the lower sector of Fig. 13 (red
be partially filtered by applying the Terzaghi correction (Fig. 14d). area). The resulting geometrical properties of discontinuities are
After the extraction of the clusters (blue points in Fig. 15a), all reported in Table 1.
valid points have been merged to obtain discontinuity sets It is worth stressing that the 2D approach does not allow to
(Fig. 15b) and discontinuity surfaces (Fig. 15c). extract information on the number of sets and discontinuity
Fig. 15d represents the bounding polygons of the identified orientation and roughness.
discontinuities. The estimation of the true spacing (X in Table 1) with both
It is worth stressing that, despite the small extension of versions (2D and 3D) of the method is in good agreement with the
discontinuities, their high roughness, and the irregular block results from the field survey.
shapes of the rock mass, the obtained results are very promising. Some differences however occur in connection with the persis-
They cannot be compared to an ideal case, where a regularly tence (L rows in Table 1); this could be explained by the practical
blocked rock mass occurs (Fig. 6). By observing Fig. 15b we can difficulties in measuring the length of discontinuities in the field
notice, for example, the accurate detection of the bedding plane set (since joint terminations are often difficult or impossible to reach);
(red areas), which is characterized by very narrow (centimetric) as a result discontinuity persistence is often roughly estimated
and long (metric) discontinuity planes. rather than measured in the field.
Fig. 15. DiAna 3D analysis results: (a) valid clusters (blue points) with 0.1 m reference dimension; (b) discontinuity set detection (green: Jn1; blue: Jn2; red: BG);
(c) discontinuity plane detection; (d) representation of discontinuity boundary polygons.
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Fig. 16. Roughness estimation for the widest surface of each discontinuity set. Left: reference cube dimensions vs roughness angle diagram; right: Stereoplot of poles for a
reference cube with 0.1 m dimension. Green: Jn1; blue: Jn2; red: BG.
Fig. 17. DiAna2D analysis. Discontinuity traces (yellow lines) and virtual scanlines (blue lines) on textured surface. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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