Submitted By-
Name Roll No. Seat No. Enrollment No.
Vedant Palai 107 248792 24212840027
Micro Project Plan
3.System Architecture
4.Components used
7.Future Scope
This project focuses on using Microsoft Excel to design and manage a
student marksheet table for tracking academic performance. The
objective is to demonstrate how Excel's powerful features, including
data entry, formulas, and formatting, can be used to efficiently create a
marksheet that records and processes student marks across various
subjects. The project walks through the steps of designing a table that
includes student names, roll numbers, subject names, individual subject
marks, and total marks. Key features explored in the project include the
use of Excel functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, and IF to calculate total
scores, average marks, and generate automatic grade classifications
based on predefined criteria. The project also highlights how
conditional formatting can be applied to visually emphasize top
performers or highlight areas for improvement. Furthermore, it
demonstrates the use of data validation to prevent incorrect data entry
and ensure consistency in the marksheet. The project also discusses
how Excel's sorting and filtering features can be used to organize and
analyze student data, providing insights into academic performance
trends. By the end of the project, users will be able to create a dynamic
and functional student marksheet in Excel that streamlines the process
of tracking and evaluating student performance.
In educational institutions, managing student performance data is a
critical task that requires accuracy, efficiency, and organization. A
student marksheet serves as a key document for recording academic
achievements across multiple subjects, making it essential for
educators, administrators, and students alike. Traditionally, marksheets
were created manually, which could be time-consuming and prone to
errors. However, with the advent of spreadsheet software like
Microsoft Excel, the process of creating and managing marksheets has
become significantly more streamlined and automated. This project
aims to demonstrate how Microsoft Excel can be used to create an
effective and dynamic student marksheet table. Excel's powerful tools,
such as formulas, functions, data validation, and conditional formatting,
enable users to easily calculate total marks, generate grade
classifications, and visualize performance trends. By designing an
automated system for tracking student marks, this project seeks to
enhance the efficiency of grading and reporting processes, reducing the
possibility of errors and improving data management. The marksheet
developed in this project will allow for better organization of student
data, enabling teachers to easily input, update, and analyze student
performance. Moreover, the use of Excel's data manipulation features
will help identify areas for improvement, providing valuable insights
into both individual and class-wide academic progress.
|System Architecture|
1. Data Input Layer: This layer involves entering student data such as
names, roll numbers, and subject marks into the Excel sheet. It also
includes data validation to ensure correct data entry.
4. Storage and Access Layer: This layer stores the Excel file and
ensures it is easily accessible for future use. Data can be saved
locally or in cloud storage for backup and recovery.
Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer or open Excel online through OneDrive or Google Sheets.
In the first few rows, enter student names, roll numbers, and marks for each subject under the appropriate
columns. Each row represents a different student.
Example: o Column A: Student Name o Column B: Roll Number Columns C, D, E, etc.: Marks for each
5. Create Formulas:
Total Marks Calculation: In the "Total Marks" column, use the SUM function to add up the marks for each
student. Example: =SUM (C2:E2) (If marks for subjects are in columns C, D, and E for the first student).
Average Marks Calculation: Use the AVERAGE function in the "Average Marks" column to calculate the
average score. o Example: =AVERAGE(C2:E2)
Grade Calculation: Use the IF function to assign a grade based on total marks or average marks. Example:
=IF (F2>=90,"A", IF (F2>=80,"B", IF (F2>=70,"C","D"))) (where F2 is the total or average marks).
Adjust column widths, format numbers as necessary (e.g., set the marks to show only integers), and make
sure the marksheet is readable.
Add borders and shading to enhance the appearance.
Save your Excel workbook locally or upload it to the cloud (e.g., OneDrive) for easy access and sharing.
Microsoft Excel:
|Future Scope|
The future scope of the student marksheet management system in Excel is
promising, with numerous opportunities for enhancement and integration. Key
advancements could include: