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JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia




N. Manurung*1, M. R. M. Tarigan2, R.Saputra3

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Institute of Network Learning Technology, National Central University, Taiwan

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i3.42696

Accepted: May 10th, 2023. Approved: September 29th, 2023. Published: September 30th, 2023


This study aims to determine the significant effect of rare plant exploration activities in Taman Eden 100 Lum-
ban Julu on students’ Science Process Skills (SPS) levels for deepening Biology learning material. The research
method used was quasi-experimental with a significance level of α = 0.05. The data analysis technique used the
group average effect test. The results showed that the result of the normality test on the pretest Lo < Ltable was
0.1826 < 0.190 and on the posttest Lo < Ltable was 0.1707 < 0.190, and the homogeneity test results obtained
Fcount < Ftable = 1.83 < 2.12. Hypothesis testing calculations obtained tcount > ttable = 25.50 > 1.72. This
study concludes that the level of students’ SPS by doing exploration has a significant influence. This can also
be seen from the results of calculating the final increase (gain) score, where the gain value for each indicator is
classified as medium and high. This shows that the science process skills possessed by students have increased.
© 2023 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: exploration; Garden of Eden; rare plants; science process skills

INTRODUCTION ties so that students can build their understan-

ding of facts and concepts from learning material
A lecturer must be able to manage learning (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020; Kervinen et al.,
and facilitate students with the concept of Stu- 2020; Amprazis et al., 2021; Fernández-Gonzá-
dent-Centered Learning (SCL) (Zuraidah et al., lez & Franco-Mariscal, 2021; Santos-Pastor et
2015; Bustami et al., 2018; Sabah & Du, 2018; al., 2022). One of the Biology learning activities
Tholibon et al., 2022). SCL-based learning can be in the environment can be carrying out plant ex-
realized if the lecturer implements a Participato- ploration activities, for example, exploring rare
ry, Active, Innovative, Environmental, Creative, plants (Amprazis et al., 2021; Echeverria et al.,
Effective, and Fun (PAILKEM) approach (Chen, 2021; Fernández-González & Franco-Mariscal,
2019). One of the recommendations from PAIL- 2021; Skalstad & Munkebye, 2022). As a result
KEM is learning by utilizing the ’environment’ as of exploration activities, students will be able to
a learning resource that can develop and deepen compile descriptions and carry out exploration of
learning content or materials. rare plants, followed by identifying characteris-
The learning process in teaching science, tics, interpreting, applying concepts, and then
especially Biology, should provide space and op- grouping/classifying plants, and this is closely
portunities for students to make observations in related to the level of students’ Science Process
the natural environment through relevant activi- Skills (SPS) (Frame et al., 2015; Ibda, 2019).
*Correspondence Address Haryanto & Arty (2019) explain that learning
E-mail: [email protected] in nature is contextual learning to provide a real
356 N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

picture of the object of study to be studied. In biology materials. Therefore, the novelty of this
addition, learning-based natural resources pro- research lies in a comprehensive approach that
vide positive nuances for changing the learning combines specific locations, developing student
paradigm from textual to contextual (Durakoglu, skills, and deepening learning materials.
2014; Ensiyawatin et al., 2021). Learning is not This research aims to study the characteris-
only done in the classroom using print and elec- tics of rare plants through exploration in the na-
tronic media but also through nature-based ob- tural forest environment to broaden knowledge,
servational learning (Klentien & Kamnungwut, train, and improve various skills in conducting
2015; Ma et al., 2018; De Smet et al., 2023). This predictions where the data obtained will add in-
approach encourages students to understand the put for conservation so that these plants do not
scientific method and scientific attitudes better. become extinct so that they can be studied again
Exploratory learning is an alternative stra- by other generations to come.
tegy that can be applied to improve the quality
of the science learning process (Andrini, 2016; METHODS
Valaei et al., 2017). Following the philosophy of
constructivism, exploratory learning emphasizes The method used in this study was quasi-
the use of the natural environment around stu- experimental. The research design used in this stu-
dents’ lives, both the physical, social, and cultural dy was The Matching Only Posttest Only Control
environment as science learning objects that al- Group Design (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). The
low students to build (construct) concepts based steps in this research were: Before going to the
on their observations (Erdogan, 2016; Rachma- Taman Eden 100 forest, a pretest was carried out
tullah & Ha, 2018; Falloon, 2019; Darling-Ham- to measure the level of students’ science process
mond et al., 2020; Wasino et al., 2020; Fernán- skills. Then, when they entered the Taman Eden
dez-González & Franco-Mariscal, 2021). 100 forest, students carried out an exploration by
Taman Eden 100 is located in Lumban following the mapped paths. Exploration activi-
Rang Sionggang Utara Village, Lumbar Julu ties for rare plants followed the lecturer’s direction
District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra in observing, identifying, classifying, predicting,
Province. Taman Eden 100 is one of the tourism and interpreting the plants found. After comple-
object forests that has potential and requires plan- ting the exploration activities, it was continued
ning that can provide an overview of matters re- with a posttest on the level of students’ science
lating to its management in the future. For this process skills in the class. This was to determine
reason, it is necessary to study and research the the effect of exploratory activities on the level of
existing potentials. Taman Eden forest has very students’ science process skills.
high biodiversity, so the Taman Eden 100 forests The instrument used to collect data on
are used to become a natural plant conservation the level of students’ science process skills was
area. However, according to information from the the test (pretest and test), observation sheets, and
management of Taman Eden 100 Tobasa, several questionnaires. The average values of the pretest
plant species no longer live in this area, including and posttest were calculated, then the data nor-
Sumatran Vanda orchids, Sumatran orchids Co- mality test was carried out.
rybas, which is a state-protected or rare orchid. The observation sheet consisted of 26 sta-
At the research location, there are step tements compiled based on SPS indicators. Stu-
plants that have the potential to provide new in- dent observation sheet filled with the mark check-
sights about biodiversity, especially in that area. list on the weighted item, the observer assessed
This study also focuses on the effect of explorati- the value, namely the researcher. SPS students
on on students’ science process skills. This shows can be known through the weight of the value in
that this study will analyze how exploring rare the observation sheet. The questionnaire instru-
plants can affect students’ science process skills, ment consisted of 30 questions. Instrument vali-
such as observation, experimentation, data ana- dation was done by consulting directly with the
lysis, and understanding of scientific concepts. experts regarding language, material suitability,
This research offers the concept of enrichment and content structure through expert tests.
in biology learning. This approach aims to dig Data normality testing used the Lilieforce
deeper into biology learning material by integra- test formula. Furthermore, the homogeneity test
ting aspects of the exploration of rare plants. This was carried out with the Barlett test. To determi-
research tries to bridge the knowledge gap about ne whether there is a significant influence from
the impact of rare plant exploration on students’ the implementation of rare plant exploration on
science process skills in the context of deepening the level of students’ science process skills, the
N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

group average effect test was conducted with a Research results can be used as a source of
significance level of α = 0.05. learning biology. However, it is necessary to meet
the requirements, namely clarity on the potential
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION availability of objects and issues raised, suitabi-
lity with learning objectives, material objectives,
Based on data calculations on the pretest and their designation, information to be disclo-
before carrying out the exploration, the highest sed, guidelines for exploration and acquisition to
student score is 40.00 for 1 person, and the lowest be achieved so that the results of plant explorati-
score is 10.00 for 1 person, with an average score on research which is carried out in Taman Eden
of pretest (x̅) 23.19 and SD = 7.22. From the pre- 100 Lumban Julu can be used as a source of stu-
test score, students who completed according to dent learning. The data obtained is not part of
the SPS scoring indicator were 0 students (0%), the teaching material product but is the result of
and those who did not complete were 21 students exploration in the field, which will later be used
(100%). as a deepening of the material for students, na-
mely how a student can observe, classify, inter-
pret, predict, ask questions, hypothesize, plan,
prepare tools and materials, apply concepts, and
communicate obtained from the field (Asy’ari et
al., 2019).
In this study, the researcher describes the
level of students’ SPS through field exploration
activities at Taman Eden 100 Lumban Julu. The
researcher uses basic SPS indicators, which in-
clude observing, classifying, interpreting, predic-
ting, asking questions, hypothesizing, planning,
preparing tools and materials, applying concepts,
and communicating. After obtaining the average
value and SD from the pretest and posttest, it is
Figure 1. The Pretest Value of Students continued to calculate the Gain value from the
SPS instrument item indicators. The calculation
Based on the calculation of the data in the results can be seen in Table 1 below.
posttest after carrying out the exploration, the
highest score is 83.33 for 1 person, the lowest sco- Table 1. Gain Value Data
re is 46.66 for 2 people, and the posttest average No. Question Indicator Gain Value
score is obtained (x̅) 65.33 and SD = 9.80. From 1. Observe/Observation 0.40
the posttest score, students who completed accor-
2. Group/Classification 0.50
ding to the SPS scoring indicators were 16 people
(76.1%), and those who did not complete were 5 3. Interpret/Interpretation 0.75
people (23.8%). 4. Foresee/Predict 0.59
5. Asking question 0.58
6. Hypothesize 0.40
7. Plan Experiments 0.41
8. Use Tools/Materials 0.70
9. Apply Concepts 0.29
10. Communicate 0.43

Based on Table 1 above, from the Gain

calculation results, the final score increases. The
Gain value on the observing indicator (Observati-
on) is 0.40 (moderate), and the Observation sheet
value is 95%. This is because observing requires
Figure 2. The Posttest Value of Students sensitivity from the student’s five senses during
358 N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

exploration activities. The sensitivity of the five Gain value of the applying the concept indicator
senses of students is different. Furthermore, Sah- is 0.29 (low), and the score from the observation
naz et al. (2018) reveal that there are several ac- sheet is 80%. This is because students are still less
tivities included in observing skills, such as using able to implement the concepts they learn with
the senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing, and the problems they face.
taste when observing the characteristics of an ob- The Gain value of the communicating in-
ject, as well as using relevant and adequate facts dicator is 0.43 (moderate), and the value from the
from the observations. observation sheet is 95%. Students can explain
The Gain value on the grouping indicator the results of observations and describe empirical
(classification) is 0.50 (moderate), and the va- data from observations. This is in line with the
lue from the observation sheet is 70%, meaning ability of students to ask questions, present data
that students are quite capable of recognizing in the form of pictures, graphics, or other things
rare plant species based on the characteristics that require good communication skills, and un-
given but still need further understanding based derstand each other’s situations and conditions at
on IUCN, CITES categories. The Gain value the right moment in conveying data.
on the interpret indicator (interpretation) is 0.75 Overall, from the results of the SPS indi-
(high), and the value of the observation sheet is cator score, the research results from the explora-
73.30%. The high level of this category indica- tion of rare plants in Taman Eden 100 Lumban
tes that students can organize and analyze, select Julu show that there is a significant influence in
findings, relate them to what is known, and then increasing students’ science process skills, name-
interpret them. The Gain value on the predicting ly observing, classifying, interpreting, predicting,
indicator is 0.59 (moderate), and the value from asking questions, hypothesizing, planning expe-
the observation sheet is 92.5%. Students can pre- riments, using tools and materials, and commu-
dict the conditions by looking at the number and nicate learning outcomes (communication), and
condition of environmental factors found in plant have no significant effect on improving students’
habitats (Sittaro et al., 2023). Students must be science process skills on the indicator of applying
able to predict the state of future plants (Cooper concepts.
et al., 2014). The Gain value of the asking questi- Furthermore, from the results of the nor-
ons indicator is 0.58 (enough), and the score from mality test in the pretest with a significance level
the observation sheet is 92.50%. This shows that of α = 0.05 with the number of students (N) 21
students can answer and provide explanations with Ltable = 0.190 is, for the pretest Lo<Ltable na-
when facing a problem. This is due to the ability mely 0.1826 <0.190 so that it is stated that the
to compose sentences in good communication. pretest value data is normally distributed as well
The Gain value on the hypothesizing indi- as the normality test results in the posttest ob-
cator is 0.40 (medium), and the value from the tained Lo<Ltable namely 0.1707 <0.190 showing
observation sheet is 65.00%. Students need to be that the data is normally distributed.
able to connect hypotheses with problems that The results of the homogeneity test data
occur or with plants found in the forest. This is show that the pretest variance (S²) = 52.26 and
relevant to students’ ability to predict, which is the posttest variance (S²) = 96.13 the Fcount= 1.83
also in the moderate category. Mutammimah et and Ftable= 2,12 points Fcount< Ftable= 1.83 < 2.12
al. (2019) reveal that the skill of making a hypot- so that it can be stated that the data presented has
hesis is the skill of making a reasonable estimate the same or homogeneous variance. The results
to explain a particular event or observation. The of the calculation of the hypothesis test that has
Gain value for the planning experiment indicator been done obtained tcount = 25,50 and ttable= 1.72
is 0.41 (moderate), and the score from the obser- so that it can be stated that exploration activities
vation sheet is 80%. Students are quite capable of have a significant effect on students’ science pro-
planning experiments and know how to arrange cess skills for deepening Biology learning ma-
steps for observation activities according to the terial. This can also be seen from the results of
scope to be worked on. The Gain value of the calculating the final increase score (Gain), where
using tools and materials indicator is 0.70 (mode- the Gain values for each indicator are classified
rate), and the value from the observation sheet is as medium and high. This shows that students’s
80%. Students already know how to use tools and science process skills have increased.
materials according to their designation when The final Gain value is still relatively low,
making observations and classifying plants (Fer- namely on the applying the concept indicator, na-
nández-González & Franco-Mariscal, 2021). The mely only obtaining a gain value of 0.29, which is
N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

in the low category. Some of the things that cause students if they can use the concepts they have
this indicator not to be achieved are that students learned in new situations or apply these concepts
still find it difficult to relate what is learned in to new experiences to explain what is happening.
class to the reality on the ground (Lodge et al., After that, the researcher presents the re-
2018; Coman et al., 2020). According to Bol- sults of the GAIN data on science process skills
kan & Goodboy (2019) and Lukas et al. (2023), in graphical form. The results of the GAIN cal-
the skills of applying concepts are mastered by culation can be seen in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3. Science Process Skill Gain Calculation Results

Based on Figure 3 above, it can be exp- (posttest), 0.4 (Gain). Material tool is 4 (pretest),
lained that from the Gain calculation results ob- 16 (posttest), 0.7 (Gain). Draft is 0.33 (pretest),
tained from the tests, the final score increases. 6.33 (posttest), 0.29 (Gain) and Communication
The Gain value on the observation indicator is is 2 (pretest), 7 (posttest), 0.43 (Gain). After the
10.66 (pretest), 15 (posttest), 0.4 (Gain). Classifi- exploration activities were completed, an output
cation is 8 (pretest), 15.66 (posttest), 0.5 (Gain). was produced as material for deepening Biology
Interpretation is 6 (pretest), 17.33 (posttest), 0.75 learning materials, namely “Description of En-
(Gain). Prediction is 4.6 (pretest), 15 (posttest), dangered Plant Species”. The description of rare
0.69 (Gain). Question is 5 (pretest), 14.33 plants found in the Taman Eden 100 forest can be
(posttest), 0.58 (Gain). Hypothesis is 5 (pretest), seen in Table 2 below.
17 (posttest), 0.75 (Gain). Test is 1 (pretest), 9.33

Table 2. Some Rare Plant Species are Found in the Agrotourism Forest of Taman Eden 100 Tobasa
No Indonesia Name Scientific Name Family
1 Nepenthes Nepenthes tobaica Danser Nepenthaceae
2 Nepenthes Nepenthes ampullaria Jack Nepenthaceae

3 King’s wood Compassia excelsa (Becc.) Taub. Leguminosae

4 Damar Agathis dammara (Lamb.) Rich. Araucariaceae
5 Edelweiss Anaphalis longifolia (Blume) Blume ex DC. Asteraceae

6 Shoe Orchid Paphiopedilum tone (Rchb.f) Stein. Orchidaceae

7 Jewel Orchid Macodes petola (Blume) Lindl. Orchidaceae
8 Sugarcane Orchid Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume Orchidaceae
9 Harp Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) Merr. Meliaceae
10 Red Palms Cyrtostachys lakka Becc. Arecaceae
360 N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

a. Nepenthes tobaica Danser. Nepenthes to- as a substitute for coconut leaves in making ketu-
baica or tobaica semar sacs have a variety of co- pat. In Sumatra, this food is called “godah cake”
lors and shapes of the pouches that make Nepent- (Hernawati et al., 2022). Nepenthes ampullaria
hes a unique beauty (Victoriano, 2021; Mansur with IUCN conservation status 2.3: Vulnerable
et al., 2022; Tarigan et al., 2023). Ecologically, (VU; Vulnerable).
these nectar pockets function as traps for insects, c. Kompassia excelsa (Becc.) Taub. Koom-
some reptiles, and other small animals (Mansur passia excelsa or Tualang is also called King’s
et al., 2021; Tarigan et al., 2021). Nepenthes tobaica Wood, Menggeris, or Sialang. It has a stem that
is a plant endemic to Sumatra and can be found can reach a height of more than 80 meters; the
around Lake Toba (Nainggolan et al., 2020). It bark is gray. It has alternate and odd compound
has an oval bottom pouch, has two eye spots on pinnate leaves. The leaves are pinnate with alter-
the upper wall, the mouth of the pouch is oval, nating leaflets. It has long leaflets of 2-5 cm and
and the bottom cover of the pouch is slightly a width of 1–2 cm with 10-30 leaflets with long
round. The bag is 20-25 cm long, greenish yellow. thin pods. The Tualang tree is favored by forest
Climbing stems can reach 20 m, round, faceted, honey bees, so it can produce forest honey and is
or winged, with a 0.4-0.5 cm diameter. The roots classified as a state-protected plant. The roots are
are stilt-shaped. The leaves are lanceolate in sha- planks or have spreading buttress roots. It has a
pe with a length of 8-10 cm and a width of 1.5-2 double leaf compound, plagiotropic, oblong leaf
cm, with modified leaf tips in the form of tendrils shape, tapering, alternating leaf arrangement, op-
and a pouch (ascidium) resembling a cup with an posite leaflets, spreading buttresses with irregular
orbicular lid. The bones are generally parallel and flowers, and an upper corolla inside. The height
curved, sitting scattered, alternate, and attached can reach 30 m or even more. Koompassia excelsa
to the half-hugging stem. The rosette (lower pit- with IUCN conservation status: Least Concern
cher) in the pitcher has hairy wings but not in the (LC; Low Risk).
upper pitcher. The shape and color composition d. Agathis dammara (Lamb.) Rich. Agathis
of the two types of pitcher are much different, se- dammara or damar is a plant native to Indonesia
parate from male and female flowers (dioecious). with stems that can grow up to 55 m and 3.5 m
Fruit capsule shape (fusiform), locus, has many in diameter. Damar has cylindrical and straight
seeds. Nepenthes tobaica with IUCN conservation stems, green leaves with pinnate spines, lancet
status: Least Concern (LC; Low Risk). leaf shape, short petioles, leaf length 10-14 cm,
b. Nepenthes ampullaria Jack. Nepenthes and 3-4 cm wide. The leaves are placed opposite.
ampullaria has a shrub or climbing habit, young The leaf surface is rather thick, the edges are flat,
plants with rosette leaves, the position of the lea- and the tips of the leaves are pointed. It is slightly
ves that propagate alternately (spirals), the shape reddish when it is still young (Adam et al., 2017;
of the blade leaves, green pouches with red spots, Adalina & Sawitri, 2020). The resin bark is rather
and oval-shaped tapering at the base (Schwallier soft and gray, usually peeling off into flakes. The
et al., 2017; Nunn, 2018; Gilbert et al., 2022; Ta- branch structure is horizontal and ascends when
rigan et al., 2023). Nepenthes ampullaria or semar larger. Agathis dammara with IUCN conservation
ampularia has climbing stems that can grow up status: Vulnerable (VU; Vulnerable).
to 15 m. Rosette-shaped pouches are produced at e. Anaphalis longifolia (Blume). Anaphalis
the tips of leaves with tendrils not more than 15 longofolia is known as the “Eternal Flower” or
cm long. The lower pouch is small, at most 10 cm “Edelweiss”. Anaphalis longifolia in North Sumat-
in length and 7 cm in height. The top pocket is ra grows in critical areas so that its survival rate
rarely produced, usually smaller than the bottom becomes threatened (Oo, 2021). Besides having
bag. Pouch colors vary from plain green to dark an ecological role, Edelweiss also has high attrac-
red and many other combinations. The leaves are tiveness. The flowers are beautiful and can bloom
green with a length of 25 cm and a width of 6 for a long time, so they are called eternal flowers.
cm. The surface of the leaves is usually covered This is one of the reasons for the continued decli-
with a powdery brownish color, and the shoots ne in the Edelweiss population in nature. Anapha-
grow fine brown hairs, which are more numero- lis longifolia has a single root with fibers on the
us when the plant is in a cold habitat. Another root branches. The leaves are linear (length equal
uniqueness that other Nepenthes do not have is to ten times wider), pointed, have white hairs
the ability to produce “pocket groups”, namely like wool, leaves 9.00-10.00 cm long and 0.50
a group of leafless pouches that grow on upright cm wide. When fresh, Edelweiss leaves are light
stems or the ground. Nepenthes ampullaria is used gray-green due to the presence of wool-like hairs
N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

covering the leaves, and when dry, the color be- fleshy. The upright part measures 6–10 cm and is
comes dark because of the degraded mesophyll. 9-11 mm thick. Flowers on orchid gems are com-
Edelweiss has flowers that develop on a flat, gol- pound and located at the end (terminal), upright,
den base. The anthers form a tube that gathers to- dense with many up to nearly 20 flowers and a
gether in one container. Anaphalis longifolia Blume long inflorescence stalk of 14.10-15.30 cm. The
ex Blume DC is a plant belonging to the genus inflorescence stalk is cylindrical and covered with
Anaphalis and the family Asteraceae. This plant hairs. The petals are oval, the pointed tip is whi-
can be found as a bush with many branches and tish green, and the flowers are reddish brown and
can reach 4.00-8.00 m in height. Edelweiss stems hairy on the upper surface. The flower crown is
are covered with rough and fissured bark, which narrower than the petals and paler in color than
can store water. Edelweiss branches support gray- the petals. The lip of the flower is white and pale
ish leaves. Anaphalis sp with IUCN conservation brown at the base. Macodes petola conservation
status: Endangered (EN; Endangered or Threa- status IUCN is Endangered (EN; Endangered or
tened). Threatened).
f. Paphiopedilum tonsum (Rchb.f) Stein. h. Grammatophyllus speciosum Blume.
Paphiopedilum tonsum is classified as a sandal or- Grammatophyllus speciosum or Sugar Cane Orchid
chid. This orchid has green leaves, the top with is the largest orchid, can weigh more than 1 ton,
light green spots. Number of leaves 4-6, length 18- and has panicles up to 3 meters long with a pa-
30 cm, width 3.5-4.3 cm, elliptical shape, pointed nicle diameter of about 1.5-2 cm. Each panicle
and serrated tip. The green pedestal leaves have can have dozens, even up to a hundred flowers,
reddish trichomes. Single flower at the end of the each about 10 cm in diameter. The inflorescence
inflorescence stalk 15-30 cm long, rough tricho- stalk is 200-250 cm long and 1.5-2 cm in diame-
mes, dense, purplish red. Flowers 8.5-9.5 cm in ter. Flowers come out of the base of the stem,
diameter, flower stalks and ovaries 5.5-9.5 cm, yellow with brown spots or blackish red. Gram-
green with elongated grooves and purplish-red matophyllum speciosum has a cylindrical stem
trichomes. Central round ovoid petals wide, ob- that is long and covered with leaf sheaths. When
tuse, 3-3.7 cm long, 3.2-4.3 cm wide, the edges the leaves fall, a yellowish stem resembling sugar
are not trichomed, the middle is smooth short cane appears, stem length 150-160 cm, diameter
trichomes, the edges are yellowish white, and the 3.5-4.8 cm. The uniqueness and rarity of this
center is yellowish white green, shiny. The crown largest and heaviest orchid plant make Gramma-
extends sideways, almost straight, ribbon-shaped, tophyllus speciosum one of the protected orchids in
4.5-5.5 cm long, and 1.3-2 cm wide, and has short Indonesia. Grammatophyllus speciosum has been
trichomes, greenish with reddish-brown spots to- included in CITES Appendix II since 2005. Con-
wards the base, towards the tip, brown and shiny. servation status IUCN Least Concern (LC) Low
It has sac-shaped lips, 4.3-5.2 cm long and 2.4-3 Risk
cm wide, light orange with a red tint with light i. Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) More.
brown spots on the side lobes. The top of the Sandoricum koetjape is also known as Sentul or
monument is curved, 0.8-1.1 cm long and 0.8-1 Kepalat. Erect woody stems, gummy, and bran-
cm wide, and has short trichomes, pale green and ching from the base can grow to 30 m. It has
brown. Hartini (2019) explains that Paphiopedi- many branches and twigs with a 70-90 cm stem
lum tonsum is only found in Sumatra, an endemic diameter. It has compound leaves, oval, alterna-
plant. Paphiopedilum tonsum with IUCN conser- te, 12-20 cm stalk length, flat edge, tapered tip,
vation status: Endangered (EN; Endangered or pinnate bone, smooth surface, shiny, round stalk
Threatened). green. Panicle-shaped compound interest, hair in
g. Macodes petola (Blume). Lindl. mMaco- the axillary leaves, hanging, 12-26 cm long, short
des petola or gem orchid has a single egg-shaped, pistil stalk 4-5 cm, white, long crown 6-8 cm,
dark green color with a smooth and shiny surfa- greenish yellow. The fruit is round, slightly sweet
ce, totaling 5-7 strands. The arrangement of the and sour, has hair with a 5-6 cm diameter, and is
leaf bones spreads. The main ones are thin veins yellow. The outer flesh is red with a rather hard
with golden-yellow stripes and curved leaves. The and thick texture, and the white inside is slightly
number of main leaf veins is 5-7, with short veins watery. The seeds are round and brown (Lela et
resembling nets. The underside of the leaves is al., 2019). Sandoricum koetjape in IUCN data is
pale green with a leaf blade length of 3.5-7 cm. also known as Melia koetjape or Sandoricum vi-
The width of the leaf blade is 2.5-4.9 cm and 0.5 dalii, with the conservation status of IUCN Least
mm thick with petiole length 3-4.1 cm. Macodes Concern (LC; Low Risk) since 2017.
petola has a cylindrical stem, dropping then rising,
362 N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

j. Cyrtostachys varnish Becc. Cyrtostachys leaves. The leaf sheaths are red. The arrangement
varnish or red palm has bright red petals under of the leaf blades is pinnate. Flowering grows on
its leaves. Red palm is often also referred to as the stem nodes at the bottom of the frond canopy.
areca lipstick. As a result of being traded as an Male and female flowers consist of 3 petals and
ornamental plant, the red palm is a rare plant out an oval crown. The fruit is oval, dark brown to
of 14 protected palm species. Red palms grow in black, with a size of 0.8 cm x 0.5 cm, and has a
clumps to a height of 5-15 m. It has a round, rat- single seed. Cyrtostachys lakka with conservation
her slender stem with bright green leaves up to 1.5 status is IUCN Least Concern (LC; Low Risk).
m long, slightly curved-finned with slightly stiff




Figure 4. Plant Species Found in the Garden of Eden 100 Lumban Julu, Indonesia: A. N. tobaica; B.
N. ampullaria; C. Kompassia excelsa (Becc.); D. Agathis dammara (Lamb.); E. Anaphalis longifolia (Blume);
F. Paphiopedilum tonsum (Rchb.f); G. Macodes petola (Blume); H. Grammatophyllus speciosum Blume; I.
Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.); J. Cyrtostachys varnish Becc

CONCLUSION more, from the results of the normality test on

the pretest Lo<Ltable, namely 0.1826<0.190, and
Based on the analysis results obtained from the posttest at Lo<Ltable, namely 0.1707<0.190
the pretest and posttest, students have obtained a and the homogeneity test results obtained Fcount<
final increase score, which is quite good. Further- Ftable= 1.83 < 2.12. The calculation of hypothesis
N. Manurung, M. R. M. Tarigan, R.Saputra / JPII 12 (3) (2023) 355-365

testing obtained tcount > ttable= 25.50 > 1.72. Based Cooper, M., Messina, C. D., Podlich, D., Totir, L. R.,
on the results of these calculations, the level of Baumgarten, A., Hausmann, N. J., Wright, D.,
students’ science process skills by conducting & Graham, G. (2014). Predicting the future of
exploration has a significant influence. This can plant breeding: Complementing empirical eval-
uation with genetic prediction. Crop and Pasture
also be seen from the results of calculating the
Science, 65(4), 311–336.
final increase score (gain), where the gain values Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C.,
for each indicator are classified as medium and Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2020). Implications
high. This indicates that the science process skills for educational practice of the science of learn-
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ence, 24(2), 97–140.
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