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Introduction to auditing

An audit is a systematic process of gathering evidences about assertion

to ascertain the degree of correspondence between the assertion and
established criteria

Information and records

Generally accepted displayed in subject
accounting frameworks, matter
Thus, follows the established internal control.
Philippine Standards on
Auditing (PSA)

Key concept of audit services:

 Systematic process
Composed with logical order, series of steps, and procedures

 It involves objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence about

Audit evidence is an information obtained by the auditor used to
conclude an audit opinion. Additionally, when searching for evidence
the auditor must observe the principle of objectivity. Meaning an
obligation imposed to ALL CPAs not to compromise their professional
judgement because of bias, conflict of interest, or undue influence of

 It ascertains the degree of correspondence between assertion and

suitable criteria
Auditor must use criteria against the assertion of the responsible
party to meet the objective of audit.

 Includes communication of the results to the users

After obtaining evidence, the auditor must establish a report his
conclusion to the interested users. Failure to communicate will
render the audit engagement useless.
Types of audit as to nature of assertion
1. Financial Statement Audit
Pertaining to gathering of evidence on assertion of FS of the entity
to see if it is fairly presented and in accordance to GAAP

2. Operation Audit (management audit or performance audit)

A review of the organization’s activities to see if it is on
accordance of the primary objective of the management: assessing
performance and opportunities

3. Compliance Audit
A review of organization activities if it is in accordance of law

Type of audit as to auditor

1. External auditor
An independent CPA on contractual basis. Outside of entity

2. Internal auditor
A dependent accountant with independent appraisal function to
evaluate internal activities. Thus, can only do operation and compliance
audit due to its dependent status

To establish independence, they are required to be independent from the

difference operating unit they audited. In addition, they shall also report
to the audit committee, any equivalent supervisory board, or BOD.

3. Government auditor
A public agent with sole purpose to analyze public entities (GOCCs)

Additional notes:
Both FS and compliance audit rely on established criteria (formal) while
operation audit rely on self-developed criteria (less formal)

FS statements and compliance audit have external users as intended

users while operation audit have internal users.
Financial Statement audit
A common audit service up to this day, rendered by CPAs. It
involves examination of financial statement to see if it is in accordance
to a specified criterion

 Accounting standards generally accepted din Philippines,

 Accounting standard generally accepted internationally, IFRS
 Other authoritative and comprehensive financial reporting
framework, PFRS SMEs, PFRS small entities.

Ordinarily prepared and presented annually and are directly towards to

the needs of wide range of users. Thus, FS need to be prepared in
accordance of:
 Another authoritative accounting framework

Objectives of FS audit:
1. To obtain reasonable assurance to subject matter from being free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, in order for
decision making of intended users and in accordance of applicable
accounting framework

2. To report financial statements and communicate the findings of

auditor as required by PSA

General principle of FS audit

Theoretical Framework of FS audit
This conceptual structure for auditing financial statement is to provide
aid to have favorable result. Conditions that should exist whenever
financial audit is conducted: (VIC BPI)

 All financial data are Verifiable through existence of


 Auditor must always have Independence (3 party relationship rule)

 No long-term Conflict between auditor and management should


 Audit Benefits the Public

 Effective Internal control

Element of Financial statement audit is the same with elements of

Assurance engagement
To issue a warrant for unmodified opinion, the auditor shall conclude
that there is no:
1. Material limitation on the scope of auditor
There is a material limitation when the auditor is unable to gather
sufficient appropriate evidence (Qualified or disclaimer of opinion)

2. Material disagreement with management

In regards to accounting policies selected, method of their application,
adequacy of financial statement disclosures. ( Qualified or adverse)
Assurance provided by Auditor
An auditor’s opinion intends to enhance the degree of confidence to the
intended users by providing reasonable assurance, not absolute

Taken as a whole, auditor can only conduct up to reasonable assurance

of the financial statements free from material misstatement, whether
due to fraud or error. The following reason: (SIEPA)

 Use of Selective sampling

PSA does not require to examine all data for practical reason. Such
reason is the time consumption and cost constraints.

 Inherent limitation to Internal control

Despite the effectivity, internal controls cannot fully guarantee
the validity and accuracy (control risk) due to some inherent limitation

 Cost benefit consideration

 Management override
 Human errors

 Most audit Evidence are persuasive than conclusive

 Auditor’s opinion is Permeated by judgement

an inherent limitation of auditor’s judgement since there is a
possibility of committing mistake due to fatigue, carelessness,
misinterpretation of facts, and other human weaknesses.

 Nature/characteristic of Assertion (inherent risk)

In some cases, it is best to rely on the information provided by the
management. However, the risk of integrity issue of the client will have
the auditor left with unreliable information

Due to limitation stated above, audit engagement is subject to audit

risk. (in introduction of assurance, the term used is assurance
engagement risk)
Demand for FS Audit
all external users demand for high quality and reliable information. This
help them to make educated financial decision that will assist them for
business and information risk

Information Risk is a risk that information prepared and asserted contains


Business risk is an event or activity that will prevent entity from achieving its business
objective and profit maximization. The more significant this risk, the more likely for the
business to fail.

Due to information risk, users are skeptical of the information

presented by the management. The following are the things to do for
users to reduce the said risk:
1. Information is verified
Users directly verify the supporting documents held by the entity.
However, the common problem encounters by users are:
a) Users are separate from entity’s record by distance and time
b) Users do not possess the necessary skill to verify such documents
c) Most often, users cannot directly access the company records

2. Financial statement audited

Users rely on independent auditors output. This solves the problem of
users do not possess the necessary skill and competence

3. Information risk is shared with the management

In the event of users incur a loss due to incorrect decision based on
inaccurate information, users may ask for reimbursement from the
Regulatory requirements

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