3. Compliance Audit
A review of organization activities if it is in accordance of law
2. Internal auditor
A dependent accountant with independent appraisal function to
evaluate internal activities. Thus, can only do operation and compliance
audit due to its dependent status
3. Government auditor
A public agent with sole purpose to analyze public entities (GOCCs)
Additional notes:
Both FS and compliance audit rely on established criteria (formal) while
operation audit rely on self-developed criteria (less formal)
Objectives of FS audit:
1. To obtain reasonable assurance to subject matter from being free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, in order for
decision making of intended users and in accordance of applicable
accounting framework
Business risk is an event or activity that will prevent entity from achieving its business
objective and profit maximization. The more significant this risk, the more likely for the
business to fail.