3 Future form
3 Future form
3 Future form
II 6 I~ Listen and repeat. Then act out.
Can you get me some spinach and Stop complaining and hurry upl The
broccoli from the supermarket? supermarket will close in half an hour.
decided to do this.) buy me some tea?
things we are not sure Present Simple Present Continuous
about or haven't (future meaning) (future meaning)
.~; decided·to do yet
timetables / fixed arra'1gements in the
She'll probably pass the programmes near future
test. (not sure yet)
The plane reaches Sally is seeing her dentist
London at 9:45 pm. tomorrow afternoon. (Sally
has already made an
I appointment.)
- I
o Future Forms
Shall is used:
with I/we in questions, suggestions, offers or when asking for advice.
;Shall we play tennis? What shall I do?
Will is used:
to express offers, threats, promises, predictions, warnings, requests, hopes, fears,
on-the-spot decisions, comments (mainly with: think, expect, believe, I'm sure, hope,
know, suppose and probably). I hope he'll be on time.
Mum: Anna! 1) ... .WilI .... you please stop making so much noise? I 2) ........... never finish what I'm
doing if you aren 't quiet.
Anna: But Mum, what 3) .......... I do? If I don't practise, I 4) .....•.•.. pass my violin exam tomorrow.
Mum : And I 5) ........... be in trouble at work if I don 't finish this report.
Anna: 6) ........... I go to Jessica's house then? She's taking the exam as well and we can practise
Mum: That's a great idea. Call me when you 've finished and I 7) ........... come and pick you up.
2 Complete the sentences using will or be going to. Then identify if the situation is a
prediction based on what we think or an intention.
They .... ~re. gtjing ;~Q .... 2 I think you .••............. 3 He ...................... .
play tennis . be a great pianist one day. send a letter to his friend Ben.
. . . . . . . . int(;n.t jon ....... .
Future Forms e
3 Match the sentences (1-11) with the correct description (a-k).
~ Look out! That dog is going to bite you. a fixed arrangement in the near future
ru I'll be flying to Morocco this time tomorrow. b action which will be finished before a
stated future time
@}] She is worried that he'll be' angry.
rn By 11 o'clock she'll have been waiting for five hours.
c timetable
d fear about the future
rn The London train arrives at 4:45 pm. e evidence that something will definitely
rn I'm seeing my bank manager this morning . happen in the near future
f future intention
[2IJ When I'm older, I'm going to learn to drive.
rn I think I'll make some tea. Do you want some?
g action in progress at a stated future time
h emphasis on the duration of an action up
[I[J He'll have finished by tomorrow afternoon. to a certain time in the future
(!Q[] Will you be going into town today? on-the-spot decision
j polite enquiry about people's arrangements
@[] I think Anna will become a great artist one day. k prediction
4 Fill in the correct future form, then identify the speech situations.
. . . . . . . . . .Qif.e.r: ......... . 2 3
4 5 6
e Future Forms
6 ' Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.
"You 1) ......... :/j . IJ1¢:~.t( •.•.•.••. (meet) Agent 205 under the clock at the Leicester Square Station . When she
2) ........................... (arrive) , she 3) ........................... (have) an envelope to give you. Before
she 4) ...............•....... (give) it to you, she 5) ...........•....•...... . (ask) you for the secret code. The
secret code is "Jaguar". Take the envelope and go into the station. When the train 6) .................... (come) ,
get on it and go to Waterloo Station. As soon as you 7) ...................... (reach) Waterloo, take a taxi to
the Opera House. By the time you 8) ....................... (get) there, Jenny 9) ........................• (be)
there. Give her the envelope. Wait until she 10) .................................. (drive) off and then go home.
We 11) ........................... (call) you there. If you 12) ........................... (think) someone is
following you at any time, stop and go home. We 13) .................•.••.•..•. (contact) you. Do you have
any questions?"
8 Put the verbs in brackets into the present Simple, the present continuous or the
future simple.
HI! My name Is Nuno and I tn Portuguese. Uke every teen, I enjoy spending time wtth my
friends. Unfortunately, my parents 1) ••••• •dalJ:t; .tbiok. ..... Cnot/tHnk) I tn old enough to
stay out late at night. They say that I 2) •.••••••...•.••••.. , (be able to) when I am older.
In Portugal, chllcren my age 3) ........................ (watch) a lot of sports,
especially football. My favourite football player Is Cristiano Ronaldo. At present, he
4) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• (play) for Real tv1adrld and Is also the captain of the Portuguese
national team. Apart from watching sports, I listen to rap music. My favourite Singer Is Kayne
West. He 5) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... (come) to Portugal this summer. I'm so excited!
At the moment, In school I 6) ..................•........ (1ry) to get good grades. After I ftnlsh high school, I
hope I 7) •••••••••••••••••••••••• (go) to university. But like most teenagers, I ),Jst want to have tun for now!
Future Forms 0
9 Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with the verbs from the list in the present
continuous, the future simple (wi/I), the present simple or be going to form.
5 Sam and Jane ..................... into their new house next week.
6 My plane . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... in half an hour.
~ '-':".'
~,.- r,' •
7 Ttfe music is too loud ; I ....................... the volume. ~ ,.~ ,. e.
10 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous or the
future simple.
Jack: 1) ....... hr~.YQ!J. cornjt;1{3. ....... (you/come) to the concert on Saturday?
Peter: No, I 2) ••...•••....................... (be) in London then.
Jack: Really? Why 3) ............................... (you/go) there?
Peter: I 4) ....•.......................... (visit) my sister. It's her birthday at the weekend and we
5) .....•................................ (go shopping) for a present.
Jack: 6) .......................... (you/give) me a ring before you 7) ........................ (leave)?
There are a few things I'd like you to buy me while you 8) ...................... (be) there.
Peter: Sure. No problem. I 9) .............................. (call) you on Friday.
e Future Forms
11 Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.
By 7:00 pm they ............... wJU . fJ~ye. bum .pltiyi.n.(J . .............. (play) cricket for eight hours.
2 I ............................................ (finish) painting your room by the time you get home.
3 By the end of next month , I ................................ (live) in London for exactly three years.
4 Tom ................................................ (write) his th ird novel by the end of th is year.
5 By the time he arrives in London , John ....................................... (drive) for five hours.
6 This film .•.......•....•........................•............... (probably/not/finish) until eleven .
12 I Complete the sentences (1-6) about what Megan will be dOing next week / will
have done before her parents get back from their holiday. Use the verbs below in
the future continuous or the future perfect.
watch clean water cook do
13 What will you be doing: this time tomorrow, at 8:00 pm next Friday, at 4 o'clock
this afternoon?
What will you have done: by the age of 30? by the end of the week? before you
go to bed tonight? Write sentences. Read them to the class.
This time tomorrow, I'll be playing basketball.
14 Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous, the future perfect, the
present continuous or the present simple.
A: I'm going on holiday with Emma in June. I'm so happy!
B: ................... Will Y.QI.,J . Q~.ve. fil']if?~~~. ................... (you/finish) your exams by then?
2 A: .................................................................... (go) to the school dance?
B: No, because my family ................................... ~........... (move) to Newport by the
end of the school year.
3 A: My sister .............................................................. (fly) to Paris tomorrow.
B: What time ....•...•.......................................................•.•.... (she/leave)?
4 A: ...................................... (you/use) the phone much longer? I need to make a call .
B: I' m sorry but this is really important. Give me another ten minutes.
5 A: I ...........•......•................................ (leave) the library by 6 o'clock at the latest.
B: Great! The film ...............•...... (start) at 7:00 pm. You will have plenty of time to get there.
Future Forms e
15 Fill in the correct present or future forms.
Dear Veena,
11) •• • f? •• to tell you about the exciting plans I have for when you 2) ••••••• me in New York
City! As soon as I 3) •••• : •• you up from the airport, I'll take you to my flat. 4) •••• : •• you settle
in, we are going to dinner at the famous Rainbow Room in Rockefeller Center. It has a great view
of the city. The next day we 5) ••••••• famous sites all day like the Empire State Building and the
Statue of Liberty. There 6) ••••••• plenty of time to take a walk through Central Park and visit
Times Square as well. In the evening we 7) ••••••• Mamma Mia at the Broadway
Theatre. Don't worry, 8) ••••••• you leave, you will have the chance to go shopping
on Fifth Avenue at some of the best shops in the world. I promise you, by the time
you leave, you 9) ••••••• the best of New York. Let me know if you 10) •••••••
anything. I can't wait to see you!
e Future Forms
17 What might you say in the following situations? Complete the sentences using an
appropriate future tense as in the example:
While you 're watching the news, the weather forecaster predicts rain.
"It .'f7 .@(JilJt;J. t(J. r<?io ....••••....•..•••....•..••.••..••.•..•....••.•.•....••.....•...•...•.••.... ."
2 Your friend says she feels cold. "I ...••....•....•..................................•............ ."
3 Your teacher asks you when you will finish her essay. "I ......................................... ."
4 You 're catching the 3:30 bus to York. "My bus .................................................. ."
5 You 've arranged to have dinner with your cousin Sandra tomorrow evening.
"Sandra and I .................................•............................................... ."
6 Y6ur friend asks you about your holiday plans.
"This time next month, I .•....................•.....••.•..•.......•....•...••............•...... ."
7 You're going to the stadium but you 're running late and you 're afraid you will miss the start of the concert.
"By the time I get there, ........................................................................ ."
8 Your friend asks you how long you 've been studying in London.
"By next September, .................... ........................ ..............•............... ."
Column A Column B
[!]I] What time will you be leaving for the airport? A Don't. I'll be seeing him in class later.
[ID Shall we go for a meal later? B I'll make you a sandwich .
C As soon as the taxi arrives.
[ill Have you finished your project, Sam? D No, but I will have completed it by dinner time.
[I[J I'll call Bill to tell him about the party. E Not yet. I will have heard by the end of the
[ill I'm really hungry. week, though .
[ID Have you heard any news about the job? F I can 't. I'm going to work late tonight.
Tense Review
Future Forms e
20 Read the letter. Choose the correct form of the words in capitals and fill in the
Dear Louisa,
It was great to get your letter! I'm sorry it 1) .. M~. t~.k:t<I1 ... me so long to reply TAKE
but I've just got back from my holidays. Next Saturday, I 2) •...•.••...•.••...•...•.. HAVE
a party for my birthday. I hope you 3) .•.........•................ ! COME
Last year, 14) ................................ at my house and everyone really CELEBRATE
5) ........••...••.••..•.....••.. themselves. This year, I'd like to arrange a party at ENJOY
the new bowling alley. It 6) .......................•.... tomorrow, so I'll find out if it's OPEN
possible then . I like the idea of going there because there are so many things we can
do. I 7) ............................ you know how it goes. LET
Talk to you soon,
Speaking Activity
(talking about future plans)
In pairs, ask and answer questions about your plans for next weekend.
Think about:
• place to go • how to get there • things to do
• people to go with • place to stay
A: Are you doing anything next weekend?
B: Yes, I'm visiting a friend in Manchester, etc.
Write an email to your friend about your plans for next weekend.
Dear Tony,
How are you? I'm really excited! Next weekend, I'm visiting a friend in Manchester. ...••...