أهمية استخدام مقاييس الأداء غير المالية لزيادة فعالية دور المحاسبة الإدارية في ظل بيئة التصنيع الحديثة - رسالة ماجستير

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The Importance of using Non-financial Pcrformance Measures to Enhance

Role of Management Accounting in Modern Industrial Environment

Field Study on Saudi Industrial Firms in Jeddah

Faculty of Economics & Administration
Accounting Department

The Importance of using Non-financial Performance Measures to Enhance

Role of Management Accounting in Modern Industrial Environment

Field Study on Saudi Industrial Firms in Jeddah

Prepared By
Ghadah Mansour Ghouth

Problem of research is to study efficiency of non-financial performance

measures at Saudi industrial firms in Jeddah in order to enhance of management
accounting regarding performance assessment and to identify the importance of
these non-financial measures for erformance evaluation besides the conventional
financial performance measures. n order to achieve the efficiency in performance
evaluation, integration must take place between financial and non-financial
performance measures.
The research aims at highlighting importance of using modem models of
performance measures and their usefulness to enhance the role of management
accounting in performance evaluation. The main objective is divided into the
following sub-objectives :
1- To show not inefficiency of the conventional financial perfo~mance
measures in the light of recent changes,
2- To identify the most im ortant modem models of performance which
implies the importance o integration between these models and financial
performance measures for performance evaluation in modem industrial
environment and the new-coming challenges.
3- Managerial uses of financial and non-financial measures for the purpose of
performance evaluation at Saudi industrial firms have been introduced.
4- The importance of using non-financial performance measures to enhance
management accounting function in Saudi industrial firms is also covered.
In order to achieve the main objective of this research, a field-study was
conducted on Saudi industrial firms in Jeddah. Data were collected thorough
questionnaires and telephone calls with a number of officials in that firms. Then,
testing data took place through use of a set of statistical methods such as
frequency, probable mean and using Lakert's five-point scale in order to test the
following- hypotheses:

1- Conventional financial performance measures used in Saudi industrial

firms are not inefficiency for use in modem industrial environment.
2- Saudi industrial firms must use new non-financial performance measures
- with conventional financial performance measures.

enhance the function o f management accounting in the fie d of

performance evaluation for Saudi industrial firms.
3- Use of both measures of erfonnance (financial and non-financial will

The research included six chapters; the first chapter (Introduction)

discussed the main framework of this research. Second chapter discussed
conventional financial erformance measures in the modem industrial
environment. The third c apter discussed non-financial performance measures
which are appropriate to the modem industrial environment. The fourth chapter
discussed the role of non-financial performance measures in enhancement of
function the modem management accounting. The fifth chapter included the field
study which has been conducted on Saudi industrial firms in Jeddah. The sixth
chapter included study, results and recommendations. among the most important
results, this research discovered not inefficiency of usingconventional financ!al
performance measures for perfomlance evaluation in modern industrial
environment. Also, it was found that firms need non-financial measures and the
efficient fbnction of management accounting in the field of performance
evaluation will not be realized without the integration of financial and non-
financial performance evaluations.
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I T .................. Throughput Accounting j&y\ ~ j & tU l :4jL

I T ........................Throughput Rate Model j4;yl 3 ~ -cj+ -I
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\ T h ................................ Operating Expenses J+Sl4 K



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