LECTURE 1 Introduction
LECTURE 1 Introduction
LECTURE 1 Introduction
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1. Introduction
3. Transistors
i. Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
ii. Field Effect Transistors (FET)
4. Operational Amplifiers
• An analog circuit can be one which has •A digital circuit can be one which
linear components in it. Hence it is a has non-linear components in it.
linear circuit. Hence it is a non-linear circuit.
• An alarm gives a signal that it’s time.
• A Signal can be understood as "a
representation that gives some • A cooker whistle confirms that the food is
information about the data present at the cooked.
source from which it is produced." • A red light signals some danger.
• A traffic signal indicates your move.
• This is usually time varying. Hence, a • A phone rings signaling a call for you.
signal can be a source of energy which
transmits some information. This can
easily be represented on a graph. ➢ Signal produced from an electronic
equipment, is called as Electronic
Signal or Electrical Signal
Electronic systems
➢Analog versus digital signals
Information-bearing signals can be either analog or digital.
Figure 1.2
After noise is added, the original amplitudes of a digital signal can be determined. This is not true for an
analog signal.
Difference between Analog and Digital Signals
Analog Components and Circuitry
Analog components are the most basic type of components while the digital components
are widely used in today’s devices.
Both the branches are independently significant in their own way so we are enlisting certain
cases when the analog components and circuitry would be ideal.
• Filtering Signals: While dealing with a continuous signal, a continuous analog filter is
needed to remove all possible frequency content that you don’t want. As compared to a
digital filter, it is much easier to use as well as costs less.
• High Power: Although digital measurement and control may be useful for high
power systems, a digital signal switching from 0 to 400V may not be efficient
enough. The continuous nature of power delivery in the AC and DC systems
require analog components as these are more durable and characterized.
• Before A/D and After D/A: In order to switch between continuous and discrete
data, hybrid systems need both Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog
converters, but as per the Nyquist’s Theorem, the sampling frequency must be
at least twice the frequency of the highest frequency component contained in
the signal. So, in order to fulfill the theorem, any signal inadvertently included
in the original signal can be filtered so as to remove noise after sampling.
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
➢Basic Concepts
• Charge
✓Is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists .
✓It is measured in coulombs (C).
✓In 1 C of charge, there are 1/(1.602 × 10−19) = 6.24 × 1018 electrons.
✓Therefore 1 electron has the charge of 1.602 × 10−19 coulombs.
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Continue…..
• Current
✓Is the time rate of change of
✓It is measured in amperes (A).
✓Two common types of current:
direct current (dc) and
alternating current (ac)
✓A direct current (dc) is a current
that remains constant with time.
✓An alternating current (ac) is a
current that varies sinusoidally
with time.
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Continue…..
• Voltage
✓Is the energy required to move a unit charge
through an element
✓It is measured in volts (V).
• Power
✓Is the time rate of expending
or absorbing energy
✓It is measured in watts (W).
• Energy
✓Is the capacity to do work.
✓It is measure in joules (J)
Passive devices/ components
Passive Components
• Passive components dissipate,
absorb or store and maintain energy
in the form of voltage or current.
➢Passive Components
• Resistors
✓Control the flow of electric current
✓They are of two types: fixed resistors and variable
• Series and parallel connection for RLC
Resistors contin….
For the value of resistors less than 10 Ω, two special colours are used for
the 3rd band
- Gold which means x 0.1 or silver which means x 0.01
- The 1st and 2nd bands represents digits as normal
- When selecting a resistor; resistor value and power rating should
be highly considered.
✓Unpolarized capacitors
- They are of small values less or equal to 1 µF
- They have high voltage ratings of at least 50 V.
✓Real capacitor values: 10, 15, 22, 33,
• Series and parallel connection for 47, 68, 100, 150, 220, 330, 470, 680,
capacitor connections. 1000, …
Determine the value of a capacitor with a color
code yellow, violet, orange, white and red.
The value of yellow is 4, violet is 7, orange is 3
which represents multiplier. White is ±10 which
is the tolerance value. Red represents the
• Series and parallel connection for Inductor circuits .
• Measuring devices .
• Circuit Theorems
• Superposition Theorem
• Thevenin’s Theorem
• Norton’s Theorem
Active components
➢Diodes ➢Transistor