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053100 Steel Decking

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SECTION 05 31 00


This section specifies material and services required for installation of steel decking as shown and
A. Materials testing and inspection during construction: Section 01 45 29, TESTING LABORATORY
B. Finish Painting: Section 09 91 00, PAINTING.
A. Design steel decking in accordance with AISI publication, "Specification for the Design of
Cold-formed Steel Structural Members" except as otherwise shown or specified.
B. Design all elements with the latest published version of applicable codes.
A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND
B. Shop Drawings: Shop and erection drawings showing decking unit layout, connections to
supporting members, and similar information necessary for completing installation as shown and
specified, including supplementary framing, sump pans, ridge and valley plates, cant strips, cut
openings, special jointing or other accessories. Show welding, side lap, closure, deck reinforcing
and closure reinforcing details. Show openings required for work of other trades, including
openings not shown on structural drawings. Indicate where temporary shoring is required to satisfy
design criteria.
C. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: Showing steel decking section properties and specifying
structural characteristics.
D. Certification: For each type and gauge of metal deck supporting concrete slab or fill, furnish
certification of the specified fire ratings. Certify that the units supplied are U.L. listed as a “Steel
Floor and Form Unit”.

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 1
E. Insurance Certification: Assist the Government in preparation and submittal of roof installation
acceptance certification as may be necessary in connection with fire and extended coverage
A. Underwriters’ Label: Provide metal floor deck units listed in Underwriters’ Laboratories “Fire
Resistance Directory”, with each deck unit bearing the UL label and marking for specific system
B. FM Listing: Provide metal roof deck units which have been evaluated by Factory Mutual Global
and are listed in “Factory Mutual Research Approval Guide” for “Class 1” fire rated construction.
A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to extent referenced. Publications are
referenced in text by basic designation only.
B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
A36/A36M-08 ............................. Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
ASTM A1008/A1008M-12........... Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon,
Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with
Improved Formability, Solution Hardened, and Bake Hardenable.
A653/A653M-11 ......................... Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized)
or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process
C423-09a .................................... Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound
Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method
C. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC):
360-10 ........................................ Specification for Structural Steel Buildings.
D. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI):
S100-07 ...................................... North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members, 2007 Edition with Supplement 2.aisc
E. American Welding Society (AWS):
D1.3-08 ....................................... Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel
F. Factory Mutual (FM Global):
1. Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-28: Wind Loads to Roof Systems and Roof Deck Securement

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 2
2. Factory Mutual Research Approval Guide (2002)
G. Military Specifications (Mil. Spec.)
MIL-P-21035B ............................ Paint, High Zinc Dust Content, Galvanizing Repair
A. Steel Decking: ASTM A653, Structural Quality or ASTM A1008, Grade C or D.
B. Galvanizing: ASTM A653, G90 G60.
C. Galvanizing Repair Paint: Mil. Spec. MIL-P-21035B.
D. Primer for Shop Painted Sheets: Manufacturer's standard primer (2 coats). When finish painting of
steel decking is specified in Section 09 91 00, PAINTING primer coating shall be compatible with
specified finish painting.
E. Miscellaneous Steel Shapes: ASTM A36.
F. Welding Electrode: E60XX minimum.
G. Sheet Metal Accessories: ASTM A653, galvanized, unless noted otherwise. Provide accessories of
every kind required to complete the installation of metal decking in the system shown. Finish sheet
metal items to match deck including, but not limited to, the following items:
1. Metal Cover Plates: For end-abutting deck units, to close gaps at changes in deck direction,
columns, walls and openings. Same quality as deck units but not less than 1.3 mm (18 gauge)
sheet steel.
2. Continuous Sheet Metal Edging: At openings, concrete slab edges and roof deck edges.
Same quality as deck units but not less than 1.3 mm (18 gauge) steel. Side and end closures
supporting concrete and their attachment to supporting steel shall be designed by the
manufacturer to safely support the wet weight of concrete and construction loads. The
deflection of cantilever closures shall be limited to 3 mm (1/8 inch) maximum.
3. Metal Closure Strips: For openings between decking and other construction, of not less than
1.3 mm (18 gauge) sheet steel of the same quality as the deck units. Form to the configuration
required to provide tight-fitting closures at open ends of flutes and sides of decking.
4. Ridge and Valley Plates: Provide 1.3 mm (18 gauge), minimum 100 mm (4 inch) wide ridge
and valley plates where roof slope exceeds 40 mm per meter (1/2 inch per foot).

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 3
5. Cant Strips: Provide bent metal 45 degree leg cant strips where indicated on the Drawings.
Fabricate cant strips from 1 mm (20 gauge) metal with a minimum 125 mm (5 inch) face width.
6. Seat Angles for Deck: Provide where a beam does not frame into a column.
7. Sump Pans for Roof Drains: Fabricated from single piece of minimum 1.9 mm (14 gauge)
galvanized sheet steel with level bottoms and sloping sides to direct water flow to drain, unless
otherwise shown. Provide sump pans of adequate size to receive roof drains and with bearing
flanges not less than 75 mm (3 inches) wide. Recess pans not less than 38 mm (1 1/2 inches)
below roof deck surface, unless otherwise shown or required by deck configuration. Holes for
drains will be cut in the field.
8. Acoustic Sound Barrier Closures: Manufacturer’s standard mineral fiber closures.
A. Provide steel decking of the type, depth, gauge, and section properties as shown.
B. Metal Form Deck – Type 1: Single pan fluted units utilized as a permanent form for reinforced
concrete slabs. Comply with the depth and gauge requirements as shown on the Contract
1. Finish: Galvanized G-60.
2. Finish: Phosphatized, painted.
C. Metal Form Deck – Type 2: Corrugated deck units used as a permanent form for reinforced
concrete slabs. Comply with the depth and minimum gauge requirements as shown on the
Contract Documents.
1. Finish: Finish painted.
2. Finish: Uncoated.
3. Finish: Galvanized.
D. Metal Roof Deck: Single pan fluted units with flat horizontal top surfaces utilized to act as a
permanent support for all superimposed loads. Comply with the depth and minimum gage
requirements as shown on the Contract Documents.
1. Wide Rib (Type B) deck.
2. Intermediate Rib (Type F) deck.
3. Narrow Rib (Type A) deck.
4. Deep Rib (Type N) deck.

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 4
5. Finish: Galvanized G-60.
6. Finish: Galvanized G-90.
7. Finish: Prime painted. Apply finished coat of paint to underside of deck after installation. Color
as selected by Architect.
E. Acoustic Metal Roof Deck Units: Single-pan fluted units with perforated vertical webs, metal
thickness, depth and width as indicated. Provide mineral fiber acoustical insulation strips of profile
to fit void space between vertical ribs, with a system Noise Reduction Coefficient of 0.90. Submit
test results per ASTM C423 certifying acoustical performance.
F. Do not use steel deck for hanging supports for any type or kind of building components including
suspended ceilings, electrical light fixtures, plumbing, heating, or air conditioning pipes or ducts or
electrical conduits.
G. Steel decking units used for interstitial levels shall include an integral system.
1. System to provide a simple point of attachment for light duty hanger devices.
2. System to allow for flexibility for attaching hangers for support of suspended ceilings,
electrical, plumbing, heating, or air conditioning items, weight not to exceed 50 kg/m2 (10 psf).
3. System shall provide for a minimum spacing pattern of 300 mm (12 inches) on centers
longitudinally and 600 mm (24 inches) on centers transversely.
4. Maximum load suspended from any hanger is 23 kg (50 pounds).
5. System consisting of fold-down type hanger tabs or lip hanger is acceptable.
A. Do not start installation of metal decking until corresponding steel framework has been plumbed,
aligned and completed and until temporary shoring, where required, has been installed. Remove
any oil, dirt, paint, ice, water and rust from steel surfaces to which metal decking will be welded.
B. Coordinate and cooperate with structural steel erector in locating decking bundles to prevent
overloading of structural members.
C. Do not use floor deck units for storage or working platforms until permanently secured. Do not
overload deck units once placed. Replace any deck units that become damaged after erection and
prior to casting concrete at no cost to the Government.

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 5
D. Provide steel decking in sufficient lengths to extend over 3 or more spans, except for interstitial
E. Place steel decking units at right angles to supporting members. End laps of sheets of roof deck
shall be a minimum of 50 mm (2 inches) and shall occur over supports.
F. Fastening Deck Units:
1. Fasten floor deck units to steel supporting members by not less than 16 mm (5/8 inch)
diameter puddle welds or elongated welds of equal strength, spaced not more than 305 mm
(12 inches) o.c. with a minimum of two welds per unit at each support. Where two units abut,
fasten each unit individually to the supporting steel framework.
2. Tack weld or use self-tapping No. 8 or larger machine screws at 915 mm (3 feet) o.c. for
fastening end closures. Only use welds to attach longitudinal end closures.
3. Weld side laps of adjacent floor deck units that span more than 1524 mm (5 feet). Fasten at
midspan or 915 mm (3 feet) o.c., whichever is smaller.
4. Fasten roof deck units to steel supporting members by not less than 16 mm (5/8 inch)
diameter puddle welds or elongated welds of equal strength, spaced not more than 305 mm
(12 inches) o.c. at every support, and at closer spacing where required for lateral force
resistance by diaphragm action. Attach split or partial panels to the structure in every valley. In
addition, secure deck to each supporting member in ribs where side laps occur. Power driven
fasteners may be used in lieu of welding for roof deck if strength equivalent to the welding
specified above is provided. Submit test data and design calculations verifying equivalent
design strength.
5. Mechanically fasten side laps of adjacent roof deck units with spans greater than 1524 mm (5
feet) between supports, at intervals not exceeding 915 mm (3 feet) o.c., or midspan, whichever
is closer, using self-tapping No. 8 or larger machine screws.
6. Provide any additional fastening necessary to comply with the requirements of Underwriters
Laboratories and/or Factory Mutual to achieve the required ratings.
7. Uplift Loading: Install and anchor roof deck units to resist gross uplift loading of 2.1 kPa (45
psf) at eave overhang and 1.4 kPa (30 psf) for other roof areas.
8. Weld end laps of corrugated form deck units in valley of side lap and at middle of sheet
(maximum spacing of welds is 380 mm (15 inches).

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 6
9. Weld corrugated deck to intermediate supports in an X pattern. Weld in valley of side laps on
every other support and in the valley of the center corrugation on the remaining supports
(maximum spacing of welds is 760 mm (30 inches)).
G. Cutting and Fitting:
1. Cut all metal deck units to proper length in the shop prior to shipping.
2. Field cutting by the metal deck erector is restricted to bevel cuts, notching to fit around
columns and similar items, and cutting openings that are located and dimensioned on the
Structural Drawings.
3. Other penetrations shown on the approved metal deck shop drawings but not shown on the
Structural Drawings are to be located, cut and reinforced by the trade requiring the opening.
4. Make all cuts neat and trim using a metal saw, drill or punchout device; cutting with torches is
expressly prohibited.
5. Do not make any cuts in the metal deck that are not shown on the approved metal deck
drawings. If an additional opening not shown on the approved shop drawings is required,
submit a sketch, to scale, locating the required new opening and any other openings and
supports in the immediate area. Do not cut the opening until the sketch has been reviewed
and accepted by the HDC Clerk of Work. Provide any additional reinforcing or framing
required for the opening at no cost to the Government. Failure to comply with these
requirements is cause for rejection of the work and removal and replacement of the affected
metal deck.
6. Reinforcement at Openings: Provide additional metal reinforcement and closure pieces as
required for strength, continuity of decking, and support of other work shown.
Welds shall be made only by welders and welding operators who have been previously qualified
by tests as prescribed in AWS D1.3.
1. Areas scarred during erection.
2. Welds to be thoroughly cleaned and touched-up. Touch-up paint for zinc-coated units shall be
zinc rich galvanizing repair paint. Touch-up paint for shop painted units of same type used for
shop painting.

05 31 00 STEEL DECKING 7

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