ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus V13 Brochure Web Version 4c076905b3
ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus V13 Brochure Web Version 4c076905b3
ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus V13 Brochure Web Version 4c076905b3
Retirement means different things to different people, while some want to take a trip around the
world, some want to pursue their hobbies or pursue a dream harnessed for years. Your
retirement years are your golden years and a well planned retirement can allow You to pursue
what You love the most without worrying about rising prices, increasing health care costs, higher
life expectancy etc. There should not be any hindrance for enjoying Your current lifestyle, even
after You retire.
Financial independence comes from regular steady source of income which will enable You to
enjoy Your dream retirement life.
Introducing ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus, a non-linked, non-participating, general annuity
plan, that provides you various annuity options providing guaranteed income for life and helps
You and Your family lead a worry-free retirement life.
Retirement planning made easier: You can opt to invest today to build
a guaranteed lifetime income stream for tomorrow. With the deferred
annuity option, You have the choice to plan early for Your retirement and
lock annuity rates at present for a guaranteed life-long payment.
Option to increase your annuity: You can increase your annuity through
Top-up option.
Product Specifications
1. NPS corpus
2. ABSLI Pension product
Age of the Annuitant(s) 3. Pension product from any other Insurer
at Entry (age as on last 4. Superannuation schemes or other schemes, where compulsory
purchase of an annuity is required
Premium Payment
Term (PPT) Single Pay/ Limited Pay (5 – 10 Years)
Minimum Annuity ` 1,000 per month, ` 3,000 per quarter, ` 6,000 per half year and
Amount ` 12,000 per year.
Maximum Annuity
No Limit (subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy)
No Limit
Premium/Purchase Price
• In case of Joint Life, the Primary Annuitant will be the primary person entitled to receive the Annuity Payouts.
• Any person having ‘insurable interest’ in the life of Primary Annuitant can be the Secondary annuitant.
• Annuitants are said to have an ‘insurable interest’ in the other when they stand to gain or benefit from the
continued existence and well-being of the other, and would suffer a financial loss if there is an eventuality/casualty
to the other.
Step 1: Choose the Purchase Price/Premium that you wish to invest or choose the annuity
amount you wish to receive.
Step 2: Choose the Premium Payment Frequency - Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly or Monthly, if
Step 3: Choose Annuity Option as per your need.
Step 4: Choose annuity pay-out frequency –Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly or Monthly.
Step 5: Provide your details and the secondary annuitant details (if applicable depending on the
option chosen)
Annuity Options available are as mentioned below. Option once chosen at inception cannot be
changed thereafter.
1) Life Annuity
Yes Yes
(Level/Increasing at 3%/Increasing at 5%)
The plan offers benefits as mentioned below. For all options the Annuity is payable as per the
chosen Annuity payment frequency.
Under this option, Annuitant can choose to get level or increasing annuity, depending upon the
need. The annuity escalation rate, if opted, cannot be changed during the term of the Policy.
No Death Benefit is payable
(Annuity certain period – 5 years, 10 years, 15 years or 20 years)
For this option, the Annuitant has to choose the annuity certain period. This may be either 5
years, 10 years, 15 years or 20 years. annuity certain period cannot be changed during the term
of the policy.
On death of the Annuitant during the annuity certain period, the Annuity
shall continue to be paid to the nominee/legal heir till the end of the
annuity certain period.
On death of the Annuitant after the annuity certain period, the policy
terminates and no Death Benefit is payable.
Under this option, Annuitant can choose to get level or increasing annuity, depending upon the
need. The annuity escalation rate, if opted, cannot be changed during the term of the policy.
No Death Benefit is payable
Under this option, Annuitant can choose a percentage of Purchase Price. This may be either
100% or 75% or 50% of Purchase Price. ROP percentage cannot be changed during the term of
the policy.
Annuity is payable for as long as the Annuitant is alive
Survival On survival of the Annuitant on the policy anniversary falling after the
Benefit attained age of 80 years, a lump-sum amount equal to the Purchase
Price shall be payable to the Annuitant. The Annuity will continue even
after the return of Purchase Price till survival of the Annuitant.
On death of any one of the annuitant, 50% of the Purchase Price will be
paid in a lump-sum to the surviving annuitant. After the death of the
Death last surviving annuitant, remaining 50% of the Purchase Price will be
Benef it paid to nominee/legal heir in a lump sum.
Death Benefit of the last survivor shall be subject to a minimum of
Surrender Value applicable at the time of death of the last survivor.
Under this option, Annuitant has the Flexibility to delay Annuity pay-outs as per his/her financial
needs. At inception Annuitant need to choose the Deferment Period from 1 to 15 years for Single
Pay Policies and Deferment Period from Chosen PPT to 15 Years for Limited Pay Policies.
• For this Option Guaranteed Additions accrue to the policy at the end of every policy month
during the Deferment Period.
• Guaranteed Addition is 1/12 times the annual Annuity.
• No Guaranteed Additions are added to the policy after the Deferment Period.
• The Accrued Guaranteed Additions will be paid only on death of the Annuitant (last survivor in
case of Joint Life).
Annuity is payable after the end of Annuity is payable after the end of
Survival the Deferment Period, as long as the Deferment Period, as long as
Benefit the Annuitant is alive. either of the Primary or the
Secondary Annuitant is alive.
Paid-Up Benefits
Single Pay
Not Applicable
Limited Pay
The policy acquires Surrender Value upon payment of 1 full year
premiums from the date of inception of the policy.
Where the policy has not acquired Surrender Value and if the due
premium is not received till the expiry of the grace period, such policy
shall lapse and all benefits under the policy will cease immediately.
Once the policy has acquired Surrender Value and if the due premium
is not received till the expiry of the grace period, then such policy
shall continue on a Reduced Paid-Up (RPU) basis.
After the policy has become RPU, the following benefits shall be
payable under the policy:
The RPU Annuity shall be equal to the Annuity multiplied by the RPU
where the RPU Factor is the ratio of:
- The number of premium instalments paid to date; over
- The total number of premium instalments originally due for the
Premium Payment Term.
Under RPU, Accrued Guaranteed Additions shall not be reduced and
will remain attached to the Policy.
An RPU policy shall not be entitled to any future Guaranteed
Additions. Consequently, the Accrued Guaranteed Additions on the
date of the Policy becoming RPU shall be frozen and will not increase
(This option is available specifically for National Pension System (NPS) subscribers only)
Under this option, the annuity benefit would be payable in accordance with the regulations as
prescribed by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) from time to
time. Any change in the product due to changes in the regulations prescribed by PFRDA shall be
subject to prior IRDAI approval. As per prevailing regulations, the Annuity benefit will be
payable for life of the subscriber and his/her spouse (if any) as per the Annuity option “Life
Annuity with Return of Purchase Price” (Single Life/ Joint Life whichever applicable). The RoP
Percentage applicable for this option will be 100% of Purchase Price. On death of the Annuitant
(last surviving annuitant in case of Joint life), the Annuity payment would cease and refund of
the Purchase Price shall be utilized to purchase an Annuity afresh, at the then prevailing
Annuity rates for Annuity option “Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price” (Single Life/
Joint Life whichever applicable), for living dependent parents (if any) as per the order specified
a) Living dependent mother of the deceased subscriber
b) Living dependent father of the deceased subscriber
The Annuity would continue until all such family members in the order specified above are
covered. After the coverage of all such family members, the Purchase Price shall be returned
to the surviving children of the subscriber and in the absence of the children, the
nominee/legal heir of the subscriber, as may be applicable.
Under this option the policy can be surrendered by the Policyholder any time after the date of
commencement of the Policy. The Surrender Value payable will be the Special Surrender Value
(SSV). SSV shall be subject to a maximum of Death Benefit applicable at the time of surrender.
SSV will be determined by the company from time to time basis changing economic scenario.
The Company may revise the SSV factors based on the then prevailing market conditions. Any
change in the methodology/formula for calculating the SSV shall be subject to IRDAI approval.
Mr. Sharma purchases ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity Plus with the vesting proceeds received from
Option Chosen: NPS Family Income- Single Life
Frequency of Annuity
Age Purchase Price Family member’s details
Annuity Payment Amount
Dependent Mother, Age 81 years
61 years Annual ` 5,00,000 ` 33,341
and Dependent Father, Age 85 years
Annuity will be payable every year in arrears until the Annuitant is alive.
In case of death of Mr. Sharma after 5 policy years, the Purchase Price of Rs 5,00,000 shall be
used to purchase an Annuity under Option 5 - Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price, on
the dependent mother (if alive). Annuity will be payable as per the then prevailing annuity rate.
Subsequently on death of the dependent mother, the Purchase Price shall be used to purchase
an Annuity under Option 5 - Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price, on the dependent
father (if alive). Annuity will be payable as per the then prevailing annuity rate.
On the death of the last surviving parent, the Purchase Price of Rs. 5,00,000 shall be returned
to the surviving children of Mr. Sharma or to his nominee/legal heirs, as applicable.
Top-up Annuity
The Policyholder/Member shall have the option, during the term of the Policy, to increase the
Annuity by paying an additional Purchase Price called Top-Up Purchase Price.
i. This option can be chosen anytime while the Policy is in-force. The Top-up Annuity will be
effective immediately after the date of exercising the option.
ii. Once exercised, this option cannot be subsequently removed.
iii. Top-up Annuity is available for all the Annuity Options except for Annuity Option ‘Life
Annuity with Enhanced Annuity on Critical Illness/ Accidental Permanent Disability and with
Return of Purchase Price’.
iv. The eligibility criteria as applicable at Policy Inception shall be applicable for Top-up Annuity also.
v. The option and Annuity Payment Frequency for the Top-up Annuity will be as same as that
of the base Annuity.
vi. The Annuity amount paid from the Top-up premium will be dependent on the Age and Annuity
rate prevailing at the time of exercising the Top-up option.
vii. For Annuity Option ‘Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Premium’ -
• Top-up option will not be available post the end of the deferment period
• The Deferment Period of the Top-up Annuity will be the outstanding Deferment Period of
the Policy
• Guaranteed Additions will also apply on Top-up Annuity
viii. For options wherein Joint life is allowed, Top-up Annuity will be available only if both Primary
and Secondary Annuitant are alive
ix. Top-up Purchase Price will be considered for benefit payable on Survival, Death or Surrender
as applicable
x. Top-up option would not be available for QROPs and NPS customers
xi. Top-up Annuity option shall not be available after the product, ‘ABSLI Guaranteed Annuity
Plus’, is withdrawn
Policy Loan
Policyholder/Member can avail loan under below mentioned Annuity options:
• Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price
• Life Annuity with Enhanced Annuity on Critical Illness/ Accidental Permanent Disability and
with Return of Purchase Price
• Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price on attainment of Age 80 years
• Life Annuity with partial Return of Purchase Price to survivor and balance to nominee
• Deferred Life Annuity with Return of Premium
• NPS – Family Income
For Single Pay policies, the Policyholder can take Policy Loan, once the Policy has acquired a
Surrender Value. The Policyholder can take Policy Loan under Limited Pay for Option 9, on
completion of the first policy year, once the Policy has acquired a Surrender Value. Under joint
life option, the loan can be availed by the Primary Annuitant and on death of the Primary
Annuitant, it can be availed by the Secondary Annuitant.
The minimum policy loan amount is R5,000 and the maximum 80% of the then applicable
Surrender Value less any outstanding policy loan balance as on that date. On exercising this
option, the Policy shall automatically get assigned to the Company to the extent of the
outstanding Policy loan balance. The outstanding policy loan balance is an amount of loan still
unpaid plus all accrued but unpaid loan interest up to the given date.
If the outstanding policy loan balance at any time is equal to or exceeds the then prevailing
Surrender Value, then ABSLI shall send You a notice, 90 days in advance, to repay the loan
amount along with the interest.
Any payment(s) against survival benefit i.e. Annuity payable, Death Benefit or Surrender Value
shall be reduced by any outstanding policy loan balance at that time and only the residual value,
if any, shall be paid to the nominee/legal heir or Policyholder /Member as the case may be. We
shall be issuing the loan re-payment schedule at the time Policyholder opts for the loan against
We shall declare the Loan Interest Rate applicable to all policies under this product on June 1st of
every calendar year and is equal to the base rate of the State bank of India plus 100 basis points.
The interest rate applicable as on June 1st 2024 is 11.25% p.a. (compounded).
Any change in basis of determination of interest rate for policy loan can be done only after prior
approval of IRDAI.
[In Rs.]
Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price (100%RoP) 33,015 33,340 33,352
Life Annuity with ROP on attainment of Age 80 years 28,710 26,912 24,435
Life Annuity with Partial Return of Purchase Price to 30,777 29,667 29,986
survivor and balance to nominee (joint life)
Life Annuity with Return of Purchase Price (100%RoP) 66,650 67,330 67,432
Life Annuity with ROP on attainment of Age 80 years 58,060 54,452 49,490
Please Note: -
• Purchase Price is exclusive of GST & other statutory levies.
• For given illustration, age of Secondary Annuitant(female) is 5 years less than that of Primary Annuitant
• Please note that the rates and pay-outs are subject to change. The final pay-out will depend on the prevailing
rates. Hence, please check for prevailing annuity rates at the time of purchasing the policy.
Tax benefits may be available as per prevailing tax laws. Please note that all the tax benefits are
subject to tax laws prevailing at the time of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you. It
is advisable to seek an independent tax advice.
Medical Practitioner
Medical Practitioner is a person who holds a valid registration from the Medical Council of any
State or Medical Council of India or Council for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the
Government of India or a State government and is thereby entitled to practice medicine within
its jurisdiction; and is acting within the scope and jurisdiction of license. Such Medical
Practitioner is not the Policyholder’s /Member’s spouse, father (including stepfather) or mother
(including stepmother), son (including stepson), son’s wife, daughter, daughter’s husband,
brother (including stepbrother) and sister (including stepsister) or Life Insured / Policyholder
under this Policy and would be independent of the insurer.
Living Certificate
Living Certificate" means a declaration in a format specified by the Company, from the
Annuitant(s) duly signed by a gazetted officer and/or a Registered Medical Practitioner (who
should quote his medical council registration number) declaring that the Annuitant(s) is/are
living on the date of the declaration and the said declaration should be accompanied with a
self-attested identification proof of the respective Annuitant(s) duly verified by the gazetted
officer and/or the Registered Medical Practitioner or any other person as notified by the
Company from time to time
13. Blindnes
Total, permanent and irreversible loss of all vision in both eyes as a result of illness or accident.
The Blindness is evidenced by:
• corrected visual acuity being 3/60 or less in both eyes or;
• the field of vision being less than 10 degrees in both eyes.
The diagnosis of blindness must be confirmed and must not be correctable by aids or surgical
14. Deafness
Total and irreversible loss of hearing in both ears as a result of illness or accident. This
diagnosis must be supported by pure tone audiogram test and certified by an Ear, Nose and
Throat (ENT) specialist. Total means “the loss of hearing to the extent that the loss is greater
than 90 decibels across all frequencies of hearing” in both ears.
38. Encephalitis
A definite diagnosis of acute viral encephalitis resulting in a persistent neurological deficit
documented for at least 3 months following the date of diagnosis. The diagnosis must be
confirmed by a Consultant Neurologist and supported by typical clinical symptoms and
cerebrospinal fluid or brain biopsy findings.
For the above definition, the following are not covered:
• Encephalitis in the presence of HIV
• Encephalitis caused by bacterial or protozoal infections
• Myalgic or paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
41. Scleroderma
A definite diagnosis of scleroderma evidenced by all of the following:
• Typical laboratory findings (e.g.anti-Scl-70 antibodies)
• Typical clinical signs (e.g. Raynaud’s phenomenon, skin sclerosis, erosions)
• Continuous treatment with corticosteroids or other immunosuppressants
• Additionally, one of the following organ involvements must be diagnosed:
• Lung fibrosis with a diffusing capacity (DCO) of less than 70% of predicted
• Pulmonary hypertension with a mean pulmonary artery pressure of more than 25 mmHg
at rest measured by right heart catheterisation
• Chronic kidney disease with a glomerular filtration rate of less than 60 ml/min
• Echocardiographic signs of significant left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
The diagnosis must be confirmed by a Consultant Rheumatologist or Nephrologist.
For the above definition, the following are not covered:
• Localized scleroderma without organ involvement
• Eosinophilic fasciitis
The Annuitant shall not be entitled to any enhanced Annuity under Critical illness Benefit if the
covered Critical Illness results either directly or indirectly from any of the following causes:
i) Any Pre-Existing Disease. “Pre-existing Disease” means any condition, ailment, injury or
(a) That is/are diagnosed by a physician within 36 months prior to the effective date of
the policy issued by the insurer or its latest revival date, whichever is later; OR
(b) For which medical advice or treatment was recommended by, or received from, a
physician within 36 months prior to the effective date of the policy or its latest revival
date, whichever is later.
This exclusion shall not be applicable to conditions, ailments or injuries or related condition(s)
which are underwritten and accepted by insurer at inception
ii) Any sickness-related condition manifesting itself within 90 days from the policy commencement
date or its latest revival date, whichever is later;
iii) Any sexually transmitted diseases.
iv) Any congenital condition
v) Suicide or attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury, irrespective of mental condition;
vi) Participation in a criminal, unlawful or illegal activity;
vii) Taking or absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any intoxicating liquor, drug, narcotic,
medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a registered medical practitioner
acceptable to us;
viii) Nuclear contamination, the radioactive, explosive or hazardous nature of nuclear fuel
materials or property contaminated by nuclear fuel materials or accident arising from such
ix) War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), armed or
unarmed truce, civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped
power, riot or civil commotion, strikes.
x) Taking part in any naval, military or air force operation during peace time.
xi) Participation by the insured person in any flying activity, except as a bona fide, fare-paying
passenger of a recognized airline on regular routes and on a scheduled timetable.
xii) Engaging in or taking part in professional sport(s) or any hazardous pursuits, including but
not limited to, diving or riding or any kind of race; underwater activities involving the use of
breathing apparatus or not; martial arts; hunting; mountaineering; parachuting;
The Policy/Certificate of Annuity shall terminate upon the earliest occurrence of any of the
following events:
(a) For Annuity Option 2 - The date of expiry of the chosen Annuity Certain period or the date
of death of the Annuitant, whichever is later.
(b) For Annuity Options 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 – The date of death of the Annuitant under Single
Life and date of death of the last surviving Annuitant under Joint Life.
(c) For Annuity Option 10 – The date of death of the last surviving family member who is
covered under the Policy/Annuity Certificate.
(d) For Annuity Options 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - The date of payment of surrender value under the
Policy/Annuity Certificate.
(e) The date of payment of free-look cancellation amount.
Revival or Reinstatements
Not Applicable for Single Pay
Limited Pay:
On non-payment of premium, a policy will either be treated as lapsed with no benefit payable or
made RPU as described in the RPU Section .
Such a policy can be revived to its full value within five years from the due date of the first unpaid
premium by paying all due and unpaid policy premiums (along with the interest) to date and by
giving ABSLI satisfactory evidence of insurability in respect of the Life Insured. ABSLI according
to it’s Board approved underwriting policy will decide whether to reinstate the policy to its full
value. The effective date of the revival is when these requirements are met and approved by the
Company as per the Board approved underwriting policy. On the effective date of the revival, all
the benefits will be restored to their full value.
The monthly interest rate charged on unpaid premiums will be declared by ABSLI on June 1st of
each calendar year and is determined as (x+1%)/12 rounded to the next 0.5%, where x is the base
rate of the State Bank of India. The compound interest rate, as declared on June 1st, 2024, is 1% per
Any change in basis of determination of interest rate for revival can be done only after prior
approval of the Authority.
Assignment shall be applicable in accordance with provisions of Section 38 of the Insurance Act
1938, as amended from time to time.
Nomination shall be applicable in accordance with provisions of Section 39 of the Insurance Act
1938, as amended from time to time.
Prohibition of Rebates: Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time
(No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any
person to take or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or
property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the
premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy
accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published
prospectuses or tables of the insurer. Any person making default in complying with the
provisions of this section shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
ABSLI offers a range of products across the customer’s life cycle, including children future plans,
wealth protection plans, retirement and pension solutions, health plans, traditional term plans
and Unit Linked Insurance Plans (“ULIPs”).
As of June 30, 2024, total AUM of ABSLI stood at Rs.90,682 Crore (22% Increase YOY). ABSLI
recorded a gross premium income of Rs.3,986 Crore in Q1 FY25 and registering a y-o-y growth of
28% in Gross Premium with Individual Business FYP with Single Premium at 10% at Rs 644 Crore.
ABSLI has a nationwide distribution presence through 380+ branches, 11 bancassurance partners,
6 distribution channels, over 56000+ direct selling agents, other Corporate Agents and Brokers
through its website. The company has over 25,000 employees and 20.03 lakh active customers.
As of June 30, 2024, Aditya Birla Capital Limited manages aggregate assets under management
of Rs. 4.63 Lakh Crore with a consolidated lending book of Rs 1.27 Lakh Crore through its
Aditya Birla Capital Limited is a part of the US$66 billion global conglomerate Aditya Birla Group,
which is in the league of Fortune 500. Anchored by an extraordinary force of over 187,000
employees belonging to 100 nationalities, the Group is built on a strong foundation of
stakeholder value creation. With over seven decades of responsible business practices, the
Group’s businesses have grown into global powerhouses in a wide range of sectors - from metals
to cement, fashion to financial services and textiles to trading. Today, over 50% of the Group’s
revenues flow from overseas operations that span over 40 countries in North and South America,
Africa, Asia, and Europe.
“The Trade Logo “Aditya Birla Capital” Displayed Above Is Owned By ADITYA BIRLA
Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited Registered Office: One World
Centre, Tower 1, 16 th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400 013. Customer Helpline Numbers: 1-800-270-7000
Website: https://lifeinsurance.adityabirlacapital.com IRDAI Reg No.109 CIN: U99999MH2000PLC128110
UIN: 109N132V13 ADV/11/24-25/2302