Instant download Thoracic Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) 3rd Edition Jo-Anne O. Shepard - eBook PDF pdf all chapter
Instant download Thoracic Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) 3rd Edition Jo-Anne O. Shepard - eBook PDF pdf all chapter
Instant download Thoracic Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) 3rd Edition Jo-Anne O. Shepard - eBook PDF pdf all chapter
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Thoracic Imaging
The Requisites Series
James H. Thrall, MD Breast Imaging
Radiologist-in-Chief Emeritus Cardiac Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital Emergency Imaging
Distinguished Juan M. Taveras Professor of Radiology Gastrointestinal Imaging
Harvard Medical School Genitourinary Imaging
Boston, Massachusetts Musculoskeletal Imaging
Neuroradiology Imaging
Nuclear Medicine
Pediatric Imaging
Radiology Noninterpretive Skills
Thoracic Imaging
Vascular and Interventional Imaging
Thoracic Imaging
Edited by
Jo-Anne O. Shepard, MD
Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School;
Director, Thoracic Imaging and Intervention
Director, Cardiothoracic Imaging Fellowship
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Associate Editors
Gerald F. Abbott, MD Matthew D. Gilman, MD
Associate Professor of Radiology Assistant Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School; Harvard Medical School;
Radiologist, Thoracic Imaging and Associate Director, Thoracic Imaging and Intervention
Intervention Associate Director, Cardiothoracic Imaging Fellowship
Department of Radiology Division of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts
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To my parents
Anne and John O’Malley
for their inspiration
Jo-Anne O’Malley Shepard
It is an honor and a privilege to be the Editor of the Third pulmonary nodule management strategies. State-of-the-art
Edition of Thoracic Imaging: The Requisites. The prior interventional content includes diagnostic thoracic biopsy
editions, edited by Theresa McLoud and Philip Boiselle, have techniques, fiducial placement to aid VATS surgical resec-
been embraced by students and practitioners of thoracic tion of small pulmonary nodules, and ablative therapies
imaging throughout the world as a reliable source for the for local control of thoracic tumors. More than 1000 new
essentials of state-of-the-art thoracic imaging. images encompass current digital radiographs, MDCT images
Much has changed since the earlier editions in 1998 and including HRCT, and dual energy CT scanning, FDG-PET/
2010. Thoracic Requisites has been rewritten to encompass CT, and PET/MRI. The content has been enhanced by many
a host of new imaging and interventional techniques, up-to- new diagrams and illustrations in full color. New tables and
date disease classifications and staging, current approaches boxes contain concise differential diagnoses and diagnostic
to diagnosis and management, and radiation dose reduction information.
strategies. The content has been arranged into 25 focused In the tradition of the Requisites series, Thoracic Imaging
chapters. An integrated approach to learning normal chest is designed to provide a requisite curriculum in thoracic
anatomy contains correlative radiographic and CT images. imaging for residents and fellows in radiology and allied
There is new material on acute and critical care imaging, specialties, as well as practicing radiologists and other
including post-operative complications, trauma, ICU diag- healthcare providers. Thoracic imaging is growing as a
nosis, and implantable devices. There is extensive new specialty, and the demand for expertise is increasing within
information on thoracic MRI indications, protocols, and both hospital and community practices. Thoracic Imaging:
case material, as well as expanded content on interstitial The Requisites will be an invaluable educational resource
lung disease, infections, and vascular diseases. Updated for all involved in the diagnosis of thoracic disease.
lung cancer coverage includes new tumor staging and
diagnostic techniques, lung cancer screening, and updated Jo-Anne O. Shepard, MD
Chapter 12 Chapter 25
The Postoperative Chest 259 Interventional Techniques 460
Bojan Kovacina, Jo-Anne O. Shepard, Subba R. Digumarthy Florian J. Fintelmann, Jo-Anne O. Shepard, Amita Sharma
Massachusetts General Hospital has a long and venerable I am most grateful to Dr. Juan Taveras, who as Chair-
history of excellence in thoracic imaging. Many of the man of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital
early icons in chest imaging were faculty at MGH, includ- appointed me as faculty in the Thoracic Division at MGH,
ing Drs. Ross Golden, Aubrey Otis Hampton, and Felix understanding the value of subspecialization in radiology.
Fleischner, whose radiographic signs we still acknowledge A special thanks to Dr. James Thrall, who as Chairman of
today and are referenced in this book. I was fortunate the Department of Radiology at MGH provided me the
to have trained at MGH with Drs. Reginald Greene, Paul opportunity to develop and lead the Thoracic Division that
Stark, and Theresa McLoud, and as a fellow with Robert we enjoy today. Through his sage mentorship we have a
Pugatch, to whom I am most grateful for their outstanding robust and diverse division of incredibly talented faculty. I
teaching, mentoring, and leadership. In the MGH tradition am so proud that the Cardiothoracic Fellowship Program,
of educational excellence, we have collectively trained with the leadership of Dr. Matthew Gilman and all our
hundreds of residents and fellows in thoracic imaging, many faculty, produces so many wonderful thoracic radiologists.
of whom are recognized today as leaders in the field both Thank you to our current Chairman, Dr. James Brink, for
nationally and internationally. acknowledging the commitment and contributions of our
This book would not have been possible without the group and for his continued strong support of our clinical,
help of my current and former colleagues in the Thoracic educational, and research missions.
Division at MGH. The Associate Editors, Drs. Gerald Abbott, Finally, this book would not have been possible without
Jeanne Ackman, Subba Digumarthy, Matthew Gilman, the support of so many others. Veronica Noah and Lisa
Amita Sharma, and Carol Wu, have generously provided Howell, Staff Assistants at MGH, have provided invaluable
their expertise, creativity, and direction in producing this administrative support. I would also like to recognize the
new, updated edition. I am thankful to all the contributing dedicated professionals at Elsevier whose advice, guidance,
authors who have hailed from MGH as faculty, fellows, and support have made this publication possible.
or trainees. A special thanks to Suzanne Loomis, a gifted
medical illustrator, who has graced this edition with beauti- Jo-Anne O. Shepard, MD
ful color illustrations, and to Dr. Gerald Abbott, who has
artfully enhanced the images.
Chapter 1
Radiologic Techniques and
Dose Reduction Strategies
in Chest Imaging
Mannudeep K. Kalra, Alexi Otrakji, and Subba R. Digumarthy
Transcriber’s Notes:
Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will
be renamed.
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