Dsa m 04 Fatloss All Script+
Dsa m 04 Fatloss All Script+
Dsa m 04 Fatloss All Script+
In this module, I will discuss the key fat burning compounds that help with
weight loss.
Please note, I will be discussing individual compounds that cause fat loss. I
will then recommend whether you should have them through food or in a
supplement form. In the end, my focus is always on helping you save money,
and recommend things that are not only effective but also very safe.
The good news is that Studies are there and they support that the
compounds that I will discuss in forthcoming lectures can dramatically boost
your metabolism, increase fat oxidation and help you lose weight faster.
But, This is the only partial truth.
Let's say you follow a good balanced caloric deficit diet and workout
regularly. And you have been losing 1 lbs /wk. So far so good. But you want
to accelerate your progress. You want great results, not good. That's where
fat burning supplements come in the picture.
When you add a mix of these supplements or even foods that have the
compounds like green tea (which as catechins) or coffee which has caffeine,
then it's possible to increase your fat loss by -0.2-.0.5 lbs per week which is
good. So by adding most of the compounds that I will discuss in the
forthcoming lectures, you are accelerating your fat loss by 20-40% which is
But this is only possible if you are consistent with a caloric deficit nutritious
diet and are working out to create a large enough deficit. Always remember
Alan Aragon's example I gave in module 1. Let's get started with caffeine.
Caffeine is natural substance found in coffee and green tea. It's also one of
the main ingredients in most fat loss supplements.
Rightly so, as studies have shown clearly that it helps boost your metabolism
and burn more fat. [1][2]
Although there is a limitation. Once your body starts to get more tolerant of
caffeine, the effect tapers off. Cycling caffeine intake may help.
Now the question here is that How much caffeine you need to consume for
good results?
But do note, as your body gets used to caffeine, the results lower, so its best
to cycle caffeine intake. For example, you can take 1-2 days off per week off
Catechins are antioxidants that also has the potential to help you lose weight.
Please be cautious that drinking many many cups of green tea or taking
EGCG extract as a supplement is less likely to lead to a big change on the
scale. Don't except fat to simply melt away.
People can do anything for weight loss, and when something is touted as the
next big thing when it comes to weight loss, people think that more is better.
Yes, so keep in mind that too much of a good thing can be bad.
Lastly, catechins are known for their awesome health properties, like reduced
risk of heart disease and cancer.
Bottomline, catechins can help increase your metabolism and fat oxidation,
but instead of taking it in the form of supplement, I recommend drinking few
cups of quality green tea or better matcha tea as this practice also helps you
replace unwanted calories like from soda or lattes or even iced teas.
That’s 8 hours with no food. Earlier, I used to rely on at least 5 cups of coffee
to help me sustain until my first meal. But having following this ritual now for
few years, I felt that my adrenal could use a break. See if you are having
organic black coffee and consume it without any sugar or just a pinch of
stevia or unprocessed honey, then you are alright, studies have shown that
coffee has many health benefits. But if you add milk, sugar etc, you lose
those benefits. Either way, I never felt good after my third cup.
I wanted a liquid that would sustain me until 8 pm or so, provide me with the
energy to start my day well and help me detoxify. I started doing my research
and one name kept cropping up again and again. So I thought I should give it
a try.
The first time I tried it, honest to God, I didn’t like the taste, but then after
reading about its amazing health benefits I thought I will give myself a month
and if I still don’t like it, I will stop using it.
It didn’t take me long enough to absolutely start cherishing this fabulous
liquid which some say is more than 2000 years old.
In fact Hippocrates the father of modern medicine gave it to his patient to
help them heal their bodies.
Ladies and Gents…<<Drumrolls>>
This is the liquid that I am going gaga over. There are many brands of Apple
cider vinegar out there, but what you should look for is something which is
Raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized and I feel BRAGG is the best
brand out there.
Let me give you top benefits of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the
mother and then give you few ways you can include it in your lifestyle.
The top benefit of this apple cider vinegar is that it helps you to stabilize your
blood sugar.
Say you having 2 slices of white bread. Now white bread is pretty high on the
glycemic index so it will raise your blood sugar pretty fast. But if you have
apple cider vinegar along with it, you can lower your blood sugar by 34%!
There is a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition that proves this
Some other studies support this fact by confirming that apple cider vinegar
helps by lowering your blood glucose and therefore improves insulin
sensitivity. This is good news for people suffering from type 2 diabetes or
anyone who is prediabetic.
I have always stressed the point that managing your insulin levels is a very
significant step towards lowering your weight. Numerous studies support the
fact that apple cider vinegar does indeed help you with that and therefore it
safe to say that it does help you to lose weight.
Besides weight loss, ACV also helps lower your cholesterol levels and
reduces the risk of heart disease. This is because of a compound called
acetic acid. This is made by adding yeast which then acts on naturally
occurring sugar in organic apples. This is how fermentation takes place and
acetic acid is created which is the main compound of ACV.
Sure, it’s not a miracle liquid like some people believe. You need to get other
things in order with your nutrition and exercising if you want to lose weight.
Having said that, science does support the fact that you will surely get a
boost towards your weight loss goals when you include this ancient liquid in
your diet.
Now, the question is how much should you consume on a daily basis and
what are the ways you can do so: The best thing you can do is to start your
day by mixing one tablespoon or 15ml in about 250ml of water. I sip this
slowly for about 60-90 minutes. If you want to consume more, you can add
another tablespoon in your salads especially when you are having a high carb
I would not go beyond 2 tablespoons 30ml two times a day as I feel that’s the
upper limit that you should consume in a day.
Lastly never drink it straight up; obviously, you would hate the taste, but it
may just burn your food pipe, so always dilute it with water or pour it over
your salad.
Q1 ) You have given us a list of key ingredients that boost metabolism and
triggers fat loss. Do you suggest any fat burners that have these ingredients
in the correct quantity that can be taken for best results and it's also safe?
Other fat burning compounds are either not effective or don't have enough
studies to prove that they are indeed safe in long-term.
Q 2) What are the other fat burning compounds you are talking about?
CLA is naturally found in dairy products like milk, cheese and butter. If the
milk is grass-fed and raw the percentage of CLA is 5 times.
CLA definitely helps in reducing appetite and boosting metabolism and can,
therefore, trigger a small weight loss, [1]
However, it's best to consume it through whole full-fat dairy as its more
effective that way.
There are few other fat burner compounds like a fruit called garcinia
cambogia (made famous by Dr Oz), ephedrine (which is on the FDA's banned
list) and yohimbine. For these compounds, there are not enough studies that
suggest they are effective or even safe in high dosage.
Q 3) So you are saying that you don't recommend buying fat burners?
Q4) But you said that fat burning compounds can accelerate results by
20-40% whats that all about?
A) Ah! You got me there. Ok, let me explain.
But when you replace ALL these beverages with the following:
2-3 cups of black coffee (can use some sugar or stevia) and some milk
Apple cider vinegar ( ZERO calories) you are ingesting key fat burning
compounds like caffeine, catechins and compounds in ACV which have a
proven track record in burning fat and are very safe.
The added benefit of these compounds are also the fabulous health benefits
that will accrue.
And in most cases, you are replacing at least few hundred calories daily by
not drinking the sugary-laden beverages which in long-term can result in
MASSIVE weight loss.
Q 5) So what are the other supplements that can have an effect on weight
loss that you haven't mentioned in this module as you didn't want to repeat
A) Let's start with our very own protein powders. The convenience factor of
these powders will help anyone stick with their diet better plus increasing
protein in one's diet has a satiety effect that gives a feeling of fullness that
helps curb cravings and hunger.
That's it for fat loss supplements and I will discuss the best muscle building
supplements in the next module. Thanks for listening.