2022-23 copy
2022-23 copy
2022-23 copy
SESSION 2022-23
Question 1
(A) Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in
brackets: [4×1]
(van’t Hoff factor, Boltzmann factor, i, Z, π, acetone, acetic acid, positive,
neutral, acetaldehyde, calcium formate, phenylisocyanide, Wurtz reaction
sodium cyanide, Carbylamine reaction, diamagnetic, paramagnetic, coloured)
(i) The ratio of the observed value of a colligative property to the normal value
of the same property is termed as ___ and is represented by the letter ____.
(ii) When a mixture of calcium acetate and ______ is subjected to dry distillation
______ is obtained.
(iii) The reaction between aniline, chloroform and alcoholic caustic potash
gives _________ and the reaction is known as __________.
(iv) Most of the transition metal ions are _________ and _________ in nature.
(B) Select and write the correct alternative from choices given below: [4×1]
(i) Effervescence takes place when sodium carbonate solution is added
to the following compound:
(a) Acetaldehyde
(b) Formaldehyde
(c) Acetic acid
(d) Phenol
(ii) Which of the following 0.5 M aqueous solutions will have the lowest
freezing point?
(a) Urea
(b) Sodium chloride
(c) Aluminiumsulphate
(d) Cane sugar
Column I Column II
(i) EDTA (a) Methanol
(ii) Etard reaction (b) Non-ideal solution
(iii) Water gas (c) Benzaldehyde
(iv) Azeotropic mixture (d) Hexadendate
(D) [2×1]
(i) Assertion :Cryoscopic constant depends on nature of solvent.
Reason :Cryoscopic constant is a universal constant.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation
of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation
for assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(ii) Assertion : Alkyl halides are insoluble in water.
Reason : Alkyl halides have halogen attached to sp3 hybrid carbon.
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation
of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation
for assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
Question 2 [2]
Solutions of two electrolytes ‘A’ and ‘B’ are diluted. The Λm of ‘B’ increases
1.5 times while that of A increases 25 times. Which of the two is a strong electrolyte?
Justify your answer. Graphically show the behaviour of ‘A’ and ‘B’.
Question 3 [2]
Account for the following:
(i) In case of transition elements, ions of the same charge in a given series show
progressive decrease in radius with increasing atomic number.
(ii) Transition metals form coloured complex compounds.
Question 4 [2]
Identify A, B, C, and D:
Question 5 [2]
Give reason for the following:
(i) Phenol is more acidic than ethanol.
(ii) (CH3)3C-O-CH3 on reaction with Hl gives CH3OH and (CH3)3C- I as the
main products and not (CH3)3C- OH and CH3I.
Question 6 [2]
Represent the cell in which the following reaction takes place.The value of E ˚ for
the cell is 1.260 V. What is the value of Ecell?
Question 7 [2]
Complete the following reactions:
(i) K 2 Cr2 O7+7H 2 SO 4+6FeSO 4
(ii) 2KMnO 4 + 8H 2 SO4 +10KI
Question 8 [2]
(ii) What happens when: (Chemical equation only)
(a) Phenol is treated with conc. HNO3in presence of conc. H2SO4.
(b) Benzoic acid is treated with ethanol in presence of conc. H 2SO4.
Question 9 [2]
15.0 g of an unknown molecular substance was dissolved in 450 g of water.
The resulting solution was found to freeze at −0.34°C. What is the molar mass
of this substance? (Kf for water = 1.86Kkgmol−1 ).
Question 10 [2]
Give one chemical test for each to distinguish between the following pair of compounds.
(i) Acetaldehyde and Benzaldehyde
(ii) Acetic acid and Benzoic acid
Question 11 [2]
Why Mn2+ compounds are more stable than Fe2+ compounds towards oxidation
to their +3 state?
Question 12 [3]
(i) Predict the order of reaction in the given graphs:
(a) (b)
(ii) Find the overall order of the following reaction using the given data.
2NO(g) + Cl2 (g) → 2NOCl(g)
Question 13 [3]
An organic compound A with molecular formula C2H7N on reaction with nitrous acid
gives a compound B. B on controlled oxidation gives compound C. C reduces Tollen’s
reagent to give silver mirror and D. B reacts with D in the presence of concentrated
sulphuric acid to give sweet smelling compound E.
Question 14 [3]
Differentiate between the following on the basis of the given points:
(i) Glucose and Fructose (chemical test)
(ii) Tertiary and Quaternary structure of protein (molecular shape)
(iii) DNA and RNA (purine and pyrimidine base)
Question 15 [3]
2g of C6H5COOHdissolved in 25g of benzene shows depression in freezing point
equal to 1.62K. Molar freezing point depression constant for benzene is 4.9Kkgmol−1.
What is the percentage association of acid if it forms a dimer in solution?
Question 16 [3]
Write the chemical equation for the following named organic reactions:
(i) Reimer-Tiemann reaction.
(ii) Rosenmund reaction
(iii) Hoffmann’s degradation reaction
Question 17 [3]
(i) Arrange the following in the increasing order of given property indicated:
(a) C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, (C2H5)3N and NH3 (Basic strength in gaseous state)
(b) Aniline, p-toluidine, p-nitroaniline (Basic strength)
(c) C2H5OH, (CH3)2NH, C2H5NH2 (Boiling point)
Question 18 [3]
Arrhenius equation can be represented graphically as follows:
(ii) The slope of the above Arrhenius plot is –5 × 103 K. The value of Ea is:
[R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1]
(a) ‒ 83 kJmol-1
(b) 41.5 kJmol-1
(c) 83.0 kJmol-1
(d) 166 kJmol-1
Question 19 [5]
(i) Give balanced equations for the following reactions:
(a) Benzaldehyde reacts with hydrazine.
(b) Acetic acid reacts with phosphorous pentachloride.
(c) Acetone reacts with sodium bisulphite.
(ii) Give reason for the following order of acid strength:
Question 20 [5]
(i) Write the IUPAC names of the following:
(a) K3[Fe(C2O4)3]
(b) [Co(NH3)5Cl]SO4
(c) [Co(en)2Cl2]
(ii) In a coordination entity, the electronic configuration of the central metal ion
is t2g3eg1
(a) Is the coordination compound a high spin or low spin complex?
(b) Draw the crystal field splitting diagram for the above complex.
Question 21 [5]
(i) (a) Calculate the mass of silver deposited at cathode when a current of
2 amperes is passed through a solution of AgNO3 for 15 minutes.
(at. wt. of Ag = 108, 1 F = 96,500 C)
(b) Define the following terms:
1. Equivalent conductivity
2. Corrosion of metals