Case Reports in Pediatrics - 2016 - Ramasauskaite - A Rare Case Report of Thoracic Ectopia Cordis An Obstetrician s Point

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Case Reports in Pediatrics

Volume 2016, Article ID 5097059, 3 pages

Case Report
A Rare Case Report of Thoracic Ectopia Cordis:
An Obstetrician’s Point of View in Multidisciplinary Approach

Diana Ramasauskaite,1 Vilija Snieckuviene,1 Viktorija Zitkute,2 Ramune Vankeviciene,3

Dalia Lauzikiene,1 and Grazina Drasutiene1
Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, LT-03101 Vilnius, Lithuania
Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, LT-03101 Vilnius, Lithuania
Clinic of Children’s Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, LT-03101 Vilnius, Lithuania

Correspondence should be addressed to Diana Ramasauskaite; [email protected]

Received 4 July 2016; Accepted 5 October 2016

Academic Editor: Junji Takaya

Copyright © 2016 Diana Ramasauskaite et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital anomaly associated with the heart positioned outside of the thoracic cavity either partially or
completely. It can be associated with other congenital abnormalities. Overall, the prognosis for infants with ectopia cordis is very
poor but depends greatly on the type and severity of ectopia cordis and intracardiac and associated malformations. We present one
case of a fetus with prenatally diagnosed thoracic ectopia cordis with intracardiac defects and omphalocele, all the abnormalities
seen in pentalogy of Cantrell except a diaphragmatic defect. Considering poor prognosis for fetus, conservative management of
prenatal care has been chosen. At the 42nd gestational week, during the active stage of labor, due to fetal distress, cesarean section
was performed at a tertiary level hospital. The condition of the infant was impairing rapidly and the newborn succumbed within
24 hours. We discuss the perinatal care concerning this rare anomaly.

1. Introduction 2. Case Report

Ectopia cordis is defined as an anomaly in which the fetal A 32-year-old woman, gravida 5 para 2, had no regular
heart partially or completely lies outside the thoracic cavity. prenatal care before 24 weeks of gestation. An anterior
It is a rare congenital abnormality with an incidence of 5.5 to thoracic defect with an extrathoracic two-chamber heart was
7.9 per 1 million live births and includes 0.1% of congenital recognized at 24 gestational weeks of uneventful pregnancy
heart diseases [1–6]. The ectopic heart is one of the five during the first ultrasonographic evaluation. There was no
characteristic abnormalities seen in patients presenting with family history of congenital anomalies, genetic abnormalities,
the rare syndrome of pentalogy of Cantrell which comprises or history related to ectopia cordis. During pregnancy, the
midline supraumbilical abdominal wall defect, deficiency of mother was smoking 15 cigarettes per day. An unfavorable
the anterior diaphragm, defect of the lower sternum, defect prognosis to the fetus was predicted and conservative man-
in diaphragmatic pericardium, and congenital heart disease agement of prenatal care had been chosen.
[7, 8]. Clinically, ectopia cordis has been classified into four The woman was admitted to the tertiary level obstetrics
types according to the cardiac location: cervical (3% of cases), and gynecology clinic during active stage of labor, at
thoracic (60% of cases), abdominal (30% of cases), and gestational age of 42 weeks. Diagnosis of congenital heart
thoracoabdominal (7% of cases) [6, 9, 10]. Here we report anomaly was heart ectopia, and septal ventricular defect was
one thoracic ectopia cordis case with anterior abdominal confirmed by ultrasound. Multiple anomalies were observed:
wall defect, supraumbilical omphalocele, heart ectopia, and wide anterior thoracic defect with extrathoracic four-
congenital intracardiac defects. chamber heart, rounded apex of the heart, high ventricular
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2 Case Reports in Pediatrics

Ao C

Figure 1: Ultrasound of fetus heart at 42nd week of gestation, Figure 3: The newborn 5 minutes after birth. C: the ectopic
thoracic cleft, and major blood vessels transposition. Ao: aorta, heart positioned outside the thoracic cavity; F: supraumbilical
RV: right ventricle, and LV: left ventricle. A: wide anterior thoracic omphalocele.
defect, B: ventricular septum, C: ectopic heart, and D: chest.

3. Discussion
Ectopia cordis (EC) is a rare and impressive congenital mal-
formation, which was observed thousands of years ago. The
RV term “ectopia cordis” has been used to describe all anomalies
RA in which the heart was not located within the thorax [1].
The etiology of this pathology has not been fully explained.
Embryologically, it is caused by failure of lateral mesoderm
in the third week of intrauterine life and failure of midline
fusion of the developing chest wall caused by compression of
the thorax resulting from rupture of the chorion or yolk sac
at around 21 days of gestation [10]. However, the relationship
between abnormal karyotypes such as XXY, trisomy 18, and
trisomy 21 was observed [6, 10].
Ultrasound made as early as within the first trimester
Figure 2: Ultrasound of fetus heart at 42nd week of gestation with or by the start of the second trimester allows enough time
ventricular septal defect. RA: right atrium, RV: right ventricle, and
to define the associated abnormalities in nearly 90% of the
LV: left ventricle. A: ventricular septal defect.
reported cases [9–11]. Ectopia cordis and large omphalocele
are detected with 2D ultrasonography, which is commonly
sufficient in diagnosis [12]. However, sometimes this may be
septal defect, the major blood vessels transposition, narrow difficult particularly in minor forms of ectopia cordis. Then,
pulmonary artery, and pericardium covering only ventricles it is better to use 3D scanning to visualize fetal bones due to
(Figures 1 and 2). Despite unfavorable prognosis to the fetus, greater contrast difference compared with contiguous organs
mother had chosen intrapartum fetal heart monitoring. Due [1, 12, 13]. Fetal cardiac MRI has the potential to offer an alter-
to fetal distress at a cervical dilation of 6 cm, cesarean section native imaging option in patients to whom echocardiography
was performed. The newborn was a female of 3300 g weight is limited by maternal or fetal factors (e.g., maternal obesity,
and 44 cm height who scored 8 (1 min) and 8 (5 min) on adverse fetal position, and placental calcifications). Also it is
Apgar scale (Figure 3, Supporting Information Video 1 in highly recommended to perform the chromosomal analysis
Supplementary Material available online at due to the association with aneuploidy, especially trisomy 18
10.1155/2016/5097059). At birth, the infant had hypotonia, [9, 12].
weak cry, and generalized facial cyanosis. The physical exam- Overall the prognosis of ectopia is very poor, but depends
ination revealed split sternum with complete thoracic ectopia greatly on the type and severity of EC, intracardiac and asso-
cordis, the defect followed by anterior abdominal wall defect, ciated malformations, gestational week, birth weight, mode of
supraumbilical omphalocele. Ectopic heart with partial delivery, or even by the available medical resources [14–17].
absence of the pericardium was beating outside the thoracic Cervical ectopia cordis is completely incompatible with life
cavity, at a rate of 130/min with remittent bradycardia. After [7]. Thoracic type is related to poor outcome. The majority
birth, the infant’s heart was covered with warm saline-soaked of long-term survivors with thoracic type had no associated
sterile dressing. The newborn girl was transferred to the cardiac defects. Engum has reported only one surviving
specialized cardiac surgery centre, children’s intensive care newborn from 91 cases with true thoracic ectopia cordis and
unit. She died within 24 hours. The parents declined postmor- intracardiac defects, similar to our case [17]. The other types
tem newborn’s autopsy. of ectopia cordis have better prognosis with multiple reports
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