Submitted to
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Engineering
Agrawal Vidushi A. (201403100910032)
Desai Dhruv D. (201403100910068)
Bardoliya Karishma R. (201403100910070)
Under the Guidance
Mr. Fenil Khatiwala
This is to certify that project work embodied in this report entitled Industrial
Training as carried out by Vidushi Anil Agrawal (201403100910032), Dhruv
Darshanbhai Desai (201403100910068) and Karishma Roshankumar Bardoliya
(201403100910070) under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Engineering/Information Technology, Chhotubhai Gopalbhai
Patel Institute of Technology, UTU, Bardoli during the academic year 2017-2018.
Guided By:
_________________ ___________________
Mr. Fenil Khatiwala Ms. Purvi Tandel
Assistant Professor Head of the Department
Department of CE & IT Department of CE & IT
CGPIT, UTU, Bardoli. CGPIT, UTU, Bardoli.
Signature of Examiner
Narola is just not another web development company, but it is an institution for the global
businesses to get the technical solution of the complex business problems and needs. In Twelve
years of our sound existence, we have remarkably touched every segment of the web & mobile
development industry. Thus, we have been the most sought-after web development company
in India offering notable services, like website, E-commerce stores, Web applications, Mobile
Making the best use of the time, available resources and knowledge, we have achieved several
milestones in course of time but that doesn’t satisfy our desire of becoming better. Thus, we
are working day-in and day-out, implementing latest technology in the most efficient way,
developing infrastructure & technical tools and investing our whole & sole to become global
leader in IT technology. We are proud to be moving in the right direction with lightening speed.
The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of this project would
be incomplete without mentioning the people who made it possible, without whose constant
guidance and encouragement would have made eforts go in vain. I consider myself
privileged to express gratitude and respect towards all those who has guided through the
completion of projects.
I convey thanks to my project guide Mr. Fenil Khatiwala, Computer Engineering
and Information Technology department, CGPIT for providing encouragement, constant
support and guidance which was of a great help to complete this project work successfully.
I am grateful to my external guide Mr. Nilesh Paladiya, CTO in Narola Infotech
Solution LLP for giving me the support and encouragement that was necessary for the
completion of this project.
I am grateful to Ms. Purvi Tandel, Head of the Department, Computer Engineering
and Information Technology, CGPIT for giving us the support and encouragement that was
necessary for the completion of this project.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. N. C. Shah, Director, Chhotubhai
Gopalbhai Patel Institute of Technology for providing us congenial environment to work
I would like to thank all the faculty members for their patience, understanding and
guidance that gave me strength and will power to work through the long tedious hours for
developing a project and preparing the report.
Last but not the least, I would also like to thank my colleagues, who have co-
operated during the preparation of our report and without them this project has not been
possible. Their ideas helped me a lot to improve my project report.
In the current scenario, there is a rat race in each and every professional field. It is also
true for job market. A job portal is a website dedicated for online information about
recruiters as well as job seekers. A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters
finding the right organization for the employees. In the case of job seekers, according to
their educational qualification, experience and their preferences, the job portal shows the
list of companies to the job seeker. And, to the recruiters, provides the suitable candidates
from masses. So, a job portal is the perfect online arena, where both the job seekers and
the employers find their goal in the pursuit of getting a top notch company for the suitable
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................ i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... ii
Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................ 1
3.2.2 Employer.................................................................................................. 18
4.7 ER Diagram .................................................................................................... 33
References ..................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 2.1 Rango’s Registration page .............................................................................. 2
Figure 2.2 Login Page of Rango ...................................................................................... 3
Figure 2.3 Home Page of Rango ...................................................................................... 3
Figure 2.4 Add Category Page of Rango .......................................................................... 4
Figure 2.5 Python Category Page of Rango ..................................................................... 4
Figure 2.6 Profile Page of Rango ..................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.7 Home Page of ng5 .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 2.8 About Page of ng5 .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 2.9 Index Page ...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2.10 Add Details.................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2.11 View Details ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.12 Update Details .............................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.13 Add Details Form ......................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.14 View and Update Details .............................................................................. 9
Figure 2.15 Registration Page of Flask Demo ................................................................ 10
Figure 2.16 Login Page ................................................................................................. 10
Figure 2.17 Add Detail page .......................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.18 Show and Delete Details ............................................................................. 11
Figure 2.19 Show Update Details .................................................................................. 11
Figure 2.20 Updated Detail ............................................................................................ 11
Figure 2.21 Text Classifier Main Page ........................................................................... 12
Figure 2.22 Classify Input ............................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.23 Classify Input ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.24 Classify Input ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.25 Driven Dashboard ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.26 US Map ...................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.27 Charts generated on selecting states ............................................................ 15
Figure 2.28 Pie Chart Represenatation ........................................................................... 15
Figure 2.29 Saving of generated plots ............................................................................ 16
Figure 2.30 Lowe Panel with saved plots ....................................................................... 16
Figure 3.1 Timeline Chart for Job Portal........................................................................ 19
Figure 4.1 Use case of Employer ................................................................................... 20
Figure 4.2 Use case of Jobseeker ................................................................................... 21
Figure 4.3 Sequence of Employer .................................................................................. 21
Figure 4.4 Sequence of Jobseeker .................................................................................. 22
Figure 4.5 Activity of Employer .................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.6 Activity of Jobseeker .................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.7 Class Diagram .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 4.8 DFD - Level 1 ............................................................................................. 30
Figure 4.9 DFD - Context level diagram (Level 0) ......................................................... 30
Figure 4.10 DFD - Level 2(user) ................................................................................... 31
Figure 4.11 DFD - Level 2(search) ................................................................................ 32
Figure 4.12 DFD - Level 2(Admin) ............................................................................... 32
Figure 4.13 ER Diagram ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 4.14 ER Diagram (cont.)..................................................................................... 33
Figure 5.1 Home Page(top)............................................................................................ 34
Figure 5.2 Home Page(bottom) ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 5.3 Login Page ................................................................................................... 36
Figure 5.4 Registration Page .......................................................................................... 36
Figure 5.5 Employer’s Dropdown Menu ........................................................................ 37
Figure 5.6 Employer’s Dropdown Menu ........................................................................ 37
Figure 5.7 Jobseeker’s Dropdown Menu ........................................................................ 37
Figure 5.8 Employer’s Profile Page ............................................................................... 38
Figure 5.9 Employer’s Company Profile ........................................................................ 38
Figure 5.10 Jobseeker’s Profile Page ............................................................................. 39
Figure 5.11 Edit Profile Details Page ............................................................................. 39
Figure 5.12 Manage Job Page (for employer) ................................................................ 40
Figure 5.13 New Job Posting Form................................................................................ 40
Figure 5.14 Job Applications Page (for employers) ........................................................ 41
Figure 5.15 Jobs Applied Page (for Jobseeker) .............................................................. 42
Figure 5.16 Jobseeker’s Resume Page ........................................................................... 42
Figure 5.17 Education Details Page (for Jobseeker) ....................................................... 43
Table 3.3.1 Functional requirements for Job Portal ........................................................ 18
Table 4.5.1 User Table .................................................................................................. 25
Table 4.5.2 Employer Table .......................................................................................... 25
Table 4.5.3 Jobseeker Table .......................................................................................... 26
Table 4.5.4 Jobseeker Profile Table ............................................................................... 27
Table 4.5.5 Education Table .......................................................................................... 27
Table 4.5.6 Add_Job Table ............................................................................................ 28
Table 4.5.7 Appliers Table ............................................................................................ 29
Table 5.3.1 Test Cases ................................................................................................... 44
Industrial Training Report
1.1 Overview
Online job portal is a web application built in Django. It provides the candidates, ability to
register to this application and search for jobs, manage their accounts. Each candidate will
have an account with their profile. On the other hand, employers who are willing to publish
the jobs for their company to candidates, can register to the job portal and get their own
account created and can post jobs to portal’s database. Registered Employers can add or
remove jobs and these jobs can be seen by various candidates and they can contact the
concerned person for the job. Main aim of this web application is to make an user friendly
platform where, applicant can search jobs easily and is accessible to everyone who are
1.3 Scope/Application
This portal is specified only for jobs. Online business on this portal is beyond the scope of
this project.
Job seekers can only search jobs based on job title(designation) or using city or state in
which they are available and cannot search on the bases of experience required.
Same goes for employers, they cannot search for job seekers based on their specific skills,
experience or eduction degree but can only based on location.
Industrial Training Report
In the first week of training we were asked to revise and clear the basics of Python. And
for that we were given few simple assignments based on basic python programming. Next
we were told to go through basics of web technologies i.e. HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Then started our most important training i.e. learning Django. Django is a free and open-
source web framework, written in Python. We learned the model-view-template
architectural pattern followed by Django . We also learned how to add and use different
python packages as well as ajax in django. We also built a simple web application named
Rango and deployed that application on PythonAnywhere.
Rango is a website that lets users browse through user-defined categories to access various
web pages.
Snapshots of Rango:
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Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Later we were given our main project definition i.e. of Job Portal. We started working on
it thereby.
Meanwhile we were working on the development of this project, were given opportunity
to expand our technological knowledge.
We learnt Angular 5. Further we learned how to use Angular 5 with Django to make more
interactive web apps and so as to show what we learned we build a simple CRUD app called
“ng5” (basic application to show simple CRUD Operations using only angular) [2]:
Industrial Training Report
Snapshots of ng5:
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Industrial Training Report
Dhruv was put on to work with TL on a live project called “Driven” platform.
An unparalleled view of factors driving automotive losses via validated, curated and
up-to-date external data
Benchmark insights, data-driven comparative risk assessment and selection.
The project runs on Django as back-end and Google Closure Library as front-end.
Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
During each iteration, the development module goes through the requirements, design,
implementation and testing phases. So as for the Job Portal project, the requirements were
divided into various builds as jobseeker, employer, job and admin modules. The advantage
of this approach is that each modules had undergone the iterative and incremental approach
at the same time so that parallel developing could be made possible with this life cycle model.
Testing and debugging is easier and to add some functionality or modify some of the
functionalities or requirements are easy.
3.2.1 Admin
Admin manages and controls the whole web application. The major roles of Admin are:
Industrial Training Report
3.2.2 Employer
Employer is a designated person of a company who is looking for a employee regarding a
particular job role. The major role of an Employer is to post jobs with detailed job
description (job title, company name, job type, description, required qualification, etc.)
User is restricted to some features which are only available when the users log
Employer can approve/reject the job applicatons by jobseekers on the jobs they
have posted.
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4.7 ER Diagram
Industrial Training Report
5.2 Snapshots
Home Page
This is the default homepage which is visible to all users accessing our portal without
authentication and is also the same for the authenticated Jobseekers. From here the
Industrial Training Report
Jobseeker will be able to search for the “jobs” by typing keywords or by selecting their
preferred field category and subcategory.
This is the bottom of the homepage where you can access the jobs available in the popular
cities and in popular fields of work by clicking on thumbnails.
Industrial Training Report
The is the simple login page of our portal where the registered users can authenticate and
log in themselves. Here the user will be automatically recognized as Jobseeker or Employer
and assigned the same role as they have registered with and will have access to features
There can be two types of users for our website, an employer or a jobseeker. The user can
choose to register as an “Employer” or a “Jobseeker” according to what they are.
Industrial Training Report
The simple registration form which asks for the basic details required to authenticate the
user. Here after succssfull registration, the user will be automatically logged in but they
still need to verify their email in order to be verified user and access full features [7].
After login as jobseeker or an employer the dropdown menu in homepage will be according
to the user’s role as shown in above figure[8].
Industrial Training Report
On the employer profile page the basic details about employer which the user gave while
registration are displayed. The empoyer can also add his/her company details to highlight
himself and to make a strong impression to attract candidates[5].
Industrial Training Report
On the jobseeker profile page the basic details about jobseeker which the user gave while
registration are displayed, which will be visible to employers when viewing their profile.
Add, updatation of details is also possible from profile page for both jobseeker and
Industrial Training Report
The manage jobs section is for the employers, where they can see their various jobs posted
by them and can also view, edit or delete the details as per their need. From here only the
employers have the option to add a new job upon clicking on the button “Add New Job”.
Industrial Training Report
The employer while adding a new job, he/she have to fille up details like job description,
title, add job’s category and subcategory, salary and job responsibility[4].
In the job application section the employer can see the list of jobseekers who have aaplied
for the each jobs they have posted and the number of applicants for the same. Then they
can view their profile from there upon.
Industrial Training Report
The jobs applied section is for job seekers, where they will be able to keep track of jobs
they have applied on and the status for their approval.
Industrial Training Report
The jobseeker in the “resume” section can add their details for their resume or can simple
upload their resume file if they have one. They can add the details about their education i.e.
Graduation, Post Graduation, School, Specialization which will be visible on their profile
Industrial Training Report
3 Post Job - Job Job should be added Jobs are added Pass
information according to the category &
category and subcategory
subcategory. wise.
Industrial Training Report
Industrial Training Report
Job Portal briefly explores how available technology can possibly help the manual job
recruitment and job seeking processes and make it easier and faster. The portal brings
together various employers and jobseekers from everywhere on a common platform where
they can interact with each other as per their mutual interests. Issues were faced in
development of functionality of job searching as it was one of the most crucial part of the
portal. But nonetheless the issues were overcomed and the portal is now completed with
the core functionalies.
In future the portal will undergo some more UI imporvements, will have a one-on-one chat
fucntionality between employer and jobseeker and improved search results in job searching
and job seeker’s searching.
Industrial Training Report
Web references