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Instant download Ovarian Cancer Methods and Protocols 1st Edition Emily Banks (Auth.) pdf all chapter
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Ovarian Cancer
M E T H O D S I N M O L E C U L A R B I O L O G Y™
Ovarian Cancer
Methods and Protocols
Edited by
John M. S. Bartlett
Department of Surgery, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
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If there is one aspect of current cancer research that represents a major chal-
lenge in both novice and experienced researchers, it is the rapid advance in our
understanding of the disease. Researchers can be required to switch from analysis
of gene expression to kinetics of protein activation, from genetic studies to the
analysis of protein funtion. Cancers are highly complex disease systems and
researchers aiming to understand the functioning of cancer systems require access
to a wide range of laboratory techiques from a broad range of research disciplines.
Increasingly, however, published methods are incomplete or refer back to a series
of previous publications each containing only a small part of the complete proto-
col. The aim of Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols is to provide for ovarian
cancer researchers in the first instance, a laboratory handbook that will facilitate
research into cancer systems by providing a series of expert protocols, with proven
efficacy, across a broad range of technical expertise. Thus, there are sections on
tumor genetics and cellular signal transduction, as well as sections on apoptosis
and RNA analysis.
The value of Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols to the ovarian cancer
researcher will, I trust, be considerably enhanced by (1) the provision of a series
of overviews relating to the biology, diagnosis, and treatment of this important
neoplasm, and (2) the provision of a series of technical overviews introducing
each part that provides an expert review of the applications and pitfalls of the
various techniques included.
Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols aims to provide a resource for both
the novice scientist/clinician coming to grips with laboratory-based research for
the first time, as well as for those more experienced investigators seeking to diver-
sify their technological base. Often, we are constrained less by our ideas than by
our abilities to carry forward those ideas using different technologies.
No volume can exhaustively cover every aspect of biological research, and
there will be gaps that one or another research group will identify. Each section
could readily be expanded (and in some cases has been) into a book in its own
right. However, I have sought to include a spectrum of techniques that will allow
the acquisition of key skills in each area covered. The aim is to give the researcher
an understanding of the technical issues covered in each section such that they can
then extrapolate their expertise into salient techniques in these areas.
As with all volumes in the Methods in Molecular Medicine series, clear
instructions in the perfomance of the various protocols is supplemented by addi-
tional technical notes that provide valuable insights into the working of the tech-
nique in question. Though often brief, these notes provide essential details that
allow a successful outcome.
I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to this
volume, who have been patient over the period required to collate their contribu-
vi Preface
tions. I am also grateful to Professor John Walker for his encouragement and guidance
as series editor. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Dorothy for patiently proof
reading manuscripts and for being understanding on the many occasions when I
arrived home late during the preparation of this volume.
John M. S. Bartlett
Preface ............................................................................................................. v
Contributors ..................................................................................................... ix
1 The Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer
Emily Banks ......................................................................................................... 3
2 Familial Ovarian Cancer
Ronald P. Zweemer and Ian J. Jacobs ........................................................... 13
3 The Molecular Pathogenesis of Ovarian Cancer
S. E. Hillary Russell .......................................................................................... 25
4 Alterations in Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor Genes,
and Growth Factors Associated with Epithelial Ovarian Cancers
Robert C. Bast, Jr. and Gordon B. Mills ........................................................ 37
5 Pathological Assessment of Ovarian Cancer
Alistair R. W. Williams ...................................................................................... 49
6 Tumor Markers in Screeening for Ovarian Cancer
Steven J. Skates, Ian J. Jacobs, and Robert C. Knapp ............................... 61
7 Primary Surgical Management of Ovarian Cancer
Dennis S. Chi and William J. Hoskins ............................................................ 75
8 Recent Insights into Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer
Thomas C. Hamilton and Steven W. Johnson .............................................. 89
9 Markers of Tumor Burden: An Overview
Joseph E. Roulston ........................................................................................ 109
10 Bioactive Interleukin-6 Levels in Serum and Ascites as
a Prognostic Factor in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Günther Gastl and Marie Plante .................................................................... 121
11 ELISA-Based Quantification of p105 (c-erb-B2, HER2/neu) in Serum
of Ovarian Carcinoma
Harald Meden, Arjang Fattahi-Meibodi, and Dagmar Marx ....................... 125
12 Enzyme Immunoassay of Urinary β-core Fragment of Human Chorionic
Gonadotropin as a Tumor Marker for Ovarian Cancer
Ryuichiro Nishimura, Tamio Koizumi, Hiranmoy Das,
Masayuki Takemori, and Kazuo Hasegawa ............................................ 135
13 Ovarian Cancer Models: Technical Review
Simon P. Langdon, Joanne Edwards, and John M. S. Bartlett ................. 145
viii Contents
The Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer
Emily Banks
1. Introduction
Ovarian cancer is the most common fatal cancer of the female reproductive tract in
industrialized countries. At the time of writing, it is the fourth most common cause of
cancer death in women in the U.K., after breast, lung, and colorectal cancer, with a
lifetime risk of approximately 2% (1). It tends to present at an advanced stage, with
limited prospects for treatment and generally poor survival.
The histological classification of ovarian cancer is complex, with a large number of
histological subtypes. Because of the rarity of each type, tumor studies have tended to
group the types into broader categories of “epithelial” and “nonepithelial” tumors.
“Borderline” tumors are distinguished by the absence of stromal invasion. They are
considered to be an earlier or less malignant form of ovarian cancer and have similar
epidemiological characteristics to epithelial tumors, with a better prognosis.
Generally speaking, ovarian cancer incidence increases with age and is more com-
mon in women with a family history of the disease. Reproductive and hormonal factors
appear to be the other main determinants of risk, with a decline in risk associated with
increasing parity, oral contraceptive use, hysterectomy, and sterilization by tubal liga-
tion. For other factors, such as the use of hormone replacement therapy, fertility drug
treatment, breast feeding, and infertility, the evidence remains equivocal. This chapter
will discuss the epidemiology of ovarian cancer, starting with a brief outline of patterns
of incidence and time trends, before reviewing the evidence to date regarding risk fac-
tors for nonepithelial and epithelial tumors. In view of the sparsity of data regarding
risk factors for nonepithelial tumors, the bulk of the chapter relates to epithelial ovarian
cancer. This chapter presents a general summary; those requiring a more detailed review
are directed to an earlier publication (2).
From: Methods in Molecular Medicine, Vol. 39: Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols
Edited by: J. M. S. Bartlett © Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ
4 Banks
North America, and Oceania, where women have relatively few children (with the
exception of rates in Italy, Japan, and Spain). Ovarian cancer is less common in Asian
and African countries with higher fertility rates. Rates of ovarian cancer also vary
among different ethnic groups within a particular country. Migration studies have
shown that ovarian cancer rates tend to approach those of the country of adoption rather
than the country of origin. This suggests that variations within countries are unlikely to
be fully explained by racial or genetic differences.
The changing reproductive patterns of Western women are thought to be behind the
increases in ovarian cancer witnessed in these countries for most of this century.
Changes in incidence are likely to reflect trends in family size (and other factors) from
some decades previously. For instance, women who were of reproductive age during
the 1930s Depression had a relatively small average family size and consequently
higher ovarian cancer risk in later life. Many Western countries have seen recent
decreases in ovarian cancer incidence, in the face of continuing declines in fertility.
Some authors have proposed that this phenomenon relates to increasing oral contracep-
tive pill use (4). In contrast, most of the poorer, lower-incidence countries have seen
recent increases in ovarian cancer rates.
3. Nonepithelial Ovarian Cancer
Nonepithelial tumors account for around 7–10% of all malignant ovarian tumors
and are divided into germ cell and sex-cord stromal tumors. They are rare, with an
incidence of approximately six per million women per year, and little is known about
their risk factor profiles (5).
Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer 5
Fig. 2. Annual incidence of ovarian cancer by age in England and Wales, 1983–1987.
Malignant germ cell tumors are most common in adolescents and young women,
with a peak in incidence at around 15–19 years of age. They may be associated with in
utero exposure to hormones, young maternal age, and high body mass in the woman’s
mother (6). There are suggestions that parity, recent birth, incomplete pregnancy (mis-
carriage and abortion), oral contraceptive use, alcohol consumption, and a family his-
tory of the disease may influence risk, but findings to date are generally nonsignificant
and based on very small numbers of cases (5,7).
Malignant sex-cord stromal tumors have more in common with epithelial ovarian
cancer in that they are more frequent in older women and the oral contraceptive pill
appears to have a protective effect. However, in contrast to epithelial tumors, findings
(once again, based on small numbers) suggest that increasing parity does not appear to
protect against these tumors (5,7).
4. Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
4.1. Personal Characteristics
4.1.1. Age
Figure 2 shows the log incidence of ovarian cancer by age. Epithelial ovarian can-
cer is rare among girls and young women and increases exponentially with age (8),
until reaching a plateau in incidence around age 50 to 55. Rates increase more slowly in
later life (9,10).
4.1.2. Socioeconomic Status
Some studies have found higher risks of epithelial ovarian cancer in women of higher
socioeconomic status (11), although this finding is believed to be the result of these
women having fewer children (12–14).
6 Banks
4.1.3. Weight/Body Mass Index
Results regarding the relationship between body mass index (BMI=weight(kg)/
height(m)2 ) or weight and ovarian cancer are conflicting and inconclusive, and may
depend on aspects of study design, such as choice of control group (15). Most studies
find no association between weight or BMI and epithelial ovarian cancer (16–18),
although some find increasing risk of disease with increasing obesity (14,19). Because
the disease process itself can affect body size, study design must address this issue.
4.1.4. Genetic/Familial Factors
For more than a century, researchers have reported on rare families with multiple
cases of ovarian cancer. In addition, a relationship between breast cancer and ovarian
cancer has been reported, both within families and within individuals (20). Clarifica-
tion of these findings has come with the discovery of the oncogenes BRCA1 and BRCA2,
which have been shown to be related to inherited breast and ovarian cancer, through
germline mutations in these genes (21–23). Although these rare mutations confer
extremely high risks of disease, women reporting a general family history of ovarian
cancer are only three to four times more likely to develop ovarian cancer than those
without such a family history (20). Whereas these findings are of scientific and
aetiological interest, inherited ovarian cancer accounts for only a small proportion of
those contracting the disease (less than 5%), and the vast majority of cases are spo-
radic, occurring among women with no family history of ovarian cancer (21).
4.2. Reproductive Factors
4.2.1. Menarche and Menopause
The majority of studies have not found any effect of age at first menstrual period
(menarche) on epithelial ovarian cancer risk, with one notable exception. Rodriguez et al.
(24) found a statistically significant decrease in fatal ovarian cancer (all histological
types combined) with menarche after age 12, compared with menarche at a younger age.
The age-specific incidence curve (Fig. 2) suggests a lessening of the rate of increase
in ovarian cancer around the age of menopause, but direct evidence of an effect of
menopause on risk has proved somewhat elusive. A study pooling a number of Euro-
pean studies (25) reports a doubling in the relative risk of ovarian cancer associated
with an age at menopause of 53 or greater compared with menopause under 45 years
old, and notes a significant trend of increasing risk of ovarian cancer with later age at
menopause. However, the pooled U.S. case-control studies found no trend in ovarian
cancer risk with increasing time since last menses (15) and Purdie et al. (14) found no
significant effect of age at menopause on ovarian cancer risk in Australia.
4.2.2. Parity and Gravidity
Early classic studies observed high rates of epithelial ovarian cancer among nuns
and low rates among groups with generally high parity, including Mormons and
Seventh-Day Adventists. The association of increasing parity with decreasing ovarian
cancer risk is now well established (12) and applies to populations in North America
(13,15), Europe (26,27), and Asia (28). Overall, published results show a 40% reduc-
tion in ovarian cancer risk associated with the first term pregnancy and trends consis-
Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer 7
tent with a 10–15% average reduction in risk with each term pregnancy (15). A Swed-
ish study found that the risk of ovarian cancer is reduced soon after childbirth and this
protective effect appears to diminish with time (26). The effects of incomplete preg-
nancy (induced abortion and miscarriage) and the effects of the timing of childbirth
(such as age at birth of first and/or last child, and birth spacing) require further investi-
4.2.3. Breast Feeding
The effect of breast feeding on ovarian cancer incidence is disputed, and further
research is needed on this subject. An analysis based on six U.S. case-control studies
(15) found a reduced risk of ovarian cancer in women who breast fed compared to
those who had not, after controling for parity and oral contraceptive use. Other studies
are inconsistent and generally do not support these findings (2).
4.2.4. Oral Contraceptive Use
One of the most interesting and striking findings in the epidemiology of epithelial
ovarian cancer over the last 20 years is that of the protective effect of the oral contra-
ceptive pill. Studies show consistent results of an approximately 40% reduction in the
risk of ovarian cancer with any use of the oral contraceptive pill, and a 5–10% decrease
in risk with every year of use (15,29). This protective effect appears to last for at least
15–20 yr after cessation of use and applies to parous as well as nulliparous women. The
use of the oral contraceptive pill has been widespread in many countries and the inci-
dence of ovarian cancer has been decreasing, in parallel with increases in oral contra-
ceptive pill use.
4.2.5. Hormone Replacement Therapy
Because the age-specific incidence of ovarian cancer suggests that the rate of inci-
dence slows around the time of the menopause, exposure to exogenous hormones in the
postmenopausal period could plausibly offset this apparent beneficial effect. Earlier
studies of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tended to compare women who had
ever used HRT with never users, and findings are generally consistent with no effect
(2,15). However, as more is understood about the effect of oestrogenic and
progestagenic hormones on cancer, emphasis has shifted to looking at the effect of
current HRT use on ovarian cancer. A pooled analysis of case-control data from the
United States found a protective effect of current HRT use in one subgroup, although
findings were generally negative (15). In 1995, Rodriguez et al. (24) reported on the
findings of the only prospective study in this area, which found a 70% increase in risk
of ovarian cancer in long-term current HRT users, compared to never users.
Women who use HRT are known to differ from nonusers in a number of ways that
may affect their background risk of ovarian cancer. In particular, they are more likely
to have had a hysterectomy and to have used the oral contraceptive pill in the past,
compared to never users (30) and many previous studies have not accounted for these
preexisting differences. Further research is needed into the effects of current HRT use,
past use, and use of combined oestrogen and progestagen preparations. Other hormonal
preparations, such as diethylstilboestrol and depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate do not
appear to affect epithelial ovarian cancer risk.
8 Banks
4.2.6. Infertility
Women with fertility problems tend to have few children, and because low parity
confers an increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer, investigating the effect of infer-
tility independent of parity has proved problematic. In addition, some researchers have
found an increased risk of ovarian cancer in women who have been treated with fertil-
ity drugs (see Subheading 4.2.7.) and that once this drug-treated subgroup is excluded,
infertility itself does not affect ovarian cancer risk (15).
Bearing this in mind, there appears to be a fairly consistent relationship between
various measures of infertility and an increased risk of ovarian cancer, although this
increased risk seems to be confined to women who have never succeeded in becoming
pregnant or having a child (2).
1. Parkin, D. M., Muir, C. S., Whelan, S. F., et al., (eds.) (1992) Cancer Incidence in Five Continents.
IARC Scientif. Lyon, France.
2. Banks, E., Beral, V., and Reeves, G. (1997) The epidemiology of epithelial ovarian cancer: a review.
Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer 7, 425–438.
3. Mant, J. W. F. and Vessey, M. P. (1994) Ovarian and Endometrial Cancers in Trends in Cancer
Incidence and Mortality (Doll, R., Fraumeni, Jr. J. F., and Muir, C. S., eds.), Cold Spring Harbor
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5. Horn Ross, P. L., Whittemore, A. S., Harris, R., and Itnyre, J. (1992) Characteristics relating to
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6. Walker, A. H., Ross, R. K., Haile, R. W. C., and Henderson, B. E. (1988) Hormonal factors and risk
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Epidemiology of Ovarian Cancer 11
19. The Centers for Disease Control Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study. (1983) Oral contraceptive use
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Familial Ovarian Cancer 13
Familial Ovarian Cancer
1. Introduction
Ovarian cancer represents the fifth most significant cause of cancer-related death for
women and is the most frequent cause of death from gynecological neoplasia in the
Western world. The incidence of ovarian cancer in the United Kingdom (U.K.) is over
5000 new cases every year, accounting for 4275 deaths per year (1). The lifetime risk
of ovarian cancer for women in the U.K. is approximately 1 in 80. Most (80–90%)
ovarian tumors are epithelial in origin and arise from the coelomic epithelium. The
remainder arise from germ-cell or sex cord/stromal cells. A hereditary component in
the latter group is rare, but includes granulosa-cell tumors in patients with Peutz–
Jeghers syndrome (2) and autosomal dominant inheritance of small-cell carcinoma of
the ovary (3,4). Because of their limited contribution to familial ovarian cancer, these
nonepithelial tumors will not be considered further in this chapter.
Epithelial ovarian cancer has the highest case fatality rate of all gynecological
malignancies, and an overall five-year survival rate of only 30%. This poor prognosis
is largely because of the fact that 75% of cases present with extra-ovarian disease,
which in turn, reflects the absence of symptoms in early-stage disease. Advanced stage
ovarian cancer (stage IV) has a five-year survival rate of approximately 10% whereas
early stage (stage I) ovarian cancer has a five-year survival rate of at least 85%. These
figures suggest that there may be a survival benefit from the detection of ovarian can-
cer at an early stage. To be able to develop appropriate screening strategies for ovarian
cancer, there is a need to understand the processes of carcinogenesis and tumor pro-
gression. For ovarian cancer, there are no recognizable precancerous lesions that could
be targeted for screening purposes; this contrasts with other types of cancer (e.g.,
colorectal or cervical cancer) where many of the critical histological alterations in the
development of cancer have been identified. In these cancer types, the precancerous
lesions have subsequently been linked to specific molecular genetic events (5). Because
very little is still known about the morphological and molecular genetic steps involved
in initiation and progression of epithelial ovarian cancer, detection and treatment of
premalignant lesions is not yet feasible.
Three large randomized controlled trials of screening for ovarian cancer in the gen-
eral population are currently underway. Because of the potential survival benefit from
From: Methods in Molecular Medicine, Vol. 39: Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols
Edited by: J. M. S. Bartlett © Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ
14 Zweemer and Jacobs
the detection and treatment of early-stage disease, these studies aim to detect early-
stage cancer, rather than premalignant disease. However, none of the current studies
have yet reached the stage at which information about the impact on mortality is avail-
able. To optimize the efficacy of screening, it may be desirable to target women at the
highest risk of developing the disease. Most of the established risk factors for ovarian
cancer are associated with the theory of “incessant ovulation” (6,7) and include
nulliparity, an increased number of ovulatory cycles, early menarche (age at first men-
struation), and late menopause (age of last menstruation). Oral contraceptive use and
multiparity as well as breast feeding reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. It has long been
recognized, however, that the most important risk factor for ovarian cancer besides
age, is a positive family history for the disease. In recent years, two genes associated
with a genetic predisposition for breast and ovarian cancer, the BRCA1 and BRCA2
genes, have been identified. This has led to a growing awareness among the public as
well as the medical profession that cancer may be hereditary and the demand for risk
counseling and molecular testing has increased dramatically. This chapter aims to pro-
vide an integrated overview of both the clinical and molecular genetic background of
familial and hereditary ovarian cancer.
3. Clinical Diagnosis
The initial evidence for a hereditary component in ovarian cancer was derived from
three observations. First, a family history of ovarian cancer was found to confer the
greatest risk of all known factors for developing the disease (8,9). This effect is espe-
cially strong in families with more than one relative affected. Analysis of population-
based series of ovarian cancer cases has shown that the risk of ovarian cancer in a
woman who has a first-degree relative (mother or sister) with the disease is 1 in 30 by
the age of 70. This risk is around one in four when two first-degree relatives are affected
(10,11). Second, population-based epidemiological studies have shown that there is a
significant excess of specific types of cancer in the relatives of ovarian cancer patients.
These include additional ovarian cancer cases, breast cancer, colorectal, and stomach
cancer (12). Finally, many case reports have identified families with multiple cases of
ovarian cancer. The first of these describes ovarian cancer in twins (13). Others have
described families with multiple cases of ovarian cancer, often in combination with
other types of cancer (14). The occurrence of ovarian cancer in these families is best
explained by an autosomal-dominant inheritance factor.
Familial Ovarian Cancer 15
3.1. Clinical Syndromes
In families where there is insufficient evidence to diagnose autosomal-dominant
disease, ovarian cancer can occur alone or in combination with other types of cancer.
These familial cancers are to be distinguished from families where autosomal-
dominant inheritance of ovarian cancer is likely. In the latter families, epidemiological
studies have provided evidence for three distinct clinical, autosomal-dominant cancer
1. Hereditary breast-ovarian cancer (HBOC). Families with a pattern of autosomal-
dominant inheritance of ovarian and (usually early-onset) breast cancer.
2. Hereditary ovarian cancer (HOC). Families with clear autosomal-dominant inheritance of
ovarian cancer, but without apparent excess of breast cancer.
3. Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Families with an autosomal-
dominant pattern of early-onset colorectal cancer often in combination with endometrial
cancer and sometimes ovarian cancer.
Author: H. C. Bailey
Language: English
I Ascot . . . . . 1
II . . . . . 33
of San
III Young . . . . . 64
IV Magic . . . . . 98
V Snowball . . . . . 126
VI Leading . . . . . 153
VII Unknown . . . . 185
HAT is what it would have been called in the evening papers if they
had known all about it. They did not. They made the most of the
mystery, you remember; it was not good for them or you to know
that the sequel was a sequel. But there is no reason why the flats should
not be joined now.
So let us begin at Ascot on the morning of that Cup Day. One of our fine
summers, the course rather yellow, the lawns rather brown, a haze of
heat over the distant woodland, and sunshine flaming about the flounces
and silk hats. There were already many of both in the Royal Enclosure (it
was a year of flounces), and among them, dapper, debonair, everybody’s
friend, the youngest middle-aged man in Europe. He, of course, is the
Hon. Sidney Lomas, the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department,
though mistaken by some outsiders for a comic actor of fame. Tripping
back from a joke with the stewards, he discovered, sprawling solitary on
the end of one of the seats, Mr. Fortune, the adviser of him and all other
official and important people when surgery, medicine or kindred sciences
can elucidate what is or is not crime. No one looks more prosperous than
Reginald Fortune. He is plump and pinkly healthy, he and his tailor treat
each other with respect, his countenance has the amiability of a nice boy.
But on this occasion Lomas found fault with him. “Why, Fortune, you’re
very pensive. Have you lost the lady of your present affections? Or backed
a wrong ’un?”
“Go away. No fellow has a right to be as cool as you look. Go quite away.
I feel like the three fellows in the Bible who sang in the furnace. How can
you jest, Lomas? I have no affections. I cannot love, to bet I am
ashamed. I always win. Half-crowns. Why is the world thus, Lomas?”
“My dear fellow, you’re not yourself. You look quite professional.”
Reggie Fortune groaned. “I am. This place worries me. I am anatomical,
ethnological, anthropological.”
“Good Gad,” said Lomas.
“Yes. A distressing place, look at it”; he waved a stick.
The people in the Royal Enclosure were as pleasant to behold as usual.
Comely girls and women who had been comely passed in frocks of which
many were pretty and few garish; their men were of a blameless,
inconspicuous uniformity.
“What is he?” said Reggie Fortune. “I ask you. Look at his feet.”
What Lomas saw was a man dressed like all the rest of them and as well
set up, but of a darker complexion. He did not see anything remarkable.
“The big fellow?” he said. “He is a little weak at the knee. But what’s the
matter with him?”
“Who is he?” said Reggie Fortune.
Lomas shrugged. “Not English, of course. Rather a half-caste colour, isn’t
he? From one of the smaller legations, I suppose, Balkan or South
American.” He waved a hand to some elegant aliens who were at that
moment kissing ladies’ hands with florid grace. “They all come here, you
“I don’t know,” said Reggie Fortune peevishly. “Half-caste? Half what
caste? Look at his feet.” Now the man’s feet, well displayed beneath white
spats, were large and flat but distinguished by their heels, which stuck
out behind extravagantly. “That is the negro heel.”
“My dear Fortune! The fellow is no more a negro than I am,” Lomas
protested: and indeed the man’s hair was straight and sleek and he had a
good enough nose, and he was far from black.
“The negro or Hamitic heel,” Reggie Fortune drowsily persisted. “I suspect
the Hamitic or negro leg. And otherwise up above. And it’s all very
distressing, Lomas.”
“An Egyptian or perhaps an Arab: probably a Foreign Office pet,” Lomas
consoled him. “That would get him into the Royal Enclosure.”
Lomas was then removed by a duchess and Reggie Fortune tilted his hat
still farther over his eyes and pondered whether it would be wise to drink
before lunch and was dreamily aware of other people on his seat, an old
man darkly tanned and soldierly in the custody of a little woman brilliantly
dressed and terribly vivacious. She chattered without a pause, she made
eyes, she made affectionate movements and little caresses. The old man
though helpless seemed to be thinking of something else. And Reggie
Fortune sketched lower and still lower estimates of human nature.
They went away at last when everybody went away to gather in a crowd
at the gates and along the railings for the coming of the King. You will
please to observe that the time must have been about one o’clock.
Reggie Fortune, one of the few, remained on his seat. He heard the
cheering down the course and had sufficient presence of mind to stand
up and take off his hat as the distant band began to play. Over the heads
of the crowd he saw the red coats of the postilions and a gleam of the
grey of the team as the King’s carriage swept round into the enclosure.
The rest of the procession passed and the crowd melted away. But one
man remained by the railings alone. He was tall and thin and he leaned
limply against the railings, one arm hanging over them. After a little while
he turned on his heel and fell in a heap.
Two of the green-coated wardens of the gate ran up to him. “Oh, Lord,”
Reggie Fortune groaned, “why did I be a doctor?” But before he could get
through the flurry of people the man was being carried away.
The gift of Lomas for arriving where he wants to be displayed itself.
Lomas slid through the crowd and took his arm, “Stout fellow! Come
along. It’s Sir Arthur Dean. Touch of sun, what?”
“Arthur Dean? That’s the Persia man, pundit on the Middle East?”
“That’s the fellow. Getting old, you know. One of the best.”
Into the room where the old man lay came the shouting over the first
race. By the door Lomas and an inspector of police talked in low tones,
glancing now and then at Reggie, who was busy.
“Merry Man! Merry Man! Merry Man!” the crowd roared outside.
Reggie straightened his bent back and stood looking down at his patient.
Lomas came forward. “Anything we can get you, Fortune? Would you like
some assistance?”
“You can’t assist him,” said Reggie. “He’s dead.”
“Merry Man!” the crowd triumphed. “Merry Man!”
“Good Gad!” said Lomas. “Poor fellow. One of the best. Well, well, what is
it? Heart failure?”
“The heart generally fails when you die,” Reggie mumbled: he still stared
down at the body and the wonted benignity of his face was lost in
expressionless reserve. “Do you know if he has any people down here?”
“It’s possible. There is a married son. I’ll have him looked for.” Lomas sent
his inspector off.
“I saw the old man with a woman just before he died,” Reggie murmured,
and Lomas put up his eyeglass.
“Did you though? Very sudden, wasn’t it? And he was all alone when he
“When he fell,” Reggie mumbled the correction. “Yes, highly sudden.”
“What was the cause of death, Fortune?”
“I wonder,” Reggie muttered. He went down on his knees by the body, he
looked long and closely into the eyes, he opened the clothes . . . and to
the eyes he came back again. Then there was a tap at the door and
Lomas having conferred there came back and said, “The son and his wife.
I’ll tell them. I suppose they can see the body?”
“They’d better see the body,” said Reggie, and as Lomas went out he
began to cover and arrange it. He was laying the right arm by the side
when he checked and held it up to the light. On the back of the hand was
a tiny drop of blood and a red smear. He looked close and found such a
hole as a pin might make.
From the room outside came a woman’s cry, then a deep man’s voice in
some agitation, and Lomas opened the door. “This is Mr. Fortune, the
surgeon who was with your father at once. Major Dean and Mrs. Dean,
Reggie bowed and studied them. The man was a soldierly fellow, with his
father’s keen, wary face. But it was the woman Reggie watched, the
woman who was saying, “I was with him only half an hour ago,” and
twisting her hands nervously.
“Most of that half-hour he has been dead. Where did you leave him,
madam?” Reggie said.
Husband and wife stared at him. “Why, in the Royal Enclosure, of course.
In the crowd when the King came. I—I lost him. Somebody spoke to me.
Yes, it was Sybil. And I never saw him again.”
Reggie stepped aside from the body. She shuddered and hid her face in
her hands. “His eyes—his eyes,” she murmured.
Major Dean blew his nose. “This rather knocks one over,” he said. “What’s
the cause of death, sir?”
“Can you help me?” said Reggie.
“I? What do you mean?”
“Nothing wrong with his heart, was there?”
“Never heard of it. He didn’t use doctors. Never was ill.”
Reggie stroked his chin. “I suppose he hadn’t been to an oculist lately?”
“Not he. His eyes were as good as mine. Wonderful good. He used to
brag of it. He was rising seventy and no glasses. Good Lord, what’s that
got to do with it? I want to know why he died.”
“So do I. And I can’t tell you,” said Reggie.
“What? I say—what? You mean a post-mortem. That’s horrible.”
“My dear Major, it is most distressing,” Lomas purred. “I assure you
anything in our power—sympathize with your feelings, quite, quite. But
the Coroner would insist, you know; we have no choice.”
“As you were saying,” Reggie chimed in, “we want to know why he died.”
Major Dean drew a long breath. “That’s all right, that’s all right,” he said.
“The old dad!” and he came to his father’s side and knelt down, and his
wife stood by him, her hand on his shoulder. He looked a moment into the
dead face, and closed the eyes and looked long.
From this scene Reggie and Lomas drew back. In the silence they heard
the man and woman breathing unsteadily. Lomas sighed his sympathy.
Mrs. Dean whispered, “His mouth! Oh, Claude, his mouth!” and with a
sudden darting movement wiped away some froth from the pale lips.
Then she too knelt and she kissed the brow. Her husband lifted the dead
right hand to hold it for a while. And then he reached across to the key
chain, took off the keys, slipped them into his pocket and helped his wife
to her feet.
Reggie turned a still expressionless face on Lomas. Lomas still exhibited
grave official sorrow.
“Well—er—thanks very much for all you’ve done,” Major Dean addressed
them both. “You’ve been very kind. We feel that. And if you will let me
know as soon as you know anything—rather a relief.”
“Quite, quite.” Lomas held out his hand; Major Dean took it. “Yes, I’m so
sorry, but you see we must take charge of everything for the present.” He
let the Major’s hand go and still held out his own.
Dean flushed. “What, his keys?”
“Thank you,” said Lomas, and at last received them.
“I was thinking about his papers, you know.”
“I can promise you they’ll be safe.”
“Oh, well, that settles it!” Dean laughed. “You know where to find me,”
and he took his wife, who was plainly eager to speak to him, away.
Lomas dandled the keys in his hand. “I wonder what’s in their minds? And
what’s in yours, Fortune?”
“Man was murdered,” said Reggie.
Lomas groaned, “I was afraid you had that for me. But surely it’s not
“It ought not to be,” Reggie admitted. “At a quarter to one he was quite
alive, rather bored perhaps, but as fit as me. At a quarter past he was
dead. What happened in between?”
“Why, he was in sight the whole time——”
“All among the most respectable people in England. Yet he dies suddenly
of asphyxia and heart failure. Why?”
“Well, some obscure heart trouble——” Lomas protested.
“He was in the pink. He never used doctors. You heard them say so. He
hadn’t even been to an oculist.”
“A fellow doesn’t always know,” Lomas urged. “There are all sorts of heart
“Not this sort.” Reggie shook his head. “And the eyes. Did you see how
those two were afraid of his eyes? Your eyes won’t look like that when
you die of heart failure. They might if an oculist had put belladonna in ’em
to examine you. But there was no oculist. Dilated pupils, foam at the
mouth, cold flesh. He was poisoned. It might have been aconitine. But
aconitine don’t kill so quick or quite so quiet.”
“What is aconitine?”
“Oh, wolf-bane. Blue-rocket. You can get it from other plants. Only this is
too quick. It slew him like prussic acid and much more peacefully. Some
alkaloid poison of the aconite family, possibly unclassified. Probably it was
put into him by that fresh puncture in his hand while he was packed in
the crowd, just a scratch, just a jab with a hollow needle. An easy murder
if you could trust your stuff. And when we do the post-mortem we’ll find
that everything points to death by a poison we can’t trace.”
“Thanks, so much,” said Lomas. “It is for this we employ experts.”
“Well, the police also must earn their bread. Who is he?”
“He was the great authority on the Middle East. Old Indian civilian long
retired. Lately political adviser to the Government of Media. You know all
“Yes. Who wanted him dead?” said Reggie.
“Oh, my dear fellow!” Lomas spread out his hands. “The world is wide.”
“Yes. The world also is very evil. The time also is waxing late. Same like
the hymn says. What about those papers son and co. were so keen on?”
Lomas laughed. “If you could believe I have a little intelligence, it would
so soothe me. Our people have been warned to take charge of his flat.”
“Active fellow. Let’s go and see what they found.”
It was not much more than an hour before a policeman was letting them
into Sir Arthur Dean’s flat in Westminster. An inspector of police led the
way to the study. “Anything of interest, Morton?” Lomas said.
“Well, sir, nothing you could call out of the way. When we came, the
servants had heard of the death and they were upset. Sir Arthur’s man,
he opened the door to me fairly crying. Been with him thirty years, fine
old-fashioned fellow, would be talking about his master.”
Lomas and Reggie looked at each other, but the inspector swept on.
“Then in this room, sir, there was Sir Arthur’s executor, Colonel Osbert,
getting out papers. I had to tell him that wouldn’t do. Rather stiff he was.
He is a military man. Well, sir, I put it to him, orders are orders, and he
took it very well. But he let me see pretty plain he didn’t like it. He was
quite the gentleman, but he put it to me we had no business in Sir
Arthur’s affairs unless we thought there was foul play. Well, of course, I
couldn’t answer that. He talked a good deal, fishing, you might say. All he
got out of me was that I couldn’t allow anything to be touched. So he
said he would take it up with the Commissioner and went off. That’s all,
“Who is he?” said Reggie.
“His card, sir. Colonel Osbert, late Indian Army.”
“Do you know if he was who he said he was?” Lomas asked.
The inspector was startled. “Well, sir, the servants knew him. Sir Arthur’s
man, he let him in, says he’s Sir Arthur’s oldest friend. I had no reason to
detain him.”
“That’s all right, Morton,” said Lomas. “Well, what time did you get here?”
“Your message came two o’clock, sir. I should say we were here by a
quarter past.”
Lomas nodded and dismissed him. “Quick work,” he said with a cock of
his eye at Reggie.
“We can time it all by the King. He drove up the course at ten past one.
Till the procession came Sir Arthur was alive. We didn’t pick him up till
five minutes after, at the least. No one knew he was dead till you had
examined him. No one knew then but me and my men. And yet Colonel
Osbert in London knows of the death in time to get round here and get to
work on the dead man’s papers before two-fifteen. He knew the man was
dead as soon as we did who were looking at the body. Damme, he has
very early information.”
“Yes. One to you, Lomas. And a nasty one for Colonel Osbert. Our active
and intelligent police force. If you hadn’t been up and doing and sent
your bright boys round, Colonel Osbert might have got away with what he
wanted. And he wouldn’t have had to explain how he knew too much.”
“When was the poison given? Say between five to one and ten past. At
that time the murderer was in the Royal Enclosure. If he had his car
waiting handy, could he get here before two-fifteen?”
“Well—if his car was a flier, and there were no flies on his chauffeur and
he had luck all the way, I suppose it’s possible. But I don’t believe in it. I
should say Osbert didn’t do the job.”
Lomas sprang up and called the inspector. He wanted to know what
Colonel Osbert was wearing. Colonel Osbert was in a lounge suit of grey
flannel. Lomas sat down again and lit a cigarette. “I’m afraid that will do
for an alibi, Fortune,” he sighed. “Your hypothetical murderer was in the
Royal Enclosure. Therefore——”
“He was in topper and tails, same like us. The uniform of respectability. Of
course, he could have done a change in his car. But I don’t think it. No.
Osbert won’t do. But what was he after?”
Lomas stood up and looked round the room. It had the ordinary furniture
of an old-fashioned study and in addition several modern steel chests of
drawers for filing documents. “Well, he set some value on his papers,”
Lomas said.
“Lots of honest toil before you, Lomas, old thing.” Reggie smiled, and
while Lomas fell to work with the keys he wandered about picking up a
bowl here, a brass tray there. “He kept to his own line,” he remarked.
“Everything is Asiatic.”
“You may well say so,” Lomas groaned, frowning over a mass of papers.
But Reggie’s attention was diverted. Somebody had rung the bell and
there was talk in the hall. He made out a woman’s voice. “I fancy this is
our young friend the daughter-in-law,” he murmured.
Lomas looked up at him. “I had a notion you didn’t take to her, Fortune.
Do you want to see her?”
“God forbid,” said Reggie. “She’s thin, Lomas, she’s too thin.”
In a moment or two a discreet tap introduced Inspector Morton. “Mrs.
Dean, deceased’s daughter-in-law, sir,” he reported. “Asked to see the
man-servant. I saw no objection, me being present. They were both
much distressed, sir. She asked him if Colonel Osbert had been here.
Seemed upset when she heard he was here before us. Asked if he had
taken anything away. The servant told her we weren’t letting anything be
touched. That didn’t seem to satisfy her. She said something nasty about
the police being always too late. Meant for me, I suppose.”
“I rather fancy it was meant for me,” said Reggie. “It’s a bad business.”
“I don’t think the Colonel got away with anything, sir. He was sitting down
to the diary on the table there when we came in.”
“All right.” Lomas waved him away. “Damme, it is a bad business. What
am I to do with this, Fortune?” He held up papers in a strange script,
papers of all sorts and sizes, some torn and discoloured, some fresh.
Reggie went to look. “Arabic,” he said. “And this is Persian.” He studied
them for a while. “A sort of dossier, a lot of evidence about some case or
person. Lomas old thing, you’ll have to call in the Foreign Office.”
“Lord, we can translate them ourselves. It’s the mass of it!”
“Yes, lot of light reading. I think I should have a talk to the Foreign Office.
Well, that’s your show. Me for the body.”
Lomas lay back in his chair. “What’s in your head?”
“I won’t let anything into my head. There is no evidence. But I’m
wondering if we’ll ever get any. It’s a beautiful crime—as a crime. A
wicked world, Lomas old thing.”
On the day after, Reggie Fortune came into Lomas’s room at Scotland
Yard and shook his head and lit one of Lomas’s largest cigars and fell into
a chair. “Unsatisfactory, highly unsatisfactory,” he announced. “I took
Harvey down with me. You couldn’t have a better opinion except mine,
and he agrees with me.”
“And what do you say?”
“I say, nothing doing. He had no medical history. There was nothing the
matter with the man, yet he died of heart failure and suffocation. That
means poisoning by aconitine or a similar alkaloid. But there is no poison
in the price list which would in a quarter of an hour kill quietly and
without fuss a man in perfect health. I have no doubt a poison was
injected into him by that puncture on the hand, but I don’t know what it
was. We’ll have some analysis done, of course, but I expect nothing of
that. There’ll be no trace.”
“Unique case.”
“I wouldn’t say that. You remember I thought General Blaker was
poisoned. He was mixed up with Asiatics too. There were queer
circumstances about the death of that Greek millionaire in Rome two
years ago. The world’s old and men have been poisoning each other for
five thousand years and science only began to look into it yesterday.
There’s a lot of drugs in the world that you can’t buy at the chemist’s.”
“Good Gad,” Lomas protested, “we’re in Scotland Yard, not the Arabian
Nights. What you mean is you can’t do anything?”
“Even so. Can you? Who wanted him dead?”
“Nobody but a lunatic. He had no money to leave. He was on the best
terms with his son. He was a popular old boy, never had an enemy. He
had no secrets—most respectable—lived all his life in public.”
“And yet his son snatched at his keys before he was cold. And his dear old
friend Osbert knew of his death before he was dead and made a bee-line
for his papers. By the way, what was in his papers?”
Lomas shrugged. “Our fellows are working at ’em.”
“And who is Osbert?”
“Well, you know, he’s coming to see me. He put in his protest to the
Commissioner, and they were going to turn him down, of course. But I
thought I’d like to listen to Colonel Osbert.”
“Me too,” said Reggie.
“By all means, my dear fellow. But he seems quite genuine. He is the
executor. He is an old friend, about the oldest living. Not a spot on his
record. Long Indian service.”
“Only son and daughter don’t seem to trust him. Only he also is a bit
“Oh, my dear Fortune——” Lomas was protesting when Colonel Osbert
You will find a hundred men like him on any day in the service clubs. He
was small and brown and neat, even dapper, but a trifle stiff in the joints.
His manner of speech was a drawl concluding with a bark.
Reggie lay back in his chair and admired the bland fluency with which
Lomas said nothing in reply to the parade-ground demands of Colonel
Osbert. Colonel Osbert wanted to know (if we may reduce many
sentences to one) what Lomas meant by refusing him possession of Sir
Arthur Dean’s papers. And Lomas continued to reply that he meant
nothing in particular.
“Sudden death at Ascot—in the Royal Enclosure too,” he explained.
“That’s very startling and conspicuous. The poor fellow hadn’t been ill, as
far as we can learn. Naturally we have to seek for any explanation.”
So at last Osbert came out with: “What, sir, you don’t mean to say, sir—
suspect foul play?”
“Oh, my dear Colonel, you wouldn’t suggest that?”
“I, sir? Never entered my head. Poor dear Arthur! A shock, sir. A blow!
Getting old, of course, like the rest of us.”
“Ah, had he been failing?” said Reggie sympathetically.
“Well, well, well. We none of us grow younger, sir.” Colonel Osbert shook
his head. “But upon my soul, Mr. Lomas, I don’t understand the action of
your department.”
“I’m so sorry you should say that,” Lomas sighed. “Now I wonder if you
have particular reason for wanting Sir Arthur’s papers at once?”
“My good sir, I am his executor. It’s my duty to take charge of his papers.”
“Quite, quite. Well, they’re all safe, you know. His death must have been
a great shock to you, Colonel.”
“Shock, sir? A blow, a blow. Poor dear Arthur!”
“Yes, too bad,” Lomas mourned: and voice and face were all kindly
innocence as he babbled on: “I suppose you heard about it from his son?”
Colonel Osbert paused to clear his throat. Colonel Osbert stopped that
one. “Major Dean? No, sir. No. Point of fact, I don’t know who the fellow
was. Some fellow called me up on the ’phone and told me poor dear
Arthur had fallen down dead on the course. Upon my soul, I was knocked
over, absolutely knocked over. When I came to myself I rushed round to
secure his papers.”
“Why, did you think somebody would be after them?”
“My dear sir!” Colonel Osbert protested. “Really, now really. It was my
duty. Arthur was always very strict with his papers. I thought of his
“Quite, quite,” Lomas purred, and artless as ever he went on: “Mrs. Dean
was round at the flat too.”
“God bless my soul!” said Colonel Osbert.
“I wonder if you could tell me: is there anyone who would have an
interest in getting hold of his papers?”
Colonel Osbert again cleared his throat. “I can tell you this, sir. I don’t
understand the position of Mrs. Dean and her husband. And I shall be
glad, I don’t mind owning, I shall be very glad to have poor dear Arthur’s
papers in my hands.”
“Ah, thank you so much,” said Lomas, and with bland adroitness got
Colonel Osbert outside the door.
“He’s not such a fool as he looks,” Reggie murmured. “But there’s better
brains in it than his, Lomas old thing. A bad business, quite a bad
And then a clerk came in. Lomas read the letter he brought and said:
“Good Gad! You’re an offensive person, Fortune. Why did you tell me to
go to the Foreign Office? Here is the Foreign Office. Now we shall be in
the affair for life. The Foreign Office wants me to see His Excellency
Mustapha Firouz.”
“Accompanied by Sindbad the Sailor and Chu Chin Chow?” said Reggie.
“Who is he?”
“Oh, he’s quite real. He’s the Median Minister. He—Why what is it now?”
The question was to the clerk, who had come back with a card.
“Says he’s anxious to see you immediately, sir. It’s very urgent, and he
won’t keep you long.”
“Major Dean,” Lomas read, and lifted an eyebrow.
“Oh rather. Let ’em all come,” said Reggie.
It was Major Dean, and Major Dean ill at ease. He had a difficulty in
beginning. He discovered Reggie. “Hallo! I say, can you tell me anything?”
he blurted out.
“I can’t,” said Reggie sharply. “I don’t know why your father died,” and
Major Dean winced.
“I thought you had something to tell us, Major,” Lomas said.
“Do you believe he was murdered? I’ve a right to ask that.”
“But it’s a very grave suggestion,” Lomas purred. “Do you know of anyone
who had a motive for killing your father?”
“It’s this filthy mystery,” the Major cried. “If he was murdered, I suppose
he was poisoned. But how?”
“Or why?” said Reggie.
The Major fidgeted. “I dare say he knew too much,” he said. “You know
he was the adviser to the Median Government. He had some pretty
serious stuff through his hands. I don’t know what. He was always great
on official secrecy. But I know he thought it was pretty damning for some
“Ah, thanks very much,” Lomas said.
But the Major seemed unable to go.
“I mean to say, make sure you have all his papers and stick to ’em.”
Lomas and Reggie studied him. “I wonder why you say that?” Lomas
asked. “The papers would naturally pass to Colonel Osbert.”
“I know. Osbert was the guv’nor’s best pal, worse luck. I wouldn’t trust
him round the corner. That’s what I mean. Now I’ve done it, I suppose”;
he gave a grim chuckle. “It is done, anyway”; and he was in a hurry to
Reggie stood up and stretched himself. “This is pretty thick,” said he, “and
we’ve got His Excellency the Pasha of Nine Tales on the doorstep.”
Into the room was brought a man who made them feel short, a towering
man draped in folds of white. Above that flowing raiment rose a majestic
head, a head finely proportioned, framed in hair and beard of black
strewn with grey. The face was aquiline and bold, but of a singular calm,
and the dark eyes were veiled in thought. He bowed to each man twice,
sat down and composed his robe about him, and it was long before he
spoke. “I thank you for your great courtesy”: each word came alone as if
it was hard to him. “I have this to say. He who is gone he was the friend
of my people. To him we turned always and he did not fail. In him we had
our trust. Now, sir, I must tell you we have our enemies, who are also, as
it seems to us, your enemies. Those whom you call the Turks, they would
do evil to us which would be evil to you. Of this we had writings in their
hands and the hands of those they use. These I gave to him who is gone
that he should tell us what we should do. For your ways are not our ways
nor your law our law. Now he is gone, and I am troubled lest those
papers fall again into the hands of the Turks.”
“Who is it that Your Excellency fears? Can you tell me of any man?”
Lomas said.
“I know of none here. For the Turks are not here in the open and this is a
great land of many people. Yet in all lands all things can be bought at a
price. Even life and death. This only I say. If our papers go to your King
and the Ministers of your King it is well and very well. If they are
rendered to me that also may be well. But if they go I know not where, I
say this is not just.”
“I can promise Your Excellency they will go before the Foreign Office.”
The Median stood up and bowed. “In England I never seek justice in
vain,” he said.
And when he was gone, “Good Gad, how little he knows,” said Lomas.
“Well, Fortune?” but Reggie only lit a cigar and curled himself up on the
sofa. “What I like about you is that you never say I told you so. But you
did. It is a Foreign Office touch,” and still Reggie silently smoked. “Why,
the thing’s clear enough, isn’t it?”
“Clear?” said Reggie. “Oh Peter! Clear?”
“Well, Sir Arthur had in his hands papers damaging to these blood-and-
thunder Young Turks. It occurred to them that if he could die suddenly
they might arrange to get the papers into their hands. So Sir Arthur is
murdered, and either Osbert the executor or Major Dean the son is bribed
to hand over the papers.”
“In the words of the late Tennyson,” said Reggie,
“And if it is so, so it is, you know;
And if it be so, so be it.